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6219207 No.6219207 [Reply] [Original]

Apart from Shakespeare, do you actually read theatre plays?

Or do you find it too artificial and tiresome?

>> No.6219214

Reading Sophocles or Beckett or Büchner or Brecht plays isn't as good as reading a good novel, but better than reading a bad one.

>> No.6219217
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Why do plebs always classify everything?

>> No.6219221
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>implying I read Shakespeare's plays

>> No.6219222

Which is the illegitmate classification here, the distinction between good and bad novels, kr the distinction between novels and plays? How is either not extremely useful and valid?

>> No.6219235

Marlowe's Dr Faustus is actually really good

>> No.6219238

But don't you perceive certain plays (especially those in verse) as pure poetry, rather than a mere... dialogal story?

>> No.6219245

Büchner's Woyzeck is great and if you don't read it just because it's a play, you're an idiot.

>> No.6219262

Poetry, yes, but not pure poetry, as they were written not to be read, but to be played. Same with song lyrics, they can be poems in their own right, but I can't help but feel that isolating 4hem from the music is doing them injustice.

>> No.6219263


Despite being an ultimate patrician, I never heard about him before... He looks very interesting. Thanks!

>> No.6219264

How is either definition useful or valid?

>> No.6219273

The Herzog adaptation of Woyzeck is really good as well and it follows the text quite closely.

>> No.6219289

I understand your distinction, but poetry was always made to be chanted aloud (from Homer to modern poets), not to be read silently.

A poetry that can't be chanted isn't "pure" IMO. Thus the poetry of plays is very pure to me.

>> No.6219298

ayyy dat Kinski

Herzog is amazing in general, I recommend the recently published "update" of his memoirs "Werner Herzog - A Guide for the Perplexed" (formerly "Herzog on Herzog")

As for Büchner, he hasn't published that much, you can read all of his plays and novellas in a day, here's a link to a German epub: http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=224923

>> No.6219312

Well, stage scripts and novels are creared for entirely different purposes, and quality is pretty much the foundational aesthetic category.

>> No.6219337

I get your point, but then again the practice of chanting poetry aloud is pretty much extinct in the West, if you don't count the GZA.

>> No.6219348

I definitely enjoy reading plays from time to time considering they're generally pretty short and enhance watching them if the opportunity arises, but the following are essentials imo to anyone interested in theatre (highly recommend the one-act play Hughie by Eugene O'Neill):
