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/lit/ - Literature

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6205800 No.6205800 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a 30 year old virgin woman who likes 50 shades of grey anything.

>> No.6205805

what do you think of greece's current economic situation?

>> No.6205808

Do you know what is literature? If yes, why did you post this here? If no please go back to /r9k/.

>> No.6205809

How does p=np?

>> No.6205826

adding to this, what's your take on Maкeдoнијa being held out from the European Union and the effects that has on their economy (specifically in the area of produce export) compared to Greece

>> No.6205833

Can reason rule? Please answer using the traditional french academical style of thesis, antithesis, synthesis, in no more than five hours and twelve pages.

>> No.6205834

what is your weight, height, physical description?

are you attractive?

>> No.6205835

Did you know Leonard Nimoy died?

>> No.6205838

one a scale from 1 to fat
how fat are you

>> No.6205850

Pretty shit, the greeks are paying for the reckless acting of banks and getting blamed for it. It pisses me off there's tons of ads for "send aid to africa" and nobody cares about your neighbour and relative starving next door.

p=np > 0=00 > 0=0 > 0

>> No.6205857

Anyone that's out of the euro is only doing themselves a favor.

>> No.6205865

No, what a pity.

>> No.6205895

How do you fulfill your sexual desires without breaking your hymen?

>> No.6205898



>> No.6205904

How often do you masturbate?
Do you masturbate to 50 shades of grey?

>> No.6205931

Masturbating of course, I can give myself an orgadm by stroking the clit

Depends on how long I have been going without masturbating
Yeah I wish I had a strong dominating man to initiate stuff and love me and give me the sex I want. Life sucks.

>> No.6205940

*orgasm, grammarnazis I'm on a phone.

>> No.6206026


also post feet

>> No.6206034


Would you take it up the council?

>> No.6206039

What else do you read and how long have you been here or will you be staying?

>> No.6206050

Do you have lady friends you talk about sex with? From your experience, do all women crave to be dominated?

I'm the first to initiate sex but sometimes I allow the girl to lead and/or choose the position... is this a turn off?

>> No.6206054

le hymen guy here
>>stroking the clit
Is it enough? I mean what about the g-spot Which cannot be reached without penetration.
a-and is it easy to become a lesbo?

>> No.6206083
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>> No.6206104

Why are you a 30 year old virgin? What are your top 5 books? How many books have you read this year?

>> No.6206118

Nice hair

>> No.6206158

>Yeah I wish I had a strong dominating man to initiate stuff and love me and give me the sex I want.
Trust me, guys want the same inverse.

Here's what's interesting about social conditioning. There are gender roles that may be easier to fill depending on your lack of mental acumen. The morally decrepit, intellectually vapid, and 'active' people of the society (using the active-reactive Nietzschean dichotomy) are the ones that will approach you most often. Then you get that one guy who approaches you and has apprehensions. He isn't a straight line exactly, his thought paths and actions are more thought out, and you can tell.

And it makes you unattracted. And then the people who are active embody the Machiavellian leader's greatness and parsimonious traits without ever having read The Prince are the active members of society. In Civilization and its Discontents Freud correctly identifies superficiality and ease of travel and contact as being the only things society as a whole democracy really values. As we increase this representation, we are headed to a false positive. The vast majority of women like this one here and men like the ones replying to the thread, are absorbed by this false flag of authoritative democracy without ever thinking to what end it is headed. And then superficiality is defined as? Cleanliness, order, and beauty.

>> No.6206207

>Why are you a virgin?
>Why did you make a post about being a virgin?

>> No.6206391

nah I don't think so
here's the problem with an autistic alien like me dealing with love (same thing for autistic female)
I read a lot of shit i think about it and come to conclusion
my feminine side fears her masculine side but my masculine side desires her feminine side this paradoxical situation drives me crazy but it keeps the flame alive for me at least.
she has despaired I guess
so I don't need a dominant female but a female to initiate explicitly then everything will be clear and we can make agreement about domination/submission or exchanging roles hhhh tfw I'm so doomed

>> No.6206397

Why do you like the novel? is it the scenes, the charters, or the narration style?

>> No.6206422

Do you even lift?

>> No.6206448

Still here OP?

>> No.6206459

Yes I lift my baguette do you wanna see it? 19cm you will love it faggot

>> No.6206460

What do you think of Wilhelm Reich's theories on sexuality and de Sade's philosophy as expressed in 120 days of Sodom?

>> No.6206578

I think it's quite a stretch to call anything de Sade has written "philosophy".

>> No.6206758

Funny attempt at rationalizing how bad you suck

>> No.6206771

How many handjobs have you done?

>> No.6206790

What do you think about Erasure?

>> No.6207539


>> No.6207637
File: 134 KB, 778x1018, bachelor's degree in trashing from penn state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think it's really the guy who's getting dominated? I mean, he might fuck her really hard, but he's the one showering her with all his time and money. He can barely look at a bitch without her telling him to stop it.
>mfw I hear white knight cuckolds say it's misogynistic, despite it being written by and for women
Still a terrible book, though. I read a page of it and the prose made me vomit.

>> No.6207694

Why would I ask you anything? I couldnt care less if you are a 30 year old female virgin who's into shitty, you're still just a random anon making a shitty thread. Go away nobody cares about you.

>> No.6207702

Why so violent?

>> No.6207726

how ugly are you? post a pic

>> No.6207867

Either P=0, or N=1. Or both.

>> No.6207903

Can't be violent online dumbass. I'm just saying your post is irrelevant, stupid, and a desperate attempt for some recognition that you clearly don't get in real life.

>> No.6207917

how are you still a virgin at 30?

are you ugly? autistic? religious? what's the story here?

>> No.6207925

P vs NP problem.

And P is not equal to NP.

>> No.6207932

Someone get this woman a fields medal.

>> No.6207938

Op has either had second thoughts about continuing this thread, has a life this weekend, or was a troll trying to spread the word about this dumbass movie.
Of all the threads to get the bump threatment, why this one?

>> No.6207965

because fuck you thats why.

>> No.6207994

a female wizard?

Does that make you a witch?

How is it even possible to be a female virgin? Even if you're a 3/10 someone would have done the deed by now.

Describe yourself physically in your best prose.

>> No.6208005

Don't be a bitch, bitch. Your thread is useless and so are you

>> No.6208006

a man becomes a wizard if he reaches 30 and is still a virgin
what does a woman become?

>> No.6208010

i'm not the 30 yr old virgin dipshit

>> No.6208011

Doesn't mean you aren't a bitch, bitch.

>> No.6208016

>Yeah I wish I had a strong dominating man
Why do women need to be dominated?
It's seriously troubling me.

These women will raise children and instil their values in them implicitly. It makes me want to weep for our species.

>> No.6208022

She's a 30 year old virgin. She won't raise children.
Her opinions and tastes are worthless because they will die along her empty existance.

>> No.6208027

Professor Minerva McGonagall^^

>> No.6208036



>> No.6208039

But it's not just her. This widespread 50 shades nonsense is indicative of that.
It's pretty messed up.

>> No.6208049

It's just another shitty best seller in a long list of shitty best sellers. I wouldn't mind it very much.

>> No.6208052 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6208059

I'll bet you are the OP though.

>> No.6208060

this is so stupid

>> No.6208066

As opposed to what ITT?

>> No.6208067

clit >>> g-spot honestly

>> No.6208073


And you don't become a lesbian. You could be a bisexual and have lesbian relations for the duration of your life, but if you aren't from the beginning, you're some level of bi.

>> No.6208105

>clit >>> g-spot honestly
Funny how lesbians keep singing to this tune.

>> No.6208119

There's nothing wrong with being a sensitive guy.

>> No.6208123

uhh yes there is

>> No.6208127

How so?

>> No.6208146

I don't think people are born gay.

>> No.6208160

Didnt your father teach you how to be a man? nobody respects a sensitive guy, except maybe faggots, but thats only because they want another ass to try and stab.

>> No.6208165

Why do you read erotica on public transport?

Not necessarily you specifically, but why did everyone suddenly just fucking go for it with 50 shades? I know people did it before, but the smut books always had tasteful covers and no one would know what it was about really. But reading that on a train screams: IM READING ABOUT S&M IN PUBLIC.

I might as well be reading Nuts mag on the number 10 bus.

>> No.6208182

Well, you're right that what the mass majority of people desire are insensitive guys, and that is what the mass majority of fathers pass on to their sons nowadays.

But who cares, it's all just some objective rationalizations of a failed morality.

>> No.6208190

you sound like a faggot hipster trying to hard to be politically correct. reality is what it is, I am sorry that you are a weak man... hows that for being sensitive to your weakness hahaha

>> No.6208191
File: 84 KB, 403x392, 1423676848215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the plebs that go for this shit haven't even -heard- of In the Realm of the Senses

>> No.6208197

Sensitivity is not political correctness though. Politics is all about insensitive behavior.

>> No.6208214

you are trying to be politically correct by your acceptance of sensitive men...

>> No.6208222

Hume called, he wants to tell you that you can't get an ought from an is.

>> No.6208236

are you a butthurt sensitive man?

>> No.6208242

No, I'm just saying what it is that is valued is not necessarily in the best interests of society.

This should be common knowledge though, it's certainly not political correctness.

>> No.6208246

no he didn't teach me how to harass females :(

>> No.6208254

maybe you should go out and give it a try.. some of them enjoy the attention.

>> No.6208259

Sensitive means you are concerned about the suffering of others. This has usually been a trait held in high regard.
This bullshit about not feeling emotion or having concern for others is simply a result of a sense of inferiority. You know you are weak so you try to construct a façade of strength.

>> No.6208264

You can talk to women without harassing them.

>> No.6208272

>This has usually been a trait held in high regard.
I'm the guy who is supporting the existence of sensitive men.

I disagree with this completely.

>> No.6208278

sure you can and its usually a boring conversation

i'll be honest here. I am bored with you and really dont care what your opinion is.

>> No.6208283

Just because women want it, does not mean it is best or right.
Maybe your father should have taught you to stop bending to the fickle desires of women and the media and to strive to be better?
Just because women have flawed desires does not mean you should enable them.

>> No.6208286

Incorrect, you just don't know how to have a good time with women without sexually hitting on them and just having an aggressive stance towards them in general.

>> No.6208289

>I am bored with you and really dont care what your opinion is
Well you sure showed me!
Don't start something you can't finish.

>> No.6208294

Man, in almost all ages of history, has been hindered by women.

>> No.6208299

sensitive virgin men.. hey op we found someone on your level

>> No.6208303

Not a virgin, had a great time with a group of females last night.

You should try being more sensitive.

>> No.6208308


"Has been rhetorically held in high regard"?

>> No.6208313

My point is, society is frequently a false indicator of beneficial traits or ideologies, most of the great thinkers agree.

>> No.6208499

It is not possible to be violent via the internet. Violence involves physical action.

>> No.6208541

Do women wizards get magic powers too?

>> No.6208563

Yeah but that wont get you love

>> No.6208567

False again.

>> No.6208580
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On the positive side ...

>> No.6208589

what made you post this on /lit where your thread clearly doesn't belong?

>> No.6208620

None of us belong here really.

We should be out in the woods killing each other with sharp sticks, and burying our poop to conceal it from apex predators.

>> No.6208632

it's science my man

>> No.6208639

Are you actually Butterfly

I thought you used a trip now

>> No.6208642

Anyone who is a female and on /lit/ uses the butterfly name.

>> No.6208699

It comes off after using it ...elsewhere.

Not as far as I can tell. They all seem to be male-like.

I like both, but the one is better.

Well, I wuz priddy young den...
I don't think it was a vaccination shot either. Checkmate.

>> No.6208705

Again proofing that uglyness = bad posture, poor hygiene and lack of fashion sense/style

>> No.6208714

But they're all anonymous

>> No.6208742


I'm quoting a pic that shows a ''ugly woman''. The same woman would be much better if she had hygiene, one year in the gym, a good diet, correct posture, nice women's clothes and a fucking smile.

>> No.6208789

And I'm pissing on your assessment and implying the real ugly ones were the anons ITT flipping out.
She's fit enough, seems perfectly bathed, dressed fine. She's not smiling, but then her head looks shooped larger...

Obviously wasn't even the OP ITT

>> No.6208863
File: 177 KB, 873x548, upper-and-lower-crossed-syndrome1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's fit enough
Needs more lower body. Her tighs and butt are too small and underdeveloped. Shes thin but you have two kinds of thin, a muscular thin and a skinny skeleton. She's not bulimic skinny but as I said, muscular development wouldn't hurt.
Pic related posture.
>seems perfectly bathed
Yeah, but hygiene is more than bathing. After the shower it's recomendable that you take care of your acne and apply moisturizer to get rid of dry skin, so your face doesn't look red while the rest of your body is pale white. Also she rekt her eyebrows.
>dressed fine
No. Just no. If you think nike black sport shirt + 99 pockets jeans is fine then I can't even send you back to reddit. No matter if you are man or woman, these clothes are awful when put together. Zero color coordination, dated jeans, shitty silhoutte. No one can pull off this fit.

Congratulations you made me reply your bait.

>> No.6208932

*tips fedora*

>> No.6208973
File: 13 KB, 300x400, 1423966713115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arguments? Who needs them, I use memes in my web discussions

>> No.6208998

>complaining about memes on 4chan

>> No.6209028

It >>6208863 is poor bait, or you are brain damage case from /fa/

I even suspect you're the OP. Quit bumping garbage

>> No.6209499

That girl can't be fixed.

>> No.6209513

>what is plastic surgery

>> No.6209514

Nah. I got no problems with you, lady.

>> No.6209744

/int/ here. That picture is of a Russian jew man who pretends to be girls

>> No.6209751


Is it wrong that I'm actually now aroused and I wasn't before?

>> No.6209768

How is it possible to be so pathetic? holy shit.

>> No.6210109
File: 52 KB, 470x600, meh.ro5804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you try to get better at trolling?

>> No.6210131

TBH this is nothing plastic surgery could not fix.

not even extensive. Nose and jaw and you would be gucci.

Even her eyes are mostly even. you are only unsavable if your shit is lined up like \