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/lit/ - Literature

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6205821 No.6205821 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, anyone here speak Old Greek?

How good are the translations of Plato, Socrates, Aristotele, and Marcus Aurelius into English?

>> No.6206359

Nobody, seriously?

What the fuck is this board?

>> No.6206531

Pretty shit, you're better off asking and lurking somewhere else. I'm sure academics argue about which translation is the best.

>> No.6206569


>Hey /lit/, anyone here speak Old Greek?

>How good are the translations of Plato, Socrates, Aristotele, and Marcus Aurelius into English?

what translations? good by what standards? do you realize these are four of the most influential philosophers of all time and there are likely hundreds of translations to compare, and that the people who do know old greek are very unlikely to really care which translations are good?

gr8 thread m8

>> No.6206727

>people who do know old greek are very unlikely to really care which translations are good?

That is so wrong. People often read works in differrent languages, either to understand them better, or because they read them at different periods in their lives, and there are even more reasons.

If anyone here spoke Old Greek, he is very likely to have read the works also in English.

Don't you learn Old Greek when you study literature?