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/lit/ - Literature

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6234333 No.6234333 [Reply] [Original]


Is your mind furnished with beauty, /lit/? How was your early education (before uni/college)? Did you learn poems, did you read great literature, did you learn about and celebrate your own culture's history and art?

How do I into poetry? I read some decent /lit/erature in school, but it could have been better. It took us months to get through small books like Lord of the Flies and Shakespeare's plays which could have been covered in-depth in 2-3 weeks at most.

I think the most notable poem to come out of my country is In Flanders Fields. It is the only poem we were really forced to memorize.

>> No.6234351
File: 2.00 MB, 1280x720, pete.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6234354

Thanks for ruining A Shropshire Lad for me.

>> No.6235301

There's a lot I don't like about Pete but sometimes he is just so fucking right it hurts.

>> No.6235303

I learned much more literature myself than what academia taught me. Academia was just tedious and almost ruined whichever book they made us do.

>> No.6237093

Based peter

>> No.6237119

Barren aestheticism. What a joke. How empty must your lives be....

>> No.6237152
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Implying that Peter Hitchens is Oscar Wilde part two?

Most of his books have dealt with Crime, Tony Blair's government, Cameron's government and Britain's loss of compass, and it's structural abolition.

We're still awaiting his Poetry book.

>> No.6237173




>> No.6238557

What don't you like about based petey?

>> No.6238584

Not him but I don't like his smug Christianity.

>> No.6239183


The fact that he encourages people not to vote. I'm voting UKIP and we need every vote this coming general election.

>> No.6239336

Yeah, his argument "If you don't like what you see in a store you don't buy it" is a little shallow, but he's trying to make a point that British politics sucks ass. I'm pretty sure he endorses UKIP to some degree or another.

That's his best quality

>> No.6239342

Do you think it makes Peter sad to know that Christopher is in Hell?

>> No.6239376


>> No.6239401

If you're not going to do things like teach poetry in a serious way in secondary education then there's no point. Either do a real academic program or vocational training. Anything else is worthless. Universal secondary education at its current quality is 100% useless.

>> No.6239403

It doesn't come across as if Peter Hitchens is an actual believer. It rather seems he is a cultural Christian who advocates Christianity for the same reason he advocates rote poetry learning in that Youtube video. It's part of British identity for him and it produces a better society, in his understanding. So, I wouldn't think it'd bother him, frankly.

Could anyone who's more aware of his writings provide anything to the contrary, where he deals with his faith outside of talking about how society needs it? He doesn't seem touched on a deep level by the power of the Gospels and the sacrifice of Christ, and I'm interested in knowing if he's ever written anything explaining how he views it.

>> No.6239426
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As kids Christopher bullied Peter. That's why Pete takes the opposite position his older brother would have. In trying to rebel against Christopher, he just ended up his mirror image.

>> No.6239444

Then why is Pete so right and Chris so wrong?

>> No.6239446


He's declared Jesus Christ as God before men, both in Anglican services and in his Mail on Sunday blog.

>> No.6239583

Just a reminder that understanding Shakespeare is impossible without understanding Ovid as well as how to read allegories (that includes the meanings of the symbols and how they interact to create meaning) as well as alchemy, which is also tied to Ovid and the Renaissance in general.

>> No.6239598

I'm aware he's done that but it's his motivation for doing it that I'm questioning. As I said in my previous post, he comes across as touting the cause of Christianity because he believes it's culturally beneficial and even necessary. Maybe it's just Anglicanism in general, because they all seem sort of similar in that their Christianity is a cultural one not the ardent zeal of faith one finds in saints and martyrs.

>> No.6239699

Peter takes mostly utilitarian stances advocating actions or beliefs, whereas Christopher criticized beliefs on their virtue So Peter never directly contradicts his brother. We can only suspect this is because Peter's childhood convinced him he would lose any argument with Christopher.

>> No.6239866
File: 219 KB, 637x356, Based Governess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fat lump Emily Thornberry repeating the favourite mantra of the left, 'things have moved on', chanted repeatedly to stop patriotic people trying to clean up the cultural vandalism performed by nasty vile cunts like her.

>> No.6239868
File: 108 KB, 1181x897, 06e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UKIP voters on /lit/

>> No.6239876

Yes, but the point where you realize that literature is alchemy is the point where you throw it all in the trash and embrace your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

>> No.6239884

Britishers of /lit/, a friendly reminder that the Great Mr Hitchens is currently going on a rampage on BBC's The Big Questions. One vile pockmarked bitch claiming we are 'an island of immigrants' is getting destroyed in particular.

>> No.6239889

There've been times that Peter has said something that made me believe that there is more to his claims to be a Christian other than his nostalgic lust for everything of the old British empire.

> Maybe it's just Anglicanism in general, because they all seem sort of similar in that their Christianity is a cultural one not the ardent zeal of faith one finds in saints and martyrs.

This is definitely true to an extent. T. S. Eliot had the same thing going on. He wrote a book about how important it was for "culture" and "civilization" to be Christian. C. S. Lewis, an anglican convert himself, accused him of wanting to turn Christianity into a fad for rich boys. With T. S. Eliot you see that it is more anglophilicism than love of Christ that motivated his Christianity. His entire poetry is about "cultural decay", so he was a sociologist who saw all things in terms of "culture". C. S. Lewis had a more philosophical/metaphysical approach to Christianity, with a bit of mysticism; quite similar to G. K. Chesterton. However I've noticed that the notion of Faith has changed A LOT since the Reformation, as the Reformers championed the individual human intelligence and will Faith is more something that you just tell yourself over and over again in your mind and the more able you are to convince yourself the stronger is your faith. In Catholicism Faith itself is a supernatural gift that God gives to people, shining as a light on their intellects. It's not so much your individual resoluteness as it is your submission to God which incites him to bestow this gift upon you. Few people who talk about Christianity philosophically give off the impression that Faith is a supernatural light to them; it's more that Christianity is some kind of Platonic ideal that they are rationally convinced is better than any other.

>> No.6239896

So for a Catholic, "losing Faith" doesn't mean losing a conviction or belief like you lose any other conviction or belief, e.g. "when I grew older a lost my liberal convictions and became more conservative." It's that God himself has revoked his gift, either as a punishment or as some form of trial. The figure for this is right before Christ dies upon the cross, when he shouts, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me", which was part of his trial upon the cross that he had to see the world without the light from heaven.

>> No.6239904

Reactionary-ism is more natural than progressivism. Most people just want things to remain as there are. Furthermore, it's easy for people to have an attachment to their country and its history. Progressivism requires you to believe in a pantheistic myth that if the whole world unites to the chant of kumbayah heaven on earth will follow, and to this end you have to sell out your country's entire past. A progressive who is fiercely pushing the idea that what we need is a worldwide bureaucracy to determine what's best for everyone often comes across as a programmed robot.

>> No.6239936


turbo pleb

>> No.6239951

>atheist bully

no surprise there

>> No.6239954

I wish /pol/ would leave

>> No.6239972

I have a greater desire for Tumblr fucks like you to leave.

>> No.6239976

He mentions it being a protest party, he wants people to vote UKIP so that the Conservative party finally dies. What i think he is really hoping for is a revitalized conservative party

>> No.6239982


Its strange that Lewis would convert to Anglicanism rather than Catholicism, which is what Tolkien thought too. He went 90% of the way and then couldn't get over the last hurdle

>> No.6240164

>>The fact that he encourages people not to vote.
which is the least degenerate thing to do