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6217456 No.6217456[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good living painters, /lit/?

I have a view of art quite similar to that of Roger Scruton and other conservatives. I think most of modern art is total pretentious crap, and I enjoy the beauty of the great masters.

I know this sn't literature related, but, let us be frank, we are the only board that could discuss such things.

So, what are some painters who aren't pretentious and who actually do good work?

I know of sculptor Alexander Stoddart, but that's as far as I get.

Pic related, it's a sculpture by him.

>> No.6217464
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Most good 'contemporary'painters I know of have been dying.

Kitaj, Uglow, Freud...

>> No.6217482
File: 35 KB, 308x416, 114-dali-flowers..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last great painter was this lunatic.

Everyone since has been so many shades of mediocre (despite how hard some of them have tried to be bad).

>> No.6217516

Some painters of the London school were good. They, I think, were the last ones, as far as I know.

Anyway, the situation of the art world is just ridiculous, and people have been ignoring it for decades now. How can anyone take a hack like Andy Warhol seriously?

>> No.6217528

I think people see a lot of postmodern art thats fucking garbage and thats why they hate it so much. Gravity's is a good example of 'modern art' that isnt just pretentious bullshit.

>> No.6217529


Nigga please, I would kill to have a Warhol around today instead of these fucking buffoons flinging paint at a canvas or sculpting giant vaginas out of cement. The art world today is so overfull with loathsome charlatans and pretentious academics that the basest hygiene standards would stipulate keeping far far away.

>> No.6217535

Gravity's Rainbow*, fug.

>> No.6217552

We're talking about the visual arts, silly billy.

Warhol was of the same species as today's hacks. They all spring from the same kind of shit. I can't stand looking at one of his paintings for more than 5 seconds.

>> No.6217556
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May not be to everyone's taste, but I like Billy Childish. Jasper Johns is still alive, and has been in the Simpsons. Gerhard Richter's pretty old, but his work's solid and he did a Sonic Youth album cover, so there's that.

My personal favourite's a guy called Hughie O'Donoghue.

Makoto Fujimura may appeal to the weeaboo, since he's lived the dream.

Jenny Saville is kind of like Freud, but distinctive to herself.

If you're into kind of bourgeois stuff that's a bit "edgy" then Jack Vettriano's your huckleberry. I think I remember reading he's the best selling artist as far as prints are concerned.

Banksy, hehe.

Rackstraw Downes has the finest name in the history of art. I think his work's a bit meh, but the technique is awesome and old school.
Above all don't listen to arseholes like this >>6217482 - there's still plenty of good painters in the world, and the galleries are the mausoleums of talent. Also Dali was an indifferent and venal artist, but a good draughtsman.

>> No.6217568
File: 130 KB, 726x1139, Dali_Crucifixion_hypercube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good and great are two very, very different things.

And Dali at least had the balls to embrace his venality. He loved the name Avida Dollars.

Still fifteen worlds above absolutely anyone who calls themselves a painter today.

>> No.6217578
File: 49 KB, 360x270, 98e459020442b2c5e229952948c7de3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know most of the painters you mentioned and they're shit.

Just look at this one by Jenny Saville. It's not painting, it's more like a botched photography.

Of the ones you've mentioned Vettriano is the best, but there's still much of pop art tendencies in his work and therefore he's also shit.

>> No.6217580


I personally find Warhol more contemptible as a person than as an artist. Try watching that video of him eating a hamburger for more than 30 seconds without wanting to beat him with a steel pole.

It's really obnoxious that so many gay males in the 21st century still haven't developed past the Warhol archetype.

>> No.6217593
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>In 1936, Dalí took part in the London International Surrealist Exhibition. His lecture, titled Fantômes paranoiaques authentiques, was delivered while wearing a deep-sea diving suit and helmet.[34] He had arrived carrying a billiard cue and leading a pair of Russian wolfhounds, and had to have the helmet unscrewed after nearly suffocating. He commented that "I just wanted to show that I was 'plunging deeply' into the human mind."

>> No.6217605
File: 16 KB, 324x243, mariani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dali's deal is actually knew how to paint properly. He knew how to use colors, forms, how to explore depth, and other things. He knew his craft. Even though I think many of his works are pretentious, they still show the mark of a man who excelled at painting.

Among today's painters the only one I know of who actually can paint is Carlo Maria Mariani, and he doesn't even have an English wikipedia page. Anyway, most of his work is shit because he insists in using some shitty anachronistic imagery which spoils everything and makes no sense, besides painting the same stuff over and over.

>> No.6217629

Watch his interviews. He enjoyed acting like a crazy man. Funnily, I think he was the only surrealist who did that: I've seen interviews with both Ernst and Bunuel and they were extremely normal guys. Bunuel was too normal, actually.

He was disgusting.

>> No.6217642

>he did a Sonic Youth album cover, so there's that.
No he didn't they took it and he was ok with it.
Great painter though, even better expressionist.

>> No.6217647

Yeah, he was a showman who adored attention, exactly why they 'kicked him out'.

>> No.6217663

>Of the ones you've mentioned Vettriano is the best

So you like the bourgeois one - that's why there was a wide selection of painters in my shitty list.

There's a load of others I could tell you but they're a bit obscure and I don't want to be a hipster. Have a look at Dorus Brekelmans if you like Vertriani. Jake Baddely does some good work, but I don't like it. Francoise Abraham makes some kind of kitschy sculpture that's OK, but way overpriced.

Going around saying "it's all shit" doesn't make you look like a cool guy, btw. It makes you look like a pouty philistine child.

>> No.6217671

>So you like the bourgeois one

Kill yourself and viva the bourgeoisie.

>> No.6217672

Dali's not even that good of a technical painter and his ideas were meh.

>> No.6217680


Vettriano is the quintessential bourgeois painter of the early 21st century. He paints for money, and lots of it, and people buy his prints to match the decor of their den.

Why are you getting so upset? Is it too hard for you to actually talk about art?

Either way, I'm actually going to bed, so you can throw your toys out of the pram by yourself.

>> No.6217682

I looked at the painters you mentioned and the only on whose work isn't a pure expression of shitness is Baddely, who's still far from greatness.

>> No.6217687


>I've seen reproductions on my phone, now I'm qualified to speak about art

You're the kind of laughable fool that thinks Rothko's work is just coloured blobs.

>> No.6217692

>tfw everyone on /lit/ hates abstract expressionism

>> No.6217714

I do. And do it because it is.

Deal with it.

Because it's shit.

>> No.6217719

>this entire post
How did you even end up on this board?

>> No.6217772
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Dali was awesome.

>> No.6217779
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There is literally nothing Dali couldn't paint.

>> No.6217837
File: 767 KB, 1280x853, BN-AK202_1115sh_M_20131114120943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raqib Shaw....

>> No.6217857
File: 38 KB, 278x181, Pollack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know everyone here hates him but after you get over his ego Jackson Pollock has created some interesting pieces. I think he is kinda milking it at this point but I'm his early stuff...

>> No.6217876

>I think most of modern art is total pretentious crap, and I enjoy the beauty of the great masters.

That's the most pretentious thing you can possibly say about art.

>> No.6217922

I don't know anything about his personality, but i really appreciate what he's done for art, even if i don't like it on aesthetic level.
I love abstract expressionism, but there's something about his work that just isn't doing it for me. Maybe it's too 'spikey'.

>> No.6217927

>Dali's not even that good of a technical painter
Dali was an amazingly good technical painter. It's Picasso who was a talentless hack.
>and his ideas were meh.
That is true.

>> No.6217955

What the fuck are you talking about? Picasso was an excellent painter, have you even seen his paintings as a child?

>> No.6218251
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Zak Smith