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/lit/ - Literature

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6211041 No.6211041[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Is there anybody here who believes in God?"
>nervous silence from the audience
>"I ask again, otherwise I think my job here is even easier than I assumed it would be."
>the audience laughs nervously
>"Is there anyone here who believes in the divinity of the Muslim, Christian or Jewish religions, and the word of its biblical teachings?"
>guy raises hands
>the audience, shocked, stares at him with a look on their faces similar to one you'd give a man about to be executed
>"How dare you. I repeat, how DARE you submit to this heavenly totalitarianism, this celestial North Korea! I assume you'd kill your children if God commanded you to?"
>the audience cheers, claps and yells in unison, a festival of mockery ensues. A loud laughter can be heard from those who are already familiar with the Hitch and knew what to expect. The guy is not given a chance to reply or elaborate on his specific theological views because who cares he's probably stupid anyway. Religion is deemed too stupid for discussion, that particular segment of the entire event is uploaded separately on youtube under the title "Hitchens absolutely fucking OWNS stupid religious audience member who thinks Islam is peaceful" by the user ReasonAndScience. Hitch is hailed as one of the greatest orators since Cicero. Atheism prevails, Religion fails, sorry, deal with it, bye bye.

>> No.6211051

I'm pretty sure nobody who is actually intelligent and atheist buys into his shit

>> No.6211052


>> No.6211057

post a link

and yes, hitchens is a hack fraud

>> No.6211083

christposters please stop shitting up the board with this nonsense

>> No.6211141
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>How dare you. I repeat, how DARE you submit to this heavenly totalitarianism, this celestial North Korea!

Stiner smirked quite spookily, and said "How dare you, my dear modern, call yourself anti-totalitarian, when you want me put your anti-totalitarian ideals above my own causes? You want *anti-totalitarianism*, but in order to do this, you demand everyone give up their own causes and put the ideal before themselves. What is this but - totalitarianism.

>> No.6211152

Another Spook busted.


>> No.6211155

>"Is there anybody here who believes in God?"
The correct answer to this question is actually not "yes" or "no", it's "it depends on how you define 'God'."

>> No.6211168


>> No.6211170

As low-brow as it geds

>> No.6211171

>but in order to do this, you demand
He suggest you think for yourself instead of submitting to to ancient instruction manuals. Ya' know, "spooks"

Here's another for you.

>> No.6211183

>He suggest you think for yourself

wow, such enlightenment, much profound, it's like watching a serious philosopher equivalent of Doug Stanhope

>> No.6211190

Is anybody gonna check out his gaming channel?

>> No.6211196

He's a journalist. It isn't that hard to debate falsehoods like religion into a pulp.

>> No.6211202


If ancient instruction manuals suit my causes, what else is not making use of them because Hitchen's said not to but a spook?

>> No.6211206

you are genuinely retarded, ever considered >>>/reddit/ ?

>> No.6211213


Only in America...

>> No.6211234

No one speak about reddit as much as 4channers

It used to be other chans [I tried to specify, but it's a banned word. Should do the same with "reddit"]
I'd hear "go back to _chan newb!" all the time.

>> No.6211521

>"religion causes good people do bad things, smart people to think stupid things, sane people to commit insane acts," --Hitchens once said something around this.

He has little knowledge of true conditions in North Korea, and by all accounts is to be discarded as a Trot--and not even that since he became a capitalist later in life. But when it comes to matters of religion and foreign policy in Iraq, he's absolutely correct.

>> No.6211525

>pretending to be Christian

This meme is really getting old

>> No.6211529

It was Gaia, back in the day

>> No.6211606

You can't be an atheist and criticize stupid atheists?

>> No.6211619


I'm pretty sure /lit/ has become a refuge for /pol/tards now

>> No.6211624

>everything i dislike is /pol/
Yeah, it's full of refugees like that

>> No.6211654


I watched most of it. Together with people like Hitchens, it reminds one that there are a lot of bad reasons to believe and not believe.

>> No.6211663


i'm a /pol/ refugee

>> No.6211681

Not without explaining yourself in full.

But that's not an invitation.
This is a stupid off topic thread.

>> No.6211764

u can, but it ain't saving your soul from hell, m8

>> No.6211783

God does command Abraham to kill his son in Abraham 22:1-12. In Luke 12:53 and Matthew 10:35 Jesus also talks about religious belief being more important than a unified family. I agree that if Hitchens did what OP said he was being a douche but the guy was still widely renown for his journalism alongside his non-religious endeavours, cherry picking to make him look like a totally anti-intellectual asshole who never allowed opposing views is hypocritical. He was an anti-racist who hosted a radio show featuring neo-Nazi Tom Metzger and his son for fuck's sake. You can find plenty of other videos where Hitchens had dialogue with religious believers and both of them responded in turn or Hitchens was spoken over.

>> No.6211796
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>intelligent and atheist

>> No.6211807

Nothing against Stanhope pls

>> No.6211808

>has become a refuge for /pol/tards now


From what? What cataclysmic event could have possibly happened to send them out of their containment board and seek new homes?

>> No.6211817

>What cataclysmic event could have possibly happened to send them out of their containment board and seek new homes?
Were you here when their board got pummeled by moot "the Jew" Poole?

>> No.6211825
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i can't fucking believe it

god how someone can watch this

>> No.6211826

that is fucking hilarious

>> No.6211828

Why are American men in their late teens, early twenties so desperately clinging to an outdated view of religion as a man in the sky and an afterlife?

I'm not seeing this in any Europeans or even American women. Nor any older American men.

>> No.6211841

Here's the actual scenes where the professor and the kid debate if anyone's interested. They're about as fucking stupid as you'd expect:


>> No.6211851
File: 213 KB, 1431x1009, moot 2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Were you here when their board got pummeled by moot "the Jew" Poole?

I recall a vague something happening but then again I don't visit the /pol/ board or those which are likely to taper to that kind of discussion in the first place (except /int/ every now and again but stick to the thread which are actually on-topic).

What did moot do?

>> No.6211861


to be edgy and contrarian ever since atheism turned out to be uncool because of redit

some weird strategy to get laid maybe

>> No.6211865

He removed captchas and post delay, pinned cuckthreads, and played a woman talking about the joys of cucking on repeat. He replaced 4chan in all posts with 4cuck, and /pol/ with tumblr, and eliminated all posting rules. He did this for at least a week, during which /pol/ got flooded with /b/ tier threads at a machine gun rate. A lot of /pol/ looked for another board to post on while theirs was rekt, and many came here and didn't leave when they got their board back.

>> No.6211869
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>What's a theist?
Bitch, you're in a goddamn college philosophy class how the fuck do you not know this?

>> No.6211871


the sad truth is that in most shitty collegue departments you will see this as a reality

>> No.6211872
File: 106 KB, 1200x392, american education 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>american education

>> No.6211873

oh boy. i remember how pumped i was when that trailer dropped. who else watched it with friends and beer?

>> No.6211882

>That Macbeth quote
I cringed

>> No.6211886

it was actaully not as bad as i thought it would be.

>> No.6211892

Yes there were no Christians on this site until the fedora meme
A guy tipping his fedora made us adopt a lifestyle radically opposed to everthing modern and be saddled with constant guilt and sense of deep disorder that can only be replaced by adopting downright impossible moral standards

Im sure people chose this over masturbating and watching anime because they saw a fat guy ina fedora

You are complete retards

>> No.6211895

If you move from one stage of Ideology to the other without proper reflection on the causes, reasons and philosophy of the previous condition you'll only fall into the same trap again and any sense of progress will be illusory

this and also cool art

>> No.6211918

I don't know, man, even if the entire premise of the movie is a strawman argument, the fact that the professor offers up very, very few points beyond very basic logical fallacies (namely appeal to authority) that any educated student of philosophy, much less a fucking professor, would be familiar with and more than capable of avoiding is pretty bad.

>> No.6211926
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>imblying actual religion is hip, modern and cool

>> No.6211927

>He hasn't been to /pol/
>He thinks that typing out how retarded it is means it's not literally what happened

You have way too much faith in your fellow idiots.

>> No.6211928

yeah, but i was talking about the kid's side, because the professor didn't really say a lot.

>> No.6211932
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>he wouldn't kill his own son for god
It's like you don't even understand why there's a teleological suspension of the ethical

>> No.6211958

So, what he did to /a/ at least once a year?

>> No.6211964

>In Luke 12
>Matthew 10
They are no family of yours if they don't follow His Will and Word.

>cherry picking

>> No.6211980

>this celestial North Korea!
But North Korea is already celestial

>> No.6211998

>Louis CK: Little white dicks!
>Louis CK: Big black dicks!
>Audience: rapturous applause!
>Louis CK: little...white dicks?
>Audience: *starts overturning tables, fights break out*
>Louis CK: BIGGG....BLACK...DICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Audience: laughter, applause, everyone freaks the fuck out. women start punching their white male partners and glassing them with bear bottles, one black man in the audience is set upon by 23 young women each vying for his cock.

>> No.6212005

is this who you want on your board?

>> No.6212018

What the hell am I looking at

>> No.6212024

Salty as fuck

>> No.6212032


You have been unbanned from /r/pyongyang/

>> No.6212034
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this film has to be satire

>> No.6212035
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>> No.6212041
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>> No.6212043

>reddit-tier 'jokes'

>> No.6212044
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>> No.6212057

holy fuck the ending

>> No.6212061

skip to 5:13

>> No.6212189

Jesus Christ the world in the eyes of a /pol/tard is terrifying.

>> No.6212202

That's from /tv/, retard.

>> No.6212213

I may not know anything about /tv/, but that doesn't make it any less of a /pol/ sentiment.

>> No.6212225

>no other board can make fun of niggers and cucks without being /pol/
I think you're on the wrong website, here.

>> No.6212229

The /pol/ tards crosspost like anybody. We ID them as /po/tards for their skewed world view. Genuine or not.

Now, you should feel rather stupid for the retard comment.

>> No.6212233

>"no one can DISprove god either"

Burden of proof?

>> No.6212235

see >>6212225
Now stop crying about your /pol/ boogeyman.

>> No.6212237

I really don't like the thread ID's

>> No.6212248

Read it this time >>6212229

Full retard.

>> No.6212252



>> No.6212254

>everyone who does things I don't like is from /pol/!!!! Waaah they're /pol/ crossposters!!! My feelings have been hurt so I must complain that my contrarian hugbox is being invaded.

>> No.6212265

But what if it is part of one board's identity to hate other boards? Would the message of tolerance then be contradictory?

>> No.6212268

Filtered, I'm glad you exposed yourself you tumblr babby, "you must know who I am!", never again will I see your shitposts

>> No.6212274

Is there a board like that?

>> No.6212277

>Moot confirmed for Übertroll

Pretty cool actually.

>He replaced 4chan in all posts with 4cuck

top cuck.

>> No.6212286

So you're a rightwing newfag who can't read very well.
Just what we needed.

>> No.6212290

I had the same reaction with Dawkins.

>> No.6212291

/a/ and /jp/.

>> No.6212295

>poorly defined right wing politics are making me cry!!
>I have to bring my identity politics into every discussion
Just get out.

>> No.6212298

Those don't really count as boards though

>> No.6212308

Yeah, there's a lot of shit on there. Camus, Rand, Freud, and Dawkins aren't philosophers and Foucault, Chomsky and Nietzsche are just shit.

>> No.6212314
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>Foucault, Chomsky and Nietzsche are just shit.

You're on the wrong board. >>>/po/

>> No.6212323

Nietzsche and Foucault offered nothing but a loose interpretation of their own conception of history with no basis in evidence and Chomsky is as outdated as the paper book.

>> No.6212329
File: 32 KB, 300x100, 167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're on the wrong board. >>>/po/
What's >/po/?
>not your board
Better apply to be a janitor so you can request warnings for people about their posts that give you a tummy ache

>> No.6212330


>> No.6212334

I don't see what origami has to do with any of this faggot