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/lit/ - Literature

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6240831 No.6240831 [Reply] [Original]

So, I know the /lit/ doesn't exactly like Harry Potter, but one series I never see mentioned is the Eragon books.
What does /lit/ think of Eragon?

>> No.6240832


>> No.6240835

It was fun when you were 11 years old.

>> No.6240841

I always was attracted to the cover but common sense always deterred me from reading it.

>> No.6240843

I think they're for fags. I never read them, but in high school this guy i knew read them and he was a total fag.

>> No.6240859

I think I kinda liked the first maybe, but the second was so boring I almost couldn't finish it.

>> No.6240869

The third was worse.

>> No.6240903

They were extremely meh. Too much detail. Pretty boring after the first book

>> No.6240911

excellent logic

>> No.6240917

You're reading a book that was written by a 15 year old and published by his parents.

True story

>> No.6240928

I loved it. Unlike most people here (i think) I can't read serious, philosophical stuff 24/7, and Eragon was a good break. The whole series felt kind of reminiscent of a shounen "become the strongest to beat this guy" style, and that's something that was cool about it. I haven't seen that in books much. It isn't anywhere near one of the best books ever, but it is worth a read, in my opinion.

>> No.6241001

>tfw when you have a 23 year old brother studying at one of the top 5 schools in the US who thinks the Eragon series is amazing literature and that Gucci Mane is an amazing artist

>> No.6241004


Pretty much this

I followed it through the series and was disappointed with the ending. Paolini was trying too hard to write literature and make his story 2deep2meaningful4you by making it so all the MCs got super edgy about killing people and how Eragon didn't end up with Arya. He should have kept it as a fantasy pure and simple.

>> No.6241010

I left my last university because the English Lit majors had Twilight posters in their bedrooms.

>> No.6241014


>top 5 schools in the US

So daycares for rich parents that print degrees like newspapers? No wonder his taste is mediocre at best.

>> No.6241045


>So daycares for rich parents that print degrees like newspapers?

It's nothing like that. You have to be smart to get into it and he is but it's more that I'm disappointed that someone who could get into the school is such a pleb in regards to his taste in /lit.

>> No.6241067


>tfw you will never taste Arya's sweet sweet elf pussy

>> No.6241088
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My dad said I couldn't watch the movie unless I finished the book first. I said fuck it. Dodged a bullet from what I've been told.

>> No.6241181


>> No.6241351

I read the first two in...elementary? middle school? I don't remember, a long fucking time ago.
Did he continue to borderline plagiarize every major fantasy/sci-fi series?

>> No.6241366

books were the shit when I was like 12

movie was the worst thing I ever saw

>> No.6241372


Lel I tried reading it in 5th grade (10 or 11) and I couldn't make it past 80 pages, I hated it

>> No.6241397


I almost considered switching my major from Comp Sci to Literature but then realized that while Computer Scientists are vapid outside of their field (to the point where 99% of them are drooling retards who just happen to know how to put together a few DFA structures in OCaml and can't do anything else)

Then I realized that even the top, top, top writers in my school, the winners of the "prestigious" undergrad creative writing awards, write like John Green; that the literature majors still adore Catcher in the Rye and 1984; that the Philosophy majors are all just vapid existentialists; that the literature majors don't actually fucking read; etc. Which is too bad, because all of the English professors I've had have been the exact opposite. I wonder if they look at their students and cry on the inside.

>> No.6241485

Its an anagram of 'a negro'...

>> No.6241505

I'm disappointed I never got to read Fragon, Gragon, or Hragon.

>> No.6242273

I liked it in some ways, hated it in others. Probably the best part is that the protag is a dick who ruins good people's lives.

>> No.6242300

It's alriiight. Last book sucks as though. It feels like a really poor attempt at setting up some lore but maybe the guy might be able to write something decent with this as the backdrop? Eh i dunno. 5/10

>> No.6242314

i tried to read the first book. the prose was so bad i had to stop.

>> No.6242316

Hi, OP here. I was actually wondering whether to read this book or not, but with the idea that the protag is an asshole i have decided to read it now.
Thank you for your input

>> No.6242350


"The branch Roran had added to the fire burst asunder with a muted pop as the coals underneath heated the gnarled length of wood to the point where a small cache of water or sap that had somehow evaded the rays of the sun for untold decades exploded into steam."

>> No.6242379

I had a friend tell me to critique his writing and he gave me 20 pages of that shit

I told him I didn't read it

>> No.6243035

the first and second book are kinda readable, if you have less than 10 years and han't seen star wars. Third and Forth are probably one of the worst example of fantasy ever written

>> No.6243055

It's the 50 Shades of fantasy.