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File: 49 KB, 310x459, Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6214533 No.6214533 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Kierkegaard?

>> No.6214536

Love him.

>> No.6214539

He looks exactly like one of my room mates

>> No.6214542

I want to get into Kierkegaard. I've been raised in a Christian household but never thought about religion a lot until recently, and when I started thinking about it I shifted to deism. I want to get into Christianity again and Kierkegaard seems like the best choice. Where should I start with him?

>> No.6214547

Nigga is crazY
Like dude teleological suspension of the ethical wooah lmaoo

>> No.6214554

i wanna be a knight of infinite resignation, sign me up bitch

>> No.6214560

That's funny because I'm actually going for that haircut

>> No.6214566

Can you post a picture of him?

>> No.6214571


I'm going for Ole Wossname Knausgard myself.

>> No.6214572

Was Kierkegaard gay? He comes off as gay to me and I think I read somewhere that there were suspicions or something of that nature.

>> No.6214589

too Protestant, too angsty
can be a good antidote against secularism and socialism though

>> No.6214601


>> No.6214609
File: 50 KB, 478x359, GettyImages_200440792-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I have have a son his name will be Soren Atticus Bleep (Insert my last name where the Bleep is)

>> No.6214610

As a Catholic I got something out of him but he doesn't seem to grasp the communitarian aspect of Christianity.

>> No.6214637

he's a Christian, as such his entire epistemology is bunk and inherited

>> No.6214646

I'd post a fedora picture, but you're not even worth that much.

>> No.6214653


I love that the discourse on 4chan in 2015 is such that lacking faith in Christ is somehow a nerdy/edgy thing

Fuck off, kill yourself, etc

>> No.6214655

You need Jesus

>> No.6214658


You need to stop telling people they need something or someone.

>> No.6214663
File: 27 KB, 576x510, 10981919_10206371800442208_5486582687657103543_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lacking faith isn't edgy, but
>he's a Christian, as such his entire epistemology is bunk and inherited
deserves a picture of a fat man in a fedora. But not a real one, just a spurdo version.

>> No.6214664

But that's an ontological fact. Jesus is a necessary part of the substance of reality.

>> No.6214669


how so? as a religious figure? as an historical man? sure

>> No.6214673

As part of the Divine Substance, actually.

>> No.6214678


what is the Divine Substance and how do you have access to it phenomenally?

>> No.6214693

why Atticus?

>> No.6214698


I'm working through some essays by the Russian philosophers Solovyov. You sound like him.

>> No.6214723

>can be a good antidote against secularism and socialism though
Hardly. Kierkegaard's faith seems extremely determined by the context in which he grew up. The way he undermines faith with oudbt and absurdity nowadays would lead to ahteism instead of a angsty christian.

>> No.6214788


This is what delusional atheists on this board tell themselves. What they don't realize is that the people calling them fedora are often probably atheists themselves.

They aren't responding to your "lack of belief". They are responding to "as such his entire epistemology is bunk and inherited."

You can not believe in god and still avoid being an edgy faggot.

>> No.6214794


what aspect of a Christian episteme is not inherited from Christianity?

>> No.6214797

I love him, both his philosophy and the image of him as a person that we have.

Just the fact that he turned down marriage with a girl he genuinely loved essentially so he could suffer and then later provoked the writers of a satirical magazine into mercilessly insulting him to the point where people laughed at him on the street to further his suffering.

It's hard not to admire him, even if by all accounts he was a goofy as fuck looking person.

>> No.6214803


Christian existentialism is the product of Kierkegaard. His existentialism is his unique product. Have you even read Kierkegaard? It's more than just theology. It's more than just Christianity.

>> No.6214809

How can you predict with such certainty where somebody's personal reading would lead? And acknowledging the absurdity of faith in no way undermines it, but only makes the concept of faith that much stronger since it is literally faith in something against reason.

>> No.6214825

It's a beautiful name that means teacher and also... Atticus Finch.

>> No.6214863

I want to say something more.

The problem with Kierkegaard is that he's too much of a philosopher/thinker and too little of a monk, i.e. he talks far too much about ideas and far too little about prayer. In his first work (I think it's called The Concept of Irony) he talks about his admiration and enthusiasm for Plato. In a way he is a Platonist in that he's always contemplating Ideals.
If I could compare Kierkegaard to any other figure it would be his fellow Dane, Prince Hamlet. They are both Christians who are deep introspective thinkers, and their constant brooding leads to a psychological hell. I also think Hamlet's main flaw is his lack of prayer and that if he had prayed he wouldn't have caused so much catastrophe. I also get the impression from Kierkegaard that he lacked prayer and that he thought, as did Hamlet, that he could resolve his angst through thinking the matter through (when in fact brooding on your angst only tends to increase it). Here'
A Christian life without prayer is hell. At least pagans don't have to worry about sin, but a Christian life without prayer is having to worry about sin and having none of the hope for redemption that comes through prayer. Prayer is the normal way a Christian comes close to God. Without prayer God will always feel remote; and this is one of the reasons why I think Kierkegaard lacked prayer - because his God, in his works, always seemed very remote, this dreadful figure that you have to tremble before. One of the easiest ways to compare God to something to make Him more understandable is to compare Him to a regular father. It's true that a father ought to inspire fear/respect in his children (else they will make a fool of him and ignore everything he says), but a father that ONLY inspires fear without love is just a tyrant. If your God only inspires dread and angst then he most likely isn't God.

>> No.6214867

also, this excerpt from the work of Spanish mystic, St. Teresa of Avila, talks about this fault:

. . . Secondly, our understanding and will become more noble and capable of good in every way when we turn from ourselves to God: it is very injurious never to raise our minds above the mire of our own faults. I described how murky and fetid are the streams that spring from the source of a soul in mortal sin. Thus (although the case is not really the same, God forbid! this is only a comparison), while we are continually absorbed in contemplating the weakness of our earthly nature, the springs of our anions will never flow free from the mire of timid, weak, and cowardly thoughts, such as: 'I wonder whether people are noticing me or not! If I follow this course, will harm come to me? Dare I begin this work? Would it not be presumptuous? Is it right for any one as faulty as myself to speak on sublime spiritual subjects? Will not people think too well of me, if I make myself singular? Extremes are bad, even in virtue; sinful as I am I shall only fall the lower. Perhaps I shall fail and be a source of scandal to good people; such a person as I am has no need of peculiarities.'

12. Alas, my daughters, what loss the devil must have caused to many a soul by such thoughts as these! It thinks such ideas and many others of the same sort I could mention arise from humility. This comes from not understanding our own nature; self-knowledge becomes so warped that, unless we take our thoughts off ourselves, I am not surprised that these and many worse fears should threaten us. Therefore I maintain, my daughters, that we should fix our eyes on Christ our only good, and on His saints; there we shall learn true humility, and our minds will be ennobled, so that self-knowledge will not make us base and cowardly. Although only the first, this mansion contains great riches and such treasures that if the soul only manages to elude the reptiles dwelling here, it cannot fail to advance farther. Terrible are the wiles and stratagems the devil uses to hinder people from realizing their weakness and detecting his snares.

>> No.6214872

>there we shall learn true humility, and our minds will be ennobled, so that self-knowledge will not make us base and cowardly.

and this was the problem with Kierkegaard (and Hamlet) I think: too much focus on self-knowledge and the self in general, which under a Christian mindset that will look for sin/fault will always tend towards despair.

>> No.6214876

Is lit the most Christian board of 4chan?

>> No.6214888


sadly, yes
this place is a Christian hellhole since a few months ago

I'll never understand these idiots

>> No.6214890

Also, when you are a pagan like Plato the life of contemplation will probably be quite pleasant (so long as you have the wealth to afford it) because the pagan eye is focused on natural beauty. This isn't the case for a Christian whose contemplative eye is always inwards looking for faults.
I think Nietzsche quotes Plato saying somewhere that he wouldn't be half the philosopher he was if it weren't for the young boys around Athens to inspire him in his contemplation.

>> No.6214957


I agree, actually, even though I am a fan of Kierkegaard, I have a problem with this remoteness. As an Orthodox Christian, a reader of the mystics, and a firm believer in hesychasm in all its forms, I've always leaned that way. I enjoy reading Aquinas and all, but I kind of feel like scholasticism did damage to Catholicism sometimes. I'm aware you quoted a Catholic mystic and Catholic mysticism is not at all dead, but Catholicism as a whole has moved away from mysticism. Everything is explained away with words when mystery plays a greater part in the other ancient Christian branches.


It's not that strange. There were a number of very prominent philosophers in the latter half of the twentieth century who were Catholic converts. Such as Anscombe and Dummett. Catholicism is quite appealing to philosophers. Also, philosophers and those in the humanities or literature are more likely, in my mind, to believe in other ways of acquiring knowledge or other explanations for things than their materialist counterparts in science fields. If there were going to be Christians on any board, /lit/ makes sense.

>> No.6215677

Are you asking how we
Regard Kierkegaard?

>> No.6215769


>> No.6215810

>I read somewhere that there were suspicions or something of that nature.
No he wasn't, actually he didn't have many male friends either. It was probably a rumor because of his rejecting to marry a semen demon that liked him.

>> No.6215816

Kekd and chekd

>> No.6215829

Great argument.

>> No.6215941

>posting an image that represents a one-way opinion on a brittle subject doesn't mean that's the poster's view.

'fedora' cannot be misinterpreted you slimy fuck

>> No.6215956

>it's more than X and X
So what is it? You can't leer someone to read your idol's literature this way. Just because his end-view may be yours doesn't mean you can false-step people into reading his works, -clearly you haven't.

>> No.6215962

good good

>> No.6216075

Birds of a feather him and I.

>> No.6216304

Queue the edgy and le fedora replies, but how can you ever come to any interesting philosophy if you take the bible as your basis, it is such a mediocre piece of lit...

Its like building a castle made of shit, you can bring the most brilliant engineers in but it still turns to diarrhea the first time it starts raining.

>> No.6216327

Because he's a cuck and wants to raise his child to love blacks so much he gets cucked.

>> No.6216365

It is Being itself. You always have phenomenological access to it. It is a constituent part of you, as it is of all other things. You are its predicate.
Never heard of him, I'll take that as a compliment maybe?

>> No.6216402

How does Kierk take The Bible as his basis?

>> No.6216458

A bug type Pokemon

>> No.6216459

Are you saying that the meaningless unending existential wankery is better than Christian philosophy?

Christian philosophy concerns itself with ultimate truth and the only thing I have seen out of atheist writers is usually stuff that theologians have been talking about for thousands of years except since they don't address God they just end up going in circles and embarrassing themselves.

>> No.6216692

Just got Fear and Trembling in the mail today, hopefully I'll like it. Never read anything "philosophy" related before that wasn't also a novel, like Camus.

>> No.6216805

I also had a question to anyone who has read Either/Or.

I see that the Penguin Classics version is abridged. Should I avoid that version?

>> No.6216909

Fucking this. Hurr im smarter than this genius his argument is wrong because reasons xD

And then you faggots accuse others of being immature because they keep replying with a shitpost to your shitpost.

>> No.6216916

You haven't even read him have you?

>> No.6216976

>walking out on prime teenage pussy to become a knight of faith

Why is Kookyguard more alpha than you, /lit/?

>> No.6216984

Honestly, don't waste your time with him, or with Nietzsche, or with other hacks like that if it's philosophy you want. I'm not saying that they aren't deep, thought-provoking thinkers; they are. But spouting baseless assertions that simply seem like they might be cool is not philosophy, and it's a shame that some people get the impression that it is.

>> No.6217019
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>> No.6217022

This was also meant for this >>6216984 retard

>> No.6217559

"And but so then he was really a Knight of Infinite Resignation™"

Really Kierkegaard?

>> No.6218051

It's pronounced Kierkegore so the joke doesn't make sense.

>> No.6218057

Yes. That should be implied by the word 'abridged'.

>> No.6218065


Deism is the way to go. Soren is my primary african american constituent.

>The Bible
>City of God
>Fear and Trembling

Checkmate Atheists.

>> No.6218070
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>> No.6218097


Interesting as fuck.

>> No.6218107
File: 64 KB, 308x475, Political Theology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a great admirer of Based Schmitt, who was a Catholic but also an avid reader of Kierkegaard. Where should I begin?

>> No.6218120
File: 1.20 MB, 2908x1920, 1418183538095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The greeks, but >>6218065 is decent. If you need ellucidating texts to help you understand any of these works, feel more than free.

>> No.6219125

Reading Fear and Trembling now. Cheers.

>> No.6219135

You should not read Schmitt only becouse he was catholic but for his good political theories.

>> No.6219156

Yes that is why I read him. But ultimately his politics are inseperable from his theology, as Heinrich Meier has convincingly argued.