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/lit/ - Literature

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6205503 No.6205503[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>first day of new English course I enrolled in
>classmate next to me is asked who is favourite author is
"Stephen King"

>> No.6205515


you're not going to find many people who read books in an english department

>> No.6205542

What level course is it? Might just be someone knocking out a gen-ed.

Regardless, if I could write like Stephen King I'd be pretty happy about myself.

You should probably chill out instead of calling everyone a pleb under your breath.

>> No.6205543
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>patrician /lit/izen
>still say Stephen King is my favorite author in my grad school lit courses
Sorry I enjoy fun, anon.

>> No.6205564

That's what you get for taking an English class.

>> No.6205579

GRRM would be my favorite English author if he didn't take more than half a decade to release a book.

>> No.6205585

You're a pleb who doesn't appreciate real art.

>> No.6205593
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Art satisfies my soul, Stephen King entertains me.

>> No.6205610

By "Sorry I enjoy fun" in art you promote the shittiest of ideals

>> No.6205640

He's not saying it's perfect, just fun.

>> No.6205650

so much delusion

>> No.6205679

>being favourite
>being considered good
you fucks will never learn

>> No.6205705
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one's art is another one's fart

>> No.6205754


that's exactly the kind of shit a pleb would spout off

>> No.6205803
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why is that? can't understand someone else's principles? can't handle subjectivity? upset over what defines art?

>> No.6206016


>> No.6206040

>Sacrifice quality for quantity!

>> No.6206059

I think anyone who can't read Stephen King for a little fun time downtime is just insecure about their reading habits. Elitism at its core is just fear of being thought of as less than.

>> No.6206084


Good post that. Apposite and whatnot.

>> No.6206105


Who gives a shit? At least he was honest. Try not to be a snobby, insufferable prick.

>> No.6206124

Thing is, King isn't 'shit', exactly. He has vivacious ideas that captivate people, writes from the gut and knows his audience. But he desperately needs an editor - DESPERATELY - and writes dialogue that passes muster at best and is flat-out cringeworthy at worst.
I'm not ashamed to have read two or three of his books (when I once considered reading an SK book an unspeakable sin) but there were many moments where I cringed, hard.

>> No.6206293

you're an idiot to call yourself a patrician
you're idiots for getting upset over what other people like

I'm an idiot for taking the time to post about this on a cambodian kids show chat room

>> No.6206803

>Not liking Misery
>Not liking Different Seasons
>Being too much of a patrician cock to enjoy a fun read every once in a while

>> No.6206879
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> all opinions are of equal merit

>> No.6206894

Steven king is who got me started reading. Does that make me a bad person?

>> No.6206902
File: 760 KB, 678x643, 1425004357891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, it makes you not a person at all. go back to harlem

; )

>> No.6206906

That's pretty much the problem of the entire pseudo-intellectual set here on /int/.

They place more value on being percieved as "intellectual elites" than enjoyment.

Which is an ultimately unsatisfying way to live.

That's why they shitpost so venomous and incessantly; because they are deeply unhappy and despise those who can take joy from such simple fare as a nice pulp horror novel, out of a combination of envy and self-aggrandizing scorn.

This is not a place for the properly wise, or the learned, because the truly wise by and large don't mind what others do as long as it doesn't hurt them.

It is however, a hive of insufferable autistic busybodies with a tragicomic sense of their own "grandeur", and a desire to be recognised for it even in such an ultimately banal and irrelevant context as an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.6206914

It's honestly pathetic you're this butthurt over autistic cookie-cutter fantasy and you should be ashamed. I mean this in a purely non-memetic manner, I think you should probably go to reddit. It will be better for your blood pressure.

>> No.6206919
File: 161 KB, 500x628, Unrustlement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first post in this thread friend.

Has someone injured your pride?

>> No.6206949

And it was a diatribe about how upset you are that you were told you enjoy shitty stuff. It's exactly like if a teenage girl threw a similar fit in defense of whatever the current reining pop artist is. Your stale memes don't mask the fact that you're obviously a mad retard, forcing yourself to come to a place you don't even enjoy because you are an idiot. Again, /v/, in this case it sounds like r/books is actually, not-as-a-joke where you want to be.

>> No.6206973

I'm not upset mate.

I'm bewildered tbh.

How does some fuckhead sitting comfily on his beanbag chair with a Stephen King novel make you so very mad?

The mind boggles.

Anyway, I'm not gonna get into a whole "u mad" "no u mad" thing with you, because chances are we'e both atually pretty grounded human beings who don't get teary over the opinions of anonyymous talking heads.

But damn man, have some class.

Real patricians don't need to yammer on about how patrician they are and how pleb everybody else is; because they know it's self evident.

Seeking affirmation from others is the mark of the neophyte.

>> No.6207001

Here's the kicker: I'm not one of those people, I'm just telling you to shut up. You try to forgoe some dumb meme back and forth you initiated and then start vomiting bullshit about "real patricians". Stop being an idiot. Stop taking the bait. Stop not being able to handle the banter. Go to reddit.

>> No.6207009

Dude, calm down.

>> No.6207021

>I literally cannot help myself from posting the shittiest meme but I'm still obviously assmad over shitty books

Top kek. Enjoy being a toxic pointless retard I guess, I'm gonna go read DFW. I look forward to your next essay on how upset the board has made you.

>> No.6207053

Okay, I hope you enjoy it, cause, y'know, cause people should read the books they like and not be autistic about it.

>> No.6207059

No you'd just prefer to cry about how hard you got trolled because you're a dumb faggot.

>> No.6207064

Mate, you've got a book to read.

You should go do that.

It'l make you happy.

>> No.6207081

He won't because he's secretly butthurt and probably doesn't even enjoy reading.

>> No.6207089

Art is stupid because people try to make it instead of a book whenever they write.

>> No.6207122
File: 374 KB, 1300x1950, stephen king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His loss, I know my buddy here always has my back.

>> No.6207136

The question isn't who the best author is, it's who their favorite author is. People can have a favorite author or book for all sorts of personal reasons, the author doesn't have to be objectively great.

>> No.6207140

This post is 100% true and everyone secretly knows it.

>> No.6207144

I think the problem people have with him is that they read his stuff under a magnifying glass. He's by no means perfect, but he is a good writer for casual readers who want a fun read that they can follow.

>> No.6207152

Exactly. Lovecraft is still my favorite author because he made a huge impact in my life, even though it's been quite a while since I've read anything by him. I've read many better authors and enjoyed them, but none of them feels as close as HPL.
It's kinda like family, they might be assholes and you might meet a lot of better people in your life, but you still feel attached to them and probably won't love anyone else as much as them.

>> No.6207285
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Seems the place to ask. I've read a few king books before and didn't think much of imsomnia or geralds game (in terms of plot and prose) and thought that the stand was fairly good but not great. However I've seen numerous films based on his books that I have enjoyed so I feel like I should give him another shot. What book should I try first /lit/?

>> No.6207330

He's American.

>> No.6207339
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>first day of new English course I enrolled in
>classmate next to me is asked who is favourite author is

>> No.6207396

>all this pleb
>on /lit/ of all places


>> No.6207951


Normally I'd agree with you about elitism encouraging excellence, but you're on 4chan for fuck's sake.

>> No.6208054

>I'm an autist that shit-posts on 4chan while pretending to be intellectual

>> No.6208061
File: 23 KB, 1214x280, 10854312_10204520716571238_4564554153077500967_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here on /int/

>> No.6208071


Maybe you should have worked harder in High School and not gone to a shit-tier pleb school?