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6240565 No.6240565 [Reply] [Original]

what is the self?

>> No.6240590
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merely a construct, comrade.

>> No.6240591

Something apart from the Not-Self :^)

>> No.6240595

The product of the union of mind and matter.

>> No.6240612

what does matter have to do with self, if there is a mind?

>> No.6240635
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thats a complete fail of the political test if I've ever seen one
clearly 13

Anyways the self is a person's essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflexive action.

>> No.6240653
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The Will is the Self

>> No.6240672
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>> No.6240750

The self is a relation which relates itself to its own self, or it is that in the relation that the relation relates itself to its own self; the self is not the relation but that the relation relates itself to its own self.

>> No.6240762

Without matter, there wouldn't be the illusion that the self is essential to the mind.

>> No.6240861
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The self is an amalgamation of all concepts, events and, in essence, perceptions that a person has acquired over his life--these perceptions ultimately inform his volitions rather than an inherent entity. Essentially, there is no self, rather a series of ideas acting on incoming ideas and shaping what ideas that person will encounter.

>> No.6240885

Four kinds of assumption, none of which corroborate any of the others to the point of presumption. Define "what" and "is" and we can start from there.

>> No.6240922

An abstraction over a bunch of connected physical processes which give the illusion of being coherent and temporally persistent.

>> No.6240980
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an illusion

>> No.6240993

Yeah, you ought to be the one to talk about ego.

>> No.6240994



>> No.6241024
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A concept that predetermined collisions between particles has given rise to, and that only exists as the continued predetermined collision of particles inside a predetermined amalgamation of particles we call a brain

>> No.6241031



>> No.6241049
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your brain creates an image of the outside world in order to compute actions. this image includes itself. so the brain defines itself reflexively but projecting onto itself a representation of itself, and so on in recursion. your awareness is a product of this recursive loop where the mind renders itself at sequential temporal points, and reflects continuously back on previous ones.

>> No.6241059

Case in point, both pretentious and bossily entitled. Have a good evening.

>> No.6241069

i'm trying to take the politcal compass test... one thing I can't quite figure out about the questions...

for example,

"If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations."

should answer by what I would prefer, or literally, i.e. 'it should primarily serve...' ... technically, it SHOULD do nothing, it's completely arbitrary. the questions are all worded so that i could answer them multiple ways and be honest with myself.

>> No.6241084

i think you should answer with what you think would be the most efficient

>> No.6241093


actually, the self is the other.

>> No.6241094



>> No.6241131

christ, what are some original opinions of yours? do you even have any?

>> No.6241133


Sir, are you Ray Kurzweil?

>> No.6241143


what a load of bullshit
please demonstrate how any of this is true

>> No.6241170

Why do science plebs insist on using comp sci terms to describe mental events?

>> No.6241201
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an intricate operation

>> No.6241248
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an emergent property of a robust and complex system of electrical pulses which is capable of self-reference

>> No.6241257

I think your question begs to answer what constitutes "is" first OP..

(the notion of the self follows from an existentialism after all)

>> No.6241266

>What is the self?
>Replies by referring to self-reference

>> No.6241274

The question of Being is what you lead up to, you don't just start at the highest Sephirot

>> No.6241303

>not understanding self-reference as a mathematical relationship

not him

>> No.6241314

The subject is in the definition, so the definition is flawed.

>> No.6241328



>> No.6241342

>mfw reality is a self-generated function and all structures evolved within it are patterned in its image

>> No.6241377
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>> No.6241444
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Don't over think things, it's just you.

>> No.6241479
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>> No.6241498
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>I cannot be classified by any test, I am an individual special snowflake

>> No.6241512
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A miserable pile of secrets!

>> No.6241514

But if I define 'red' as 'the color I see when I look at a red thing,' how is my mistake different from what that other anon did with his definition? He could have said 'reflexive,' it would have been clearer.
I don't think that's Spinoza's position.

>> No.6241675

Youre such a fuck, honestly

>> No.6241947
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A commodity to the elite, unless he proves himself otherwise.

>> No.6241953


>rails against the elite
>is an authoritarian centrist


>> No.6241963

>rails against the elite
Where did I imply this?

>> No.6242031

>implying Obama is a leftist

>> No.6242052
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Unknowable in earthly life.

- K

>> No.6242056
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>Changing your mind so much over a politician

Have you ever considered, you know, thinking for yourself?

>> No.6242075

it's a spook
>protip: so is class warfare

>> No.6242081

>i am brain dead

>> No.6242108


Because red is a subjective experience, it doesn't exist outside our perception. You could describe red as light with a wavelength of 655 nm I suppose but that still doesn't tell you WHAT red is. The essence of things can only be referenced not given directly.

>> No.6242110

Doesn't he basically says, in the Ethica, that consciousness is basically God thinking about God as an object?

>> No.6242121

Claiming class warfare is a spook, when even hardcore capitalists affirm it.

quote by warren buffet:
"There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning."

>> No.6242131

i didn't understand a word of that

>> No.6242138

A definition is a statement of essence. Red has a definition, though the experience of red is purely experiential.
He uses psychological terms in a very technical way. He equates God with mind, not with self.

>> No.6242139


>Obama didn't make him more of a leftist

brainless scud

>> No.6242144

>most people say its real so it's not a spook

>> No.6242178

>I'm the only intelligent human out there, only sheeple would state a fact a majority of humanity is able to see..

>> No.6242197
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>He equates God with mind, not with self.

It's true that for Spinoza, each individual human self is within god/nature, not equated with god/nature. But to say that "he equates god with mind" is ambiguous. It's better to say the he equates god/nature with:

a - the attribute of infinite thought, which includes within it all individual thinking things (as modes of that attribute)
b - the attribute of infinite extension, which includes within it all individual extended things (as modes of that attribute)
c - an infinity of other attributes that humans have no knowledge of.


> consciousness is basically God thinking about God as an object?

Basically, but that's from the viewpoint of infinite intellect, of which each individual human mind/self is only a small finite fragment.

>> No.6242246

A fictional boundary between the mind and the matter.

>> No.6242253

>95% of the earth is religious
>I guess religion isn't a spook!

>> No.6242269

Since his election you've been getting an earful of rightwing "libertarian" critics.
Congrats, you're easily swayed by propaganda pushes.

>> No.6242305

That's pure fucking third order simulacra at best.

>> No.6242310
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What follows is a slight adaptation of something I wrote in a Kant thread a while back. tl;dr - if your self is the ship of theseus, then its identity is preserved because it maintains its *form* of ship-ness, even if all of its wooden material is constantly being replaced.

Kant agreed with Hume that when we examine the inner sense data of our minds - when we go through our memories and emotions and desires and all of our other personality traits - there is no material "self" that is common to all of our own experiences. There is only a parade of ever-changing perceptions, and we can discover no single perception of a "me" that is identical across our lifetime. Hume was again left in rational skepticism, this time about the existence of personal identity, whereas Kant turned to his own thesis about the mind's spontaneous activity: the categories of the understanding function with regularity in their ordering of the raw data (AKA the matter, content) of sensation, so that the way in which perceptions are connected remains identical across time, even though the particular contents of those perceptions might always vary from one moment to the next. Thus personal identity is *formal* rather than material, and this unified thinking self that you attribute all of your experiences to (even your inner experiences of remembering your past, feeling emotions, etc.) is called the transcendental unity of apperception. This is the keystone of Kant's first critique, and he describes it as such.

>> No.6242318

its analogies on different meta levels man.

no one on lit gets GED

>> No.6242389
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Gosh, all that European official narrative must be exhausting.

>> No.6242412

Gosh, all that Buddhist meditation has sure solved social ills and helped Southeast Asia colonize the New World.
On, wait.

>> No.6242415


it's p funny, i find

though in wittgenstein's case, it's a big fat shame that he never caught onto dharma

>> No.6242425


You're right - the size and intricacy of the buddhist canon isn't nearly as daunting.

>> No.6242431

China calls itself the Empire of the Middle. Even the sign they use to say "China" is a black bar in the center of a ring.
I don't think they wanted to colonize. They didn't feel the need to.
As Napoleon said: "When China will wake up, the world will shake".
you may now call me a faggot and a pleb.

>> No.6242454

Why would it ever need to be?

>> No.6242483
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You need more authority m8

>> No.6242489


pig disgusting

>> No.6242495

Is China in southeast Asia?

>> No.6242496


Because, like with any worldview, the basic motivating ideas of buddhism are susceptible to reinterpretation and adaptation across different times and places. This results in parallel traditions and technical vocabularies, "narrative(s)" of Buddhism's own.

Or is this historically false?

>> No.6242608
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This is me after /int/, /pol/, and /lit/

>> No.6242638

On the world or in it?

>> No.6242728


Please explain what that question means.

>> No.6242738


>this is how much other people's opinions shape my own

you are a stupid faggot

>> No.6242789

Thanks mate, you made it clearer. Props!

>> No.6242905
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I didn't know I was a centrist

>> No.6242989

>answering the question "The freer the market, the freer the people." with Agree or Strongly agree

>> No.6242993
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ayy lmao

>> No.6242995

The biological spook.

>> No.6243008

It's obviously a very complex question, some people define freedom quite differently than others.

>> No.6243017

Self is all the perceptions, perception is a truth and "truth" is an undefined concept, primitive notion. You can also go back, any truth is a perception, all the perceptions are part of the self.

>> No.6243030

How do you form your thoughts and ideas if not by the influence of others?

>> No.6243031
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buh arf

>> No.6243037

awful, simply awful old chap!

>> No.6243042

There is plenty of ideas that can come from the experience with non-human things. Like Newton's Laws.

>> No.6244355

an imputation that serves as a tool, if thought to be existing beyond that, a source of misery

>> No.6244427
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But a thought.


>> No.6244970

except you, lone genius :^)