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6215875 No.6215875 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw so many ideologies exist
>tfw so many -isms exist
>tfw have no idea what to believe in

should i just declare myself nihilist or what

>> No.6215896

>believing in things
are you one of those new sincerity faggots?

>> No.6215905



>> No.6215921

"I don't believe in -isms, I only believe in me"
John Lennon or Ferris Buehler, both will be accepted

>> No.6215928

Take the time to read and understand them without bais, then follow the one you, after much contemplation, deem to be correct. Unless it's existentialism; then you're just a faggot.

>> No.6215934
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Sounds like solipsism to me.

>> No.6215998

this sounds retarded

it's essentially saying "hmm, i have no idea who i am, let me find some templates i might want to fit into to end my identity crisis"

>> No.6216032

When I was 14 or 15 and barely read anything, much less philosophy, I started developing my own "philosophical" ideas and connecting them in a framework. Once I started reading the essential philosophers, I realized how narrow-minded and fucking stupid and uninformed my ideas were. Seriously, it's extremely important to thoroughly understand different perspectives before philosophizing yourself.

>> No.6216053

you already believe in not being wrong since you care about what you believe in so try going with that

>> No.6216062

>waaah, so many labels!!
>should I label myself, guys??!?!?


end ur existence, fagget

>> No.6216097

This happened to me, and I agree.

>> No.6216213

of course it's good to read and see new ideas

but seeking out a philosophical mold and applying it to your life so you can say "I'm a ____ist!" IS retarded

>> No.6216396

OP didn't actually imply that he wanted to do like that

>> No.6216422

How about you stop subscribing to ideologies in order to function philosophically.
Maybe a better idea is a rationalized and objective approach to all worldviews.

>> No.6216448

Nihilism = no meaning or value in existence

Existentialism = no meaning, but still value in existence. Free will exists.

Materialism = the fundamental essence of everything is matter.

Determinism = the universe, god, or some greater force determines everything, thus there is no free will.

Theism = belief that god exists and affects the world around us.
Monotheism--only 1 god
Polytheism--more than 1

Atheism = disbelief in any deity.

Deism = belief that god exists but created the universe unwillingly, accidentally or without purpose and doesn't get involved in our affairs.

Capitalism = a society based on capital exchange ($$$) used to represent labor/profits and traded for goods and services.

Socialism = a society where the State owns the means of production and distributes capital more or less evenly, making sure everyone has a decent living, and a job.

Communism = a stateless, classless society where the means of production are publicly owned.

Anarchism = a stateless, classless society where the means of production are publicly to owned BUT when engaging in revolution, you get rid of the State before you get rid of the bourgeoisie and capital. There is no socialist transition phase. Anarchism is individualistic, not collectivist.

Marxism = dialectical materialism / historical materialism-- history's problems sort themselves out through action, reaction, interaction of opposites and struggle between contradictory forces. The proletariat will eventually overthrow the bourgeoisie and replace capitalism with socialism, which will then lead to communism.

Marxism-Leninism = an updated version of Marxism, created by Lenin, emphasizing that Marxism will first come in feudal, colonial, or backwards places where capitalism is present the least. A vanguard workers party protects the people's interests.

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism = an update on Marxism-Leninism. Basically, when applying Marxism, you must go by your nation's own particular material conditions, not those of any model, dogmatist idea or revisionist compromise.

Liberalism = a revisionist compromise. It tries to keep a safety net for the poor and tries to tax the very wealthy, but almost always fails (considering the wealthy fund legislators). They are progressive on social issues but often this feels like a mere political prop.

>> No.6216488
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do you even know what using the capslock a 2nd time is? faggot

>> No.6216490


Hedonism = pleasure should be increased and suffering should be minimized or ended for a person to be happy.

Fascism = a small elite should rule the masses through a meritocracy, not democracy. A mixed economy is usually used.

Nazism = >>>/pol/

Monarchism = a royal family should govern or act as symbols of the State.

>> No.6216506

Honestly you're in a good spot OP, just pick one and start reading. If anything sounds (not believable but interesting at least) read up on that person and their works. From Socrates to Sartre by TZ Lavine is a good read to get some philosophical basics.

>> No.6216507

>Unless it's existentialism; then you're just a faggot.
Ad hominem.

>> No.6216513

what about some of these: pragmatism, realism, and idealism?

are those the same type of -ism's we're talking about?

>> No.6216522

You're not required to have a label you can put in green text in every thread on an anonymous image board.

>> No.6216533

don't give into the dogmatists OP

>> No.6216541

Logical fallacies have no inherent or objective meaning beyond the meaning agreed upon by a collective of individual minds and as a free and autonomous mind myself I reject the subjective meaning placed upon them and embrace their objective meaninglessness. Thus, I am not committing argumentum ad hominem, but rather I am calling you a faggot within the context of nothing.

>> No.6216607

but i am an autist

>> No.6216700

Is there an -ism that is the disbelief in free will, but a disbelief in fate/higher power control aswell, that we do have "choice" in life but it is heavily influenced by our environment and ultimately controlled by the chemicals in our mind?

>> No.6216718

Utter bullshit.
Logic is objective. Fallacy is a fault in logic.
You're an idiot for attempting to rationalize your fallacy.

>> No.6216725

Some subset of determinism, probably.

>> No.6216730

I was making a joke.

>> No.6216747

Just wait until you discover -icisms!

>> No.6216754

I feel gullible now.

>> No.6216758


You've mistaken determinism for fatalism.

Pragmatism: an approach that assesses the truth of meaning of theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application.

>> No.6216764

physical determinism

>> No.6218106

>trashing 零

fuck off he's, pretty okay

>> No.6218111

I only subscribe to PRISM.

>> No.6218191
File: 8 KB, 271x277, stalin plalf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marxism-Leninism is not just Marxism and Leninism. The proper term for that would be "Leninism."
The term either refers to Brezhnevites (pro-Soviet post-destalinization types) or Anti-revisionists (Stalinists, Maoists, and Hoxhaists)

>> No.6218192

Those aren't ideologies, though.
They're just very vague ideas certain ideologies claim to follow.

>> No.6218206

Also, I would like to state that Socialism, as defined by Leninists is just a transitional society to Communism. Socialism, to Left-communists and anarchists is synonymous with communism. For Social-Democrats, socialism is just state-interventionism.
A society where there exists Capitalism but the means of production is owned by the State is called State Capitalism.

>> No.6218224

>be me
>write some some random on-the-train thoughts
>fast forward 8 years
>buy Zarathustra
>this looks familiar..
>mfw I'd written Zarathustra to the exact word when I was 14
Sounds like a you problem.

>> No.6218253
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>fuck off he's, pretty okay
>he's, pretty

>> No.6218260

I award you with 1 internet point for your post
You did good, son. You did good.

>> No.6218262

Never become slave to ideology

>> No.6218265

You can shitpost whatever you want on /pol/. A nazist regime wouldn't allow that.

>> No.6218280

>Tfw atheist
>Tfw this happened a few days ago

>with gf at the mall
>she's in a store trying on clothes, I'm waiting outside, bored
>playing on my phone when a guy comes over and asks if he can talk to me
>"sure, whatever"
>he wants to talk about god and his relationship with him
>wtf, this is kinda weird but i say Okay
>end up talking for 20 minutes or so, nice conversation, passes the time
>he asks for one last thing
>he wants to pray for me
>"Uh, okay. Pray about what?"
>he asks if I have any illnesses
>tell him I'm asthmatic and some other shit
>he then prays for me right there, not folding hands or anything, just asks god to cure me
>he then tells me I'm cured
>gf comes out of the store seconds later
>say goodbye
And ever since my breathing has been amazing. I even managed to go jogging. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.6218307
File: 804 KB, 350x215, pure ideology.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure ideology right here

>> No.6218311

believe in not having a predefined ideology

>> No.6218321 [DELETED] 

read stirner and hume

>> No.6218339

You should declare yourself too young to post here and navigate back to >>>/reddit/ :^)

>> No.6218368 [DELETED] 

seriously though dont try to pick an ideology thats stupid shit

a statement is either true or isnt, theres no need for ideologies, just analyze every belief you have/thought you accept as true often and try to poke holes in it logically and be brutally truth-seeking/honest about it and when you cant poke anymore thats what you can rely on as true, and then you start thinking thoughts which you can rely on as true constantly, with no need for a retarded stated 'ideology' or whatever

>> No.6218377

should be obvious

>> No.6218382 [DELETED] 

i understand the feeling though of needing your thoughts to be true but not knowing if they are & i think that it drives most people to stop thinking or religion or whatever (though most religious people just dont know how to think tbh) but some to philosophy

>> No.6218440

>calling kirkegaard, Sartre, Nietzsche, Heidegger faggots

Sure is new in here

>> No.6219019

deleting my posts? wtf dude

>> No.6219546

It's the power of God. You have been chosen by the Lord. Quick, build an arch and gather two animal of every specie on earth.

>> No.6219600

Dont look for a doctrine to believe in. Jusrlt be yourself, be as you want to be follow your primal needs (aka follow your heart) what seems the most pleasurable way for you to live your life. Dont follow a ideology - create your own just for yourself and dont care what other people will think. Its your life and it on you to chose your path.

>> No.6219604

>thinking Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and Heidegger are existentialists
Sure has never opened a book in his life in here.

That's a true example of wikiknowledge.

>> No.6219629
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>> No.6219643

No you should consider yourself reasonable. If you know what to believe you've just lost the ability to see past the prism of your own experience

>> No.6219685
File: 81 KB, 400x323, 1359820384041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have no idea what to believe in

Believe in yourself.

>> No.6219714

You should follow the science of Marxism-Leninism