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6219575 No.6219575[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who do Atheists have to look up to as a guide, if not God?

>> No.6219582

Since when Chrisitians look up to deadbeat homicidal maniacs? I thought your guide was Jesus.

>> No.6219585

People who are worthy of emulation.

>> No.6219587

Aristotle, Spinoza, Kant, Confucius or any number of similar people.

>> No.6219591
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>> No.6219598

Why even ask this question?

>> No.6219605

Probably hoping for a response.

Sometimes we ask questions just because we want somebody to know we're here.

>> No.6219613

Evil bastards like Hitler, Stalin, Tywin Lannister etc

>> No.6219621

If atheists don't believe in Jesus, who do they think sends the UFOs?

>> No.6219632
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My own power of Reason and Rationality

>> No.6219633
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>Tywin Lannister

>> No.6219635

I have a full colour poster of Pol Pot on my bedroom wall.

Every night before bed I engage in a ritual of rubbing my naked body and writhing around on the floor in front of it yowling loudly like a bobcat.

This is the only true Atheist faith.

>> No.6219650

History, science. You know, real facts.

>> No.6219659


>> No.6219674

I'd call him Machiavellian but what he did to Tyrion and Tysha was just plain sadism

>> No.6219677

do you mean shae?

>> No.6219678
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>> No.6219682

Not at all.

>> No.6219683

If God's so smart, why do you fart?

>> No.6219689

Have you read The Prince by Machiavelli
or The Confessions of the Last Lowly Warrior by Griffin... let's talk about sadism

>> No.6219694

Themselves. Atheism is the act of placing man above God.

>> No.6219696

At least Stalin made Russia a world power. Until the USSR collapsed, at least.

>> No.6219699

No, I want to read The Prince but my babbies first literature list is already long enough for now

>> No.6219704

Anyone can throw dead Ukrainians into a fire to get it burning

>> No.6219716

Your mom's butthole

>> No.6219725


>> No.6219735



>> No.6219739

There is an open lecture on Alvin Plantinga at my uni soon.

Is he good? Does he have anything on Nietzsche's critiques?

>> No.6219773

As far as I know he is the best contemporary Christian philosopher.

>> No.6219778

Could someone help me out with a useless bible verse? Just something with no context that makes no sense.

>> No.6219782

Try asking on r/atheism

>> No.6219787

I personally look up to my dad, James Bond and Chuck Schuldiner.

>> No.6219791

In former times, one sought to prove that there is no God -- today one indicates how the belief that there is a God arose and how this belief acquired its weight and importance: a counter-proof that there is no God thereby becomes superfluous. -- When in former times one had refuted the "proofs of the existence of God" put forward, there always remained the doubt whether better proofs might not be adduced than those just refuted: in those days atheists did not know how to make a clean sweep.

>> No.6219802

They usually look up to the romantic ideals of the enlightenment, like rationality, the scientific method, linear history and posterity, liberal ideologies, and most of all, themselves. The joke "enlightened by my own intelligence" is not too far off, and that's why there is this denial of the study of language and psychanalysis, which put the rational conscious self as an but one aspect of ourselves, often not even the most proeminent. From my experience "atheists" most likely don't admit the quest for meaning, claiming to be above it and denying the existence of an Other that signifies them, which, of course, only makes it stronger, pervaded by ideology and so on.

>> No.6219810


You'll only stick to your own narrative anyway.

Would him explaining to you why he thinks you're wrong - no matter what he might say change your opinion at all?

The basic premise is that placing yourself in a heirarchy above something you deem to be imaginary, makes as much sense as placing yourself below it.

I.e; none.

Simple matter of it is that for the vast majority of functional atheists (little a) God, simply doesn't factor into their lives at all.

They do fine like that.

>> No.6219828

As Salador San said, the only God worth caring about is the one between a woman's legs.