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6201395 No.6201395 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any prominent fascist philosophers who are (or were until recently) employed by an actual university or in some other respectable position?

Pic related is the closest I can think of.

>> No.6201429

Le edgy response

>> No.6201438

No because our education system is being run by le liberal conspiracy :<)

>> No.6201439

le le le rebbit learned u dat!!!!

>> No.6201443


It wouldn't have to be a traditional fascist. I'm just wondering if any philosopher has basically transformed a fascist ideology to the point where people take him seriously.

>> No.6201466

Dugin is not in any way fascist. He's closest to multicultural monarchism.

Inb4 American idiots: "anything that isn't White-house approved 'democracy' must be fascism."

>> No.6201470

>Inb4 American idiots

>> No.6201473

Society is to blame for darktown problems :O]

>> No.6201479


He's pretty close to fascism in a lot of ways. I never said he was a fascist. I said he was the closest I could think of.

>> No.6201485

He was also kicked out of MSU not so long ago.

>> No.6201496


Yeah, that's why I said "at least until recently"., specifically for people like him.

>> No.6201510

>He's pretty close to fascism in a lot of ways.
He's not close to fascism in any way whatsoever.
Professional tip: authoritarianism isn't fascism. In fact, fascism and authoritarianism are opposites -- fascism is what you get when authoritarian rule breaks down and mob rule starts to rebuild society and lay down ground rules as it sees fit.

>> No.6201517


He wrote pretty explicitly about fascism earlier in his career. Many of his current ideas stem from his original desire for a fascist Russia. How much do you know about him?

Let's be clear here, I am not using "fascist" as an insult. And fascism is not Nazism.

>> No.6201552

>How much do you know about him?
Not much, just going on what media statements he's been making in very recent years.

>> No.6201557

martin heidegger comes to mind

i still find it disturbing that such an explicit fascist and anti-semite hack is still widely taught and respected in humanities departments

>> No.6201559

He actually couldn't get a position at a university after world war two. He basically went around and gave lectures in France, but never had a real tenured position.

>> No.6201562

Carl Schmitt

>> No.6201573

Unfree authors should be banned.

>> No.6201594

is there a reason why facism is inherently bad and/or a bad way to run a state? any books to read on it? because although i've seen some stalinists i've never really seen a proper facist

>> No.6201636


I don't think it's inherently bad. I said in an earlier thread that I think a lot of the reason fascism is considered horrible is because it's a term used interchangeably with Nazism, especially by Jews in reference to the holocaust.

The only real hurdle I see with fascism is militarism, which is a major part of it. It's kind of hard to justify warmongering.

>> No.6201644

> It's kind of hard to justify warmongering.
Who justifies the justice system?
The sovereign state.

>> No.6201649


I'm sorry. I'm kind of drunk right now, so maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but I'm talking specifically about justifying invading lesser countries.

>> No.6201651

>reality has a liberal bias
>intelligent people are for the most part liberal = must be a conspiracy

>> No.6201738

I think Kissinger still is on the payroll.

>> No.6201743

>How much do you know about him?
Not him, but Dugins thinks that Fascism is a rationalist ideology, that is the Enlightenment in it's final form. Tradition doesn't know about the kartesian subject. He's accused by the other traditionalists for being pomo.

>> No.6201746

Great. I'll use this as an argument whenever people talk about the leftist conspiracy in academia

>> No.6201771

>is there a reason why facism is inherently bad and/or a bad way to run a state?
It lost.

>> No.6201795

so capitalism is the best way to run one? i don't know much but lots of people say that capitalism is a really bad system of govt.

>> No.6201941

Nick Land

>> No.6201986

>I'm just wondering if any philosopher has basically transformed a fascist ideology to the point where people take him seriously.


>> No.6202204

>monarchism is totally not fascism you guys :^)

>> No.6202212

>lots of people say that capitalism is a really bad system of govt
Capitalism is not a system of government. Government is merely an assistance tool for capitalism.

If it was so bad, then the capitalist countries wouldn't be the best countries in the world, would they?

>> No.6202238

Welcome to the thread, American idiot. I've been waiting for you, and even posted a nice little 'inb4' at the entrace.

One question: do you have problems navigating life with your mental retardation handicap?

>> No.6202408

I am not American, I just realize that in the age of liberal democracy, the differences between the two are trivial.

>you see, in monarchism, the unelected tyrant actually inherits his power instead of receiving it in a coup! Totally different, guys!

>> No.6202836

Well part of fascism is death camps, purging society of its lesser individuals

>> No.6202869



>> No.6202871

No. Fascism is even more discredited than Marxism-Leninism.

> inb4 Marxist-Leninist trolls come out of the woodwork

>> No.6202878

ML here. Tankies ruin everything, don't they?

>> No.6202901

Charles Taylor is the closest I can think of. No one is going to identify with "fascist" in prominent academia because of the stigma. Zizek can have joking picture of Stalin and call himself a communist and still make out pretty well, but a sell-proclaimed fascist with a joking picture of Hitler would be fucked. And this makes the problem complex, because fascism is based on a particular theory of idealism.

>> No.6202947

They're the 'best' countries because they steal the resources of other countries and put populations of other countries into slavery, for example India or China.

>> No.6202979

Is there any real issue with this besides humanism?

>> No.6203055

All the wealth in the world gets concentrated in a small percentage of people while everyone else has to live in poverty while spending their entire life's slaving away.

>> No.6203060

I don't think you know what humanism means, it isn't vague disapproval of economic abuse

>> No.6203100

I can agree that surplus wealth for its own sake is cancerous, including those in acquisition for it. So I think the issue here is that the exploitation is excessive, that is, the Western world *neurotically* exploits the Third World for profit, and alleviates not only our own toil (and doesn't even do this nearly all the way for most of the population), but additionally and compulsive produces more toil for the sake of profit as a spiritual focus.

I know very well what humanism means, in this context I'm referring to it as some sort of privileging of humanity as crypto-spiritual. Would, for instance, using animals as slaves for this purpose be just as worthy of critique? Well, yes, I think so to a certain extent, because of the psychological cancer of our pursuit of exploitation for surplus.

>> No.6203115

To be concise: the Western world was denigrated for being "better" only because it relies on slave labor. But I'm saying that is not an adequate criticism, it actually validates slavery as a worthwhile endeavor. I think a better criticism is that slavery might make conditions for the master better *to a point(*, but past that it makes the master a slave to the impulse to enslave and obsessively wring slaves dry of every drop of sweat past the point where it has any beneficial meaning outside of itself, and to the point that it is identified with befit strictly and only to the point that slavery itself was identified with being desirable.

>> No.6203123
File: 47 KB, 500x753, 500px-Charles_Taylor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are seriously claiming that Charles Taylor is close to being a fascist?! What gives?

>> No.6203129


Zizek is a joke in mainstream academia; Stalin is in just as bad of taste

>> No.6203135

>wanting to be an academic

>> No.6203139

I claim that he is the closest the the *philosophical basis* of fascism in his brand of idealism. That is, someone who is not a communist but applies material dialectics of class struggle is closer to a Marxist than Russell Brand is. Charles Taylor is a far cry from a fascist, I said *closest*.

>> No.6203140


I don't get it

>> No.6203147

There is a tremendous amount of academic writing on Zizek's theories.

>> No.6203159

Yeah and by who that matters and by what presses? It's an elitist point but no highly respected academic has anything to do with Zizek. When the Ivy league and Oxbridge folks write about him I will eat my hat

>> No.6203162


Which isn't to say that I don't enjoy reading and watching Zizek but say if philosophy were an athletic competition, he's the naked streaker

>> No.6203172
File: 89 KB, 614x432, 1412809843195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ivy League

>> No.6203225


>thinks Laurie Penny is ivy league

By your logic even students at ivy league schools count as academics. I'm talking people with PHDs and tenure track who publish in peer reviews and have proven themselves

>> No.6203243

As if being a fellow at some imperialist military industrial ruling class training camp like Harvard has anything to do with ethics, bitch, please. also, check your privilege.

>> No.6203258

>make <100 character comment
>dont "lecture me"
>comment was neither reprimand nor an actual exposition on the topic.
>"hurr durr, argument from accolades" muh ivy league

How can someone be so retarded.