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/lit/ - Literature

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6204729 No.6204729 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the best writer of the 20th century and why is it Jack Kerouac?

>> No.6204737

Because he was mentioned in a Bad Religion song once.

>> No.6204740

Better writer than you are a ruseman, I'll give him that much.

>> No.6204741
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cute thread

>> No.6204749

>meanwhile on bizarro /lit/

It's a pity a thread like this can never fly, and instead we must rejoin the ten millionth circlejerk of Pynchon or DFW.

>> No.6204752


It's true, anyway, Kerouac is underrated.

>> No.6204765

yeah but wb yeats didn't die until 1939 which means he existed during the 20th century

sorry folks thread's over

>> No.6204767

but he is not of the 20th

>> No.6204780

Kerouac is palaver.

>> No.6204782

it'd make more sense to say 'from the'
i'm too tired to argue semantics and the definition of particles

so i'll cop out and say yeats transcends time

>> No.6204879


>> No.6204885

DFW was the greatest writer of the 21st century.

Nabokov was the greatest writer of the 20th century. The only reason Kerouac was a success was that he was preaching to the choir.

>> No.6204899

Kerouac is ok. He's really only entry level to the beat writers though. So no, not the best writer of the 20th century.

>> No.6205355

Yeats is generally considered one of the few writers who completed their greatest works after being awarded the Nobel Prize; such works include The Tower (1928) and The Winding Stair and Other Poems (1929)

>> No.6205362


I bet you've read On The Road and stopped there. Any of his later novels are complete masterpieces yet generally overlooked by the average reader. I suggest picking up Visions of Gerard

>> No.6205367
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>he honored his life
>stella his wife


>> No.6205369

>all this Anglo circlejerk

We all know Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is the great writer of the 20th century.

>> No.6205385

>Kerouac was born on the day I lost my virginity 90 years before

>> No.6205393

You remember the date that you lost your virginity? That's kind of weird. I can barely even remember what age I was when I lost mine.

>> No.6205395

probably because your memory gets bad after forty

>> No.6205401

did you ever check the lost and found?

i've never lost mine, but that's where i would go first.

>> No.6205409

fuck off virgin

>> No.6205410

You guys do realise that Joyce, Kafka, Borges and Proust were 20th Century writers, right?

>> No.6205412


I used to love Kerouac when I was 19-25.

Now not so much.

I think he's like Salinger - you only really enjoy him when you're younger, and if you revisit him in your dotage, it sours the memory.

Re-reading the Subterreaneans recently was pretty painful because I remembered it so fondly.

>> No.6205414

is this post new sincerity or simply ideology? can't tell the difference anymore

>> No.6205417
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You realise you're being trolled, right?

Also Joyce was half the writer Beckett was, you tard.

>> No.6205418

1. Nabokov
2. Faulkner
3. Kafka
4. Joyce
5. Woolf>>6205355

>> No.6205829


>> No.6205836


I remember the date of my first kiss but not the date of my virginity

I guess the hotness of the chick is the deciding factor

>> No.6205911

I feel that. I think it might come around again at some point in the length of life though. You'll want to take a stock of your formative years, your golden years when you started to become a REAL PERSON and you'll try to make a link to who you have become, ya dig?

>> No.6205914

I agree with this list, except I'd remove Faulkner and add Proust in his place. I'd also change the order:

1. Nabokov
2. Proust
3. Joyce
4. Kafka
5. Woolf

>> No.6205921

I feel like you over/underrate Faulkner, but I generally agree w/ that list

>> No.6205937

1. Louis-Ferdinand Celiné
2. Albert Camus
3. George Orwell
4. Ernest Hemingway
5. Aldous Huxley

>> No.6205941

Confirmed for 12 years old

>> No.6205956

Yeah it could just be personal preference but I adore Faulkner's writing. tSatF is among my absolute favorite novels

>> No.6205961


It's just stuff, dude. Chill.

>> No.6205975

1. Proust
2. Borges
3. Pessoa
4. Joyce
5. Bely / Yourcenar

>> No.6206298

yfw 55

>> No.6206312

Imagine all the hipsters that leave their micro brews on his grave. What a ghastly way to be remembered by such disgusting people.

>> No.6206317


Handy for the groundskeeper guys who snag a free beer at the end of the day though.

It's an ill wind that fucks everyone's hairdo.

>> No.6208083


He is the best of the Beat writers, they all acknowledge this.

>> No.6208087


This, also Visions Of Cody is the first version of On The Road.

>> No.6208090


Of them Joyce is the only good one.

>> No.6208095


stay pleb.

>> No.6208099


babby's first lit.

Kerouac is better than all of them. Easily.

>> No.6208104


Proust is not lit.

>> No.6209003

Fuck you