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6226823 No.6226823 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best book to read to help bring me out of my depression?

>> No.6226826

jude the obscure

>> No.6226832

Look up The Last Messiah by Zapffe, its a very short essay and can be found online

>> No.6226834


"The flesh is sorrowful, alas! And I’ve read all the books."

>> No.6226844

if you're going to read while you get out of a depression do it while walking constantly
eat fruits and veggies
indulge in the senses
quiet your voices
leave your body behind

>> No.6226856

Seize the Day by Saul Bellow

>> No.6226862

Handbook of hydrogen gas regulators with prices for telephone ordering.

>> No.6226865

The Tao of Pooh
Feel better anon <3

>> No.6226869


>> No.6226885

we love you anon
know that you aren't the only one being thrown into isolation by the world
we're all in here

>> No.6226888

A prescription for citalopram.

Seriously, you probably can't think or read your way out of it.

>> No.6226894

Thanks guys.

I'll either overcome this depression, or I'll end it all soon. either way, it's going to get better

>> No.6226896


It is indeed impossible to read your way out of it.

Pop the pills and exercise.

>> No.6226898


DeLillo's Underworld. It has to be one of the most beautifully optimistic/positive books I've read and it's not sentimental in the least. It's also just incredible. Do it OP

>> No.6226903

pessoa - book of disquiet (you may find this depressing)
andre gide - fruits of the earth

>> No.6226904

don't say you'll "end it all"
that's an invasive thought that doesn't belong to you.
if all else fails, live in spite of everything bringing you down, live just to go against the world

>> No.6226908

Rilke's Duino Elegies.

Also, talk to a therapist, and strongly consider anti-depressants.

>> No.6226909


Exercise absolutely cured me, OP, but you have to keep it up. Luckily, it also instills motivation, so that's good.

The feeling of dragging your own self up by the bootstraps is incomparable.

>> No.6226916

This + everything by Ligotti

>> No.6226924

Anon, I have had the worst weeks of my life and I have never wanted to die more than now. But I'm not going to die. My recommendation:
read the myth of Sisyphus. Read it a few times.
Read Existentialism is a humanism
Read Portrait of the Artist.
That's about where I am.

>> No.6226926

Why do you want to get 'out' of it? Depression is the only accurate way to feel in this world. Just kill yourself, honestly. It sounds malicious but it's actually everyone's best option.

>> No.6226927

There's a lot of inspirational philosophy out there that can help you understand how to live life more. I had a good list of works but I can't find it right now. Listen to this speech by DFW to start off:

Besides philosophy, you can try a self-help book. There's Mind Over Mood, which is a book that goes through cognitive behavioural therapy. CBT helped me a lot to get through depression.

>> No.6226931
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>Suicide Prevention

>> No.6226935
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>> No.6226939

I really want to die right now but this post made me lol out loud.

>> No.6226943

His suicide doesn't void the speech he gave or its meaning.

>> No.6226947

OP, if a former pathetic piece of shit like me was able to overcome depravity you have a fighting chance

>> No.6226960

It's not /lit/, but listen to an album by Kishi Bashi. Here's an example:

His stuff is great and uplifting as hell.

>> No.6226963

This. There will be an overwhelming calmness in your mind. Especially after you read The conspiracy against the human race.

>> No.6226967

the fuck is this terrible shit? why does this cluster-b whore think she has the right to pontificate like this on a subject she clearly has no understanding of

>> No.6226972

are you trying to troll this poor fool or did you misunderstand zapffe and ligotti?

>> No.6226992

Would the ego and its own be a helpful text?

>> No.6227027

"bright whites" is another great track by him

clearly you are 12 or have a tiny penis

maria bamford is the shit, and mental health is 90% of what she talks about. if you're struggling with depression, anxiety, compulsive thoughts, or suicidal ideations, nobody, especially in comedy, has ever been as candid about their own personal experiences, and it's incredibly refreshing to see. take an hour and treat yourself to one of her specials.

>> No.6227028


>> No.6227032

Honestly anything by him is great, especially for feeling really unbelievably happy. Other than In Fantasia and I Am the Antichrist to You, those are downers.

>> No.6227040

She's alive innit? She's pushing a fucking genda.

>> No.6227042

You're a fucking moron, terminate your biological functions

>> No.6227044

I remember I used to talk like this back in middle school to sound smart

>> No.6227046


>> No.6227048

>maria bamford is shit

Fixed that for you. Not surprised you listen to dumbass comedians over philosophers you monosyllabic mouthbreather.

>> No.6227058
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My nigga.

His new album is really wonderful as well, though I prefer his first one the most. Intro/Pathos was probably the only music track to bring me to sobbing, exultant happiness. I've never cried to a song before this.


>> No.6227106

you just lost the game of internet chicken
better luck next time XD

>> No.6227170

That and Atticus in the Desert. I love his eccentric violin stuff, which is why I'm slightly more given to enjoying 151a than Lighght, although Lighght was my 2014 AOTY.

>> No.6227698
File: 262 KB, 446x456, ay lets smoke dmt and lift chimpkettlebells mang onnitdotcom bryon redboon cue the salsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drugs, psychedelics in particular.

That's the only relief that I've found.
You can read all you want but this will probably have an adverse affect, because you will see that suffering is an integral part of life.
It almost seems like depression is the only truthful state to be in, how could one not be depressed looking at life.

>inb4 exercise/see a psychiatrist

Exercise pretty much just releases 'natural' drugs, and a psychiatrist will also prescribe you with drugs.
(That is not to say you shouldn't exercise because you should keep your body healthy.)

Might as well do cool ones drugs.
Psychedelics like DMT and shrooms are also know to have positive 'spiritual effects', if you will, so there's that.

>> No.6227708

the bible

>> No.6227715

jesus, a joe rogan bot.

>> No.6227728

You're not Joe Rogan
Joe Rogan would suggest doing calisthenics while on psychedelics. Psychethenics.

Coin that shit, Joe

>> No.6227743
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It doesn't really give you hope, but it makes you content with the meaningless of life.

"Of all who went on this long road,
Where is the one who has returned to tell us the secret?
Take care to leave nothing for your needs on this two-ended way,
You will not be coming back."

"Neither you nor I know the mysteries of eternity,
Neither you nor I read this enigma;
You and I only talk this side of the veil;
When the veil falls, neither you nor I will be here. "

>> No.6227787

>You're not Joe Rogan
I just like that picture.

Anyhow, Joe Rogan is all about dem kettlebells.

>> No.6227789
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>pic related

It's the only way out.

>> No.6227900


>> No.6228258

1. read Poetry by Rumi
2. become a whirling dervish

>> No.6228313

...hollowed out with whiskey or a gun inside.