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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 235 KB, 1065x1600, Franz-Kafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6215301 No.6215301[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

And then...HE TURNS INTO A COCKROACH. AHAHAHA! People will eat this shit UP

>> No.6215311

Him turning into the roach is just the setup, it's not the ending or anything.

Also, the title "The Metamorphosis" doesn't refer to the guy turning into the roach, it refers to his family's reaction towards it.

>> No.6215316

>responding seriously to shitposts

>> No.6215321

He probably caught tuberculosis because his lungs were weak from laughing so much at his stupid jokes amirite LMAO XDDD

>> No.6215336

>And then

But it's literally the first sentence of the book. 0/10 shitpost, not even trying.

>> No.6215338


also he doesn't turn into a cockroach.

>> No.6215341
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>> No.6215354

citacion needed

>> No.6215371

It's a shitposting template.

>> No.6215404

Yeah 'cause that's what Kafka was about, popularity and selling books.

>> No.6215437

One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from
anxious dreams, he discovered that in bed he had been
changed into a monstrous verminous bug. He lay on his
armour-hard back and saw, as he lifted his head up a little,
his brown, arched abdomen divided up into rigid bowlike
sections. From this height the blanket, just about
ready to slide off completely, could hardly stay in place.
His numerous legs, pitifully thin in comparison to the rest
of his circumference, flickered helplessly before his eyes.
‘What’s happened to me,’ he thought. It was no dream.
His room, a proper room for a human being, only
somewhat too small, lay quietly between the four wellknown
walls. Above the table, on which an unpacked
collection of sample cloth goods was spread out (Samsa
was a traveling salesman) hung the picture which he had
cut out of an illustrated magazine a little while ago and set
in a pretty gilt frame. It was a picture of a woman with a
fur hat and a fur boa. She sat erect there, lifting up in the
direction of the viewer a solid fur muff into which her
entire forearm disappeared.
Gregor’s glance then turned to the window. The dreary
weather (the rain drops were falling audibly down on the metal window ledge) made him quite melancholy. ‘Why
don’t I keep sleeping for a little while longer and forget all
this foolishness,’ he thought. But this was entirely
impractical, for he was used to sleeping on his right side,
and in his present state he couldn’t get himself into this position. No matter how hard he threw himself onto his right side, he always rolled again onto his back. He must have tried it a hundred times, closing his eyes, so that he would not have to see the wriggling legs, and gave up only when he began to feel a light, dull pain in his side which he had never felt before. ‘O God,’ he thought, ‘what a demanding job I’ve chosen! Day in, day out on the road. The stresses of trade are much greater than the work going on at head office, and, in addition to that, I have to deal with the problems of traveling, the worries about train connections, irregular bad food, temporary and constantly changing human relationships which never come from the heart. To hell with it all!’ He felt a slight itching on the top of his abdomen. He slowly pushed himself on his back closer to the bed post so that he could lift his head more easily, found the itchy part, which was entirely covered with small white spots (he did not know what to make of them), and wanted to feel the place with a leg. But he retracted it immediately, for the contact felt like a cold shower all over him.

If any other writer wrote this you would call it shit. You know this to be true.

>> No.6215443

I'm convinced this has been the same guy all year who never made it past page 70 and has been venting his anger ever since.

>> No.6215464
File: 35 KB, 290x319, nazi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewish "literature"


>> No.6215503

>>says cockroach
>>unknown insect in story

>> No.6215535

my god please be bait

>> No.6215564

common knowledge

>> No.6215566
File: 613 KB, 269x202, Rdn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay motherfucker, hating on Kafka is not permitted here, leave immediately.

>> No.6215581

>says unknown insect
>it's unspecified vermin in the story

>> No.6215583

Kafka is pretty swell but I still hate him cause the jew professors love him and use him to push degeneracy

>> No.6215591

What degeneracy does he push, exactly?

>> No.6215592
File: 1.65 MB, 350x253, freerealstate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> says unspecified vermin
> it's ungeheueren Ungeziefer in the story


>> No.6215594


I was obviously translating for non-german readers, mein dude.

>> No.6215610
File: 14 KB, 191x157, shekel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use his writings combined with his life story to whine about muh 6 gorillion and antisemitism

> People who criticze Israel is exactly what Kafka is writing about

>> No.6215627

Ok, let's make one thing perfectly clear: /lit/ is not an open multicultural society, and your kind belongs here about as much as /v/ and /r9k/ do, which is to say, remove yourself from these premises, you are not welcome.

>> No.6215636

Kafka clearly had some sympathy for Zionism, or at least understood why people supported it, as some diary entries of his show. On the other hand, The Burrow probably can be read as a critique of nationalism in general.

>> No.6215648

he was more austere than you'll ever be, both physically and spiritually

>> No.6215663
File: 43 KB, 475x491, Sturmbannführer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lit is for people with an interest in literature, not a college women's rights echochamber you degenerate jewlover

>> No.6215665

>and then
But it's the first sentence.

>> No.6215670

Might wanna brush up on your reading comprehension

>> No.6215673
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I needed to know about the nazis' "interest" in literature, I learned in 1933.

>> No.6215675

>anti-semitism began and ended with the third reich

>> No.6215684

>there are people right now that burn The Wealth of Nations and hate nazis.

>> No.6215687

What? How did I remotely imply that? After all, you're the one who started posting nazi pics, I just added one for, um, context.

>> No.6215692

>there are people right now that burn The Wealth of Nations
Who does that?

>> No.6215695

nazis don't have any interest in literature, or any other arts.

>> No.6215698

That is the english translation that tells us he transformed into a "bug."

Kafka wrote his stories in and only in German. We need to look at the German version of the story to get the true meaning.

>> No.6215699

antifa protesters here in Mexico.

>> No.6215711

That's incredibly silly, as no one believes in that stuff anyway anymore.

>> No.6215714
File: 258 KB, 498x381, useful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the story the jews push, yes, good goy

In reality national socialists come from all walks of life. Something a brainwashed liberal would have a hard time acknowledging without going through the painful process of dealing with his cognitive dissonance.

>> No.6215718


>> No.6215731
File: 5 KB, 199x251, yablewit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> nazis did something bad once in 1933
> this means i can say all natsocs are bad
> communists kill 80 million people in a dozen different regimens
>b-but that wasn't real communism!

>> No.6215743

>good goy
Stop with the /pol/ memes already. Or at least go with the time and call everyone you disagree with a cuck, that good goy shit is so 2013.

>> No.6215752

>nazis did something bad once in 1933
Nah, that was just their crimes against literature.
>fucking once
Are you even serious?

>> No.6215758

> Crimes against literature

Muh 6 gorillion. Completely overstating the importance of burning a few degenerate books. No modern natsocs were involved in it, why are you blaming us for it? Are you some kind of racist?

The book burnings were just a propaganda demonstration, it's not related to the ideology of national socialism in any way.

>> No.6215771

>If any other writer wrote this you would call it shit.


>> No.6215774

It clearly demonstrates their stance on literature. Intellectual agreement over anything with someone who tries to purge the jews from the german literary canon is simply impossible, without even looking at what they did to people.

>> No.6215776

It was actually beetle all along.

>> No.6215785

>It clearly demonstrates their stance on literature

That some literature is bad and some is good. What a novel concept.
>Intellectual agreement over anything
I believe we call this "ad hominem". Also known as: my SJW professors always told me nazis were bad and I believe them without question.
How about some intellectual integrity instead?
Or as Mr. Hitchens put it

And again, you insist on pinning shit that happened 60 years ago on modern natsocs because it would be too uncomfortable for you to actually analyze the philosophy and discover that it is most righteous and true.

>> No.6215796

What are you even trying to tell me, it's not like natsoc 'thought' has gone through any kind of evolution since 1945, it still consists of the two sole premises 'jews bad, führer good' and that is that.
And by the way the nazis didn't burn those books symbolically, they fucking banned them, which is not a form of literary critique.

>> No.6215811
File: 74 KB, 223x138, gregor samsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You plebs have got no idea. It was clearly an allegory for the German car industry

>> No.6215819

I'm trying to tell you that you need to evaluate national socialism without the indoctrination you have received telling you what to think. It's not true that national socialism has not evolved, and even if it was it is not sufficient reason to discard it offhand. I'm politically active in a very succesful natsoc party called the Danish People's Party. We're streamlined, practical and politically correct. The philosophy is as strong as ever.

>> No.6215821

I thought the part where Gregor struggles for like ten minutes to open his bedroom door and then ends up flopping out in front of everyone and puking brown goo all over the floor was pretty funny. It's a goofy scene to imagine.

>> No.6215841

DPP members are probably not supposed to admit their enthusiasm for a nazi revival in public.
Apart from that, you are a disgrace to your country's proud history.

>> No.6215847

Yeah, that first part is hilarious, what with him realizing that people are assembling outside his door expecting him to go to work, but he can't, because, fuck, he's a beetle.

>> No.6215857

>Yeah umm shit ... just a minute!

>> No.6215878

> Public

I'm following in the footsteps of my ancestors when I reject liberal bullshit and put the boot to the foreigners. One day perhaps you too will truly see. My true Führer and intellectual inspiration is Mogens Glistrup may he rest in peace.

>> No.6215883
File: 9 KB, 267x200, whoamama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How Kafkaesque!

>> No.6215911

>here in Mexico
I'm from the city. Never heard of that.

>> No.6215924

kek my German friend

>> No.6215943

>want to throw out foreigners
>embrace ideology of foreigners who conquered and subjugated you
Stupid shit like that may be commonplace on /pol/, but it fills me with pride to tell you that you just won this board's retard olympics (not to be confused with the special olympics, which focus on retards trying NOT to be retarded)

>> No.6215945

Yeah, the book is called "The Metamorphosis"; there's a before and an after, you're reading just the "after".

>> No.6215951

Slightly related: It always makes me laugh to see Russian neonazis, yet my granddad got paid to shoot their granddads

>> No.6215993

How proud you must be, your granddad was a jewish puppet who risked his life to be a good goy.

>> No.6215995

>being a good goy by being part of the Wehrmacht under Hitler

how is that even possible

>> No.6216000

hitler was a jew

>> No.6216001

Does anyone seriously interpret the title in this way? It's got to be one of the most retarded interpretations of a literary work that I've ever heard, and I go to college.

>> No.6216003

Anyone else notice the sister incest theme?

>> No.6216009

these two posts have been awarded the prestigious price of "complete retard of the minute", it's a kid with a dunce's cap and a speech bubble which contains "hurrrdurrrrr"

You have to give it to the next retard in a minute so enjoy your trophy for the remaining 40s

>> No.6216012

sorry, one can't upvovte on this website.

>> No.6216609

It reminds me of a nightmare more than anything.
>turned into a bug
>first thought is worrying that he'll be late to work
>someone from work actually does come to scold him

>> No.6216627

it seems more based of the semi-delusional thought patterns you get when you really hate yourself. you could be fantastic at applying logic and reason to scenarios, but when it comes to yourself, you brain is able to invent infinite justifications for why the worst possible thing will happen to you and why you deserve it, you pathetic little fuckup

>> No.6216631

Virtually all of Kafka's stories have that 'nightmare logic' thing going, where unconscious fears have the power of becoming actualized through associative thinking.

>> No.6216644

Frank Kafka more like Fuck Kuntka

>> No.6216877

It's very prosaic, bland, and stiff.

>> No.6216900
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 1424858278835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the prose is prosaic

>> No.6216913

>I'm a retard

>> No.6216934

more like

>and then, nothing else happens. he's a cockroach. that's it. fifty pages.

>> No.6216942

i actually don't think it's that ridiculous. consider trade school.

>> No.6216949

Yes, you are :3
>nothing happens
If you consider loss and death 'nothing', can I have all your stuff after you kill yourself, whcih you maybe should do right now?

>> No.6216971

Nah his real name was Franz Cuckka, he changed it in '16 to hide the jewish

>> No.6216978

Prosaic doesn't mean it's prose retard, just that it's bland.

>> No.6216979


i like to imagine people like you in an oversized suit, smoking a cigar, seated at a desk, with an ever-growing pile of books in the IN box and a comically oversized rubber stamp that reads "DEGENERACY." you very angrily read the first two pages before scoffing and issuing a racial epithet, loudly, so the entire office (all the workers of which are engaged in the same sort of business) can hear, and then you stamp the book and chuck it into a chute labeled OUT, which funnels directly into the dumpster out back.

>> No.6217003

Prosaic literally means 'like prose' you moron.

>> No.6217052

The fact that a human metamorphoses into a bug makes pretty fucking obvious what the title is about. If you want to argue that his metamophosis causes the family to change as well, that's fine. If you want to say that there's more than one metamorphosis in the storie, thatnks ok as well, but saying the title doesn't refer to the big fucking obvious metamorphosis that serves as the main plot device is just dumb.

>> No.6217053

>And then
You really haven't read Kafka, did you?

>> No.6217061

Shit, it's hard to type when you metamorphosed into a bug.

Captcha: ponme

>> No.6217085
File: 44 KB, 645x773, feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man I fucking suck at being an intellectual. What am I even doing? I hate Homer! God, this is so boring! I can't read Latin but I have to constantly pretend I do. Fuck, my life is a lie.
>Ugh, what's this, another stupid intellectual book. Probably has a thousand references to dead poets I won't get. I just want to do morphine. "Kafka". What a stupid name.
>I don't think this book references anything. I can't find anything. It's just weird. Why is it so weird?
>It's short too.
>Hey, maybe if I pretend it's really good, and full of hidden things that only I get, I won't have to pretend to like all those ACTUAL things in stuffy aristocratic literature.

that feel when literature is dead

>> No.6217101

Ok virtually everyone gets Kafka. There is absolutely nothing obscure about him, and there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6217132

>commonplace; unromantic

>> No.6217139

Are you literally retarded? This is precisely what differentiates prose from poetry.

>> No.6217141

isn't it the first thing that happens?

>> No.6217145


>> No.6217151

>prose has to be bland

>> No.6217155

Prose is bland compared to poetry. Calling prose prosaic is the exact same thing as calling poetry poetic, it is gibberish, get over it.

>> No.6217165

>Prose is bland compared to poetry
Only if ur kafka ;)

>> No.6217166

dubs of truth

>> No.6217183
File: 525 KB, 760x1281, Ernest_Hemingway_in_Milan_1918_retouched_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then...HE GETS CUCKED BY EVERYBODY IN THE NOVEL. AHAHAHA! People will eat this shit UP

>> No.6217191

You are a moron, not even who you are talking to.

>> No.6217196
File: 131 KB, 360x360, 1331255827642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6217199

I'm convinced this is the same poster who is in disbelief his wittle tommy is disliked by people

>> No.6217203

ayy ;)

>> No.6217208

He isn't me, but he's right. You're a moron.

>> No.6217211

>maybe if I spew ad hominem enough I'll be rite!!!!!!
You're wrong, kid.

>> No.6217228

Man, you should go back to /tv/

>> No.6217232

>maybe if I spew ad hominem enough I'll be rite!!!!!!
You're wrong, kid.

>> No.6217240


oh, my bad, i didn't realize his assertion was to exclude the bug transformation from the title. though I SUPPOSE the argument could still be made that the transformation occurs before the beginning of the story, and as such the title cannot refer to it.

examples of literature where title event happens outside the temporal bounds of the narrative?

>> No.6217245

I am not trying to win over the former argument you were having with the other anon, I am just letting you know,as kindly as I can, that you are a complete moron :^)

>> No.6217562

it takes a jew to jew a jew

>> No.6218021

he turns into a homosexual, thats the whole point of Metamorphosis

>> No.6218029

Seriously though, that's what I thought, the bug thing being a stand-in for 'thing that makes you socially inacceptable'.

>> No.6218205


>I-i-if it's old it must be better.