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/lit/ - Literature

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6202597 No.6202597 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious if any writers have managed to bridge the gap and mix really greatly written literary fiction style voice (which lit seems to love) with the genre settings and concepts of pulp, spec, and other "pleb" types of fiction (which lit despisingly loathes in public but reads in private).

Curious of any authors able to properly mix the two.

>> No.6202602

You're an idiot.

>> No.6202606

>he hasn't read Pynchon

>> No.6202612

why can't we be nice to each other?

>> No.6202613

Burroughs' cut-up trilogy. Now go away.

>> No.6202615
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yeah, that's pretty much pynchons shtick

>> No.6202616

PKD and Pinecone.

But I agree with >>6202602

>> No.6202617

Everything about the opening post of this thread is retarded.

>> No.6202621

I like it. I mean the question as a whole does reek of a naive faggot lost on his way from /r/books, but the little subtleties are too perfect to be believable. 6/10, you tried.

>> No.6202625

>PKD and Pinecone

I've heard a lot of flack that PKD is a shitty writer with really great concepts. Same for Heinlein.

>> No.6202640

While I don't think anyone would call his post-Russian green goo alien encounter writing "great prose", there is definitely a difference between his early pulpy style of rushing out rough drafts in about a week under heavy drugs and his later more rhythmic style of doing twelve drafts yet still making little sense under heavy drugs. I mean, this is the guy who gave us:

>Entering the phone booth, he did a phone thing.

>> No.6202698

I'm not sure he's a bad writer. The prose isn't the greatest, but he's got a good vocabulary, dialogue, and there aren't really any points where you get lost in what he's describing.

He was totally a tweaker and it tells though. Sometimes the drug preaching can get pretty cringey (and this is coming from a regular drug user). Sometimes there's sections that you just read and look at and go, "Wow, he was blasted on amphetamines when he wrote this chapter."

>> No.6202727


They're mutually exclusive.

>> No.6202737

Blood Meridian

>> No.6202740


>> No.6202746
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>> No.6202760


>> No.6202763


Everyone knows Pynchon by now. I'm pretty sure OP's question is "Other than Pynchon".

Because, you know, there's got to be more.

>> No.6202764


You have a backwards conception of how literature works

>> No.6202782


Gene Wolfe.

Commence trolling and shitposting.

>> No.6202783

George Saunders?

>> No.6202854


See. This is why I asked. Because the two sides suffer a chasm'd gap and have drawn blades against one another. So vehemently defying unification.

We can't come together. Ever. Because people enjoy divisive fighting.

>> No.6202868

Yeah Gene Wolfe. New Sun, Short Sun, Peace, Fifth Head of Cerberus, Endangered Species, they all fit OP's description.

>> No.6202875

>High Brow Literary Fiction
>"Real" situations in which human behavior and societal functioning is suspended and parts of it are used as props and a backdrop for whatever the author wants to wank over
>Low Brow Genre Fiction
>Suspends aspects of reality and replaces or supplements them with fantastic elements to use as props and backdrop for whatever the author wants to wank over

Just give me a good story. I don't give a fuck about much else, philosophy does "universal truth" better than most lit anyway and I can hardly stomach the pretentious nature of most college lot courses anyway.

>> No.6202904

Literary fiction can give you philosophical perspective better than pure philosophical texts can. They give you a window of reference to relate to.

Even if it's not purely for philosophical purposes, literary works are often more artistic in technique and prose than genre, which falls more on creating something creative and engaging.

>> No.6202955

There's a lot of historical fiction and crime which fits the bill nicely. I imagine horror and mystery are similar.

It's kind of a dumb distinction though. Plenty of "genre" novels have fit perfectly well into the "literary" literary scene already. Lots of the best novels in the 20th century were fantasy or sci-fi and people like Raymond Chandler have sort of been dancing around the line between trash and "literature". Southern Gothic is just boring Western.Not to mention all the modern writers that steal conventions from every source they can find.

>> No.6203244
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its flak

>> No.6203261

Carver, Chandler, Stevenson, Wells, McCarthy...

>> No.6203350


>> No.6203823

There's just good literature and bad literature. Don't buy into those bullshit commercial labels. They're just little signs in bookshops to make sure you buy what you're supposed to.

>> No.6204143

Hyperion by Dan Simmons

>> No.6204152
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Raymond Chandler.

>> No.6204211

Person A gives Twilgiht the highest possible score and Ulysses the lowest possible score. Person B gives both Twilight and Ulysses the highest possible score. Person C gives Twilight the lowest possible score and gives Ulysses the highest possible score.

Who has the best taste?

>> No.6204259

If Twilight is your only exposure to genre fiction you're way below being a pleb.

>> No.6204261

The person reading neither of those.

>> No.6204583


Thanks, best thing I've heard all year (365 days equivalent). It's just all the stick-in-ass snobs on this board sort of make me afraid to do anything or like anything.

Reminds me of high school. All the groups turn their noses up and I'm back to hanging out with the braces kid and the guy on crutches.

Then someone magical like you comes along and goes "Fuck them. Once you're out of high school, it's not like they mean anything anyways. Live your life the way you want."

Thank you.