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/lit/ - Literature

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6211815 No.6211815 [Reply] [Original]

What is the deal with this novel?? I picked it up because I saw it had insane praise but it's a messy, boring, onanist, junkie tale. Am I missing something here? Am I too stupid to understand some sort of symbolism or poetic language?

>> No.6211820

you havent missed anything, its just a crappy meme book.

>> No.6211833

i don't understand it either

>> No.6211834

I have a love/hate relationship with this novel.

>0-100 pgs
Hate hate hate. WTF is this shit?

Ok, maybe I'm getting used to it.

Hmm. Ok.
It was a lot better than I expected.

>> No.6211849

In my case is more of the opposite actually, I feel the beginning (first 20 pgs maybe?) could hint to an interesting story but it just goes down hill from there.

>> No.6211976

Opposite for me

>first 100 pages
This is pretty cool, it's funny, I like the detached narration style

>rest of book
This is actually painful to read, it's a complete embodiment of everything fake

>> No.6211983

Welcome to the mind of a mildly autistic chink.

>> No.6212204

You got memed, welcome to modern literature.

>> No.6212231

Ok newfag here, is meme book just a book that is trending or something else?

>> No.6212241


>> No.6212242

Anything discussed here is apparently now a meme book but Tai Pei is actually pretty shitty.

>> No.6212292

I really want to know why people like him though. I can't think of a good reason to like that fucking novel.

>> No.6212296

tai pei is a meme book because there is a new thread about it every single day it seems like. Same with infinite jest. Its just so repetitive and boring.

>> No.6212304

expert marketing

>> No.6212311

The psychology of the characters. The nihilism. Shit made me cry.

>> No.6212312

>it's a messy, boring, onanist, junkie tale.
welcome to the wonderful world of alt lit, leave your dignity on the way out.

>> No.6212315

I know but the trend has been that if anything is popular it's a meme and therefore bad, but in the case of Tai Pei the book actually is pretty bad and few people will disagree.

>> No.6212338
File: 30 KB, 447x327, Tao Lin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really want to know why people like him though.

(1) Alt lit is an incestuous business model where everyone who's "in" fellates each other. It's a lot like gaming journalism.
(2) Everyone wants to suck your dick when you own a publishing company. Give Lin's shit good reviews and maybe Muumuu House will publish your shit.
(3) Publicity stunts, viral marketing, fake reviews, so Lin never leaves the spotlight

>> No.6212346

I agree that most meme books are terrible, but I also think its like the chicken or egg... was the book bad because it became a meme or was the book bad and then it became a meme through the use of viral marketing?

>> No.6212348

>if anything is popular it's a meme and therefore bad
>and therefore bad
No, that's not how meme books work.

>> No.6212355

It's a meme, you dip! If you're going to read one of the /lit/ meme books, read one belonging to the Holy Trinity, which is composed of Infinite Jest, Ulysses, and Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.6212363


>reading the work of a slant-eyed tranny-fucking autist hack author

>> No.6212372

I don't think most people get it, but every popular product makes their audience predisposed to like it or hate it because some reason they already decided before even reading the book, therefore having an effect on their interpretation.

It happens with every popular product. When Lorde released Royals everyone was like "yeah, party!" without noticing how critical is with the 'glamorous' lifestyle that most pop songs despict.

>> No.6212373

I started it. The story sucks so far, but the style is interesting. The narrator talks about his own thoughts, but everything he says about other people is never about what they think (because that's inaccessible). He only talks about the way other people appear. It's a really believable style.

>> No.6212377

It takes time to finish Ulysses cut me some slack, fucking Taipei was lying around and I refused to not finish a book I already started.

>> No.6212387

>The story
Taipei doesn't have a story. Just a bunch of events, like your typical modernist novel.

>> No.6212390

It's how /mu/ tries to make them work when they get mad.

>> No.6212394

i enjoyed taipei
it was dumb but well stylized fun
solid 3/5

>> No.6212578

Oh. No wonder it sucks.

>> No.6212665

you're probably just old tbh

>> No.6212787

there is better alt lit

>> No.6214140

It's a mess. Only reason I read it was because the author seems incredibly autistic and aspie.

>> No.6215756

>I have a love/hate relationship
Are you a girl or homosexual?

>> No.6215761


>> No.6215762

But it has a structure. Tao's things have always had a structure; poems, short stories, his hamster drawings... nothing has been random.

>> No.6215766

>there is better alt lit
Alt-lit doesn't even exist.
Alt-lit writers are that kind of people that call themselves writers but they never write anything or write too little.

>> No.6215775

I got duped into this unfulfilling shit by /lit/ of all places. I wouldn't even find about it if it wasn't for you dickheads.