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/lit/ - Literature

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6203053 No.6203053[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we escape from the shitpost, /lit/?

>> No.6203059

by not posting it

>> No.6203062

Why is The Aeneid considered Homer fanfiction when Homer didn't invent his setting or his characters

>> No.6203075

>inb4 some faggot comes in and says meta threads are part of the problem

No they aren't, we're addressing a grave issue in real time.

>> No.6203079

All greek literature is fanfiction

>> No.6203088
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So would Mason & Dixon be fanfiction?

>> No.6203089

There's no stopping, just accelerate.

>> No.6203108

By taking away anonymity.
So basically by posting on another site like reddit or something.

>> No.6203109

But how do we define "shitpost"? Can one unconsciously shitpost? Are there established criteria through which we should judge posts to see if they're shit or not?

>> No.6203118

in most cases it's not that subtle.
shitposting is 9/10 of the time instantly recognizable.

"Ur a faget"
">implying strawman"
"statement, prove me wrong"
"group x BTFO"

>> No.6203134

You know what. I just realized that the post I replied to could be considered shitposting as well, so maybe you are right and proving this by shitposting... therefore not shitposting. You little meta-rascal, you!

>> No.6203146

But then you introduce "author capital". The absence of this is why I am here and not on reddit in the first place. Worse, reddit creates an almost absolute and fixed hierarchy between comments due to their voting and display system. It even hides unpopular comments — what the fuck is this fascism lite m8?

>> No.6203149

It's context based, and the shitpost quality is often introduced retroactively by the replies.

>> No.6203167
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I didn't claim it was better. But you lose something (introduction of author capital & everything that entails) to gain something (less shitposting).
The anonymity is also why I am here and prefer it. Perhaps you can't have the best of both worlds?

>> No.6203246

>Perhaps you can't have the best of both worlds?
It might seem like comparing capitalism and anarchy. But... I wouldn't say what we have here is anarchy since we still have very dominant and fixed discourses or narratives or whatever you call it. It's just that some of the obvious or direct mechanisms (e.g. voting system) aren't present here. Maybe this is even worse since it creates an illusion that there are none of those dominating elements. But on the other hand anything controversial here at least gets a voice, sometimes even a louder one that it would otherwise: the more replies a post has the more it stands out, and people rush to stomp it down in ever new ways.
A few times there were some threads that were really good, where conversation was neither circle-jerky nor simply reactive. The latter is what I really dislike about this place. There's a lot of knee-jerk reactions to something instead of trying to understand it first and then criticize it.
For me it has gotten to a point where I have to self-censor myself reeeally hard with the words and expressions I'm using if I don't want my posts to be dismissed right away.

>> No.6203248

how do we escape from the internet, /lit/?

I'm tired, I want to go home!

>> No.6203286

I'm not anonymous, yet I still shitpost. How come? Cultural ideology of the 4chans??

>> No.6203330

actively engage in it.