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/lit/ - Literature

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6219183 No.6219183 [Reply] [Original]


Pretty sure it's finished, but if you want to discuss whether Ulysses should be present instead of Portrait or other minor details, feel free to comment.

>> No.6219186


>> No.6219187

you know that's not how pyramids work, right?

>> No.6219234

hahahaha faggot

>> No.6219237

>Plays in prose

>> No.6219242

>not prose

>> No.6219246


>> No.6219247

ily bb good taste as always but my backlog is too big to get to michelet for a while so no hair just face sitting so u stfu while i read <3
try reading

>> No.6219265

> L'école des femmes
>Le misanthrope

>> No.6219271
File: 409 KB, 590x333, pretentious_hobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^^^^poor plebeians can't into genius.

Run along with your Stirner and Pynchon, kids

>> No.6219284

>The Gay Science
>good poetry


>> No.6219293

Move plays in prose up

>> No.6219295


i don't care if you're trolling, but why are you even here

>> No.6219297

it's poetic philosophy

whatever ive only read dom juan in translation, switch that with beckett or arthur miller you get the idea

>> No.6219299

B8 /10

>> No.6219300
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>> No.6219305

This is entirely foolish and arbitrary. You can't divide literary expression into strata based on quality of entire genres, just like you can't safely say one art form is inherently better than another. Instead of panning whole sections of the world's canon, try discussing individual pieces and their merit because this is just childish meme-tier classification.

>> No.6219306

>whatever ive only read dom juan in translation, switch that with beckett or arthur miller you get the idea
Or you could leave until you're basically educated.

>> No.6219311

To laugh at plebs like you

>> No.6219320

(still not worth the 20 minutes it probably took you)

>> No.6219340


more like 1 minute, all I had to do was erase two lines and move some text around

>> No.6220131

Worth regardless of the amount of time it took.

>> No.6220535 [SPOILER] 
File: 533 KB, 515x466, 1425429286500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh even dead&sat on in a stupid thread ur still supposed to answer zeta it's simple manners if ur gonna b this rude im gonna put clothes on like socks&shit &wash ur mouth out b4 enacting the swan scene in this.

>> No.6220878
File: 213 KB, 442x341, 1411575804490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this.


poetry that actually rhymes and does it well

adventure novels (I'm thinking The Golden Ass, Gulliver's Travels, The Count of Monte Cristo, etc.)

experimental novels

reading plays (better to see them performed)

free verse garbage that alt-litfags write

reading for plot

>> No.6220896

good tier
>good literature

bad tier
>bad literature

>> No.6220910
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>> No.6220978

Not a fan of Freudian theory or is it the epistolary novel thing?

>> No.6220991

>epic poetry
>lyric poetry

you faggots are worse than metalheads

>> No.6221045

>a bloo bloo I don't like a form of music therefore it's bad

no u faggot

>> No.6221100


reading and being entertained

anything else

>> No.6221176

Which one is Joyce under? Poetic novel?

>> No.6221191

Hi guys I'm from 4chan and I really love to rank order things.

Sometimes I even argue about it with strangers for hours while I save porn gifs.

>> No.6221275

>mfw Bloom's phallus is so deep inside this dude's ass that he's coughing it up

>> No.6221401


>he's literally a metalhead

I knew all you boy toys with your Greek obsessions and your fantasy novels were engaging some high caliber psychodrama but I had no idea your wish fulfillment/daddy issues were this bad

yikes, how old are you?

>> No.6222923
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is OP serious?

>> No.6222946

>Kafka at the bottom
>POTAaYM so high
/lit/ disgusts me

>> No.6223790

exactly my thoughts

>> No.6224786

Dude... what the fuck was the point of this?