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621769 No.621769 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a Pantheist

Try explaining to me why God doesn't exist

>> No.621775

stopped reading there. Enjoy your mushroom filled orgy's in honor of the sun.

>> No.621778

I hate that fucking picture.

Anyone who ever uses it always implies or says outright that they think Deus Ex Machina is literal or anything besides a plot device.

>> No.621780

believe what you want OP, faith is the one thing that argumentation can't, and shouldn't, change. But keep it to yourself ffs, nobody cares what you believe.

>> No.621784

sage for /r9k/ shit in /lit/

and reported

>> No.621785

>> Pantheist

>> No.621792

Better yet, explain to my why you are a Pantheist.
Please do.

>> No.621799

we do, we do. Pantheism>atheism. More creative. Less tied to the rigid dehumanizing tradition of Western "Reason". Doesn't feel the need to prove itself. Plus mushroom induced orgies for the sun are pretty much the best thing ever.

>> No.621805
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>pic related

>> No.621806

great so basically you make the shit up as you go along

>> No.621807

Fine, I bequeath you are greater than atheism, but on the same level as Wicca.

>> No.621809


were do you guys get this crap were pantheism has anything to do with wicca or mushroom orgies? Einstein and Sagan were pantheist, and thats one detail they forgot to mention.

>> No.621810

and jesus was a jew, whats your point?

>> No.621813

Well if pantheism doesn't include mushroom orgies but is endorsed by the father of nuclear weapons then I withdraw my support. Burn in the flames, op. I'll keep making it up as I go along, because yes you do get to do that.

>> No.621814
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i think his point was mushroom orgies/wicca =/= pantheism

>> No.621812



Sagan was an atheistic agnostic you fuck.

Einstein was either an agnostic or a deist (Read: NOT PANTHEIST)

For fucks sake man!

>> No.621819

>why God doesn't exist
Why doesn't God exist? Why doesn't the dragon living in my brain exist? It's a stupid question.

If you meant to ask why someone might not believe God exists, my answer is: I don't see any evidence that there's a god. Period. I don't construct my identity in opposition to believers, I just don't see the need to have that conversation.

>> No.621820

Well, if there are no mushroom orgies, why would anyone want to be a pantheist?

>> No.621823

ignostic detected. i'm okay with this.

>> No.621826

exactly. sign me up for mushroom orgies, sun worship etc. Worshipping the god Pan>pantheism /thread

>> No.621834

Trolling aside, to tell you the truth OP I dont give a fuck. If god exists in benevolence, all is good as long as you intend to do good. If god is malevolent, then we're all fucked. I'm much more concerned with the Cartesian mind/body split then the issue of god.

>> No.621840

>I'm a Pantheist
>Try explaining to me why God doesn't exist
Adolf Broccoli Hitler was a pantheist.
so there

>> No.621849

Good lord I lol'd.

>> No.621862

I am a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Try explaining to me why the FSM doesn't exist.

If you cannot then let us talk about how my silly opinion deserves as much respect as yours despite all the name calling, long words and pretentiousness that you put in it. It might need pointing that this does not amount to much respect at all.

>> No.621882

DEAF I meant deaf children
damn you, Freud

>> No.621880

Unless you allow molesting death children by the hundreds you cannot expect me to accept you as a "church". "Cult" maybe, "sect" perhaps. But face it, there's still a whole lot of molesting to do before you can call yourselves a church.

>> No.621911

Yeah, that's a pretty telling Freudian slip, anon.

You might want to see someone about that.

Until then, keep your thoughts about churches to yourself.

>> No.621927


for the same reason numbers and platonic forms don't "actually" exist--they are mental abstractions

a pantheist equates the world to an empty concept

asking me to explain why the concept doesn't exist is silly, it does exist, but only in your mind

>> No.621928


>> No.621949

>I'm a Pantheist

>Try explaining to me why God doesn't exist

Pantheism: God = the universe

>Try explaining to me why the universe doesn't exist

>> No.621970


it's not just that simple, it's more like the pantheist endows the universe with some sort of "divine" meaning

accounting for that divine meaning is a pointless exercise

>> No.621988

Deities are a man-made concept. Pantheists unnecessarily personify the universe as something more than it is.

No, anon. You are the gods.
Then anon became Zeus.

So baked.

>> No.621991


>> No.621997

Thou art God.

>> No.622141

>I'm a Pantheist

In other words, you've just re-defined God. God is everything; everything exists; therefore, God exists. Yeah, okay, whatever, but we already have a word for everything -- EVERYTHING! I agree with Richard Dawkins. Pantheism is just "sexed up atheism".

>> No.622158

I'm an atheist

try explaining to me why go exists

>> No.622165
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It's right there on the board. What more proof do you need?

>> No.622172

You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need to believe and troll.

>> No.622173


Holy shit, I thought I was the only pantheist lurking!

Together, we can marvel at the awesomeness of everything, and wait for the rest of the world to catch up! This has pretty much made my day!

Kudos to you, anon!

>> No.622189


Descartes only hope of proving there could be an interaction between two separate realms of being (i.e. mental and physical), without a homunculus fallacy, was to claim that they met in the peneal gland.

There you go, no reason to worry.

Come and enjoy the physical world...

>> No.622191

Thou art God. I am God. Everything that groks is God.

>> No.622201
File: 271 KB, 1600x877, evilent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Count me in on the pantheism train; I've been one for a while.

>> No.622224
File: 236 KB, 216x216, holyshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a believer

>> No.622715


*nod* Haven't found an argument that convinced me otherwise, OP.

>> No.622741


Whether or not there is a deist god affects absolutely nothing. Aside from you having some possibly slightly flawed logic there is no reason for an atheist to care.

I suppose my argument against a deist god would go something like:

There are no true two dimensional things in our three dimensional world, therefore how could there be any >3 dimensional beings in our three dimensional world? If god is not >3 dimensional then he must logically exist in our universe, and thus he affects it, thus not deist.

>> No.622772

fellow pantheistfag here. haters gonna hate.

>> No.622805

Fuck year. Deists represent.

>> No.622846


Atheism is Pantheism with no libido.

>> No.622851


See, idk if diesm and pantheism are the same though- The deist God started the universe and left. The Pantheist God is always active with itself.

>> No.622936

"A religion old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge." - Carl Sagan

"“I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings."- Einstein