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6203930 No.6203930 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody ever had experience with resenting intellectualism?

More specifically has anybody ever come to admire "dumb" people over "smart" people.

I'm 20 and my view of the world has been revolutionised. i admire constantly how working class people, for example, typically seem to be funnier. They seem to enjoy the moment a bit more in life. They can find humour and bonding moments out of trivial things. It is completley human and completely social. you need to have tip top social skills to take part in these activites. smart people on the other hand are awkward, bonding experiences are hard to come by. humour is found in things that have nothing to do with the social moment at hand but rather things that are already established as funny - look at this funny youtube video or look at this good joke "isnt it smart"- tradies, for example, could piss themselves laughing for example by making a joke of sometihng really trivial,. like a fly on the wall for example. they excel at conversation. Smart people are very formal. i dont like this.

this was fucken retarded. but can anyone sympathise or provide guidance?

>> No.6203936
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Just because your smart doesnt mean you cant be sociable and vice versa.

You also sound incredibly narcissistic.

>> No.6203942

not disagreeing but wondering and am interested to know how you came to that conclusion

>> No.6203943


no, OP is pretty much right.

You identify as a smart intellectual type, and are offended, so the first thing you do is crawl up OP's ass about it- you are exactly the unfunny asperger's spectrum faggot he is describing as the pinnacle of awkward, creepy, and unfunny.

Now...black people are funny. Sure niggers are violent apes, but if you talk to them and hang with them you can see that, generally, they are have a joie de vivre that autism spectrum pseudo-intellectual liberal arts majors on /lit/ lack.

>> No.6203945

you're a retard. stick to /b/. this is a literature board you worthless stupid cunt

>> No.6203952

I have always been an intellectual but was raised in poverty. there is much violence among the poor and espically the stupid, it seems to be the only way they can communicate about anything they think is important. the only thing I didn't like about intellectuals while living in the ghetto is their apparent complete lack of understanding of violence and cultures of violence.

this resentment is shared by many poorer people.

however when I moved out of the ghetto and went to college I found that violence among the intellectual crowd had simply found its apporiate place in policing and military force.

so to answer your question.

no, I think dumb people have a tendency to resort to violence more than the educated.

however I could be wrong.

>> No.6203954



>> No.6203955

I kind of agree but for different reasons. I admire the work ethic of "dumb" people (of course I doubt there's a correlation between intelligence and work ethic).

As someone who is extremely self-aware, self-conscious, and socially anxious, I admire other people's ability to always be organic and make it all seem easy. Being socially intelligent is just as respectable as being book smart; I've developed an appreciation for social intelligence as I've grown more aware of low social intelligence in the past and present.

Basically, you're generalizing two massive groups that each have shaky distinctions.

>> No.6203957

OP here

joie de vivre is a good word for it.

thinking leads to truth and the truth hurts and hurt leads to depression.

i would literally rather have grown up around funny, confident, purposeless black people (even if they were dysfunctional, idiotic) than any white middle class neighbourhood.

>> No.6203958
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>> No.6203960

>i admire constantly how working class people, for example, typically seem to be funnier.

Projection. There's no contradiction between being working class and intellectualism you fucking gob shite. You're going to get smacked around the mouth if you talk like this to people because you're being a cunt.

>> No.6203961

you sound like your world view is composed of school yard steryotypes and immature cliques which you have romanticized and imposed onto all of society.

for well rounded adults the whole "being smart is for social awkward nerds" ends after junior high.

>> No.6203968

>I think dumb people have a tendency to resort to violence more than the educated
>the responses in this thread

not surprising really, 4chan turned to total shit after 2011

>> No.6203969

Holy shit how do you know me? Also I don't have nearly that high of a self esteem. Im not smart at all, I guess thats why I was offended mostly.

>> No.6203973


go away roachposter

>> No.6203979
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>> No.6203980

Good post. I feel the same way about valuing book smarts and social intelligence equally.

I view myself as quite intelligent and knowledgeable compared to the people around but i've grown to not place value on this at all as virtually anyone can become well-read or intellectual. there is no struggle. there is no rejection. there is no blood, sweat and tears.
becoming moderately intelligent is probably one of the easiest fking things to do in this world if u have a little bit of motivation and resources.

on the other hand, becoming socially proficient is fucking hard. it is an art. being able to work with kids, have a beer at a rough pub, being able to converse with intellectuals if you don't know jack shit, being able to make friends easily, being able to make people laugh, being able to provide emotional support to people.

i value social skills SIGNIFICANTLY more than i value intellect. my admiration for smart people is virtually non-existent unless they are exceptionally bright or profound yet I find myself being breathtaken by people's social skills on a daily basis.

>> No.6203993

Sometimes smart people appear "dumb" because they reject the sophistry of the culturally "smart"

"Smartness" has nothing to do with anything but problem solving; however, no one is recognized as smart ever who isn't a servant

>> No.6203994

happiness is a skill you fucking idiots
you have to practice, and you can get good

>> No.6203995
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>social intelligence is real

>> No.6203997


>> No.6204002

hands down the funniest i've laughed at a post on /lit/.

agree though. everyone on this board has the power to change their lives and become more in touch with people on this planet. relationships, whether its some nigga u meet on the street for 20 seconds, or your mum who youve known your entire lives, are truly the most special, funny, satisfying, and warm thigns we have on this word and sit around and THINK about shit is well and truly a waste of this life

>> No.6204021

>I'm 20
That explains it.

>> No.6204044

you were never intelligent to begin with, don't try to act like you were.


are you some kind of edgy anarchist cunt? there's nothing cool about that video and nobody likes niggers anyway (ironically besides the lib arts socialists you're resenting)

>> No.6204047
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Harvard fag here. I've met only two people whom i consider to have truly gifted intellects and they are much like you described. Kind of down to earth, and unassuming.
Its the mediocre kids with a lot of entitlement and education that are pretty insufferable, and are usually the ones that give "intellectuals" a bad rap.

>> No.6204050

as always the plebs ruin everything

>> No.6204058

These two archetypes you've set up don't exist. People are complicated and they're whether they're "fun to be around" or not isn't reducible to something as fast and loose as being smart/dumb.
Honestly, I think you fancy yourself to be more intelligent than you really are and feel insecure around people who are smarter than you. You think "dumb" people make good company because they don't threaten your fragile little ego so much.

>> No.6204116


they arent "funnier". they are just way easier to laugh at.

and if you disagree with me, then your taste in humor and comedy is probably just pleb.

>> No.6204151

Why are you on this board? Why are you on this website? Is this some new form of troll?

>> No.6204162

Having lived in Baltimore I can say with absolute confidence that these filthy fucking shitstains that ride their goddamn dirtbikes all over the streets like a nonstop gay-pride parade are the most annoying, ludicrously stupid, self-centered and egotistical pieces of absolute shit that you could ever put up with.

It's real easy to idolize and fetishize these worthless, despicable fucks when you've never had to live with them you fucking upper middle class pseudo-Marxist turd.

>> No.6204163

self-proclaimed intellectuals are the most miserable people to interact with

I've met a few people though who combine "intellectualism" with that working class humor you described, those people tend to be the most delightful people you meet

Smart people without that sense of humor tend to be so inside-the-box thinkers that it hurts. They have a shitload of knowledge in their heads but are incapable of forming an original thought.

Intelligence is, roughly, the ability to process knowledge.
Humor is a sign of creativity.
Those two don't always go together.

>> No.6204164


are you the dweeb who made that thread here not long ago about wanting to be ryan goslings character in pic related

i remember your dorky ass lol

>> No.6204168

Your post has a kernel of truth, a long recognised one at that.

That's probably why it's struck a nerve with a few of the native gob-shites.

However; some salient points have been raised; Intellectualism and the working class are not mutually exclusive.

Better to identify these (indiscrete) groups otherwise; as Thinkers versus Doers, as descriptors of behaviour rather than measures of intelligence or value judgements about which is better, and indeed most people are on a spectrum between the two, but displaying dominant behavioural characteristics of one or the other.

The thinker analyzes, meta-analyzes, pulls apart the foundations of his own world to see what's gluing it together, and often finds that the answer is "nothing", and being the sort of man who is forever seeking answers this wounds him irreparably.

The doer builds a house, and sees that it is good, and takes comfort whenever he walks by it, in nodding to it and telling his friend "I built that".

One isn't really better than the other; they each have their uses, but the doer is usually happier and more confident, as a byproduct of having more tangible proof of their own self-worth.

You need only look at /lit/ to see the masses of unfulfilled petty thinkers knee-jerking their way into oblivion one shitpost at a time to realize that we'd all probably be better off building a shed or something.

>> No.6204172

they also tend to have debt, be overweight, juggle a few children too many and die of dumb people diseases because they are literally incapable of foresight and rational thought.

being unaware is only happy and carefree until the shit hits the fan and then it's too late.

i get your appreciation for these type of people and i enjoy their company as well, but they tend to be the types that are responsible for 90% of their own superfluous problems. i wouldn't trade with them.

>> No.6204173

>ITT: edge lords who think that slumming it with their poor friends in particular social conditions means that the poor are "superior"

Take it from someone who has lived around poverty all his life: you don't want none of that shit. Get your education and get the fuck away from poverty.

>> No.6204177


>poor are "superior"

literally no one is saying this you alarmist

for someone so big into being informed through education perhaps you should try actually reading the shit that you're commenting on

>> No.6204182

>some salient points have been raised
>for instance, mine

>> No.6204188


>admire dumb people over smart people
>resenting intellectualism

Nice evasion, but these are both claims that confer the quality of superiority.

>> No.6204189

humour and comedy isn't patrician or intellectual. comedy is the baser form of life.

>> No.6204196


>Nice evasion, but these are both claims that confer the quality of superiority.

they are discussions regarding differing strengths, not uniform superiority

lol just stop posting you suck at it

>> No.6204200


thats fucking bullshit and you know it.

what's so funny about a bunch of monkeybrained fucks acting monkeybrained? is it what they are saying? or is it just them?

there is a distinction to be made here: inherent funniness and humor.

these people are inherently funny and entertaining and they don't even mean to. humor is a different thing altogether.

>> No.6204207

See, you can tell who OP is talking about by ctrl+f searching the word "pleb" and scrolling down for every straight-faced use of the word.

Bear in mind that using this word unironically in actual conversation out in the weird wild world is the equivalent of informing everybody in the room that you went to an all boys private school, then noisily shitting your britches.

It's the sort of thing that only passes amongst Ruperts and people with a very shallow idea of what it is to be intelligent.

>> No.6204209
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>I'm 20 and my view of the world has been revolutionised. i admire constantly how working class people, for example, typically seem to be funnier. They seem to enjoy the moment a bit more in life.

You must have a shit sense of humor if you think dumb people are funny.

>smart people on the other hand are awkward

That's patently stupid.

>this was fucken retarded.

You got that part right.

Your problem is that you've never met or found anybody with whom you can identify both socially and intellectually.

At your age, I stumbled upon the DVD commentaries for the early seasons of The Simpsons. When I watched them, I realized that the people in that writer's room were not only funnier than I was, but much, much smarter.

Try to look up to somebody both intellectually and socially, rather than one or the other.

>> No.6204210


>humour and comedy isn't patrician

the denial that you milquetoast bores put yourselves through to appease your bruised pseudo-intellectual egos is always good for a lol

and you think you aren't funny

>> No.6204213
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>Your post has a kernel of truth, a long recognised one at that.
>That's probably why it's struck a nerve with a few of the native gob-shites.

Stopped reading there.

>> No.6204217

there's nothing "inherently funny" about anything. just contexts that create irony. it might be your point that the context which lower class work in allow a greater expressiveness and creates more incongruous situations that are thus funny.
humour, constructed, is almost always lame attempts at puns, wordplay, wit and other silly vanities. there's nothing intellectual or patrician, there're for the most part more stupid than the "monkeybrained fucks", which is why humour is pleb.

>> No.6204218


>You must have a shit sense of humor if you think dumb people are funny.

you must have a shit conception of human solidarity if you think that they're incapable of making you laugh at all just because they aren't highly educated

more hilariously delicate pseudo-intellectual arrogance

>> No.6204219

Hello, native gob-shite ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡)

>> No.6204223





>> No.6204225

very good post

>> No.6204231

>liking your own post on facebook
>on 4chan

>> No.6204235
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First of all, chill out.

Second, you completely misunderstood my post. What I'm saying is that somebody acting stupid or saying something stupid isn't funny.

If you want to talk about "human solidarity" and humor, you're definitely looking at more intellectual forms of humor: being able to find human awkwardness or insecurities or neuroses funny.

>hilariously delicate pseudo-intellectual arrogance

If my post is the kind of thing you consider "hilarious", congrats, you have a shit sense of humor. Either that or you are just overreacting. Or you're a fisherman.

>> No.6204239


Humour belongs neither to the great, nor the small, as it's both subjective in nature and utterly fundamental to the human animal.

>> No.6204246

>human animal

Well, there are more primitive forms of humor than others. For example, identification of irony takes a level of intellect, whereas laughing at somebody for saying something stupid is right down there with spiteful impulses.

>> No.6204250
File: 12 KB, 492x233, Okay, (you) got me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or did (you)!?!?!?!?!

>> No.6204251



>> No.6204255



You are the cancer.

>> No.6204257

Irony is a pretty base form of wit mate.

All you need is a functioning ability to form a comparison and observe disparity between expectations and result.

Ogg run into cave to escape bear;
entire cave is bears.

>> No.6204260


>Second, you completely misunderstood my post. What I'm saying is that somebody acting stupid or saying something stupid isn't funny.

you need to understand when you are editorializing after the fact. this is one of those times.

all you said in your last post was "if you think dumb people are funny". that's it. this can easily be read as classism. read your post back and if you remain objective even you will have to concede as much.

if you want to avoid going through these editorializing hoops you need to be more concise with what you are saying initially.

>> No.6204262

No, you did, shut up loser.

>> No.6204264

No, Give me more (you)'s you cheb end.

>> No.6204266

shite thread tbh

>> No.6204268

Not the guy you are talking to, and you may be right(and are), but not everyone on /lit/ even reads, let alone have powerful ability to express themselves concisely. Editing after the fact is an attempt to express original intention, so although it's an imperfect system and you're probably right you need to go along with what he says anyway lmao.

Step off shit bird.

>> No.6204269

I think it's got a good ratio of shitpost to sincerepost.

I'm oscillating between the two like an Epileptic's ECG.

>> No.6204271


Much obliged.

>> No.6204273

Except being stupid has nothing to do with class, tumblrina.

The essential premise of the thread is "being smart = having a bad sense of humor". OP screwed it up when he said the phrase "working class", which has you going full SJW.

Then explain to me why idiots on facebook need "satire" tags for onion articles and such.

>> No.6204274

Your welcome.

>> No.6204277


>Editing after the fact is an attempt to express original intention

yeah, but this idiot can't throw out vague sentiments and then claim that anon "completely misunderstood" his post whilst he's trying to editorialize and qualify just what he fuck it is that he was trying to say in the first place lol

shite thread all in all

>> No.6204279

>Not the guy you are talking to, and you may be right(and are), but not everyone on /lit/ even reads, let alone have powerful ability to express themselves concisely. Editing after the fact is an attempt to express original intention, so although it's an imperfect system and you're probably right you need to go along with what he says anyway lmao.

Sorry, but what a stupid fucking post.

>> No.6204280

Satire and irony are two different things you doof.

>> No.6204283


>The essential premise of the thread

fuck the essential premise of the thread learn how the qualify the terms of your own fucking posts you awkward editorializer lol

>> No.6204285

>being stupid has nothing to do with class
But getting education does.

>> No.6204287
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Satire necessarily employs irony.

Ironic speech or language is saying one thing but meaning another.

>> No.6204288

u mad they stylin on u tho

>> No.6204290

>what is public schooling

>> No.6204291

Here's that reply you wanted.

>> No.6204292

>what is college fees
>what is private school

>> No.6204296


don't get catty now bb grl

>> No.6204299

Irony isn't limited to language; you forget the most fundamental form of irony; Dramatic irony.

This is based on the reversal of expectation, same as any other kind.

Satire on the other hand is Ironic in nature but is more importantly a tract wherein an author expresses an opinion in a way that is intended to be self-defeating for the purposes of humour.

Satirical articles, particularly subtle ones can often be indistinguishable from serious articles to the uninformed, and there are just enough batshit people out there spouting utter nonsense that sometimes clarification is a good thing.

Or else we'd all be knee deep in Poe's law.

>> No.6204300

>What are college fees?
Fixed that for you you dumb rich cunt. And they're the way in which middling workers are charged for the privilege of impoverishing themselves permanently.

>> No.6204302

Even people like Chomsky emphasize over and over again that in a very important sense education as it presents itself in our society makes people stupid.
Chomsky is hardly an anti-intellectualist.
What you should realise is that a lot of the effort in iducational institutions goes into disciplining people. Even universities. People come out being very knowledgeable about existing schools of thought and sources, but at the same time this is also where elites are groomed for the hypocrisy required to run our type of society.
Meanwhile there are aspects of society that the type of poor person that didn't have much opportunity to get "a proper education" are constantly confronted with.

>> No.6204307

Here are your counterexamples.

>what is college fees
Scholarships and grants help underprivileged youths secure a college education (if they desire one.)
>what is private school
Private school doesn't necessitate intelligence, nor does a private school necessarily provide a better education than a public one. Also, consider the fact that public libraries exist, and public libraries have computers, and anybody can learn anything on a computer. Finally, consider that the will to educate oneself comes from within, and you would have to be drunk on social determinism to claim that privileged people necessarily want to educate themselves, whereas underprivileged ones necessarily do not want to educate themselves.

>> No.6204310

what qualifications do any of you have to speak on the merits of this vs that, or anything for that matter

all of you are fundamentally retarded about basic shit and therefore have no reason to be talking about things you dont understand. making retard threads like this only indicate that you shouldn't even be posting here

>> No.6204311

OP here

I just thought of a really simple scenario to illustrate what I am thinking and the confusion I am going through.

Intellectual people when faces with depression and anxiety, for example, would likely spend countless hours analysing the causes, effects, logistics, potential courses of actions, imagining consequences etc. whereas someone uneducated would likely merely say "if ur depressed stop thinking about the past n shit and if u get anxiety just toughen the fuck up"
even though this is crude it is literally the most sound and helpful sentiment one could embrace when taking on depression or anxiety.

does anyone get where im coming from?

>> No.6204318

>People come out being very knowledgeable about existing schools of thought and sources
ha ha ha oh wow. No. No they don't. It is almost impossible for someone to self-educate at a University. Most people come out with an advanced content certificate, no method, technique, methodology, theory or discipline.

>> No.6204319

That's why I said "ironic speech or language". I wasn't talking about dramatic irony.

>Satire on the other hand is Ironic in nature but is more importantly a tract wherein an author expresses an opinion in a way that is intended to be self-defeating for the purposes of humour.
Hence, the author says one thing but means another.

"Poe's law" is invented by idiots for idiots.

>subtle [satire] can often be indistinguishable from serious articles to the uninformed

Yes, that's exactly my point. You really aren't making any progress in your claim that irony is a base form of humor by demonstrating that only informed/intelligent people can detect it.

>> No.6204323


>bitchfixer !!ArfwX2Zd2yp

hahaha who even are you

board tourist

>> No.6204339


>> No.6204357
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Actually, everyone in this thread should consider reading The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes. It's a surprisingly comprehensive historical and sociological study of how the British working classes succeeded in emancipating itself intellectually from the 17th century up to the 1970s or something. Weavers would strap books up to their looms to read while performing their repetitive task. factory workers would practically save the food from their mouth to put money into library funds. They would start up evening schools together. COmbined with the boost in public education from the 1870s on, this lead to a type of working class autodidact that rivaled the elite of universities, but were faced with class discrimination. The works of classic playwrights like Shakespeare was always very popular among the working classes, so was classical music. It's just that "intellectual authorities" that acted like the guardians of good taste never accepted their enjoyment of culture as "legitimate". At working class theatrical venues, people would yell all sorts of interjections at the characters on stage, for example, you can see how easy it would be for "legitimate" estethes to deride this kind of enjoyment of high culture. Meanwhile a lot of upper class people took their "high class" for granted.
There's an important kernel of truth to the carricature presented by Jeeves and Wooster, the upper class twit that takes his culture for granted and just spends his days drinking and avoiding marriage, pampered by working class people who have in fact achieved a level of cultivation he can't even comprehend. But this was not at all a phenomenon confined to the English servant class, it really is a very broad working class phenomenon.

>> No.6204361

No, just no.

You've shown your hand, and it's holding your own dung.

Poe's law is an observation; that Satire can be delivered with such stealth as to be nigh undetectable, and that honest opinion can be so deranged as to be seemingly self parody.

For instance, right now I'm entirely unsure if you're actually an idiot, or simply doing a remarkable and protracted impression of one.

Furthermore, please never collate intelligence with informed status again, as one is a hypothetical level of mental computational power, and the other is contextual and based on situational knowledge that might heretofore have been irrelevant to anyone, irrespective of actual intelligence.

>> No.6204367

Keep on slinging your insults, they mean nothing to me.

The fact that you feel the need to fluff up your post with grand linguistic flourishes is indicative of your desperation to feel like you've won here.

>Furthermore, please never collate intelligence with informed status again, as one is a hypothetical level of mental computational power, and the other is contextual and based on situational knowledge that might heretofore have been irrelevant to anyone, irrespective of actual intelligence.

Cool definitions, but did you ever consider that intelligence might involve the ability to detect context and gather situational knowledge?

>> No.6204375

Thanks cmde., incidentally almost all of the people stupid enough to do doctorates these days are workers, though not very many of them from "blue" or "traditional" backgrounds.

>> No.6204389

Tolstoy talks about this in Anna Karenina via the persona of Levin. One of my favorite characters in Literature.

>> No.6204397

Ah, you're on a literature board and complaining about Linguistic flourishes?

Oh dear.

I guess you prefer greentext, you wonderful "intellectual" you.

Furthermore, intelligence, whilst doubtless a gift from God, is not the magical ability to pull knowledge from out thine arse, let alone magically detect satire out of context.

Because it is in the nature of satire that it only makes sense IN context, because it needs to be satirizing something.

Satire can indeed be crude and easily spotted;

"Herf derf, I'm an effete intellectual, watch me flail about trying to justify my elitism to a disinterested stranger who is laughing at every poorly thought thing I say"

But it isn't always so;

And why?

Because on first glance most folks who's minds haven't been poisoned by Assamese shadowpuppet board thinking, and all the entailed layers upon onion-like layers of irony and self-awareness tend to take things at face value, at least initially.

>> No.6204402

Just do drugs if your so painfully awkward. Can't think properly if your messed up.

>> No.6204410

poor people are the only respectable people. you have to be in poverty to not be a piece of shit

>> No.6204412

I can confirm that this works to a degree, but can lead to dependance.

Try not to become drug dependant; it's not looked upon well in polite society.

>> No.6204425

I'm sorry, is there an argument or point somewhere in this post?

Are you saying that only people who browse 4chan can detect satire?

You strike me as somebody who belongs on tumblr or twitter with all your defending "folks" who are too stupid to detect satire.

Also, you seem to totally lack the self-awareness necessary to realize that you sound like a complete autist here.

>> No.6204427
File: 147 KB, 1080x1061, hil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>>>>>Shakespeare wrote comedies

>> No.6204439

Thanks for making the only good post in this thread.

>> No.6204442

Your writing is painfully awkward and affected.

>> No.6204449

shakespeare's comedies aren't funny and they're shit. and they're literally pleb as shit ripping off plautus etc. he's only good for his tragedies.

>> No.6204455

>shakespeare's comedies aren't funny and they're shit

Oh what fools these mortals be.

>> No.6204460
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Evidently you can't, as you're currently demonstrating a rather poor grasp of it yourself.

Though that may support your initial supposition that idiots can't understand irony.

Which is in itself ironic.

Now then; I'm detecting one instance of "gtfo back 2 tublr fagget"

And one instance of "lol, u must be autistic"

Call me oldschool but that sounds like a formal declaration of your complete submission.

Now, are you going to tell me how your superlative intellect allows you to access to all knowledge of satirical intent free from context?

Or are you gonna go home and be a family man?

>> No.6204461

epic plebbery

>> No.6204466

You don't belong here.

>> No.6204483

Right, right, sorry, I forgot the obligatory DFW reference, fedora meme or accusation of Spookdom.

Clearly I've got no right to be here disturbing you great ponderous minds from your sacred reverie of endless
>Start with the Greeks
>why aren't you a Catholic yet?

>> No.6204487
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>> No.6204491

Go back to /tv/

You're just stupid and write poorly.

>> No.6204499

Sorry mate, but I never got the whole spazzing out over reaction images thing.

Call me disconnected from board culture, but it's a bit saft.

Now, are you gonna pick the argument back up?

Or can I just leave knowing that my victory here was complete enough to warrant an arch in Rome?

>> No.6204504

And you're an anonymous talking head, who's criticism has all the gravitas of a cum stain on an old sock.


>> No.6204511
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>> No.6204517
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>> No.6204520
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>> No.6204522
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>> No.6204525

Stop samefagging, you loser.

>> No.6204527
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Pointing out Typo's isn't good banter mate.

It's the hallmark of a man who has no other response.

Anyway, I've got work in an hour, so I'm signing off.

Ciao my cherubs, try to be a little less revoltingly and unwarrantedly elitist next time.

No need to expose strangers to the uglyness of your naked soul.

>> No.6204530
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Simpsonsfag here, I'm simply demonstrating how you're so stupid that you misuse "who's" in two separate posts. DFW and geisha are not me.

>> No.6204531

Generalizations, the thread

>> No.6204532
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Have fun at work, you stupid fucking cuck.

>> No.6204533

That's a strange hobby you have there mate.

Do you ever wonder, in the wee hours, what life could have been, had you taken a different path?

>> No.6204535
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And I'm the one who pointed out your samefagging, the guy who posted the geisha, which is why I didn't quote my own post.

>> No.6204537

>how working class people
Lower service-class isn't working class. In 2015 being working class is actually a good thing job-wise.

>> No.6204539

whoever this guy is is the one winning

>> No.6204540
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>> No.6204541


>> No.6204556

>Lower service-class isn't working class. In 2015 being working class is actually a good thing job-wise.
Fuck off instrumentalist scum. M—C…P…C'—M' around here cuntface.

>> No.6204565

>sorry I have a life nerd

I can see why some people would hate intellectuals when their interaction with them involves getting spanked and called a retard.

>> No.6204576

>when their interaction with them involves getting spanked and called a retard.
This is mostly why blue collar and menial service workers are attracted to me as a white collar worker. The spankings and retard abuse.

>> No.6204580

work hard play hard i guess.

>> No.6204581

As a poor as fuck white from the south: holy fuck 90% of you have not a fucking clue what youre talking about. Crawl out of your rathole cities for once and see how the outside world really is.

>> No.6204582

There are lots of poor people in cities.

>> No.6204598

why would anyone willingly want to waste their time with worthless poor people?

>> No.6204612

I hate how artists are usually all intellectuals now. Television and film directors especially. Young directors seem to have gone to the same school and create in the exact same way. It's all philosophical or literary references and seemingly no genuine or unique inspiration. I feel that because education is so widespread (not that I would change that), there is a lack of diversity in many mediums of art.

>> No.6204672
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>this thread

appreciated post

>> No.6204862

Idle, pointless talk and forced laughs. These things can be found among "dumb" people as well as "smart" people. A truly smart person will avoid them as much as possible.

>But this was not at all a phenomenon confined to the English servant class, it really is a very broad working class phenomenon.
Only in the First World and parts of the former gommie bloc.

>> No.6204875

>Only in the First World and parts of the former gommie bloc.

India, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and on and on and on.

>> No.6204904


The way I see it most people tend to glamorize the more neutral or balanced aspects of any given topic, be it intellectual capacity, sexual prowess, social status, and even mental health due to the conflicting nature of expectation vs reality and to sheer statistics, most people are average in most aspects of their lives including their intellectual capacity yet regardless of their perceived or actual intellect standing they'll appreciate the prototype of a smart person that can be laid back and maybe make a few miscalculations/do something dumb or spontaneous and the simple minded peasant that either has a strong ethical awareness/religiosity or has certain level of mental fluidity while discussing something he or she isn't necessarily familiar with and stuff like that based on that these are the guys that will more easily get along with the people that aren't outstanding or lacking in the thought department, when they themselves are, they serve as a bridge for average folk to understand different mindsets, the same way you are more likely to buy a souvenir at a store abroad where the employees speak the same language as you.

>> No.6204938

>implying you're intelligent enough not to fall into that category yourself
>implying the fetishization of dumb people requires intelligence


>> No.6205044

Becoming moderately intelligent is easy for you, but for many it's very difficult indeed. Did you ever go to school with people who just couldn't seem to wrap their heads around fairly simple concepts, despite them being explained several times. Some people very quickly become confused and frustrated, and for such people ("dumb" people) to become even moderately intelligent is extremely hard.

Conversely, though you may find it difficult to be socially proficient, those that are generally tend to have gained such skills from growing up in a very social environment, and put little to no thought or effort into learning them, which i don't really see as admirable.

Becoming intelligent in any sense is really a matter of how much time you've put into it, and most people who aren't neets find themselves in social situations for large amounts of time on a daily basis and have done since childhood, so of course such skills develop over time, whereas to get booksmart, you actually have to choose to start reading books, and make time for it, and put in mental effort.

So, while I respect social intelligence, I respect "intelligence" in the traditional sense a little more.

>> No.6205067

How are those tismals going?

>> No.6205083

maybe in your shitty country

>> No.6205122

Use a fucking period.

>> No.6205292

>he thinks working class in those countries are literate
I am laffin m8

The bulk of the working class in India don't even know how to count without their fingers.

>> No.6205321

>for example, could piss themselves laughing for example by making a joke of sometihng really trivial,. like a fly on the wall for example.

Anyways, you seem to confuse intelligence with autism or something. What are you on about that intelligent people can only laugh at things already established as funny?

Also, not every working class person is funny and social either. They can be incredibly awkward.

But to your point, I have considered the happy idiot to be the winner over the pessimistic knowledgeable person. If you can sustain a life of blissful ignorance on a minimum wage job with no education, ku-fucking-dos to you, I salute you, and I will see you as a better person than I am. Sadly, I can't be satisfied with it, I want to learn, and with learning about the world comes a sad outlook on life most of the time, or at least, for me. But this doesn't mean I don't crack jokes about anything I can, and laugh heartily everyday.

You created two very static and weird stereotypes, mate. I do hate ''intellectualism'' when reading some philosophy, though. a paragraph full of jargon can really piss you off.

>> No.6206393

Some forms of intellectualism (read: most forms of intellectualism) are really just oversocialization. And oversocialization makes awkward, no matter what the standards of the society in question are. Beyond that, I think the "high culture" so to speak, of the Western World today, is *INHERENTLY* awkward. I mean just LOOK at our fucking intellectuals. They all come off so damn stiff, it really reminds me of clergy in a lot of ways, except they're hypocritical too because they try to strike this pose of being rebel anarchists or some shit when they're actually cold-as-ice bureaucrats. It's one of the reasons I never pursued academia even though I had the grades to do it, and it would have been a lot easier than freelance writing. I just kind of despised the people, and all their passive aggressive politics.

Working class people by contrast are much more in touch with their instincts. Of course they can be awkward too but at least most of them know how to laugh.

On the other hand I don't equate intellectualism with intelligence. I don't really even see a lot of these people as "smart" in the first place, just bookish. To me, intelligence is shown by how you interact with your environment. Competence as a drug dealer can be just as good an indicator of intelligence as competence as a professor.

>> No.6207374

good post

>> No.6207398

I'm sorry, but I wasn't asked to totally classify the Indian working class, but produce counter examples to the claim that only in the first and second world did working class cultures of autodidacticism emerge.

>> No.6207402

>but rather things that are already established as funny - look at this funny youtube video

>> No.6207429



>> No.6207450

I spend my free time studying because I can't speak to people. I don't know what to say or how to act, and my attempts to mimic my colleagues and classmates just result in embarrassment and shame.

>> No.6207480

ok this is hard to explain. particularly if you've never hung around both socially proficient, cool people AND awkward people who suck at banter.

the latter group are socially nervous. laughter only occurs when they are sure they all agree that something is funny, in other words, there is no chance of it offending anyone.

the former group are confident socialisers, fun can be poked at almost anything. you make an unusual facial expression at something happening, something seemingly unnoticable, and it can be butt of a joke. everything is under the microscope when you interact with good socialisers. it is hard to explain it. you do sometihng awkward. they tell you you did something awkward. your being a pussy they tell you your being a pussy. it's like completely free communication

>> No.6207484
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i have grown sick of the jokes 'intellectuals' tell each other, which almost entirely consist of esoteric confusion or rationalising the obscene.

see kimkierkegaardashian etc.

>> No.6207487


Go home, Plato. You're drunk.

>> No.6207493

That meme documental of the perverted guide to ideology should be a must watch before posting on /lit/, zizek actually could be helpful if you are in that parade about fantasizing the lower classes

I don't know why you get so pissed off because you are less social, it's just a skill, it's nothing impossible to do or something you are born with. You can start and be better with it but i'm pretty sure you will find it boring after a while, i don't know why you would want to spend time with people that doesn't interests you, it seems pointless to me.

>People wanting to be a lower class because it "seems" better

this is serious, you are really into deep shit if you think it's the real reason why it seems better

I would agree that most intellectuals are immature as fuck, because they are so deep into idealism that they think that if they are correct in what they know, they will instantly become "better" at other things totally unrelated

>> No.6207494

OP here.

a few tips from someone who has come very far socially over the past few years.

spend some time around kids. kids are masters of self-expression and socialising. i got a job at a swim school and some of the cute little 4 year olds talking to each other and to me has taught me more about socialisation than any book or adult interaction i could imagine.
this brings me to my 2nd point.
don't overthink things. people who are analytical/thinkers tend to theorise everything and calculate everything. this is what the opposite of kids do. you may feel that socialisation takes a mountain of effort and skills that you may not have. but the reality is you have these skills deep within yourself they have just been stiffled by years of growing up and low self esteem and insecurity and fear. you knew how to socialise well when you were 6 years old , the skills are latent.

try not to think. just be.....and be nice

>> No.6207499

>Hurr durr if you disagree then you are threatened
>Muh simple people are happy, unlike me journeying through an ocean of deep darkness and theism

Literally psychoanalysis tier.

>> No.6207509

I know this feel op, i don think it is about intelligence so much as class. I am very well educated but I prefer working blue collar jobs because the people are more down to earth. There is none of that strained awkward politeness and fakery with working class people.

>> No.6207535
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When I look at my German ancestors raping, murdering, stealing and plundering throughout history I usually think, damn, that's in my fucking genes. But in all honesty, I realize they were the bane of civilization, and them picking on the remains of the Roman empire drove Europe into the dark ages. Even with that I can't help it, I have to admire those groups of people who, seemingly without remorse, took what they wanted and did what they wanted. It's sort of like romanticizing pirates when you think about it, I admire that kind of lawlessness even when I shouldn't. Therefore I admire, in a way, their stupidity and ignorance.

>> No.6207617
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You are just starting to see your actual truth as an egoist

>> No.6207724

you begin life a plebeian. your interests are shaped by those around you, and you have no real will of your own; rather you are the sum of the will of the society which produced you. you may have your goals, aspirations, and in fact you may even pursue some of them, but they are entirely the product of your environment. you creative pursuits range from non-existent to trite and unoriginal, and if you pursue any knowledge it is solely as a means to an end.

eventually, one of these pursuits will pique something within you. the will to learn more than is required, the interest in a topic that will drive you devour it completely, and, most importantly, the thinking methods that will apply your learning to all aspects of your life. you have entered the patrician phase. you are what some would call an intellectual, regardless of your actual degree of learning; but in reality you are only a pseudo-intellectual. true, you have the drive to learn, but eventually you reach a saturation point at which your ego stops you from any further meaningful learning, filling in the gaps in your knowledge with narcissistic infallibility supplemented by faulty logic. you become cloistered and unlikeable.

weeks, months, sometimes years of stagnation will go on slowly, and you will sink into a pit of depression. your so-called intellect will fail you as you search your life for the reason all your friends left you. what you will fail to realize at first is that the reason is you: you drove them, away by your smugness, resulting from your dissatisfaction with people who don't share your thirst for knowledge and questioning spirit. like Socrates, you think you are helping them by asking them endless questions, interrogating their viewpoints, in search of some vaguely defined Truth. the reality is, people hate this, because this logical, Socratic spirit kills art. the spirit of music is silenced by such questioning. neither the Apollonian dream nor the Dionysian frenzy are apparent to you, for these both, in your estimation, cloud the light of Socratic truth. rejecting them both, and through these the essence of what makes you human, you rot in a pit of your own self-loathing, for what human could like another in which it cannot see humanity?

most stop here. the intellectuals you described as unfunny, unsociable, are all trapped in this cyclical state of logical reasoning giving way to crippling depression. they seek to tear down the fun of others because they have none themselves, except that kind of sterile fun which grows out of some moment other than the present.

>> No.6207734


maybe you will be lucky enough, however, to meet a person who has gone through the world of the intellectual, pursued the Socratic reasoning to its conclusion, and found it unsatisfactory, or, if you are truly exceptional, you will come to this end yourself. what is to be done? when the reality of reason's failure to produce happiness and friendship, those two irrationalities which can never be reconciled with the bleeding edge of logic, dawns upon you, and you find yourself as the cause of your loneliness?

look back to your youth. to the days of blending in; the days of the plebeian. and now look upon your acquired learning. realize that they are not incompatible. become the post-patrician: the man for whom the dual lights of learning and the nebulae of the social shine undeterred. realize that there are very few who really share your interests, but there are countless who share your humanity. focus on the similarities between men, not the differences, and forge new and lasting friendships with these as the foundation.

>> No.6207735

Joke's on you, I took a leap of faith and I dont question everything anymore
I just live in constant doubt

>> No.6207737



>> No.6207780

thankyou brother this is the best post i've seen on lit, ever.

>> No.6207792

Oh! So that's why I'm a social retard, my intellectualism! Thanks, OP

>> No.6207890
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>You've shown your hand, and it's holding your own dung.
Now that's a spicy meatball

>> No.6207937

>I view myself as quite intelligent and knowledgeable compared to the people around but i've grown to not place value on this at all as virtually anyone can become well-read or intellectual. there is no struggle. there is no rejection. there is no blood, sweat and tears.

Anybody with a benign quantity of intelligence has felt the frustration and the sweat that comes with trying to understand stuff. How can you claim intelligence (whatever it means for you) is easy if you've never pushed yourself. I'm also pretty sure most people value social skills a whole lot more than being book smart or intellectual, yes, even in an upper middle class environnement.
You can try to judge the value of intellectuality, but I don't think you have the right representation of it. I think you imagine an intellectual as some 40 years old married man who brag about knowing Catherine 2 and having read interpretations of Nostradamus.

>> No.6208497


i find myself being a smooth social motherfucker when i havent slept

>> No.6208507

That might be a delusion state brought on by lack of sleep.

To verify it you'd have to ask people if you seemed smoother and less awkward sans sleep; and asking people if you're being smoother and less awkward than usual is not a smooth thing to do.

So the answer would probably be no.

Such a conundrum.

>> No.6208527


lmao at your stupid reasoning

i have proof: i have found myself saying things i normaly dont say. getting more smiles on the street. being more courageous. being more expressive. being more flirty and getting results out it.

all of these things ive done when drunk, i find it to be a pretty similar state. are memories when being drunk delusions too? the fucks and fuckups have been real.

>> No.6208538

Being social is a skill. People who are buried in books are simply cultivating different skills (knowledge, critical thinking) than people who socialize. If you wish you were funnier or more present in social gatherings, then just hang outwith people more. Cultivate the skill and don't be an autistic dummy.

>> No.6208540

But lad, you're drunk and/or in the throes of sleep deprivation.

You're an unreliable narrator.

Gotta rely on somebody else who isn't plastered or exhausted to provide an non-inebriated anchor-point.

>> No.6208545


as i said. there are internet logs. people i have talked to. and the very effects of my behavior in that state. i happen to move more shit forward in one sleepless morning than in a whole month of soberness.

>> No.6208546

I'm interested in your view but you've said nothing

elaborate pls

>> No.6208564
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>The thinker analyzes, meta-analyzes, pulls apart the foundations of his own world to see what's gluing it together, and often finds that the answer is "nothing", and being the sort of man who is forever seeking answers this wounds him irreparably.

Goddamn this is the worst fucking feel

>> No.6208583

They were good enough for the masses during Shakespeare's time and well beyond, and you are unable to partake of the enjoyment and fulfillment that these people achieve because of elitism and meta criticism. You are proof of OP's point.

>> No.6208586

I was speaking from experience tbh.

It is the feel of creeping involuntary Nihilism.

>> No.6208604

>my youth
>blending in
Herein lies the problem

>> No.6208606

ugh i hate this fucking board

wanna respond to op though:

yr a fucking idiot and yr basically some middle class white kid fucking idealizing the poor in a way that treats them like children

>> No.6208821

Basically me, good posting.

Rationality/intelligent will never make you happier.

You actually have to will yourself not to think this way now to prevent it from making your life miserable.

There's nothing rational about reality, choose to enjoy the ride.

>> No.6208888

Worker self-improvement was a motivating force back then whereas its nonexistent today. Seems like they've regressed if anything. I wonder how much that has to do with the stagnation of wages in America over the last 30 years (and the UK, if something similar has happened). Maybe workers tried to better at the time because their economic conditions started to improve due to unions, progressive legislation, booming economy etc.

>> No.6208922

I don't admire dumb people over smart people but I do admire the simple people over the thousand-thought crazies I always run into. Smart people are a gift. Smart people that need you to know they're smart is a really smelly, really loud gift.

>> No.6208929

Excuse me. *are

>> No.6208978

>Worker self-improvement was a motivating force back then whereas its nonexistent today.
So why do so many workers go to universities?

>> No.6209017

>I'm 20 and my view of the world

>> No.6209250


>> No.6209337

You've met the wrong the "smart" people. I don't know what your definiton of smart is, but I double major in maths and CS at a good uni, and people call me smart. I know plenty of other such "smart" people, and they aren't at all like you suggest. Our sense of humor is a bit more specific to our trade, but it isn't predefined at all. We too make things up on the spur of the moment, and I for myself find neither "cat videos" nor "memes" funny. I also don't laugh at jokes, since I often anticipate jokes, or I can relate them to jokes I already heard.

I think your contrast is not a contrast between dumb and smart people, but people who are free from the digital world, and people who are shackled by it. I believe you should label them the other way around actually - those who avoid "digital dementia" are the smart ones.

Either way, I agree with you, it's sad what technology has made of some people. Not that I'm against technology, but social media is a curse upon mankind.

>> No.6209900

>Self-identifying as an intellectual

This is why you have no friends.

>> No.6209927

>I'm 20

Stopped reading there. Your brain isn't even fully developed yet and you have practically zero life experience - you can't claim to be intelligent, much less an "intellectual". Same for all the other teens and college kids who still have retard brains commenting in this thread.

>> No.6209932


Is it just me or is this the most condescending and bourgeois ever posted on /lit/?

>> No.6209933

I used to think the same thing until I actually started a blue collar job. Maybe you should go work as a laborer for a bit.

>> No.6209938

Maybe you would like David Hume.
Brilliant philosopher. An inspiration to the Kantian era of philosophy.
But not an ass hat. Known as le bon Hume, he made a name for himself not taking his philosophy too seriously and making a point in his life to be kind to others, light hearted amongst friends, and generally just be chill.

He had issues with his contemporaries but tried to keep a good disposition.
He writes something along the lines of

Most fortunately it happens, that since Reason is incapable of dispelling these clouds, Nature herself suffices to that purpose, and cures me of this philosophical melancholy and delirium, either by relaxing this bent of mind, or by some avocation, and lively impression of my senses, which obliterate all these chimeras. I dine, I play a game of backgammon, I converse, and am merry with my friends. And when, after three or four hours' amusement, I would return to these speculations, they appear so cold, and strained, and ridiculous, that I cannot find in my heart to enter into them any farther.

Not sure if this is what you wanted OP. But in general I don't think intelligence is the problem, it's people who take it too seriously and don't recognize the value of friends, lovers, and not solving problems with whisky and bullets.

>> No.6209947

Why are you on this board? Why are you on this website? Is this some new form of troll?

>> No.6209964
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>> No.6209972

i agree underrated post

>> No.6209981

tis a course

>> No.6209983

>I also don't laugh at jokes, since I often anticipate jokes, or I can relate them to jokes I already heard.
stuck-up pseudo-intelligent people up their own ass are the worst kind of people

>> No.6209996

tough crowd, anon?