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/lit/ - Literature

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623293 No.623293 [Reply] [Original]

I used to like nabokov, but can't be bothered anymore with his shit. auster wrote one single good book, and two acceptabale ones. woolf was great, but nothing can surpass the waves. pratchett was good, but the thrill is gone now. won't read joyce ever. went on a mccarthy reading spree recently, but the spell wore off after the fifth. japanese authors all suck, exception made of kawabata. won't read foer, coupland, danielewsky or any author that uses pitiful tricks to get the reader's attention. the part of bolano's 2666 i read was shit.

tl;dr: jaded, wat do?

>> No.623302

Read Hadji Murad by Tolstoy.

>> No.623304

Take pride in the fact that you'e risen above the mindless praise that /lit/ gives to popular authors.

>> No.623311
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>> No.623313
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Read this, transition to comics, give up literature forever

>> No.623320

Read Joyce, you fool.

>> No.623327

kurt vonnegut? I have no idea what you could possibly be going through, so I can't help you.

>> No.623336

Do the opposite of what /lit/ says.

>> No.623349

okay, i'll try this

head exploded.

>> No.623357

i recently went on a mcarthy spree myself, if you like him read some faulkner. not as brute and grotesque but great nonetheless

>> No.623521

Have you tried Souseki? I am a Cat? Kokoro?

Tried any French stuff?

>> No.623588

Maybe you need something more, er, out there? Try Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer or The Air-Conditioned Nightmare. William S. Borrough's Junky is phenomenal. Or, if you really want to approach god-tier, read Story of the Eye by George Batailles. Holy shit.