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6223127 No.6223127 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you at one moment bemoan the society of 'Last Men' and the next moment praise Egoism, a philosophical actualization of what a Last Man becomes.

>> No.6223162

a society of last men would work against their own self-interest in the name of peace (or a lack of conflict), a goal considered 'higher' than themselves

a society of stirner egoists would acknowledge there isn't anything higher than themselves and would act in their own self-interest first and foremost

last men are bound to concepts, egoists are not

i don't see how they are the same thing at all

>> No.6223213

>last men
plebbit: where everyone is on the right side, uncomfortable things are downvoted, admins are appealed to for posters rights
/b/: where everyone is "enlightened" by their own lack of spookiness
>aristocratic radicalism
rest of 4chan: where those with greater personality, style and knowledge are privileged above the herd through the tripcode-namefag-anon caste system

>> No.6223283

A full on Last men society would be dope.

Egoism if for our retarded society where everyone is trying to pollute your brain with ideology.

>> No.6223291

no matter how many times you repeat this, it remains that nobody appreciates you

>> No.6223293

That's fuckin perfect

>> No.6223301

you lick balls

>> No.6223361

According to Nietzsche, egoism can go both ways:

>The natural value of egoism. — Self-interest is worth as much as the person who has it: it can be worth a great deal, and it can be unworthy and contemptible. Every individual may be scrutinized to see whether he represents the ascending or the descending line of life. Having made that decision, one has a canon for the worth of his self-interest. If he represents the ascending line, then his worth is indeed extraordinary — and for the sake of life as a whole, which takes a step farther through him, the care for his preservation and for the creation of the best conditions for him may even be extreme. The single one, the "individual," as hitherto understood by the people and the philosophers alike, is an error after all: he is nothing by himself, no atom, no "link in the chain," nothing merely inherited from former times; he is the whole single line of humanity up to himself. If he represents the descending development, decay, chronic degeneration, and sickness (sicknesses are, in general, the consequences of decay, not its causes), then he has small worth, and the minimum of decency requires that he take away as little as possible from those who have turned out well. He is merely their parasite.
Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

I bet you didn't remember that part because you didn't read him.

>> No.6223429

here's the chinese account of the Übermensch

Do not glorify the achievers
So the people will not squabble
Do not treasure goods that are hard to obtain
So the people will not become thieves
Do not show the desired things
So their hearts will not be confused

Thus the governance of the sage:
Empties their hearts
Fills their bellies
Weakens their ambitions
Strengthens their bones

Let the people have no cunning and no greed
So those who scheme will not dare to meddle

Act without contrivance
And nothing will be beyond control

>> No.6223508

> "the Chinese is a more successful type [of human animal], namely more durable, than the European."
- Nietzsche

better off listening to the Chinese according to the man's own word

another thing people don't seem to understand is that in order for an "Overman" to exist there must of necessity be a flock for him to "overcome". A society of "Overmen" is just a delirium that reading Homer's Iliad might induce. If you go back to every great society of the past you will find beneath all the greatness that core of humanity that just wants to get by.

>Carried to its extreme limit, what is pleasure other than disgust? What is earthly honor at its dizzy pinnacle other than contempt f or existence? What are riches, the highest superabundance of riches, other than poverty? For no matter how much all the earth’s gold hidden in covetousness may amount to, is it not infinitely less than the smallest mite hidden in the contentment of the poor! What is worldly omnipotence other than dependence? What slave in chains is as unfree as a tyrant!
- Kierkegaard

>> No.6223516

>A society of "Overmen" is just a delirium that reading Homer's Iliad might induce.

A notable thing about this is that this delirium only exists in the context of the peak of the Trojan War, and funnily enough the Iliad concludes with Achilles and Priam weeping together wishing that none of it had ever happened. And Homer's Odyssey Achilles' shade says that it's better to be a living slave than a king of the dead. So Homer himself repudiated the idea of the Overman.

>> No.6223523

>pleasure is really disgusting when you think about it

It isn't if you don't have that filthy Christian sense of guilt about it.

>> No.6223530

No, he's talking about extreme hedonism. Every hedonist knows that at the precise moment that he reaches the natural surfeit of pleasure his pleasure turns into a kind of disgust.

>> No.6223545

satiety would have been better than surfeit, or just fullness

>> No.6223553

you don't get it

>> No.6223563

>implying conflict avoidance isn't in one's own self interest.
Conflict is only in one's self interest if one is sure to win. A union of egoists would try to avoid conflict.

>> No.6223795

Overman is not the master morality. Overman is sublunary and willing the eternal recurrence.

>> No.6224388

Egoism is Stirnerian
Last men are a Nietzschean concept.
Also theres a difference between petty egoism and egoism in the service of a higher aim.

>> No.6224403

>a society of stirner egoists would acknowledge there isn't anything higher than themselves

that's a society of narcissists. just because certain abstract concepts are "spooks", ie they don't exist, doesn't mean there aren't things outside of you that are "higher", ie serve bigger purposes, than you.

>> No.6224413

I know this is hard for your simple mind to comprehend, but this board has multiple people posting on it each day and we have different beliefs.

That's not to say some of the board users *aren't* contradictory retards (mostly because they haven't read the source materials).

>> No.6224541

So when you orgasm you feel disgusted?

Go see a shrink, friend.