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6242119 No.6242119 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't the workers of the world united?

>> No.6242122


>> No.6242124
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Because we stomped them into the ground.

>> No.6242125

The same reason they almost united:

>> No.6242130

I actually believe there is an elite capitalist coalition with the sole purpose of preventing leftist movements from taking root

>> No.6242140

Because of the readiness with which a segment of the bourgeoisie substitutes itself for the class by programme jacking partial positive programmes.

>> No.6242141


>> No.6242142



>> No.6242143

Short answer: there weren't/aren't enough direct incentives and too many direct costs.
Long answer: The logic of collective action by Mancur Olson

>> No.6242145

Because the left is too busy talking about the inclusion of black transsexuals in movies and smoking weed to help create this union.

>> No.6242148


>> No.6242150

Well, yes. But we haven't really given them any work to do in the past 50 years, have we?

>> No.6242155

Because the dialectical step of capitalism isn't finished and it won't be in probably a hundred years or more.

People like mao, Lenin, etc etc only cause bloodshed because you can't rush these things

>> No.6242156

More like 70 mate.

>> No.6242158

Because the workers are dumb

>> No.6242159

because working class people in the west benefit from the exploitation of workers in the global south.

>> No.6242171
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>implying that's not the future you were promised

>> No.6242179

too busy working

>> No.6242182

Because they were easily led astray by nationalist war propaganda and social security.

>> No.6242206

>causing bloodshed is a bad thing
>"you can't rush these things"

Why call it a revolution then? Why not just stick to a gradualist transition? Let's take 8 million years to end capitalism! :D ^-^ ~~~

NO. If there was a peaceful way, great, but there is no way the ruling class will move over peacefully. Think about all the people who die because we DON'T cause a violent revolution. Compare 200,000~ a year with like, 5,000 ONCE. I know which I'd choose.

>> No.6242211

Following WWII governments had an unusual power, and there was a general feeling, following 15 years of crisis and war, of "reconstruction"

So the government turned all its apparatus towards the construction of a better society, the post-war social democratic model was born, and leftists in the west (understandably) believed they could expand from there instead of having to resort to worker's organization again.

Of course, any intelligent person born after the 80's know this is no longer the case, even if the regular joe continues to believe that voting the right person in that person will be able to conjure all the power an Adenauer or an Attlee had, and that welfare was first given to him as the materialization of a social contract inherent to democracy, and not just as part of another contract that said "you don't become a bolshevik, and we'll give you some concessions" that has expired decades ago.

The 1945-1980 period could have killed the Left, but instead it just gave us more and more reason to believe that the radicals of the 1870-1920 period were right. We just have to return to their practices.

>> No.6242216

The 11th Thesis.

>> No.6242223

Beacause now the shitty jobs are done by illiterate third world brownskins and Asians and we don't give 0.5 fucks about them

>> No.6242231

>implying killing 200,000k a year is wrong
Sweetie I'm sorry but there absolutely was truth and value in Social Darwinism.

>> No.6242234
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Because Marx's "thinking" and "theories" are full of shit. (As are Ayn Rand's.) There's no connection to reality and how people really are.

>> No.6242240

Because Marxism's boring.

>> No.6242241

>being this edgy

>> No.6242247

*tips tin foil hat*

>> No.6242252

black trans movies are a tiny sliver of a sliver of a half of a quarter of a grain of sand of an atom of .000001% of what the Far-Left stands for. Liberals jump on these issues because it's the only thing their bourgeois "Democratic Party" can get right (because they have a brain cell or 2 more than conservatives). But in the words of the advisor of Bill Clinton's '91 campaign, "IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID." And it is. Change the base and the superstructure will also change.

>> No.6242256
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Look into the Rothschild family and the Rockefeller family.

There's nothing to be done about any of it, but it's interesting all the same.

Follow the money.

>> No.6242257

if low wage losers had what it takes to change the world they wouldn't be low wage losers in the first place. the sooner you realize the sooner you can discard childish marxisms.

>> No.6242260

Nothing will ever be as boring as cynical, pro-establishment attitude. Nothing.

It's the most predictable, knee-jerky reaction you can have, and when you choose it, the only person you'll ever impress is yourself.

>> No.6242281
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Gosh it's getting spooky in here.

>> No.6242282
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>the establishment

>> No.6242287

Yeah there isn't such thing because hippies and OWS people use the term a lot, am I right?

>> No.6242291

>worrying about your ideology being "impressive" more than it being correct
you've already lost

>> No.6242293

also, the bronfman family or whoever those canadian faggots who own seagrams gin are another family that puts a lot of money into foiling lefty shit

>> No.6242301


lack of class consciousness.

>> No.6242302

killing 200,000 (actually much more) a year because of the current system simply isn't justified. This isn't a mass genocide of the inferior, the weak and the stupid. This is a systematic error where people from all capacities, of all talents, of all genetic variations, end up in abject poverty or in a struggling middle class. You could be an "Aryan" (if such a thing even exists), but under capitalism, if you aren't lucky enough to be born in a certain class, the chances of you dying before you hit 20 are much higher than they ought to be.

But if we as a society could join together and imprison/murder the oppressors for once, we wouldn't have to deal with this. Were we this morally righteous when we ended feudalism and monarchy with our French and American Revolution? No. We did what we had to do. The proletariat will one day also do what it has to do.

>> No.6242304

Fucking stupid

>> No.6242309

no, it's just a stupid term, you could easily argue that steve jobs, a billionaire capitalist, disrupted the establishment by bringing computing to the masses...but since he was a rich successful guy who made nice stuff people like im sure you'll say he was a villain or something, which just shows "establishment" is a "stop liking stuff i don't like" term

>> No.6242317
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feel free to let me know who's part of it

>> No.6242326

The chances of the current arrangement, that have changed a lot in 30 years and will probably change a lot more in the next 30, being "correct" despite being a singular situation in thousands of years of human development that might never be repeated again, is minimum. Yet more people today will stick by it than any other arrangement. Why? Because changing things is boring, and it's more self-satisfying to cross your arms, put on a smirk and sneer at everyone asking for reform, left or right.

This is all I'm talking about. Before we even begin get to worry about what is the "correct" philosophy we need to stop being so impressed with ourselves.

>> No.6242337

So because someone introduced a new commodity in the market there's no such thing as an "establishment"?

I keep forgetting that the best way to deal with cynics is to force them to say something, the stupidity is always telling.

>> No.6242343

luckily there is no establishment in communist countries like cuba and north korea!

>> No.6242345

What reforms specifically are you asking for?

>> No.6242346

Luckily there's no other possible option other than liberal democracy and soviet socialism!

>> No.6242353

>^hasn't actually read Marx,
>thinks communism is "everyone is equal"
>thinks socialist states like the USSR & DPRK are "communist."
>brings up No-True-Scotsman Fallacy when you tell him this isn't communism even though it really isn't (by definition)
>wants capitalism to go on because he likes his commodities (playstation 3, iPod, nice house) and thinks the Commies will force him to use 3 sheets f toilet paper only.
>"who cares about the poor? I'm doing fine. Why should I care"
>being this misinformed

>> No.6242364

Eat me, prole.

>> No.6242367

Reforms? I haven't been a reformist since my Olof Palme phase.

>> No.6242370


this is other reason.

lot of workers of the developed nations vote for rigth wing parties because immigrants are their immediate competitors. (but deep inside they are all working class)

>> No.6242380

You're typing on a commodity right now you retard.
>benefiting from the capitalist establishment at the expense of the third world

>> No.6242388

You just criticized people who don't want to fix the current economic system because they don't see it as broken. Why are they wrong?

>> No.6242397

>"communist countries"
No. It's "socialist states." Communism is stateless.

>DPRK and Cuban establishment is mostly state-capitalist in special economic zones or government officials (who need some extra money to make sure they don't get shot)

>> No.6242398

Hahaha see? Typical.


>> No.6242402
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This exchange really proves that revolutions and Gommunism is tacitly statist.

>> No.6242406

Jewish. Capitalism is just a tool to an end to them.

>> No.6242416
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hey shut the fuck up

>> No.6242426

You're really trying hard to have your Guy-with-camera-in-OWS moment, aren't you? Unfortunately I'm not ready to have a long discussion where every point will be refuted by "why don't you start your own company then?" - normally I compensate this by recommending literature but with you, I already know I shouldn't even bother.

>> No.6242429

>no gramsci

it's literally what he wrote about

>> No.6242436

>As are Ayn Rand's
why do you think that's worth mentioning
you don't consider Rand a serious intellectual, right?

>> No.6242437
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You mad statist scum?

>> No.6242449

You're a good shitposter

>> No.6242450

a 3rd worldist cannot escape what he is due to his surroundings. He lives in the 3rd world and can only behave in a manner which is an extension of the culture of the 3rd world. He's also limited to the resources allocated to him in the 3rd world.

How am I any different? I am much better off. But I too am inescapably a part of my class, my environment, my culture and material conditions. Giving up my commodities and living in the woods somewhere would be fine and all, but it wouldn't solve any problems and wouldn't even leave a dent to the global imperialist system. It's best to spread propaganda online, give what I can, theorize with the resources I can, and support insurgent groups prepared for a 3rd world revolution (such as the Naxalites, the Venezuelans, and the student movements in Mexico). Communicating ensures that the message of Marxism is not lost to pamphlets and history books. It keeps it as a vivid, active, living ideology which had not died and will not die.

>> No.6242457

I wondered the same. He's probably trying to throw a random potshot at the Right while he criticises Marx to make it look like he's coming from a very rational, non-"ideological" position or whatever.

>> No.6242463

>fucking up your argument this badly

>> No.6242467

I think Gramsci's idea themselves are responsible for the failure of the left. He has been much more influential than the Frankfurt school, /pol/'s favorite scarecrow, in leading the left to give up class warfare in favor of identity politics.

>> No.6242479

Because of the ruling ideology.

>> No.6242485

>5,000 ONCE
You might want to look at the body count previous revolutions have gotten.

>> No.6242501

I don't know if you know this, but the entire Pink Tide in South America is risking collapse. Venezuela is in the shitter, and so is Argentina. Brazil just dodged a huge neoliberal reformation that would have happened if the center-right party had won the last election, because the economy is also doing poorly.

"Third-world leftism" is unsustainable, period. Capital flight alone makes it more profitable for them to attempt a moderate social liberalism than anything meaningful. The fact the left keep telling themselves that IT'S HAPPENING somewhere in Africa, South America or Asia just seems to me like an attempt of dodging the facts: that the early Marxists were right when they said a revolution had to start on the developed world and then spread.

>> No.6242509

American hegemony mostly. Also because communism really got a bad rap seeing as how nation which professed to follow the ideology of communion had or has a shitty standard of living and poor civil liberties.

>> No.6242535

Because I like living in an economic system that has benefited the entire world with an unprecedented pace of technological growth and the enormous boost in living standards and the vast array of choices and freedom it brings to the people that live under it.
In the last 20 years, the amount of people living in poverty has halved, and the amount of children in the world inoculated against the measles in 80%.
Go eat a dick Marx.

>> No.6242536

yes, the body count has been much more due to famines, wars and such things. But the ratio is pretty solidly there. No one cares if millions of peasants die within a decade. That's "a natural part of life." But if the murders are direct and swift, you get the myth of the gulag. The ruling class is really small and wouldn't result in many deaths. But because middle class reactionaries (nationalists, theocrats, social-democrats, fascists, anarchists, liberals, libertarians, etc.) defend their masters so well, there is enough to bribe the world to split in 2.

>> No.6242543

Of course. Good standards of living and civil liberties are bourgeois inventions of capitalism.

>> No.6242551

Because capitalism has proven itself over the past century to be the best economic system.

>> No.6242557

Yeah, Marx said that I think.

>> No.6242572

Yeah, so it's not really surprising that it got a bad rap now is it?

I mean, how delusional are you if you think a technological and prosperous society is wrong, or immoral.

>> No.6242607

because those with a little money see those below them as scum

>> No.6242617

Yeah, I'm a right-wing futurist and a fascist, so of course I concur with you. Nonetheless I don't think you understand Marxism, which doesn't see capitalism as some sort of evil system, but a major advancement over preceding systems, but one that has become obsolete.

>> No.6242619

That was funny

>> No.6242653

Ehm, I'm pretty sure that a value system is inseparable from Marxist dialectic. If it all was an objective and empirical pursuit for the next stage in political economy, there would be no reason for the virulent and hateful rhetoric they use, such as hatred for rich people, and demanding their death ad nauseum.

I disagree with you entirely. I fully understand dialectical materialism, I assure you.

>> No.6242687

I believe the exact opposite only with true rightism
Maybe they're trying to keep everyone centered (and thus easily manipulated) so they throw monkey wrenches into every political movement

>> No.6242694

Because your average Schmuck identifies more with a richer bloke from his country than someone of his same socioeconomic situation halfway round the word.

"Class solidarity" has to be the most retarded form of mass action ever conceived.

>> No.6242742

...says the guy posting from his comfy home with his fridge full of food.

>> No.6242782

Because German toilet cleaner (he's mildly retarded and has strict family that won't let him become welfare leech) earns six times as much as Belarussian one (he has to take care of his sick mother and can't move to clean toilets in Germany) while dpoing the same job.

Would master race aryan toilet cleaner feel any kinship towards dirty unproductive slavshit poorfag toilet cleaner when he's obviously superior because humanity values him six times as much?

>> No.6242793

Well it's the same thing with people who are into science as some sort of identity thing, they'll use virulent rhetoric for anything unscientific, like philosophy and religion.

>> No.6242800

lol you are a caricature of a communist please wake up kid

>> No.6242807

The defining factor of our, or any economic system in past 200 centuries has been statism.

It masquerades as free market capitalism for ideological purposes.

But then you consider the size of the public sector even in a country where it's relatively small, money is just going round in the same circle.

Then you think well there's the whole private sector, but turns out he state being what it is, you can trace the support for all private enterprise back to public sector.

Then as we found out recently, the whole economic is underwritten by the public sector.

So it turns out, despite our pretensions about freedom and innovation, we desperately avoid the risk that would bring. We opt for the conservatism of state economic security every time.

And it's not just the security we prefer. The whole notion that private enterprise is the creative side, while public employment can't be growth producing is a falsehood.

In practicality, it's the state which is behind works the private sector wouldn't go near (at least not until it's complete and made good). Government recognises the need,spearheads the project and outsources bits and pieces where it overflows.

Afterwards private individuals will move in and their work amounts to putting the icing on the prebaked cake until the cake is ruined so someone has to come in to restart it.

>> No.6242808

exactly, this is what's funny in america, the left all bitch that wages have stagnated but if you suggest stemming the flow of illegal immigrants you will be called a racist and shouted down...you can't support dudes who work for 50 dollars a day and complain that no one can make a living wage anymore.

>> No.6242815

The government's police state capabilities are far too strong, we'd all be slaughtered, not to mention "Communist" is as derogatory a word as "Nazi" in America. So it's unlikely the revolution would have widespread support.

>> No.6242820
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The masses under capitalism deny the existence of class. The middle class denies it more than anyone.

>> No.6242828

>capitalism is the best

>but capitalism is really statism

i think everyone who is honest about capitalist admits that it's a carefully managed system and not some "natural" system, but that doesn't mean it's still not the best system

>> No.6242831
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Why haven't the jerkers of the world united?

>> No.6242844

why don't they betas rise up and kick chad's ass? because if they had the balls to do that they wouldn't BE betas!

>> No.6242847

>tic. If it all was an objective and empirical pursuit for the next stage in political economy, there would be no reason for the virulent and hateful rhetoric they use, such as hatred for rich people, and demanding their death ad nauseum.
I might also add that this is not logical. If something far superior to vaccines were available that made vaccines obsolete, yet certain people only wanted vaccines and said vaccines (presumably those who stood to profit from them most) were the endpoint and nothing should ever replace them, it would be reasonable to have a sort of hatred of people who were in favor of vaccines, without rejecting the importance of vaccines.

>> No.6242849

That's actually a great idea, we could have million neckbeard march on the capitol and then jack off all over it until a dictatorship of the proletariat is established!

They won't be able to fight back when they're being doused in that much semen.

>> No.6242861

>that much semen

from people who jerk off multiple times every day?

>> No.6242863

>yfw u realize there will be a black president before there is a permavirgin president

>> No.6242864

>muh class
Jesus who cares.
Capitalism does nothing to stop me from enjoying my life. It shouldn't stop anyone from enjoying their's either. If people are going to be sad sacks of shit they'll be that way regardless of capitalism or communism. People who grope out for communism as the answer to all of life's problems because of the boogeyman of the rich is the problem why everything is wrong as just limp wristed shits who can't be assed to go and make what they want out of their life. There's no fucking ideological war between the classes, just people who don't want to make their way in life, and want someone else to blame for their problems.

>> No.6242866

Well, I guess.. we could abstain for a couple days prior....

You may have found a serious flaw in this plan...

>> No.6242877
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how does that kool-aid taste, comrade?

>> No.6242882
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>Think about all the people who die because we DON'T cause a violent revolution. Compare 200,000~ a year with like, 5,000 ONCE.

>> No.6242883

Shouldn't the left complain that Mexicans don't make living wage?

>> No.6242888

Classic response. You should read the book because it reads you like one.

>> No.6242900

You have literally 5 seconds to explain to me how Communism isn't just people projecting their inability to put the effort into life onto an all encompassing ideological system that grants them power over people they have resentment towards for achieving what they couldn't.

>> No.6242907

you would think that, but that's not what's happening

>> No.6242910

Don't worry your pretty little head, it's unlikely that any kind of revolution will happen in our lifetime.

Especially since the modern moderate left is composed of bourgeoisie hedonists, and the radical left is too fat to fight.

But oh if we could do it...

>> No.6242913

It'll take five seconds to fill out the captcha, you're cheating him.

>> No.6242978

It would be pretty hard to stage a communist revolution without putting in significant effort, much more risk and effort than to just continue to live your life.

If you don't think the Wealthy wield majority of the power over the state then you are truly blind.

>> No.6242996

Anon from a third world country here, I don't behave as an extension of the culture from my country. This whole mentality of "I am living in a shit hole, therefore I should limit myself to the shit hole" is the damnation of third world countries.

>> No.6243011

Okay, see, who gives a shit if wealthy people have power over the state.
Literally what the fuck does this have to do with my life and my ability to go and do the things I want.
All it is, is a boogeyman that people put their own failings on, and direct their hatred and misery in life towards. Some dude owning a factory you work at has literally nothing to do with how you chose to live your life. After whatever revolution you people have, nothing is going to change. People who are miserable unambitious shits are still going to be miserable unambitious shits that will latch onto another all encompassing ideology because it makes them feel like they have power over those they direct their hatred towards.

>> No.6243012
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what fucking century is this?

>> No.6243032

Because capitalism is the perfect system for somehow evolved animals. Anything else seems to conflict too much with our shitty nature and would require ridiculous amounts of education, that is unlikely to happen in a capitalistic society.

Waiting for the next big crisis is your best call, nigguh.

>> No.6243047

>Okay, see, who gives a shit if wealthy people have power over the state.
>Literally what the fuck does this have to do with my life and my ability to go and do the things I want.
Jesus Christ, you can't be serious. You don't live in a vacuum, you know.

>> No.6243052

The party should actively help non-union worker unionize instead of working w/in existing union. Non-unionized workers are a lot more class conscious.

>> No.6243078

>You don't live in a vacuum, you know.
Wait, do you like actually believe rich people have magical mind control rays or something?
Some dude making money from the place I work at doesn't mean jack shit. Other than showing up for work on time, I have absolutely no obligation to him.
Unless you're trying to tell me Communism is a magical society where noone has to work ever.

>> No.6243097

All this straw, all these density. Another hopeless case.

>> No.6243100

You can make a point at anytime.

>> No.6243104

How isn't this the next big crisis?

>> No.6243105

It will be once we achieve Star Trek-like post-scarcity.

The rich take a disproportionate amount of the wealth, and they pay off the politicians to keep the cycle perpetuated.

Surely you can't be ok with the middle class shrinking and more people becoming poor?

>> No.6243108

You'll have to direct your posts to me first.

>> No.6243118

Oh please, the situation in the first world is still fucking great. Now if Greece leaves the EU and have other countries following them, this could cause some action, other than that it'd be business as usual for a while clearly.

>> No.6243119

Cause there is no active Leftist organisation that is in direct contact with the workers. Unions and the Social Democrats are in bed with the capitalists and the Communist/Anarchist party's are participating in post modernism.

>> No.6243122

>Surely you can't be ok with the middle class shrinking and more people becoming poor?
Wait, do people actually believe this myth?
And what fucking cycle? That some people have more of a meaningless piece of paper that doesn't mean shit once they die? Yeah wow, I know I spend every second of my day in a depression since I don't have that.

>> No.6243136
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>> No.6243143

>By 2030, we believe two-thirds of the global middle class will live in the Asia-Pacific region, up from just under one-third in 2009. On the other hand, although North America’s and Europe’s middle class populations will stay roughly constant, their share of the population will be drastically reduced — Europe’s by more than half, to 14% by 2030.
You should actually read the articles you frantically googled before posting them. No shit middle classes are growing in developing countries; any Marxists could tell you that.

>> No.6243148

The actual working class are religious, conservative, rednecks who hate fags, niggers and jews.
The people who are socialist or Marxists are limp wristed middle upper class college educated hipsters who despise the real working class

>> No.6243153

So, growing middle class doesn't count when you don't want it to?

>> No.6243154


>the Communist/Anarchist party's are participating in post modernism.

elaborate on this, fuckwad

>> No.6243180

What do you mean by united and for what purpose?

>> No.6243195

Excellent point, these days Big Labor represents their members interests about as much as Big Oil or Pharma does.

>> No.6243199


If the working class ever truely rebels, the dyed-hair dykes will be the first on the chopping block.

>> No.6243202

Nice deflection.

>> No.6243210

What deflection.
You said the middle class was shrinking.
I posted a link that explicitly showed it was growing.
You proceeded to say it didn't count.

>> No.6243227

Stop using "literally" you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.6243249

people recognise it as tinkering because it's presented as the state simply perfecting, ironing out the creases etc to preserve the idea that individualism is the root.

but it's much more than tinkering. the state sets the agenda. trade and industry is controlled by the state. private 'owners' take the reward. When it's low profit it's because of state mismanagement, when it's high it's because of close working with the state.

basically, the secret to success is get in with the politicians and that's why you can no longer simply call it 'careful management' or private enterprise (capitalism) in my opinion.

>> No.6243288

Because race, religion, language, culture, history, and in a strange way geo-politics stop workers having more in common with the working men of Country X than their own elite.

For example a western working class white male. A white person speaking the same language, from his country, from his region, his religious historical background (secular Christian or atheist) and his culture will seem like a more natural ally than someone who does not fulfil these criteria. Hence the rise of UKIP, FN, and other rightist parties in times of austerity, not a hard left party.

>> No.6243289

I’m not saying it’s not the best system but we won’t admit to what it is. I’m all in favour of statism. But I think we need to make it work both ways.
Too often we have the state supplying one side and not the other.

>> No.6243325

Hence why we have the Leninist idea of national self determination, each nationality gets it own region to govern.

Of course in practice the dominant group (Russians, Han chinese) have always exploited the minorities...

>> No.6243345

Yeah, but the question was why have the workers of the world not united.

>> No.6243358

Because there isn't a a great enough incentive.

>> No.6243359

People are comfortable enough to not revolt
>religious fighting
Whatever other "ism" you can come up with that divides people into us vs them

>> No.6243360
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>> No.6243549
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>I actually believe there is an elite capitalist coalition with the sole purpose of preventing leftist movements from taking root

There is

>> No.6243571

>...says the guy posting from his comfy home with his fridge full of food.
do you honestly think the entire world is filled with comfy homes and fridges full of food? just because the exploitation has moved to the peripheries doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.6243619
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>> No.6243631

tell that to an exploited middle eastern womyn working in a hot factory with bars on the windows and no safety precautions 14 hrs straight and afterwards going home to her husband to be raped and beaten.

>> No.6243644

errm.. the actual working class is the third world masses, and the real marxists come from all backgrounds.

>> No.6243656

>benefited the entire world


>> No.6243667

Because they don't have the means.

>> No.6243669

Nice memes. Wouldn't expect any less from marxist "intellectuals"

>> No.6243671

>the amount of people living in poverty has halved
And you know it's true because they have twice as much money, right?

>> No.6243674

marxist? because i laughed at you?

>> No.6243684

Not that guy you laughed at. I assumed you were a marxist because you refuse to believe the fact that the liberalization of economies all over the world following the fall of the soviet bloc has led to a massive increase in prosperity.

>> No.6243692

>you refuse to believe the fact that the liberalization of economies all over the world following the fall of the soviet bloc has led to a massive increase in prosperity.

no, i refuse to believe that everyone (i.e. 'the entire world') has benefited from a general increased prosperity. some have, more haven't.

>> No.6243693

Are you implying that Afrika or India are centers of prosper and wealth, just flowing with freedom and stable living?

>> No.6243696
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I laughed, I cried, etc.

>> No.6243706

Actually, since China and India make up most of the third world and considering that their gdp/capita have risen exponentially ever since they liberalized their respective economies, the statement "most of the developping world has become richer" is actually factually correct.

As an Indian (well, american of indian origin), I can assure you that the development India underwent in the past 20 years is phenomenal.

>> No.6243725
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If (when?) communism is achieved, what will the average person live like? Will we all be able to have free iPads and Jordans?

>> No.6243758
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The anarchist idea of smashing the state is blocking their ears and covering their eyes. How do you propose to abolish the state with something weaker?

>> No.6243766

they are, except they were and are being plundered by imperialist piracy.

>> No.6243797

Communism is no more viable for the future than capitalism. While the latter depends on infinite resources, the former is too work centric and given the progress with robots, building an ideology around work is just retarded.

>> No.6243822
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The anarchist idea is not a violent revolution, but a moral one. To unite all peoples, not just workers, into a society of socially conscious individuals all stepping in to do their part. Far fetched I know, but if you're going to fight for a utopia, make it a good one. You can't expect to create a society of equality at the expense of the wealthy. Is it there fault for being good at making money? Those brainwashed into working for capital accumulation are just as much victims of the state as the proletariat. What is it the Internationale says "Freedom is merely privilege extended, if not enjoyed by one and all?"

Of course they are.

>> No.6243831

>You can't expect to create a society of equality at the expense of the wealthy. Is it there fault for being good at making money?

You'll be a ron paul supporter within six months

>> No.6243839

>the amount of people living in poverty has halved

Bill Gates shill detected.

>> No.6243843

My personal conclusion: people kind of enjoy being weak and lacking dignity. It's a weird social disease.

>> No.6243848

No, you'll just keep working all day in a factory while telling yourself over and over you're liberated because now you are in control of the factory.
Then you die at 80 still having achieved nothing of note in life except for staring at an assembly line and dreaming of a better life.

>> No.6243849

In all seriousness, I once bought into the all encompassing us vs them mentality of communism, but I couldn't handle it anymore. Communists claim to want to unite all people, except for this group or that group. Anarchist philosophy, while more difficult to execute in the real world, seems vastly more appealing. Not everyone takes the "red pill" and sees the world how it really is. So rather than simply hang those people come revolution, the Anarchist seeks to help them see society for what it is, and more importantly what it could be.

>also I could care less about who's in office they are not my authority

>> No.6243850


Tall Poppy Syndrome

>> No.6243851


>> No.6243853

robots are just dead labour, tho.

>> No.6243856

I wish there was a version of /lit/ without any Americans on it.

>> No.6243859

>The anarchist idea is not a violent revolution, but a moral one
textbook utopian, you can't change man's morals without changing his material conditions.

>> No.6243864


>> No.6243867


>> No.6243869

Stay mad, bourgie.

>> No.6243873


>> No.6243883

>Communists claim to want to unite all people

literally the exact opposite lol

>> No.6243898

>The tall poppy syndrome is a pejorative term primarily used in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and other Anglosphere nations to describe a social phenomenon in which people of genuine merit are resented, attacked, cut down, or criticised because their talents or achievements elevate them above or distinguish them from their peers.
Welp. I don't really think I have some kind of merit that makes me better than everyone else, it's just that the only explanation I can find about how society works is masochism. I'd appreciate some further criticism on my views, I'm genuinely interested on this stuff.

>> No.6243913


I'm not saying you have it, I'm saying that theory sounds a lot like what you're saying and I agree with you to some extent.

>> No.6243923

I don't want to sound like THAT fag (you know what I mean), but I seriously believe there's some unconscious masoichist shit going on society in general. People (generalizing, sorry) unconsciously want to be stepped on. That's it. This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.6244052

I love the word "pejorative"; I could say it all day

>> No.6244125

Because classless societies are a pipe dream and communism in practice leads to despotic monarchy.

>> No.6244139

Let's take your word as true. Is there any desirable alternative possible?

>> No.6244144

Because few workers have heart. They put down their signs and clubs when they got their extra ten cents an hour and minimal social welfare.

>> No.6244238

This is the real answer. Depending on the circumstances you were born into and/or the choices you made as a young person (usually based upon a world you did not yet understand), it can be difficult just to survive.

I'm not asking for pity or blaming society, I realize it's a bed of my own making, but: living in poverty is very difficult and taxing. I'm generally working 1 of my 2 jobs or at my household trying to fix all the broken shit and feed myself without much money. These things are both physically/mentally taxing, and time consuming. Not complaining, I'm happy I have a place to live these days.

Just saying that I agree with the proposition that a lot of working class folks, that maybe disagree with the current system, are too busy just trying to survive in it.

Free time to protest and/or be an activist is really a luxury for those with enough means and time to do such things.

>> No.6244245

They may have overestimated worker solidarity

>> No.6244289
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Can a kind anon explain the differences between Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Trotskyism, and Leninism?

I know Communism is the end result of Socialism, Trotskyism and it's "eternal revolution" fought and lost against Stalin, and Marx is considered the root of all these branches (despite the fact that Socialism/Communism preceded Marxism). Are there any other differences?

New to English, so let me know if I fucked something up.

>> No.6244319

Between them is the dictation of the proletariat and what it means in practical terms

>> No.6244381

Because current leftism is based around the nostalgic idea of mass movements, which are clearly impossible. There is a lot more that divides (and unites) people beyond the fact of whether they sell their labor or not. Resistance is most effective in affinity groups rn. We have to think beyond mass movement and liberal universalism that assumes some commonality in humanity.

>> No.6244404

Thank you my friend.

>> No.6244612

Not him, but do ya got any sources for such bold claims, bud?

>> No.6244909

>I don't work
>I'm not a union member
Thank you for the tea and sympathy.

>> No.6245079

do you mean the rightists? because ya, they exist.

>> No.6245237

>myth of the gulag

holy shit man

>> No.6245244

are u from /r/communism or revleft lol

>> No.6245305

Wut? A) Mass movements are still alive. And no, affinity groups don't work. What, all black people in America should side with Obama, Herman Cain, Condoleeza Rice, etc?

>> No.6245315

This is largely true, however I think things can change. In Greece/Europe, across the ME, people were/are dirt poor, but are forced into struggle because they have to.

>> No.6245329

They used to struggle with 14 and 16 hour days.

Worse is better is 1st world Maoist bullshit as an excuse to avoid union organising.

>> No.6245338

Oh I don't agree worse is better, it can often go the other way, people are too ground down to do anything. And srsly, fucken Maoists in the first world: there is no peasantry in the first world.

I'm all for unions and union organising.

>> No.6245391

"livable" wage was once separated in the labor market in the states, you had "good paying jobs" and all that bullshit (people putting can goods on shelves for like $20 an hour adjusted after inflation), then you had menial unskilled labor stuff that paid a hell of a lot less (little kids picking strawberries in the summer for a nickel per 5lb bucket, gas station jockeys getting paid a dime an hour) and businesses would invest in their labor force (union or not) with job training, now after the change towards service industry, and industrialization of nations with cheaper labor costs, businesses send their labor elsewhere, or with the minimum wage, they just pay the minimum across the board for starting wages, and keep turnover rates high, and expect skilled labor for said pay, people want 2 years experience to wash fucking dishes, if the place is union, then like UPS, its 8.75 nationwide before taxes and union dues (which is absolute shit money certain places) but you got healthcare (pre obamacare) and then you get up to the drivers and master sorters who make $40 an hr, then you have places like amazon, who outsources labor to temp agencies and pays min wage, no advancement in wages, and has a laundry list of OSHA complaints from warehouses, and you have black cash jobs , of labor filled with immigrants, that were once held by adolescents and kids (sometimes still are)

>> No.6245443

yea, people should be paid more than the bare minimum, but what are they being paid for? These protests for $15 minimum wage, from international companies that hire them flip burgers and have people stand by the door and greet you, they are not made up of emancipated teenagers who have to pay their own rent, theyre made of grown adults, there is a certain point at which mass unskilled labor like this has to be avoided, yeah, wallmart, mcdonalds and starbucks are able to pay them twice as much as a small buisness would and they dont, but these companies would hire 8 year olds to do these peoples jobs and pay them in skittles were it legal (if it were legal, then they would have, as having shareholders, they would be breaking the law if they didn't hire 8 year olds)

>> No.6245452

So burn more warehouses.

>> No.6245457

no, make more (outside the pre-existing companies), pay people what you want

>> No.6245458

Remember what we're meant to have on our banner about the wage system? Higher wages aren't won by demanding higher wages.

>> No.6245463

Seize the means of production

>> No.6245465

>being this new

From Sublime Object of Ideology:
>One already finds this logic of the error interior to truth in Rosa Luxemburg's description of the dialectic of the revolutionary process. When Eduard Bernstein raised objections apropos of the revisionist fear of taking power 'too soon', prematurely, before the 'objective conditions' have reached their maturity, she responded that the first seizures of power are necessarily 'premature': for the proletariat, the only way of arriving at 'maturity', of waiting for the 'opportune' moment to seize power, is to form themselves, prepare themselves for this seizure; and the only way of forming themselves is, of course, these 'premature' attempts ... If we wait for the 'opportune moment', we will never attain it, because this 'opportune moment' - that which never occurs without fulfilling the subjective conditions for the 'maturity' of the revolutionary subject - can only occur through a series of 'premature' attempts. Thus the opposition to the 'premature' seizure of power is exposed as an opposition to the seizure of power in general, as such: to repeat the celebrated phrase of Robespierre, the revisionists want 'revolution without revolution'.
>Once we examine things more closely, we see that Luxemburg's fundamental wager is precisely the impossibility of a metalanguage in the revolutionary process: the revolutionary subject does not 'conduct' the process from an objective distance, he is himself constituted through this process; and it is because the time of revolution occurs by means of subjectivity that no one is able to 'achieve revolution on time', following 'premature', insufficient efforts. The attitude of Luxemburg is exactly that of the hysteric faced with the obsessional metalanguage of revisionism: strive to act, even if prematurely, in order to arrive at the correct act through this very error. One must be duped in one's desire, though it is ultimately impossible, in order that something real comes about.

>> No.6245483

then you invest in your workers with skills and such (forklift license, OSHA certification, harassing the woman in HR certification, advanced walking around the office eating a salad training, TPS report license or watever) to be able to be paid the wages they earn

>> No.6245488

>my workers
Yeah, I've watched the certification sham play out over 30 years. I'd rather see warehouses on fire. Fear raises wages.

>> No.6245502

>our workers cannot pay their bills
>"what if we give people skills to pay said bills? or get rid of silly regulations here and there"

>> No.6245513

My end game is the abolition of capital, friend, yours appears to be my enduring slavery.

>> No.6245522

I speak of getting rid of barriers to entry

>> No.6245532

Fuck off cunt.

>> No.6245538

less barriers, more access to means of production, money or not

>> No.6245539

No, friend, it doesn't. Wages Price and Profit, or the market cap of Google ought to be evidence for you.

>> No.6245542


>> No.6245554

did you forgot the point its illegal for those large public companies to not do things that increase their profit?

>> No.6245572

Your argument against the impossibility of a participatory capitalism based on the expanding OCC is that it is mandatory that participatory capitalism not exist at a fiduciary responsibility level? Are you always this incoherent, or do you work up to it with chemical assistance?

>> No.6245586

also, another thing to add
too many ways with which "bourgeoisie" or watever can force out competing markets or prevent new ones from starting

>> No.6245652

>Why haven't the workers of the world united?
the workers were the kings just before the war and after 45, they manage to loose their power to the joy of the stock owners. Now, why would they be in charge anew, as they obviously cannot retain power ?

>> No.6245936

Because they have very little in common.

>> No.6245987

Because of them jews.

>> No.6246083

Too many people.
Too little time.
Too far away goal.

>> No.6246092

>idealism ≠ reality

>> No.6246100


bello magnifique!

>> No.6246265

>>but deep inside they are all working class

Doesn't this beg the question?

Doesn't the continual failure of the proletariat to rise above national/racial/religious/* boundaries and recognize what they are told (and what most of us on the left assume/believe) are their real (that is, economic) interests?

It feels as if the primacy of economic interests is simply being asserted rather than having been proven.

And, a step below, all this is assuming that the economic interests we identify as being "real" are, indeed, real and better for the proletariat.

>> No.6246303

>moderate left is composed of bourgeoisie hedonists
the moderate left was always about bourgeoisie hedonists

>> No.6246318

>into a society of socially conscious individuals all stepping in to do their part.
and with this comes the possibility to shit on the society

>> No.6246392

>middle class
>being this stupid
See, commies like you are the reason anarchists and communists can't get together for the sole purpose of making a better society.
Read more

>> No.6247722

People haven't made enough copies of immortal technique's mixtape.

>> No.6247775

Well, nigga had to ruin his shit with conspiracy theories.

>> No.6247789


Are you fifteen?

>> No.6247790

Because they're gay.

>> No.6248185

Labour has two material interests. Sectional wage maximisation and universal wage abolition. They are in contradiction.

>> No.6248206

More like fuck bitches erreyday and men too because fuck capitalist social restraints yo i can stick my penis wherever

>> No.6248259

>implying the closest you can get to an abstract ideal isn't the actual ideal

>> No.6248282


>implying all of the implications

>> No.6248393

Stop calling yourself an anarchist you fucking liberal.

>> No.6248409

More liberal rhetoric. And you are "bluepilled" as fuck to think that all are equally victims of the state/capital and that politics isn't about the friend-enemy distinction.

Seriously, spend some time with laboring migrants or third world industrial workers and say that they are just as hurt by capitalism as your middle-class tearful "alienation."

>> No.6248659


And every group of laborers seems to have pursued the first rather than the second interests. Shouldn't this tell us something?

>> No.6248676

Because they're too busy working. Same shit with the thinkers, they're too busy thinking. And the nigs are too busy nigging. Everyone's doing their own thing no one actually cares anymore.

>> No.6248692

We need a global Labor Union so everyone can go on strike at the same time. "Confessions of the Last Lowly Warrior" talks about the importance of uniting in several different chapters, and even goes into why it is important for labor to unite together

>> No.6248738

The IWW already tried that at a point in time where unions were more powerful and the strategy didn't work. Syndacalism is an important technique for bringing about crisis but it isn't sufficient for Western countries who overwhelmingly are turning towards under-unionized, nomadic service work.

The West's best hope is a partnership between radical minorities, immigrants, disaffected young service workers, students, and whatever remains of the industrial left. But an intense radicalization and reintroduction of Politics (with a capital P) along with a return to actually dangerous methods of resistance is needed.

1 radical is worth more than 100 liberals.

>> No.6248793

Yes, but the problem is that unions were not asking for the right things; they wanted little more money, or benefits, or time paid time off...labor needs to strike and demand a Labor Right Amendment to the constitution be ratified so that gets no less than 50% of the profits they produce. compensation should be tied to the amount of profits they produce. this is not profit sharing, as conservatives like to call it; since labor creates all wealth, it should be called profit retention. why lt the elite rob labor and then, once labor is impoverished, fight over social security, and medical insurance. you don't have to worry and fight over how to take care of the poor and when they get old if you don't let rob the elite rob them in their youth

>> No.6248799
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very true, radicals are the way forward. the most radical book you'll ever read is the Confessions. turns politics, economics and religion on its ear

>> No.6248823

the main premise is that nothing we do will ever work so long as we live a feudal framework. it is the structure of society that is broken. we were never meant to be feudal. we are tribal beings. a world in which many (labor) works to provide a few (the elite) with wealth is unnatural. we were never meant to be broken on the rulers and the ruled; before the fall from tribal grave we were a unified tribal society.

>> No.6248832

Communism is a threat used by workers to get what they want, not a desired outcome. If the choice is between seizing the reigns or getting dental plan, they're going to choose the dental plan.

>> No.6248836

Who were the CNT for starters. Never mind your ignorance of physical force chartism

>> No.6248959

Rid yourself of that noble savage, humanist leftism.

I'm all for a heterogeneous world in which "backwards" groups remain outside urban worker-managed zones or large scale collective agriculture but such groups make up a minuscule proportion of organized humanity. The highland and semi-nomadic peoples of the world striving for autonomy are a presence to be supported, but the EZLNS, the SEA highland people, the central american mayans, the central asian semi-nomads, and such are not the model for most of the world.

They have a lot to provide in terms of communal techniques of organization, but an image of things to come they are not.

>> No.6248973

>I know Communism is the end result of Socialism

You got it backwards. It`s that Socialism is considered to be necessary stepping stone into communism, but this does not mean that socialists would want communism nor that socialism would even result in it.

>> No.6248980



they can do it so can we.

>> No.6249016

>>We need a global Labor Union so everyone can go on strike at the same time.
strikes are the universal solutions ? it is pointing a gun and asking who will be the weakest of the two . is it how you perceive the social interaction ?

what if nobody back down ? do you go on strike forever ?

>> No.6249032

>since labor creates all wealth
wow, how is this true ? what do you oppose to the laborers and therefore that you term thief ?

>> No.6249036
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What's it called when someone's a Socialist, but isn't a cultural progressive? Can one be an economic leftist, but a cultural moderate?

>> No.6249054

well, it depends if you're talking about revolutionary socialism (scientific socialism; Blanqui, Marx/Engels) or utopian socialism (St. Simon, Charles Fourier, Robert Owen).

With revolutionary socialism, it's a stepping stone or a transition phase.

>> No.6249066

Meaningless terms. The universal critique of all existing social relations. Marx's work on atheism is useful here: "Progressivism" is just as sick as cultural conservation. They eat from the same garbage.

>> No.6249070

Sounds like you are an idealist. You might as well vote conservative already.
Communism is inherently materialist. Meaning it doesn't matter what people think.

>> No.6249095
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>Leftists are angry because they see themselves as defeated by capitalism and powerless against the conservative status-quo
>Conservatives are angry because they see themselves as defeated by anti-traditional progressives, and powerless against them
Why does everyone always think they lost?

>> No.6249131

Human nature, if you'd believe it.
I know the human nature argument is constantly used to describe man as he acts today, but ancient man was a team-player, and made it here by strong loyalty to kin groups and easy assimilation into "friend/foe" mentality.

>> No.6249200



>> No.6249250

As a reactionary, I believe inequality is good and desire a return to feudalism.

I don't know about other people, but that's the reason I haven't risen up.

>> No.6249269

And yet you argue with an implicit acceptance of the bourgeois individual. Noice.

>> No.6249285

I think unless you have a very rudimentary socialist belief you'll probably see culture, morals, relationship values, family structures and so on as historically relative and nothing but a reflection of prevailing economic structure

So really there's no point being for or against any particular cultural arrangement

>> No.6249291

The US system is just organized feudalism anyway. Very little of what the federal government does actually affects you personally, other than a few like drug laws and criminal offenses.

Infrastructure, education, many social issues, and even some drugs are left up to state and local governments.

I mean unless what you want is to dress up like Don Quixote and go adventuring to slay a dragon? I mean, hell yeah I'd return to feudalism if that's what that meant, but if we're talking political philosophy then America is the closest thing to feudalism in the Western world.

>> No.6249302

because capitalism offers the worker the slim chance that they may some day make it big and be able to be part of the bourgeois. this however is a pipe dream because in our state of advanced capitalism the wealth is getting concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. these same capitalists who sell this dream to the worker control the cogs of government and use it to their own gain. the capitalist keeps the populace at large ignorant by funneling money away from education and into programs and subsidies that benefit their class.

>> No.6249306

you say that like you never heard of fox news before

>> No.6249321
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Compromise does not fit within any particular ideology. Neoliberals rule the world now.

>> No.6249334

>i have absolutely no obligation to him
then why dont you quit your job?

>> No.6249336

>expecting an idiot of that caliber to have a conscious

>> No.6249393

Pussy, jewels and cars became an accessible thing to them. Fuck castrating the man when you can have a taste of his balls.

>> No.6249786
File: 225 KB, 900x693, the_stalin_mario_conspiracy_by_gruntchovski-d4kqqy6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would the majority of workers within the developed world want to fight for communism? They benefit way more by sticking with imperialism than going revolutionary.

When things like wage increase campaigns are under liberal leadership and when a lot of communist organizations are social democrats in practice, you know the first world won't do shit.

>> No.6249831

Because rightists still don't realise that capitalism is a revolutionary force that destroys all traditional values

>> No.6250151

Most people to the right of conservatism do in fact realize this.

>> No.6250945

What the fuck? Before Capitalism, people were even more oligarchical than you could imagine.

>> No.6251056

Abolition of wage slavery. Access to meaningful conduct without the terror of malnutrition and homelessness. Peace from activity in age. Freedom from arbitrary cultural dispossession. I'm on strike today btw.

>> No.6252429

It has everything to do with it

>> No.6252437

Well, it is true that the wealth of a few is predicated upon the poverty of the many. the richer some get the poorer others must be.

>> No.6252446

yes, yes, abolition of wage slavery.

>> No.6252460

But we still are oligarchical; even more so. nothing has change post enlightenment... te only difference is that the peasant (now called an employee) can hope to the aristocracy (now called the wealthy ruling elite). But we still have a society divided into the ruling call and a class ruled. Its still A Tale of Two Cities.

>> No.6252502

:^) *waves red flag*

>> No.6252532


>> No.6252542

Nobody ever asked if they wanted to unite in the first place. Intellectuals just went around making plans and being disappointed when things didn't went along with their schemes.

>> No.6252637

you mean the white flag?
Read the first Confessions of the Last Lowly Warrior, second footnote will change your life. Are you familiar with classical myth and the religion of the Dogon in Africa. IF you look at all religion and myth through the lens provided in the Confessions it all makes sense. It ties all religion and myth together.

>> No.6252824

Go to bed William.

>> No.6252856

no, you go to bed, or at least take a nap. have some warm milk and close. go to sleep, do to sleep, rest your big bloodshot eyes, la la la, la la la, la la lad le la de da

>> No.6252941

That's because the proles obviously couldn't think for themselves and needed to be pushed into what was best for them.

>> No.6253150 [DELETED] 

Well they obviously can't. That's why intellectuals, merchants, and usurers have such an easy time manipulating them for their own ends. Except for Jewish parasites, we were all much better off under monarchy and papacy.

>> No.6253661

Then they were obviously happier being used and abused than be free.

>> No.6253830

no. implying that an ideal, is in fact, an ideal; which is not synonymous with reality

>> No.6253882

Because your job or social status isn't enough to unite millions of people.

>> No.6253963
File: 109 KB, 812x531, f732e13f4934fc142bf899002f579b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can this be disproven or is it a good argument against communism?

>> No.6253976

It's not an argument against communism in any way, it's an argument against the people that guy imagines are arguing for communism, the idea of rednecks and ghetto gangs teaming up to take property from rich college kids sounds amazing to me I don't know any communist who'd be against this.

>> No.6254076

Because Marxism as a whole has barely any contact with really.

>> No.6254082

Social welfare and propaganda.

>> No.6254088


I don't know how much lack of identity with your own being you must have to actually feel good about that.

>> No.6254096

What do you mean?

>> No.6254097

I posted this in the other Marx thread but I'll repost it here:

I am about to start Marx and Engels myself, here's what I have lined up:

Wage Labor and Capital
Socialism: Scientific and Utopian
German Ideology

What do the Marxists on lit think?

>> No.6254105

True, Marxism is an ideology founded on the hatred of the strong by the weak.

>> No.6254118

I don't think so. Your argument seems a bit too generalized to reflect a complex social and political system. We Americans could liberate ourselves from the rule of the Wall Street Regime if we wanted, dismantle the plutocracy and restore democracy—but we do not. Is that because we like being ruled and abused, and dispossessed of the wealth we create? Or is because of a sense of overwhelming sense of hopelessness, or ignorance or an unquestioned tradition of servitude that seems inescapable to the average person? Right now, while there is still some semblance of the illusion of democracy in America, we could all stand together at once and demand publically funded elections; we can demand the abolition of lobbying and gerrymandering of the Congressional districts but we do now. Lobbying thwarts the will of the people, and gerrymandering makes congress and the senate unaccountable to the people. Occupy Wall Street and other groups over the years stand up one by one and always get knocked down one by one. Until we all stand together that is not much hope of defeating the wealthy elite who have entrenched themselves in the halls of government, and therefore functionally dictate foreign and domestic policy—even so, that does not mean we, or anyone else prefers to be subjugated by coercion and mechanical controls, or are happy to be deprived and dispossessed of their just prosperity and their formerly unalienable right to self-determination. It just means that humanity has been cowed by the wealthy ruling elite for so long it is hard to imagine we can be free. Your statement is a bit simplistic to reflect the complexity of what is going on in the world right now (in my opinion).

The real problem is not communism, but the feudal structure itself. Communism, capitalism, socialism, monarchism, parliamentarian all have failed to produce a content and prosperous people for more than a decade or two; and the only thing they all have in command is the feudal structure. Any society that is ruled, deprived, and abused will deteriorate and self-destruct, regardless of what name it political and economic systems is called by, and despite whatever, inconsequential variations are introduced to the feudal structure which can only separate and divide us. We are social beings and it is intrinsic to our innate moral nature (derived from behaviorism) that fairness, equality and ethics be applied universally to society since social ethics develop in lock step with social identity.

>> No.6254121

I realaly wish this shit thread would slide off the board already

>> No.6254125

..so if you don't think socialism/communism is the answer what is?

>> No.6254127

It's more like a hatred of the aristocratic by the base. I think the last 300 years have proven that the Mob is in fact stronger.

>> No.6254130

>le butt mad socialist

How does it feel to know that capitalism will rule for another 1000 years?

>> No.6254136

Rightist here, it makes me feel pretty resentful and angry. Even Stalinism is closer to traditional society than globalist capitalism.

>> No.6254138

stick to the first part of The German Ideology; add 2 other short texts: Feuerbach and the end of classic german philosophy and the 'preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy'

>> No.6254140

Oh so you're a fascist? Even better.

>> No.6254154

lolno. I have no problem with fascism, it would certainly be preferable to the current situation, but I said rightist for a reason.

>> No.6254160

Jesus, this thread still going on? Commies have relentlessly been btfo'd

>> No.6254263

PART TWO Labor needs to be dealt in directly to the wealth and property they create, (on a percentage of the gross value, and not just whatever the elite want to pout in their paychecks. This would require Labor Rights Movement similar to the Civil Right Movement of the 60's. Labor is central. You can go back in the anthropological record as far as you like, you will never reach a point in time when everyone was a member of the wealthy elite, a king sitting on a throne or CEO sitting behind an oak desk. You can go back far enough in the anthropological record and arrive a time when everyone was a member of labor. Labor is the natural state and intrinsic to the creation of value and prosperity, and in the modern age, wealth. To boil it down to simplest terms, the bean counters are useless without the beans, meaning management is superfluous without labor.

Imagine a world in which everyone must work and create with their own hands whatever they are going to sell to make a living for themselves. There is mechanical limit to how much wealth the people of such a world can create, because there is only so many hours in the day. No one by themselves can become a millionaire, let alone multi billionaire because there are not enough hours in the day. Wealth does not exist without feudal slavery, but then neither does poverty. The only way you have great wealth is when a class of elites rule, abuse and deprive a class of laborers; wealth requires a feudal master class supported by a feudal slave class. The wealth of the few is predicated on the poverty of the many; therefore wealth is not the product of superior intellect but inferior morality It is a product of the feudal structure structure itself,; it is the product of a feudal society divided in two as opposed to a unified tribal culture that shares in fellowship.

It is worth mentioning the social sharing is an evolved niche, social animals than work together and share are more evolved that the animals that work alone for their interests, therefore, for social beings, tribalism is natural, feudalism is not, therefore capitalism and communism are both less evolved and the source of all trouble in the world This is what happened at the fall in genesis. The forbidden fruit is the fruit of other people's labor.

>> No.6254265


PART ONE Tribalism, a unified society is preferable since a single fate cannot strive against itself. When you have tow separate classes in one society they fight each other, the prosperity of one diminishes the other. That is why their has been a history struggle between kings and peasant throughout history, and between management and labor in modern society.

Communism and capitalism are alike in that in both systems the worker is deprived of the natural fruits of their natural labors. In communism wealth goes to the state and spent as the government elites who control it and use it as they see fit, and in capitalism it goes to private elites who control it and spend it and use it as they see fit. In both cases, the laborer, who creates all things of intrinsic value, are disposed of the wealth they created. Ask any behaviorist what happens to any animal that does not receive its proper reward for it invested labor.

The Dogon of Africa have a creation myth that says the birth of the Nummo twins brought all trouble and war into the world; the twins fates of the ruler and the ruled, is the twin fates that must constantly combat for resources. Until labor is gets at the very least 50 or 60 percent of the wealth they create there will be continual problems with strike, unrest, and the rebellion that cause civil society to deteriorate.

There is just no logical argument that all the people sitting on their ass behind a desk, or distant investors that expect millions on dividend payments are as important to the process of creating value as the labor. Nothing is more important than the people doing all the real work of creating value.

>> No.6254276
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>> No.6254282
File: 38 KB, 610x383, 1413262874359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The anarchist idea is not a violent revolution, but a moral one
Literally utopian idealism.

>> No.6254287

sorry about the typos. does that make sense? what do you think?

>> No.6254297
File: 82 KB, 400x300, revisionists everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6254301

socialism, capitalism and communism do not address the real problem, the structure of society that allows a few, whether they be the state or private interests , to control wealth and thus power. the immoral feudal automatons in power will always serve their own interests, and now rok for the good of all the people

>> No.6254305
File: 54 KB, 604x392, workers of the world, lets ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, comrade.

>> No.6254314

It also worth mentioning that all religion and myth are a metaphor for this, for the structure of society. the serpent that entered the tribal garden in genesis is feudalism, and the feudal economic system called capitalism is the Midgard serpent in Norse mythology; capitalism is a great evil wrapping itself around the world.

>> No.6254328

I would might take your argument more seriously if you weren't so focused on the shit-tier mythology of some dumb African tribe, as it is it's clear you're just another edgy liberal who fetishes brown skin and thinks history revolves around white people and how they treat the darkies.

>> No.6254353

the argument is not based on the myths, or religion. it stands on its own. all myth the examples of myth and religion does it proves that this problems has been going on for a long time, in other words, myth and religion is telling this same story through symbolism and myth, probably because the truth was outlawed in the dim past by kings. So instead of saying the peasant and labor class support the wealth that rule, the poet, in an attempt to send a message though time must say, Atlas support the heavens. I'm endorsing religion, or saying I believe in magic gods; I'm not a Christian. I'm just saying this is the underlying meaning of religion and myth.

I am more incline to believe an advanced civilization visited earth and brought feudalism here than I am to believe in magic gods with unlimited power

>> No.6254358

sorry, I meant, i'm NOT endorsing religion

>> No.6254387

And the shit-tier regions do exist, can't argue-- but if this helps explain the true underlying meaning of them by reducing the mysticism around them, then so much the better. this is a logical explanation of why they exist, what the stories really mean. if anything this logical sociological explanation of the supernatural aspect reveals myth and religion as nothing more than a mere history told with symbolism.

>> No.6254413

but I do not see how darkies figure into it. the peasant of western Europe were white. when I say slavery, I mean the class of labor that support the elite. i'm not talking about the slavery that existed in American or any other place. and the Dogon tribe are not dumb at all; in fact they have an oral tradit0n that stretches further back than most written histories of Europe and Asia combined.

>> No.6255556


Well what >>6254088 says is that he doesn't believe in such a thing called "being a Class Traitor" and that you're very likely one of those "rich college kids" yourself.