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6244832 No.6244832 [Reply] [Original]

>"Okay class, you have to read three chapter by next week!"
>Oh god not this shit again.
>Pick up book and start reading.
>Be unable to put it down and finish the entire thing in one day.

What's her name?

>> No.6244837

>tfw reading during eight meaningless class periods in a row

and what a great feel it was

>> No.6244930

Wuthering Heights

I don't even know why

I just ate that shit up

>> No.6244948

It tastes like a caramel and choc chip muffin.

>> No.6244961

Animal Farm, actually. Read it all in a day and aced the test a month later.

It's kind of surprising now how slowly schools teach books. At least from the honors classes I had it would be at least a month for any novel.

>> No.6244987

The problem with teaching Animal Farm is that they give this book to ducking eighth graders. They work on it for so long because it's a senior level piece of work, yet they still tell the kids exactly what everything means because how the hell are they going to do their own analysis? If you ask any one person years later that learned Animal Farm in eighth grade what they remember about it, they'll most likely say 'it's about communism'. That's it.

>> No.6245162

>catch 22

>> No.6245168

it's about communism. That's it. Literally.

>> No.6245174

Fahrenheit 451

>> No.6245188

No, it's about statism. True communism is classless.

>> No.6245193

this pleb has never read marx lol

>> No.6245200

You are the pleb, Randroid.

>> No.6245217

The Crucible

>> No.6245242
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>pick Keep the Aspidistra Flying for English class
>read the book while walking to school thinking I'd look smart
>title my essay "The companions of a poet manqué" thinking "poet manqué" would sound smart
I also wrote essays about Persona 3's protagonist as the player's alter ego and how Wings of Honneamise is a one-of-a-kind piece of art.

>> No.6245331

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
And A Clockwork Orange read them both in 9th grade.

>> No.6245354

Because Communism is revolutionary, it is tacitly statist.

Wanting to have more power than the monopoly of violence, makes you a statist.

>> No.6245367

Fucking public schools. They always go for lowest common denominators.

Was maybe one of the two smartest class in schools. Could easily have read 3 books a month. Nope. Maybe two a year or so because retards.

>> No.6245390

You know that your cothinkers believe that genocide is directly caused by non-Catholicism.

>> No.6245392
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>> No.6245397
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>studying English as a second language
>mfw teacher makes us read A Clockwork Orange

By the end of it I realised how much I had actually enjoyed it, even though I had trouble deciphering it.

>> No.6245946

Lord of the flies.

>> No.6246021

I liked A Clockwork Orange, but holy fuck when I first read it the Nadsat kicked my fuckin' ass. Easily one of the things I disliked about it.

Couldn't imagine the book without the fabrication, but doesn't mean I gotta like it.

>> No.6246031

I should have read Frankenstein for this paper I'm doing. Fuck that Romanticist bullshit. Just reading the plot summary online and going to bullshit it.

>> No.6246070

>Finish a novella in one day
Jesus Christ, what a feat, my man!

>> No.6246079
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I'm currently rereading it.

>> No.6246131

>Fuck that romanticist bullshit
You are a retarded sixteen year old; that novel is good.

>> No.6246148

Brave New World was my high school one. And "As I Lay Dying"
still consider both to be favorites.

>> No.6246159

>it's a senior level piece of work
holy shit this is the first time I've ever actually laughed at loud at something on /lit/

>> No.6246172

the once and future king
the great gatsby

>> No.6246179
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If we're specifically talking school, pic related

>> No.6246187

Of Mice and Men

To date it's the only book I've read cover to cover in a single sitting.

>> No.6246190


no, it's actually a book that's at an eighth grade level

>> No.6246196



>> No.6246198


Catch-22 was one, Hamlet was another

they were the better of the two "long"er books we were assigned senior year (we also had to go through a shitload of poetry as well but that aside), alongside Invisible Man, which I hated then but understand the talent of now.

>> No.6246199

I went to a fucking hippie bullshit school where the teachers didn't assign us any specific books, but instead made us pick what we wanted from the local library.

Most of us just picked the shortest YA we could find. I was feeling adventurous one time and picked Robinson Crusoe, and that was my only real contact with the classics in school.

>> No.6246204

are you being real right now
i always got excited when we read plays because you can finish those in like 2 hours tops

>> No.6246212


we got a lot of small novellas and short stories, and we spent a month analyzing it, so yes, one of the "long"er ones.

>> No.6246215
File: 21 KB, 310x500, 41Eb-Fy4qoL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
>finish it in good time
>extremely qt down to earth English teacher in her 30s reading chapters in class one day
>recall that the next chapter involves a sex scene where the MC pulls out and spooges on a milf's stomach
>"Alright class I want you to read the next chapter on your own now"

What a tease.

>> No.6246247

I know this feel. It's so short and yet so gripping, you could easily finish it in an afternoon.

>> No.6247576


>> No.6247582


>> No.6247593

Lord of the Flies I think is usually the go-to for books that High School kids end up actually liking.

>> No.6248258

I liked The Giver and The Great Gatsby...

Also, on topic, The Outsiders in like 6th grade. Was assigned like two chapters on a Friday due Monday; I started and finished the damn thing that Saturday.

>> No.6248276

Fahrenheit 451

And as soon as I finish it, I am taken by a feverish, desperate need to write

>> No.6248285

>not liking Frankenstein
What the FUCK is wrong with you

>> No.6248349

not him, but the writing is just god awful

>> No.6249973

>tfw read the book in class and cried my ass off during recess

>> No.6249994

Came here to say exactly this.

>> No.6250016

I don't think anything other than textbooks should ever be assigned reading in school. I hated assigned reading. I love books and I love reading but I hate assignments and I hate deadlines. My mother used to tell me all the time how I was reading books on my own long before my teachers started assigning reading in school. I used to read all the time. Then I hated reading the entire time I was in school. Now, I've just recently graduated college, and guess what? I'm getting back into reading again, because I can enjoy it without deadlines and read-this-many-chapters-tonight bullshit. Fuck that noise. Assigned reading is exactly why so many kids grow up hating books and never picking one up on their own.

>> No.6250030

It was "the giver", when I was ten years old.

>> No.6250049

This, too.
Though it seemed interesting to me from the get-go.

>> No.6250107

I liked most of the books I read at school, but Catch-22 was the winner.

>> No.6250132


The Inferno. We only had to read excerpts from the Limbo and 9th circle cantos -- we probably read at most a total of a canto and a half. I went on and read all of the Inferno, and a bit of Paradiso as well. I thought we were going to have a project where we would all write a few stanzas in the style and form of Dante.

Turns out our project was to make a mini poster with crayons and markers where we take someone "evil" from history and come up with a method of torture for them, along with two sentences of explanation. Everyone just did "Hitler would be put in a high powered oven" and "Jeffrey Dahmer would be eternally trapped in a barrel of acid" or "Stalin would have to sit in front of a table of food and look at it while he starved forever."

Really fucking lame.


let's all be honest here -- even though pretty much all of us have outgrown him, Bradbury's prose was pretty fucking fun to read. I can just imagine him typing up Fahrenheit over those 9 days with a huge shiteating grin on his face.

>> No.6250526

>about how Wings of Honneamise is a one-of-a-kind piece of art.

Patrish as fuck brah.

>> No.6251228

I think you mean
>All right class, I want you to read up to chapter four by monday
>Anon, I don't want you to read ahead
>Fuck, I finished the book and know Piggy's dead

Except Noughts and Crosses. Fuck that anvil of a book. We get it, racism and extremism's bad. We could have just read a fucking Terry Pratchett book for that and it wouldn't have been a fucking ten-tonne hammer of morals.

>> No.6251761

white mane

>> No.6251994

Alas, Babylon
Brave New World
Catcher in the Rye
The Giver
Probably a few others

I had a period of about 2.5 years where I just read Sparknotes so my list could have been longer.

>> No.6252239

It's not though. Just because it's short and has a simple writing doesn't mean that children actually understand the extent of it's commentary on communism, leninism, stalinism and the russian history of that time.

I don't even think I saw the russian revolution in anything more than passing until high school. This sort of book would just go over their heads.

>> No.6252243

>This sort of book would just go over their heads.

American Edumacation.

At least it produces good cannon fodder for foreign wars I guess.

>> No.6252386

Through The Looking-Glass

To this day its one of the most entertaining books I've read simply for the sake of its wordplay.

>> No.6252828

Right. How I read it, it's about the futility of all forms of human organization. The zoo-morphism is completely misanthropic in a way no 8th grader could understand until they've actually experienced the traumatic chaos of the "adult" world. That's when the true spirit of the book hit me at least - looking up from the pages and recognizing those same endearing animals.

>> No.6252834

This one.

>> No.6252879

I had a similar experience with:
Animal Farm
Brave New Word
The Road
Cat's Cradle
The Sirens of Titan
The Stranger

>> No.6252925

To be fair, Catholicism is the only religion of 100,000+ adherents that hasn't ever incited genocide, so they may have a point.

>> No.6252947

the birds by aristophanes

basically i was in a class where we read the acarnians by aristophanes first and i didnt like it very much. then we read roman and later greek comedy which i thought was dreadful. when we were assigned birds i was like groan more aristophanes, but in comparison to the romans i guess i realized how funny it was. after i simehow got a new appreciation for aristophanes. thanks for sucking menander.

>> No.6252948

That's a strange way of spelling he rapes Phoebe.

>> No.6252960

the great gatsby

>> No.6252962

>Catholicism...hasn't ever incited genocide
surely, you jest

>> No.6252993

Crime and Punishment. The rest of the class hated it but I thought it was the most interesting thing in the world.
Ah those were the days...

>> No.6252995

You read paradiso and not purgatorio?

>> No.6253025

i went to a weird charter school and i took a modernism and post modernism class and over the course of the semester we read
>crying of lot 49
>the wasteland
>waiting for godot
>wise blood
felt so good

>> No.6253079


I didn't have many "stand out" books in my high school but that book was really on point. Read it almost twice before the time we should have finished it.

>> No.6253220

My culturally enriched gentleman.

>> No.6253735

I'm not really proud but I read through 4000+ pages of that harry potter fanfic in 3 days.

>> No.6253762

It was fucking hunger games. The first one, way before it took off. The teacher brought a box of books and read a synopsis on each of them, and everything else sounded unbelievably shit. It probably wasn't, though, I can't remember any of the other books. But i finished it in two days

>> No.6254102

Obviously it depends on the arbitrary distinction one makes between "genocide" and mere mass slaughter. However, this seems to miss the larger point that there is nothing wrong with mass slaughter in principle and the Church's loss of will to initiate mass slaughter to defend the Faith is a major reason that Catholicism has become so pathetic and it's adherents have abandoned so much of its fundamental doctrine. War is noble, an ideology that abandons war abandons vitality.