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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 311 KB, 1240x1748, zwgcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
623425 No.623425 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry for the late release! Actually, we still aren't quite done with it, but if you would like to download an early copy of ZWG issue 4, you may do so here: http://zwg.wildwestwaffles.com/ZWG_-_Issue.4.pdf This early copy is missing a few things we were planning to incorporate. We will be releasing a fully-finished issue 4 on May 4. Please use this thread for criticism and feedback for the various stories and poems contained inside.

>> No.623427


>> No.623432

Yup, It's all yours folks

I trust you'll all take great pleasure in ripping the new edition into tiny pieces.

have fun :p

>> No.623433

We ran into a lot of last-minute problems with formatting.

>> No.623439
File: 60 KB, 322x322, wtf_genie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this I don't even

>> No.623444

alright, downloading nao

I expect sheer madness

>> No.623447

This edition is significantly more graphic-intensive than previous versions.

>> No.623448

>implying the goddamn batman

oh noes

>> No.623456

why release an incomplete early version? just wait till tomorrow..

>> No.623460

Because editors

>> No.623464


Nope, it's not missing anything vital. We just wanted to get it released within the time limit we gave

>> No.623469

44.4 megabites

First time reader, so I can't give great criticisms or praise. However, I do appreciate the interspersing of text and graphics.

Have you guys thought about interspersing the fiction, poetry and non-fiction. I dunno just a thought.

>> No.623471


>> No.623473

what the fuck is this

>> No.623475

They had individual genre headings to start with. They thought about mixing it up and everyone hated that. They've moved to a fiction/poetry/prose format, which works. Leave it be.

Also? This shit looks really good.

>> No.623476

hmm, we already have it divided up into Fiction, Non-fiction, and Poetry Categories if that's what you ask

>> No.623479


not division, integration. For me, I'm not advocating either way -- but it might be interesting layout wise.

>> No.623480


Kimmo's killer krew.

>> No.623482
File: 23 KB, 480x360, proleface1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no doubt some archaic manuscript inscribed in chalk extolling the splendor and improvements to be found within the 4th edition zine.

what else?

>> No.623483


Nevermind I suck cocks -- forget suggestion.

>> No.623484

fuck this file is huge.

>> No.623488

it's the .jpgs, they take up tons of space

>> No.623496

The new layouts look great, the page number headers with "/lit/erature digest" fuck it up though. You don't need either of those, we know what it's called and PDFs show the page number.

>> No.623498

>Josef K story
>Blood on the Tracks pt2

>> No.623500

yeah, that was a question. We though we'd get more complaints if we didn't add that, but we can alter that in the revision

>> No.623501

Agreed. Really jarring and adds nothing.

>> No.623503

Why would anybody use Josef K in their own story

>> No.623505

i lol'd at "Kurosawa is to the camera what Mozart was to the Opera."

this would make sense if kurosawa designed fucking amazing cameras but he didn't do that

>> No.623506

The paragraphs in the introduction have different sized indents lol

>> No.623507

Calling it now, Review of Seven Samurai for worst submission.

And then I saw 'my glass of water'

>> No.623508


Some people will be printing this out to read (especially now that the thing is x-box huge).

>> No.623511


Agreed. I love Kurosawa, but that is some really shitty phrasing.

>> No.623517

why wouldn't they?

>> No.623522


>> No.623531


>> No.623535

In color? Doubt it.

>> No.623547

It's the authors pen name, not "the trial" fan fiction.

>> No.623551

I lol'd. Nothing to do with Kafka

>> No.623557

Page 59. There's a page of Blood on the Tracks in the middle of The Dreamer. What the fuck's going on here?

>> No.623560

One day my Ice Cube story will knock all your socks off.

>> No.623566


Maybe that'll be fixed tomorrow.

>> No.623569

>Lupe Lamia
>Lupus Lamia

which is it exactly

>> No.623572

The first story is bullshit, but the second and third are damn good.

>> No.623581


*sigh* I hate open office.

It's all just a dream, you did not see that....

>> No.623593

Halfway through "fiction". Considering making a tier list/my brief thoughts on each when I'm done. Good idea?

>> No.623596

Aesthetically, this is pretty fucking ugly, and that's being nice. Whoever did the final design(s) needs to be kicked in the head. Repeatedly.

Appreciate the time and effort put into formatting and other visual aspects of the 'zine but it was time and effort used very poorly..

>> No.623597

Man, you guys are fast readers.

>> No.623598


>> No.623602

You shut your whore mouth, the styling is great. Really helped a couple of the stories, not keen on the columns or the white on black but this is a fuck of a lot better than before.

>> No.623603

great idea

>> No.623610

I would like more thoughts on this. Do you guys like the new look? Because I'll be honest, it is a major pain getting it done, and is the only reason that we are releasing late/haven't finished yet.

Do you guys like the more graphic, 'magazine', look or do you think that a plain text design would look just as good?

>> No.623612

>the height is sophistication

>> No.623626

I personally redid all 50 .jpgs several times over just to get it right.

and it still needs work.
Prole is whining

>> No.623627

I think the graphic magazine look is brilliant. But I also think you guys shouldn't be working incredibly hard to put it out. I dunno man, save it for "best of" specials or particularly good stories? Have an overall style for each zine that you can apply to all stories?

>> No.623637

This looks much better than plain text. Much, much better.

>> No.623641


I'm not comparing this issue to any previous one; I haven't seen the others. I'm just judging /this/ one. It's a young and fan-run online 'zine. I get that, and I'm giving it slack accordingly. That still doesn't detract from what a goddamn disaster it is aesthetically.

>> No.623644

You go to sleep

>> No.623656

Anything is better than just blank plain text but you shouldn't be killing yourselves to make it look neat.

>> No.623659
File: 24 KB, 247x272, evil_baby_close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

done. I've been needing someone to tell me that

>> No.623667

The contrast between the formatted ones and the unformatted ones is jarring but apart from the page number bar I think the individual stories look great.

>> No.623672

I counted two Dylan references and one to... TF2? Really?

>> No.623681


Blood on the Tracks, part II
- Don't really need to say more about Jeremy Levett and Josef K, always these two fuckers at the top and for good reason.
Warm - made me shiver.

Tombstone Blues, part II - hope there's going to be a part III, this has promise.
Preserve, part II - this can't be where it ends, can it? You guys need to give us more information about serials, I have no idea

when things are going to end and the LOLSOOPENENDEDXD style of short fiction here doesn't help much. Apart from that, this was

really damn good and the styling was gorgeous.
I Have No Socks - kinda clunky writing but saved by being hilarious.
Path to Heaven/A Tale of Two - the formatting really made this stand out. Definitely continue this in a serial.
The Dreamer - I really want part II, this was good, only a few flaws keeping it out of top tier.

Cain - overly pretentious, but very good.
Bridge - reads like an anecdote, clever anyway.
What Went Unsaid - a vivid mess of thoughts and description, apparently intentionally.
Shutterbug - creepy and horrible and weird and good.
The Buzz - could have used more polish, but good, consistently strange.

>> No.623684

Like A Disease - I didn't really get the point of this, what's special about Friday? Decent writing, wasted.
A Tale from Old America - whatthefuckamireading.gif. Was this seriously your headline act?
Dogs of the Sky - like a checklist of shitty sci fi cliches, reads like a teenager with a thesaurus wrote it. Protip: cut back on the double adjectives, for christ's sake. The random sex scene was terrible.
Haley - Competently written, worth a look at, but pointless and cut off before anything happened.
Wat - wat. Generic space opera trash, badly written.
Sunday's Discovery - Amateurish and bloated.
The Tea House - Like The Last Samurai, except written in epistolary format by a retard.

My Glass of Water - No really what the fuck

>> No.623691

I really liked the idea of coming up with a general graphic design style for the whole thing. It would relieve a good bit of the load, and we wouldn't have the sharp contrast between graphically designed stories and plaintext.

Perhaps what we will do is have a general style for the whole issue, and for the ones we can manage we will have a custom design done.

>> No.623694

>Like The Last Samurai, except written in epistolary format by a retard.

>> No.623698

...did I miss anything?

>> No.623715

Is there any reason why we have to download something that's 40mb? Could we look into a text only version? My internet's a piece of shit, even for Australian standards, but this is crazy town.

>> No.623717

Really liked Path to Heaven. I thought Before was well written, though I've seen the concept before and honestly I'm getting pretty sick of Zombies. Those two are the stand outs for me.

Also, agree on the general theme idea. Less work for you guys and makes it prettier for us. I'm not fond of the columns, either. lots of scrolling.

>> No.623728

>I really liked the idea of coming up with a general graphic design style for the whole thing.
yes yes yes this.

>> No.623737

General graphic theme for the entire zine would be great. Change it for each issue so it doesn't get stale, though.

>> No.623745

We were planning to release a text version alongside, but time issues didn't permit this time (finals). We will release a text version in the future. Heard about the situation Aussies are in.
No comments on lack of text justification? Unexpected

>> No.623749

Well now you've gone and completely fucked it, haven't you?

>> No.623776
File: 45 KB, 458x319, FishCops_suuuuure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.623785


16-page epic, fool

>> No.623791

I'm pretty new to /lit/ in general, OP do you have links to the other issues?

Also what times of the month do you usually make the magazine available?

>> No.623796 [DELETED] 

Just would like to point out that it is actually part of a 54 page epic poem, and that it is in my top two favorites this time around. If you would like to read the rest of it ahead of time, I believe Adam has it on his website - look in the table of contents, it is listed there.

>> No.623797

twice every month on the last day/first day and then the middle day

>> No.623799


>> No.623815

Let us know when you get a text only version up, my internet sucks and I'm not dealing with that xbox hueg download right now

>> No.623819

Thank you!

>> No.623830

There are major typographical and design errors in this edition, which you have been remonstrated about in the past. Ragged right for prose and non-fiction is one sin you revel in like a hog in its own shit.

However, for the first time, there are excellent typographical and design features.

You're improving over all. I have notes for a full design review which I will post later.

>> No.623842

You know /lit/ reminds me a lot of /tg/ or /a/'s Katawa Shoujo, we both like huge projects like this, which is rare especially on the various *chans. I-I'm proud of you people.

>> No.623844
File: 77 KB, 231x256, KS_painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.623862

Wow, it's weird how this late release thread has barely any sages or general zine hate posts.

>> No.623865

The haters were holding their breath so long they passed out.

Or, you know, this zine actually looks really fucking good and is worth the wait.

>> No.623872

No, I think it's just because the Americans are asleep

>> No.623875

It's only midnight on the west coast. Is this the official release thread or what?

>> No.623879

Might be.

Who the hell is actually here reading, then? Britfag here, but an early riser.

>> No.623885

Tomorrow's a school day.

>> No.623892

ausfag checked at work

>> No.623957

Low grade publishable tier
Mason, "The Men Who Worship Trash"
Mason, "Untitled"

Juvenalia of a real poet tier
Mason, "The Path"

Epigram tier
Mason, "The Family"

Adolescent epigram tier
Joe Brown, "I know when I really love a girl"

Self-indulgent Zine tier
M.R., "Just like you"
W.R. Hayden, "The Twelve Bars of The Blues"

Why the fuck did you publish this tier?
The New Akkadian Aubade, "Witness to the Dawn" (yes, I did read it in full, including the footnotes, I counsel you against reading it)

>> No.624001

Design Critique
No blank inner cover page, this fucks double siding.

Cover: "Featuring" is a shit font, everything else is clean and pristine in the snow

TOC: Shit. LHS RHS margins okay. Why double space and micro print the TOC?

3: Shifting first line indents in paras. You don't indent *and* line gap space paras. Pages aren't left/right headered and margined. Page number incorrectly spaced (way too far in).
4: Good art. Good quote.
5: Column margin insufficient. Pull quote fonts and spacing good. Bleed good except for top margin.

5 onwards: DO NOT USE RAGGED RIGHT FOR PROSE. Justify. If your publishing system produces shit justification, get a better publishing system.
7: Good title, don't bounce the art, keep images in one position. Good art. Horrible text. Text runs off RHS edge "Alone excep"
10: Great art. Spread page... if you'd included page 2 as a blank inner cover you morons.
11-15: You know toner is carcinogenic and expensive? You have read the readability studies of white on black for body? White on 60% or Black on 30%?

>> No.624018

Design Critique 2
11-15: The pull quotes are unreadable, attempt printing colour as grey in future before release.
16: Well formatted title & by line. RHS margin intolerably large compared to the rest of style. This is made worse by Ragged Right. Ragged first line indenting
18: More white space between quote and first para required. Quote shouldn't have been double spaced.
20: Poorly formatted title. Great inter section lines, but the one on 22 and 25 are inadequately top spaced.
27: well formatted title.
27-30: Why the fuck is this triple spaced?
30: Good tight lay on title
32: Why did you half space paras given it ran the page anyway? This is why you shouldn't use indents, and should just use spacing breaks so you can control the flow length of items.
33, 34: Well spaced between end of last and title of next
34: White space for clip art?
35-41: Fucking brilliant lay, art, fonts. Learn to justify and increase column margin spacing and you're home.
42-49: Great art, lay, pulls, fonts

>> No.624029

Design Critique 3
50: Why did you suddenly vary the font for the byline? Font is too bold, poorly centred in relation to title.
51: Byline in wrong font
53: Byline in wrong font
53-55: Triple spacing?
56: Great art
57-60: Toner, cancer, readability. Good pulls, bad first line colour, really fucking bad, completely unreadable when printed grey. Why the fuck did you switch back and forth between Rockwell and TNR?
61: Byline has too little space from title
62: Why is title internally double spaced?
67: Great art & font.
68-69: great pull quotes, bad column margin
72-75: triple spacing?
76: Great art

>> No.624042

Design Critique 4:
77: 3d effect, no 3d effect, ital serif over black by line backing: this isn't the early 1990s.
78: Toner, eyes, cancer. Variety colour eats balls on grey print
79: Great art
80: Great lay & font, shame about the poem.
81: Great lay & art
82: Well laid out for a shitty aesthetic from 1985.
83: Great fonts, great lay
84,85: Great laid poem, you got the centring right that we bitched about
86-101: Not your fault, the poet's a cunt and this is obviously a bitmap of their own copy that you were forced to use :(. I can tell from the pixels, and from having seen quite a few bitmaps in my time.
102: Great lay, you got poem lay right.

Oh yeah, and don't use underline for an internet address (Zinewritersguild@gmail.com , irc.freenode.net).

103: Its not CCBYNCND, you've copyvio'd Kurosawa or his photographer. Seven Samurai is 1954. This is not quotation, it is illustration or art. Seven Samurai becomes usable in this way in 1998+50 at a minimum. Does it look like 2048 outside? I don't see any hovercars or credit card operated robo whores.

>> No.624067

>Seven Samurai is often considered the penultimate work of Akira Kurosawa...

But it's nowhere near his second-last film.

>> No.624076

I'm starting to wonder if Seven Samurai review is just a really good troll.

>> No.624081

A really good troll would troll harder and subtler and be written with flair.

>> No.624126
File: 2.58 MB, 2480x3508, ZWGIssue46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Designer here, I designed all the pages that look like this and the Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Poetry covers.

What did you guys think? I'm actually in favour of reducing the amount of stories, so we can give the magazine a better look

>> No.624130
File: 878 KB, 2480x3508, Preserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I did 43 pages total. It took me a couple of days (I think if I really worked hard on it for a couple of hours a day I could finish it within 5 days, but it really depends if I'm in the mood for it or not).

I had to design a lot of stuff, tried to keep it as simple as possible, also wondering what you guys think of it

>> No.624132


You can't remove content just so you can be arty farty. I'm head of design at a printed magazine, and if you tried that I'd fucking sack you.

If it's text heavy then you need to redesign your entire theme. Use minimalism and bold placement to turn walls of text into works of art. Pull quotes can break up a page better than pictures too, and are much more versatile. Justify or force your text too, left aligned just looks ragged.

>> No.624135


>> No.624138

Agreed with the last 2 posts. Also, good job. You need to develop your style a bit more still, but what you did is a massive improvement from what these guys had before, and is much more than I expected from anything coming from 4chan.

>> No.624141
File: 1.50 MB, 2480x3508, ZWGIssue414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't remove content just so you can be arty farty

They do the same thing with movies, you know, delete the unnecessary parts, make it so that the overall structure is a lot more comprehensive and the pacing is better. We're not cutting it, we would be saving it for the next issue.

>If it's text heavy then you need to redesign your entire theme. Use minimalism and bold placement to turn walls of text into works of art. Pull quotes can break up a page better than pictures too, and are much more versatile. Justify or force your text too, left aligned just looks ragged.

Could you perhaps show some examples? Makes it easier to explain

>> No.624143
File: 724 KB, 2480x3508, ZWGIssue48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking love you man, looking it over now and I agree with a lot of the complaints you posted and the mistakes that I made. Definitely going to use that critique for the next issue, thanks a lot.

One question though, what does this mean: COPY VIOS
regarding the Seven Samurai review

>> No.624148

The images you used are not public domain, or used in a manner that justifies them as fair use. Given that the images are not directly discussed in the review, they aren't "quotations" used in review, they're merely illustrations of the articles contents. As illustrations of the content either Kurosawa, or if they were on set photography not owned by Kurosawa the photographer, should be paid / licensing this. Given that zWg's zine purports to be CCBYNCND it can't include works with a more restrictive licence, ie: fair use for review. The licence would need to be CCBYNCND excepting copyright works held by their owners used under fair use for review purposes only. Except the images used aren't for review purposes.

Your art needs to be freely useable, or you need to drop the whole "we're not transgressing your copyright" licence and just admit thievery like the rest of us :).

Thanks for enjoying the critique by the way. I value the improved work greatly over the last issue.

>> No.624149

Copyright violations

>> No.624150
File: 964 KB, 1200x1600, MuurWater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, forgot about that, I made all the other illustrations/photos myself, because of the exact reason you posted.

>> No.624152

as a cheat, see if you can't get the author to agree to (see image left). Thence you're *quoting* the image. For example you used the peasant samurai (see image left) and the distinctive 7 figure shots (see inset image). Thus they're raised in the review, thus the works are fair use under review as they're reasonable quotations directly speaking to points in the review :)

>> No.624154
File: 546 KB, 1200x1600, AutoGlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks :)

>> No.624156

Given the inherent difficulties in illustrating random fiction I felt quite a lot of your art was great and pertinent. With a stronger core document template zWg can use blow through artists, "Massive dieselpunk tanks on snow, 2" x 3" to sit top right on a LHS page" "Page width bottom max height 38mm end of story with a bunny in it"

>> No.624158

nice shot by the way. Menace and freedom, but leaving the menacing work makes for the worst menace, the shadow clings to the back of the hatchback.

>> No.624159
File: 1008 KB, 1141x1885, CashWords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, we definitely need more artists to work on it. I really loved the art that was made for Warm, but it looks like it took quite a time to make it. I don't mind illustrations that look quite basic, as long as they don't look like crap.

>> No.624161

"Witness to the Dawn" took sixteen pages which could have been better used as white space. In a consecutive block. With page numbers at the top to indicate they were intentionally left blank.

I admire the editors for attempting to include epic poetry, even if this instance was so god damn awful that /tg/ ought to purge it with fire.

>> No.624167
File: 137 KB, 1024x724, ZWGIssue47 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also how the original pictures looked, they had no white border on the top.

>> No.624170

Yea, we honestly just weren't sure how to go about adding page numbers. Probably should have realized it wasn't worth it, especially since no one is going to be printing a full-color issue. When we release the full thing, we'll have the white bars taken out.

Maybe when we're all working on inDesign, it will be possible to do them with it looking so terrible.

>> No.624171

We'll see :), I'm actually pretty stoked for the next issue

>> No.624172

Full bleed means you need to run White on Black identity and page numbers. In general your identities are too close to your body matter. Also, as I said before, 60% is about as dark as you want to take it. Ever considered subtle halftoning / hatching instead of solids?

>> No.624173

Tripfaggotry's worse than usual today.

>> No.624175

Design critiquing guy here, I for one print it 2up 2sided on A4 wide. Page numbers were somewhat useful for me in bawling out design issues and checking your LHS RHS spread given it wasn't printing properly for double siding due to a missing page two ;)

>> No.624178

Yeah, I think the problem is that I exported them as RGB (because of JPG) instead of CMYK.

>> No.624180

American waking up. Why the fuck is three fourth of this thread on the fucking page layout?

>> No.624181
File: 15 KB, 556x235, BOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just the way it goes.

>> No.624183

Because zWg went down the zine / magazine layout rather than the literary review layout road. Thus we want them to get that right. And get Flush left Flush right body text for prose and decent column inner margins.

>> No.624191

Honestly. Who the fuck cares? This is /lit/, we don't need pretty pictures. And we could just do with the wiki, instead of the zine.

>> No.624193

Oh man I totally called it. It is now 7am on the east coast of the US.
Go to school, kiddies.

>> No.624195

>Low grade publishable tier
>Mason, "The Men Who Worship Trash"
>Mason, "Untitled"

Not even, I especially didn't like Mason, and half of the submissions were his (the fuck?). The language is trite and shallow, the flow is choppy, metaphors are flat, and there's nothing special about the poem that hasn't been done. His poetry might seem to be better juxtaposed with that awful Gilgamesh pretentious wankfest, but it's still horrible, even by /lit/ standards. Not publishable at all.

>> No.624197

herp derp inb4 US UK trolling thread for 100 replies, which this will inevitably degenerate to

nice job faggot

>> No.624200

Lit is a slow board folks. Got to give us haters time.

>> No.624213

You don't know just how low the poetry market goes.

>> No.624247

Hey ZWG, I like the idea behind what you're doing but I'm slightly dismayed by the execution thus far.

Why not concentrate more on content rather than design? This may mean the quality of the stories and articles is better which is ultimately what most people want.

Also a deadline is a deadline, never mind exams or whatever, just get it out there.

As you are releasing electronically it would make sense to have it available in a format friendly to e-Readers; such as epub.


>> No.624252

>Why not concentrate more on content rather than design? This may mean the quality of the stories and articles is better which is ultimately what most people want.
This, this, this. Fucking half these threads are wankfests over the illustrations by tripfags. And yet shit like that film review and the entire poetry section somehow gets in.

>> No.624275

Why don't you submit better work?

>> No.624285


Oh, come on, not this old humbug. "you can't criticise because YOU CAN'T DO BETTER"? give us a fucking break.

>> No.624293

Writefag here who never comes to /lit/ (sorry!)but i'm severely surprised that you guys could be organized enough to do something like a zine.

Where do I sign up to contribute?

>> No.624295

No, I'm suggesting that editors can't do anything but solicit work, especially with the quality of editorial work available (ie: unpaid). Thus the only way to increase quality is by increasing the quality of submitted work.

The only thing the zWg editors *can* do is ensure the publication meets basic typographic and lay up standards.

>> No.624296

go to the zwg wiki and read the submission requirements (barely any), then email the editors.

>> No.624297


You just e-mail them stuff. They take everything. At least that's the way it was when they began, I haven't paid attention enough to know if that's how it still is.

>> No.624298


Sounds good, thanks anon

>> No.624343

A tale from old america - putting quotation marks at the beginning and the end of a text does not absolve the author from annoying writing.

Before - Zombie apocalypse and fanatics, meh. well written though.

Blood on the tracks - skipped after first sentence, feel no regret.

Bridge - dialogue. learn more about it.

Cain - best text on zoophiles i read so far.

Dogs of the sky - Space Pirates? Space Pirates! 'nuff said.

Good Friday - Deities having a conversation. Dealbreaker.

Haley - Bitches. They are fun until you actually meet one.

I Have No Socks - xkcd is funny because its short.

Like A Disease - Zombies encore. Je n'aime pas.

My Glass of Water - drugs. check them out.

A Tale of Two - Words fail to properly express my feelings. Just as you do fail to express feelings with words.

to the editors: the zine looks like those pp-presentations old folks make after they took a course. Get some general layout-concept and stick to it. In the end, its just words.

>> No.624354

Serious question: Why do the trolls write better than the zinefags. I mean, have you seen that dog sonnet?

>> No.624361


We aren't responsible for producing content. We only publish it. We also reject very little - generally we have to agree that there's just no point or merit in the story whatsoever. Given your complaints about some of the content so far, you might get an idea of how low the bar is set.

We never intended this to be an exclusive "magazine" where we only selected the premium content. This is more intended to be a means for anyone with a good creative spark to get something written down and out there for others to read and enjoy (or not).

We welcome any and all submissions.

>> No.624385

>Preserve, part II - this can't be where it ends, can it? You guys need to give us more information about serials, I have no idea
Author of Preserve here. While It's nice to start my morning seeing that I "made it" into High Tier, can you elaborate on what you mean?

>> No.624404

nevermind, the line breaks made it look like the rest of your sentence were different thoughts
>when things are going to end and the LOLSOOPENENDEDXD style of short fiction here doesn't help much. Apart from that, this was really damn good and the styling was gorgeous.

what's open ended about it?

>> No.624421

ZWG needs to keep these editions simple as hell to prevent this sort of faggotry that stinks up every ZWG thread

Seriously, a whole thread whining about presentation instead of talking about the content

>> No.624425

THIS. I mean why the fuck do we even need a zine? It's not like physical copies are going out, and no one cares how pretty the fucking pictures look. Just post all the stories on the fucking wiki, for fucks sake. The pretentiousness of it all is what gets anons.

>> No.624432

Oh, hey, look, someone expressing the same reactions /lit/ had when Goldensox was first shoving it down our throats.

This is what you faggots deserve.

>> No.624433

>THIS. I mean why the fuck do we even need a zine?

Well, some people do love it. But I agree with the fact it would be best if we'd upload several of the stories on the wiki as well.

>> No.624434

the zine is a good idea, because writers like to get feedback abouttheir work

>> No.624440

maybe start the threads saying "All comments about the graphics and layout need to be emailed to xxx@hurr.durr"

>> No.624448

well, mail them to mister.monkeyman@gmail.com

It's my email

>> No.624449

Yes, no more zine. Just post the stories on the wiki. I mean, does it really HAVE to be in a pdf format?

You can still call it a zine or whatever, but this monthly by monthy release and inevitably ensuing shitstorm and circlejerking is getting dull.

>> No.624458

Preserve Author again

I agree that comments about the layout and graphics need to sidelined, we have people saying all sorts of contradictory shit
>It's so ugly that someone needs to be kicked in the head repeatedly
>No it's waaayyyyy better this time
>i prefer plain text
>it came out good. too good if you ask me. do it over, and this time try not to embarass yourselves

I'm reading the first story right now and will post some critiquing. Fuck this shit.

>> No.624460

I like having it in pdf. Makes it feel more official. Besides, this way there's more publicity for the writers. If they just uploaded the stories to the wiki, no one would read them.

>> No.624462

no because then some stories will get completely ignored
the zine is a good idea, they just need to try to pre-empt a bitchfest about the layout

>> No.624464
File: 623 KB, 1240x1755, hurriamaretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because the magazine as published so far breaks basic rules of readability and has been like rubbing a cheese grater into your eyeballs you cretinous fuckhole.

>> No.624469

Just read Preserve
not "open ended" at all
and it was really good. redeemed some of the questions i had about the first half. i didnt realize the otherworldly elements would be so important so i thought they were slapped on

>> No.624472

damn nigga y u so mad u makin stuff up naw?

>> No.624475

>Makes it feel more official.
Having a pretty cover doesn't mean squat, except to look pretentious. This is /lit/. We do not care about looks. We are sophisticated men (basement dwellers) of words.
>Besides, this way there's more publicity for the writers.
4chan? Publicity? HAH. Because you'd totally include in your resume a low tier fanzine based from a website known for pedophilia and exploding vans.
>If they just uploaded the stories to the wiki, no one would read them
Not that many people read them already. And you could make it so that only a selected group of people can post stories, so there's still some sort of filtering process. There could also be weekly thread pointing out new stories. It would take out all the pretentiousness and drama of the zine, and people could finally focus on the fucking stories.

>> No.624477

people like you are the cancer killing ZWG

>> No.624479

>anything that looks good is pretentious

>> No.624481

>no because then some stories will get completely ignored
Again, the wiki could be moderated, and the zine cabal could have a thread on new stories every week. Heck, you could even order them by issues in the wiki!

>> No.624484

>looking good
You fuck off. We are men of words. Pretty images and visceral pleasures mean nothing to us. SOPHISTICATION.

>> No.624489
File: 262 KB, 1240x1755, fuck you zWg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two minutes in word after issue 3 did this. Generous white space is easy and inexpensive. Not using TNR is easy and inexpensive. Pressing "Justify" is not expensive.

>> No.624491

>hurr i speek 4 /lit/

>> No.624493

In before Hedonismbot.

>> No.624510

>open ZWG again
>see that the retards still haven't learned how to press ctrl+a ctrl+j again
>close tab because it's unreadable..again

>> No.624513


>> No.624519

>derp implying your opinion is representative of lit

>> No.624524

Well dispute the Poetry Tiers list then.

>> No.624527

>150+ posts
>80% about layout and pictures ON /LIT/
>10% complaining about why we don't need the zine
>8% trolling
>2% anything relevant

HERP DERP, fucking zinefaggots.

>> No.624528

>A Tale form Old America
couldn't even finish it. It's annoying and unreadable and I don't care about what is going on.
also, first person narrative does not need quotes at the beginning of each paragraph.

>> No.624531

What happened to this thread? America woke up :/

>> No.624535


>> No.624537

Tier lists are garbage. one faggots opinion

>> No.624540

GOOD TIER (could be published)
Haha, no.

Nope. Nothing.


MR whatever

Gilgamesh wtf am I reading?

Seriously, half the poems were submitted by the same person, who really isn't that good of a writer to begin with.

>> No.624547

What's always happened to zine threads. Full of trolling, drama, talking about how pretty or ugly the pictures are, and tier lists. GREAT WORK ZWG.

>> No.624555


>> No.624559

ZWG just make the thing. It's anon who bitches about it.

>> No.624562

>implying that shitstorm over the layout isn't an intrinsic flaw of the zine
Why can't we just have stories on the wiki? Why do I have to download this huge fucking zine?

>> No.624566




No pictures. No layout. No zine. Just words. Final destination.

>> No.624567

because then some stories will get completely ignored
also, the zine will fill up too quickly

>> No.624570

Gilgamesh is the best poem ever, and heartily deserves to occupy sixteen pages. I am painting it onto my walls as we speak using vermilion paint most fine.

>> No.624571

i mean the wiki

>> No.624573


"fill up"? What is it, a glass of water? This is the digital motherfucking age!

>> No.624575

The wiki could be moderated you know, with the ZWG still acting as a filter. And they could dump the links to new stories every week. People will still read the stories, no more bitching about the layout. Problem solved!

>> No.624576


>> No.624577

> A tale from old america - putting quotation marks at the beginning and the end of a text does not absolve the author from annoying writing.

word, bro

>> No.624579

but what about the illustrations?

>> No.624581

Wikis don't fill up.

The problem is, however, that then it's just another shitty amateur fiction archive, of which the web has far too many. 4chan is the only unique selling point this thing has.

>> No.624585

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.624589

>just another shitty amateur fiction archive
Hold your fucking horses. Since when has ZWG NOT been one? I mean christ, did you read some of the crap they have on there? Having it with a pretty layout doesn't change the fact that most of the stories are badly written amateur attempts.
>4chan is the only unique selling point this thing has.
So? Associate the wiki with 4chan, problem solved.

>> No.624592

I won't read something with continual posting, and I won't bother reading HTML formatted long text because the type is so fucking poor.

>> No.624594

we need a simple layout for the pdf
like this:
looks good and very readable
Illustrations are nice, but not 100% necessary for EVERY ENTRY

>> No.624596

The writer ought to stick to fixed forms for about a year, and not attempt the epic poem. Their first epic attempt should be in a strongly enclosed form like a twined set of sonnets.

They need to discover meter, rhythm, assonance, rhyme, consonance, English's natural and most unnatural rhythm.

Then they should read Beowulf. Then they can write an epic again.

>> No.624603

How about no pfd at all? I mean, what's the fucking point?

>> No.624605


>> No.624612

I think the PDF is the entire point of this, but your mileage may vary.

>> No.624614

helps keep all things in an issue format, which helps serialize longer works and have definite divisions in time with which to organize one's reading of the content
no one is going to read a whole wiki full of writing from guys on 4chan
plus it's nice having something that works Offline

>> No.624618


>> No.624622


>> No.624629

that's so people will read it and not just scroll past

>> No.624648

Exactly the same reason why we're debating the layout.

>> No.624668

go read something in the zine and come back with a comment on it

>> No.624671


Wow. Fucking owned.

>> No.624674

why do you WANT to encourage threads full of bitching and whining????
go read something in the zine and come back with a comment on it

>> No.624677

ITT: easily impressed 14 year olds

>> No.624692


>> No.624694

Justifited text.

What happened.

>> No.624695

Author of Preserve again
I'd still like to know why my story was criticized for being open ended when it wasn't
is the ending not clear?

>> No.624701

I agree with a lot of this (you should read blood on the tracks), but...

>Zombie apocalypse and fanatics
While it's definitely about fanatics, the zombie element is pretty subdued. It's basically part of the scenery. I'm burnt out on zombies, but I liked the way this used them.

>> No.624731

THIS. Splain, Lucy.

>> No.624732

Dude probably misunderstood.

>> No.624754 [DELETED] 

the line "Makes me sick" near the end
supposed to be "Make me sick," like i originally wrote it

>> No.624765


I'm curious as to what qualifies as SHIT TIER versus PRETENTIOUS SHIT TIER.

>> No.624801

Pretentious shit has a pus goatee.

>> No.624820


This has been brought up before, and we've decided against using the wiki as the entire feature for publication. As many others have pointed out, it becomes a little too impersonal - almost more like a blog at that point. We don't want that, because that brings about a different kind of audience and different kind of reader.

The PDF is important to us because we want to give the authors something a bit more special and unique - something that has more of a style and interesting design than just a webpage. While we're very aware that webpages can have all kinds of interesting designs and pretty pictures, they also require a completely different set of skills - and that's just not a direction we're really interested in pursuing.

We plan to continue with a PDF version that will hopefully be printable into booklet form in the future. Our slow progression into relying on page layout programs (i.e. Adobe InDesign) instead of word processing should facilitate this move, but there's a lot of work to be done.

>> No.624824

The fact that you improved design between Issues 3 and 4 has enticed me to write another piece for you. The fact you publish as a periodical pdf entices me to read it.

>> No.624843

Thank you for the feedback, and affirmation. I'll admit to a warm glow when I read things like that.

I only hope we can do right for you authors with our effort as you do for our readers with your effort.

>> No.624891

ah damnit, I know what you're missing:

It's witness to the dawn, pt.1

>> No.624939

It's at the bottom...

>> No.625040

if you Justify the text in Word or Adobe or whatever, I think it will cut down a lot on the layout whining faggotry.
Most of us don't care either way, but the vocal butthurt minority ruin any potential of a good thread

>> No.625050

Release a Text only version? Simples.

>> No.625147

We most definitely plan to do that in future editions, but it remains to be seen whether that's feasible for the current issue. A lot of our content is in image-only format.

>> No.625177

The move to InDesign would fix that since all the text is pretty much copy pasted into the text boxes you create over the image.

>> No.625192
File: 69 KB, 360x480, glare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do the text only versions. Shit, no need for graphics at all. That way, ZWG staff won't bitch about images lining up right when they're editing, and the justifiedfags will be happy.

And yes, I am a justifiedfag. You would think that by Issue 4 this would have been solved.

>> No.625199

Wtf is this shit? I applaud the effort to have a decent layout but at least keep it the same for the whole issue and not do it piece-meal.

And what the hell is with "Witness to the Dawn" being a screencap? The ZWG editors prove to be shittier with each issue.

>> No.625205

Your font on the front cover is really ugly

You need a new graphic designer

>> No.625212

We lost contact with the guy who was doing covers for us before :c. Jake, if you're out there, we could use you.
That being the case.. If anyone wants to send us a cover for issue four, we'd appreciate it.

>> No.625214

Is all the text for this issue available on the Wiki? Shoving this all into Latex with a Memoir class would make a printable, perfect-looking PDF with about 10 minutes of work, and it wouldn't be 44 megabytes.

>> No.625218

>text unselectable for copy/paste
>expecting critique

>> No.625220

I like the new design, but this threw me off.

The last line of Before :"This is the end of history and the winter of gods creation..."

This seems to be the last line of teh story, but it's offset and in a different font and color, so it seems... detached somehow. I dunno.

Cool story though. I like the slow realization of what the narrator is up to. I like that it was a zombie story with no actual zombies in it.

>> No.625222


These people can't figure out the basics of Word, you expect them to use LaTeX?

>> No.625225
File: 34 KB, 290x417, miley-cyrus-b_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been using Open Office, not Word.

>> No.625228

That's the format "Witness to the Dawn" was presented to us. There was no other way to keep the formatting.

>> No.625239

These are indeed major complaints, and very valid. As we've explained earlier in the thread, we ended up combining a number of different formats from software and design programs that aren't necessarily easily translated. Due to timing problems, we ended up having to go with the simplest solution to get the end product that looked right - using images.

We're transitioning to relying on InDesign and other page layout tools as a more effective means of keeping formatting consistent.

>> No.625245


Not true - there was a properly formatted .doc version. Don't try and pass your laziness off on the contributors.

>> No.625257

Then I am misinformed, and I'm sorry about that. The only versions that ever came to me were in image format, but it may have been done differently.

That being said, I imagine that in the process of trying to copy the document as it was written from MS Word to our production Open Office document, a lot of the formatting was screwed up. So as a result, just in order to fix it, turning it into an image was a stopgap measure.

As I said before, we're improving the methods for this sort of thing, so we hopefully won't have to have this conversation again.

>> No.625261

You guys are taking this issue way to seriously. The editors are trying to do their best by making the zine different and interesting. There are going to be problems with it, that is why all the awesome criticism they are getting is helping. Think of this issue as more of a test run rather than a full blown release.

>> No.625267

There was a properly formatted .doc version, however we are working with .odf. We are also working with a different sized page than the .doc was sent to us. This means that it would be nearly impossible to preserve the format as the author sent to us (as per his request)
I do regret that image came out so blurry.

>> No.625272
File: 85 KB, 480x600, a4367_1243344974625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>so we hopefully won't have to have this conversation again
>fourth issue
>same shitty problems

>> No.625288


no, I don't recall there was. It was a PDF last I looked

>> No.625294

there's no way you guys don't know that OO can handle .doc files, or how to fuck around with the ruler to change page sizes
there's just... no way...

>> No.625296

These are the zine editors we're talking about. They are...not so bright, at the best of times.

>> No.625298

h T T p : // A T . K Í m M ò a . 5 E /

>> No.625302

we are being trolled

>> No.625306

yeah well last time I offered to edit, I got the whole "sorry we're full lulz" brush-off
This is Ferric Suarez, offering my services once again
If you let me participate, I'll forgive the UNREQUESTED AND UNINFORMED EDITING of one of the last lines of my story

>> No.625308

Take that .doc and try to copy paste it to a .odf page
See what happens.

>> No.625310

>'ll forgive the UNREQUESTED AND UNINFORMED EDITING of one of the last lines of my story

wut? they edited ur story? WTF ZWG?!1

>> No.625316

Which story, and what was the change?

>> No.625320

They haven't used images in the zine up until this edition, so it's different this time around.

>> No.625329

1.) Sorry if something was changed without your consent. I've no idea if it was done intentionally or not.
2.) We've been needing help, and I don't know why we would 'brush you off'. We've had a several people offer their help, but only 2 have actually done any work (thank you Ian and Friday!) I'm looking through your emails, and never saw anything about asking to help. Could you email us about it, to confirm that it is actually you? We'll send you some stuff to edit next time around.

As far as editing the general look of the next issue, the best way to influence that is to hang in the irc channel. That is where we make most of the decisions regarding how stuff is done. You can harass us in real time about what we're doing wrong c:

>> No.625335

>Kurosawa was not a revolutionary artist like Mozart.
He utilized the telephoto lens to maximum effect, in the same way that Mozart used musical notes to their greatest effect.

Also, misused penultimate. Read: ultimate

Writer of Seven Samurai review. First attempt at reviewing, figured I'd give a shot. Apart from that one goddamn misuse of a word, any other issues? I'm curious.

>> No.625343

It's not interesting to read a page full of, in effect, dick sucking. He was a great director, awesome. You don't need a page to tell me that.

Instead, try to focus on specific things that he did that were original, why they were original, why they were good.
"For example Kurosawa is to the camera what Mozart was to the Opera"
Ok, great, you managed to draw a parallel (if a tenuous one) between Kurosawa and Mozart. I don't fucking care.

Your review is terrible because it is a page full of poorly support praise. You need specifics, examples, well explained reasoning, to make the claims you're making. THAT would actually be interesting to read. Your review as it stands is god-awful.

>> No.625357

Yeah, most of the time you just claim stuff without supporting it, so it doesn't work as criticism. And none of the stuff you emptily claim is even new or interesting - it's all just meaningless superlatives. If this was a film theory board I could reduce the homework threads by half. All I would have to do is take your review, cut out all the mentions of the film, leave blank spaces where appropriate, and circulate it as a quick and easy solution for when you haven't bothered to watch the material in question but need to emulate critical appreciation.

I'm sure your heart's in the right place, but switch on your brain.

>> No.625358

>Poorly supported claims
>No evidence

1. Innovative use of the 3/7 focus
2. Panoramic cinematography of combat scenes
3. Delicate care was taken in shots with Mifune in them

Just to name 3 off the top of my head.

Whoops. Apparently no detail exists.
Also, U mad?

>> No.625363


Okay, so those were a few things (although what does 'delicate care' even mean? Can you actually tell me what's going on with the camera or the performance?). Cool. They did not constitute the majority of the review.

>> No.625364 [DELETED] 

H + + p : // à t . K ì M m o á . $ E /

>> No.625365

Sorry my internet crapped out

>Make me sick
>Makes me sick
it was a big choice for the character to go down that path, to make that request
with the line changed, it looks like he is still undecided and gives the story the

>> No.625367

Seriously, I must have read what amounts to 'Kurosawa is great' about 30 times. You only need to tell us two times.

>> No.625368

I just want to say that this looks great! It looks and reads like an amateur magazine, and I love it because of this.

The moment this magazine starts to become slick and polished like the New Yorker or the magazine I work for is the day I lose all interest. Fuck beautiful typography! I read so much of it that the absence becomes striking.

Also, I now realize that I enjoy male writers more than female writers. I thought I hated poetry, but I only generally hate poetry written by women. Oh, what's that? Yet another poem about a relationship that's breaking down.

>> No.625374

>Can you explain to me what scenes

1. Raising of the banner
2. Graveyard Scene

1. The shots amplify emotional tension

did you miss those?

>> No.625382

ITT: Kurosawa fanboys

>> No.625386

I'm not sure I understand. Are you talking about the line:
"My hands let go and the bodies fell. 'Makes me sick,' I said."

That's supposed to say "Make me sick,' I said"?

Perhaps I don't quite understand the context, then, because I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean.

>> No.625389

ITT: Roger Ebert with interest in 4chan.
Both tend to make drool-worthy statements and don't back them up.

>> No.625390

I think the problem is that you mentioned those in passing, without really explaining what you mean. It might seem obvious to you, as a person who is familiar with the movie and with film in general, but you need to be thinking from the perspective of the reader. You need go into more depth explaining the examples you used, otherwise it actually seems like your just using these fluffy examples, without really knowing what you're talking about.
You need to write like your readers are the biggest idiots in the world, otherwise you will probably not convey your ideas effectively.
Also, way too many comments along the lines of 'Kurosawa is great'. It got to the point of just sounding like praise after a while.

>> No.625393

Wait, never mind. I suddenly get it now.

You're right - that is in fact a mistake, and a misprint. I want to apologize strongly for that, because it does change things.

We'll try to make sure that no more unauthorized edits go in - we almost always try to email the authors for permission to change them before publishing, but it doesn't always work out. In this case, I made that change because I thought you made a grammatical error, and I was in a hurry. It was my fault.

>> No.625400

i'm probably just more butthurt about the
comment from whoever made that tier list
but I will send you that email when I get home.

>> No.625404


>the shots amplify emotional tension

Yes, but HOW? This is not analytical.

>> No.625430

Review =/= Analysis

The review never claimed to be analysis. To follow what a poster noted a few posts prior, Ebert does not *analyze* films, he watches them, passes judgement and gives a few examples.

But Ebert never got review cred outta nowhere. He wrote lengthy commrntaries for SF fanzines way before he started reviewing.

Consider writing commentaries, not reviews, because your review looks an awful lot like a commentary.

>> No.625490

Kurosawa always put the story first, and let the artistic flourish derive itself from that.

Mozart was just a decadent little shit-head.

>> No.625500

H t + p : // À T . K Ì M M ó à . s e /

>> No.625508

Hey does anyone have any info on the second, better, avant-garde /lit/ zine? When are they releasing?

>> No.625564

trolled hard

>> No.625575

scanned it, hated it

>> No.625593

What didn't you like, and why? Help the people who submitted get better. Just do one story. Pick one and criticize.

>> No.625596

Woo! 4th edition. btw Mason here! thanks for all the comments! I'll have more shit coming your way

>> No.625605

Personality is no justification for berating genius.

>> No.625692

>i scrolled through the whole file at over 9000 miles an hour with a preconceived notion of what to expect
your opinion counts for precisely dick

>> No.625712

You sound like a prick, best you aren't on the team.

>> No.625721

So, has anyone read both parts 1 and 2 of Memories of Ukraine? Did it jive together well enough across the issues? I never really got any comments for or against on it. With the way it ended up getting split, all the emotional development was in part 1 and all the action was in part 2 lol

>> No.625741


well i have a short attention span, and like that guy said, my opinion counts for dick because i didnt fully absorb everything in it. but i briefly concluded that it was pretentious and not particularly inciteful or engaging. i cant explain further than that.

>> No.625747


>> No.625792

>scanned it
>i have a short attention span
>i didnt fully absorb everything in it
>concluded that it was pretentious and not particularly inciteful or engaging

>> No.625798

what "team"?

>> No.625801

You are now noticing that the fiction is in alphabetical order manually

>> No.625808


do either of you have a problem with me being functionally retarded becuase you can just come out with it instead of hiding behind greentext and faggotry

>> No.625841

I certainly have a problem with it.

If you're gonna drop into a thread with "TL;DR, lol", then don't stick around and be butthurt when people rightfully call you out as having no attention span.

>> No.625887


>> No.625890


i admitted i have no attention span, i dont have a problem with that. its you who are freaking out about my stupid opinions you fucking nazi.

>> No.625903


I'm never going to get an answer on this.

>> No.625906

Drama-sucking leech.

>> No.625916

Also an example of Godwin's Law at play.

>> No.625923

I'm not angry at you champ. I'm just confused as to why anyone would offer opinions they know to be stupid and implicitly uninformed, and then get mad when people rightfully give you shit for it.

And make no mistake, you mad.

>> No.625938

Define pretentious without going to an online dictionary. Go. I dare you.


Unless you were clever enough to create a neologism expressly for trolling, which you aren't, then lol.

>> No.625981


the only thing that made me mad is the references to my hilarious mispelling of insightful as if it somehow voids my opinion.

also pretentious is when people believe they have ideas above their station when they dont/alluding to a deeper meaning that is non existant.

>> No.625989


I triple dog dare you.

>> No.626001


No. No, you're not.

>> No.626032

What invalidates your opinion is your admission that you didn't read it. You sucking at spelling is merely the sweet frosting of continued failure.

>> No.626033

So I'm kind of confused. Do you take stories from /lit/erati, or from actual published authors?

>> No.626048


i started reading all of them and they all bored the shit out of me so i gave up.

>> No.626059

Don't lie.

>> No.626080

just shit myself laughing

>> No.626084

local /lit/erati. Not published authors.

>> No.626090


your trolling is bland and uninspiring

>> No.626128

I'm not trolling. You know you didn't read it, and yet you offered opinion. I'm just stating that your opinion is invalid.

If you seriously want to contribute pick one story and tell us why its pretentious. Pick a short one if your ADD is so crippling. Do "Before". It's short and it has zombies.

>> No.626140

lol like anything in it could be published.

>> No.626147

We're on Auto-Sage here.

Suggest not starting a new thread until the real version is out.

>> No.626153


i'm compiling my own zine right now so i dont have time

>> No.626178

I'm serious about the text-version only. I'll edit it if the ZWG staff wants me to.

>> No.626180

Again with the lying and trolling.

>> No.626205


i'm 100% serious, how would you knowing that result in me having trolled you?

>> No.626209


>> No.626256


What's your zine called? Huh? HUH?

>> No.627287

>a tale from old america

>mermaid sex?

>> No.627623 [DELETED] 

Author of Warm here. First off, how did I make it into someone's top tier? I don't understand. Second, I'd really appreciate any other criticism of my work. I was sad when I looked at the thread and only found layout bitching. Guess I should be used to it by now though.

>> No.627850

Do it. The graphic version crashes my Itouch browser and I want to read this on the go.

>> No.628934

Did you receive it? Otherwise I could make a beginning for you :3