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621378 No.621378 [Reply] [Original]

So I want to write a fantasy novel, but I really can't be arsed sitting there paraphrasing Tolkien. Who else is there to copy, so I can be more original?

>> No.621388

Jack Vance

>> No.621385

Copying Tolkien is a tried and tested method. You don't go changin those OP.

>> No.621392

Take ideas from the Magic the Gathering universe, especially the Weatherlight saga

>> No.621394

Fritz Leiber, ER Eddison, Robert E Howard

>> No.621402

I hate you OP. We can't help it if it's already been done before.

>> No.621404

This is a troll thread I approve of.

>> No.621405
File: 1.54 MB, 1260x1020, 1272826281950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my life

>> No.621408

You walk on the pavement?

What a square

>> No.621410

>Who else is there to copy, so I can be more original?
Fucking idiot. If you copy something then it's not going to be original, fucking newfag.

>> No.621428


>> No.621441

Make sure there are lots of dragons. Maybe even shapeshifting into dragons.

>> No.621442

Dragons, shapeshifting into other dragons.

>> No.621446

Wielding dragons that shape-shifted into swords!

>> No.621452

george rr martin

>> No.621453

"Wheel of Time" by Robert Jordan

>> No.621909

>fantasy novel not paraphrasing Tolkien

while you're at it could you also
1. break lightspeed
2. prove God, get him to come down for a chat
3. explain the complete works of Burroughs
4. dance like nobody's watching.

>> No.621935

Copy The Worm Ouroboros by ER Eddison.

You will instantly get all the babes and publishers to be on your cock for bringing back a type of fantasy the world sorely needs.

>> No.622161

While I realize you're using hyperbole, Tolkien didn't invent fantasy. The problem being that if they're all so much the same, then _he_ is the plagiarist.

>> No.622317

Tolkien was a retread of Beowulf, he even admitted it. There really aren't that many fantasy novels based on myths from other countries, most fantasy comes from Anglo-Germanic mythos, mixed sometimes with a dash of Greek.