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/lit/ - Literature

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6200176 No.6200176 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on pic related?

>> No.6200183


It's like if a modern-day American liberal travelled back in time to England and wrote about how triggering everything is.

>> No.6200189


Come now, did you even read it? It sounds precisely like you haven't.

>> No.6200192

Fuck you.

This is /lit/, I don't have to read these fucking things to sound off on them.

>> No.6200197

Very nice. I'm told it's like a more accessible/bridge piece to Joyce's Ulysses.

I don't think you read it.

>> No.6200199

I had to read it for school. My bulldyke professor kept going on about all the Important Women's Issues expressed in it. I especially liked the passages about the Christian woman who was a repressed lesbian and the instinctual loathing the atheist character felt toward her. So progressive.

>> No.6200209
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Wow did someone go on a trip to to the opinion factory today?

>> No.6200215

>someone said something I disagree with
>better just accuse them of not having read the work

>> No.6200245
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This image embodies the entirety of Mrs Dalloway.

>> No.6200252

I liked it OP, particularly the parts about Septimus Which were fascinating and, I would say, some of the better written parts of the book. Though of course with Woolf the majority of her prose is excellent.

If you liked this you should read "To The Lighthouse" next, if you haven't already.

>> No.6200281
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hahahaha you think that having a penis makes you a war veteran hahahahaha you think you fought in the trenches lmao lets see your war medal

>> No.6200289

The war veteran is actually in the book. The entire book is Woolf comparing the suffering of an upper middle class woman to that of a war veteran with PTSD. It's basically just her incessantly bitching about things that don't matter and then slapping a story about things that actually do matter on top to make the things that don't matter look important. It's typical womanlogic.

>> No.6200304

this board is rife with philistines and I'm not coming back

>> No.6200325

Don't let the door bite your ass.

>> No.6200335
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So you're the arbiter of suffering then. You know what's REAL suffering right? GTFO. Do you know what women had to deal with back then? It was way harder than the pampered life you lead that lets you spend free time with likeminded virgins on the internet. Suck my dick fag.

>> No.6200344

Yeah, women had to deal with shit like sitting at home all day and planning parties and not being sluts because they didn't have contraception or the legal right to murder their unborn. Unimaginable horror.

>> No.6200383

They also couldn't go to the major colleges run by men, act in theater, or write without being ostracized. The few who could even learn to write worth a shit had to publish anonymously or write children's hymns.

>> No.6200388

> terminating a fetus
> murder

also, have you ever spent 9 months becoming inexorably fat after having to spend your whole life trying to be pretty in order to be noticed and cared about, all the while being high on hormones that make you incredibly moody and worrying about all the many, many things that could go wrong with the child you're carrying and the ways those things might be your fault, then had this child shoved head-first out your genitals (imagine pushing a baseball through your penis) in a process that also has a thousand possible ways of going wrong, leaving both you or the child dead or permanently maimed (maybe that baseball gets stuck and the doctor has to take a knife to your penis to get it out...). then being expected to do it all over again (because that's what women are for), all while taking care of the first one day and night for months, never getting a good night's sleep, and then dealing with every stage of immaturity a person can pass through?

>> No.6200398

>They also couldn't go to the major colleges run by men
And now that they can go they study useless shit like Women's Studies and English LOL.

>act in theater
I wasn't aware that post-WWI England had a ban against women acting in theater, but good on them.

>or write without being ostracized
I can't think of a single woman writer since the Middle Ages who doesn't deserved to be ostracized for the shit she wrote. JK Rowling and the woman who wrote 50 Shades of Grey should be stoned to death.

>The few who could even learn to write worth a shit had to publish anonymously or write children's hymns.
The funny thing is that if I were to ever write about my own politically incorrect ideas about the relations between men and women I'd have to publish anonymously. But of course I couldn't publish them because I'd be charged with hate speech and thrown in prison. Gee those women sure had it tough tho!

>> No.6200403

>The entire book is Woolf comparing the suffering of an upper middle class woman to that of a war veteran with PTSD. It's basically just her incessantly bitching about things that don't matter and then slapping a story about things that actually do matter on top to make the things that don't matter look important. It's typical womanlogic.

I've never seen a book so poorly interpreted in my entire life.

>> No.6200404

Boo hoo. If you don't like female biology I guess the obvious solution is to deny the fact that it exists and take chemicals to make your body function like a man's and if that fails just murder another person because that person is inconvenient to your slutting and "career" in HR.

(And I wish I could find a woman with a vagina as narrow as my pisshole.)

>> No.6200410

So you have read it, you're just either trying to troll us or you are an infantile /pol/tard.

Whatever your game is, you're misinterpreting it. Dalloway actually comes off as rather shallow or at any rate not a sympathetic character. She leads her cushy life trying to entertain people at these snooty parties. Her husband is a reformist type in parliament, but they're both still very isolated from the poorer class that had to go through the worst of The Great War.

Yeah. "Typical womanlogic" brought these throughts to your head. The two tails intertwined were supposed to make you think.
Meh. You're a bozo. 2/10

>> No.6200413

First you claim there is nothing wrong with murdering an unborn child, and in the next sentence you claim that a child being killed or maimed at birth is a bad thing.

Get your shit straight, please.

>> No.6200420

nah, you want my boyfriend if you're looking for somebody doing that; i'm going the opposite direction (girl hormones) and really really wish i could give birth and raise children. i'm just pointing out that there are lots of difficulties involved with the biology alone. go try running up a set of stairs with a pair of boobs (and then try the same thing while in a tight corset and giant dress while you're at it).

also, we both teach high school and are diligently corrupting your children, teaching them to think for themselves and scary things like that.

>> No.6200421

No argument presented. Poster disregarded.

She comes off as shallow and unsympathetic because that's what women are, middle and upper class women in particular. Woolf was just projecting herself as she existed. She was probably unaware of what an awful person she is and thought being awful was normal. So she wrote this boring, meaningless description of a typical day in her life, then realized it was shit, and thought oh I know what can make this better! What if I compare myself to a shellshocked war veteran? Wouldn't that make me seem deeper and more tragic? So on a later draft she went back and added the stuff about the soldier, which are the only interesting parts because they're about someone who actually suffers and struggles not some pampered mollycoddled bitch like Woolf or her protagonist, but she fucked that up because she's not shellshocked, a soldier, or even a man so every line reeks with insincerity. It's an awful book and you're an awful person for defending it.

>> No.6200434

>mass forced state indoctrination of young children into banking dynasty-approved ideological propaganda beliefs in specifically designed brainwashing concentration camps
>taught by trannies
>"thinking for themselves"

Wow. You're such an underdog. Thanks for speaking truth to power. Make sure you grade all those cis-white males lower because they're so privileged. Clinton 2016

>> No.6200449

Yeah, running up a set of stairs being difficult because you have boobs is just as bad as being drafted into the army and sent to France to be shoved through a human meat grinder where the guts of your friends cover your face and you momentarily pass out with permanent damage because a shell shockwave passed through your brain and then the gas comes. Wimmen have it so tough. ;_;

>> No.6200456

>What if I compare myself to a shellshocked war veteran?

you just assume the parts about septimus are a "comparison" to clarissa when they aren't

you're making yourself mad over nothing

>> No.6200460

you didn't go though that stuff

>> No.6200463

>Woolf's original plan for her novel called for Clarissa to kill herself during her party. In this original version, Septimus (whom Woolf called Mrs. Dalloway's "double") did not appear at all.

And the tranny has never had real boobs, nor run up a staircase with them, nor did so wearing a tight corset and giant dress. What's your fucking point?

>> No.6200472

kekky. i smell a hurt butt

>> No.6200478

> but we were two of the teachers who convinced the board to get rid of our former headmistress who sat on a 3 figure salary and contributed nothing
> and i'm the one recommending books to the computer geeks in my classes who would otherwise never read anything
> and i have no intention of voting for that person
> and it is the non-whites that are the most difficult to teach, because they more often have poisonous "culture" burned into them

this is all completely unrelated to the book (which i haven't read), though. like i said, the above was just a quick anecdote while browsing.

>> No.6200480

I read all 430 pages of The Voyage Out and loved it. I imagine everyone talking shit about Mrs. Dalloway is a virgin/neckbeard/fedora/pleb.

>> No.6200481

That was your first mistake. Thinking that anyone gives a shit that you're a tranny. But I guess you wouldn't be one if you didn't have special snowflake syndrome.

>> No.6200482

Imagine having a conversation with the in real life. Pretty repulsive stuff.

>> No.6200483
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you were the one who brought it up, not me

>> No.6200491

I was actually talking about the birth control pill. You're the one who misinterpreted it as the tranny pill.

>> No.6200498

I imagine that everyone who likes Mrs Dalloway is an ultraleftist English major so thoroughly indoctrinated into leftist ideology that they have ceased to be human being and are now mindless, soulless automatons under the direct control of Satan.

>> No.6200501

>take chemicals to make your body function like a man's
seemed pretty clear to me, but i guess i should have known better, seeing how little you know about women

>> No.6200506

Having sex and not getting pregnant from it = male biology

>> No.6200508

I think it's pretty fucked up that you've fetishized femaleness to the point where you're going to mutilate your body into a disgusting mockery of it. But at least you get to pretend to have superior knowledge of how horrible running up stairs with breasts is.

>> No.6200513
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I let my personal hatred of women taint my interpretation of literature, too. If only just one female ever accepted me. Just one.

>> No.6200517

I've been in plenty of relationships. That's my problem. Familiarity breeds contempt.

>> No.6200527

Beautiful prose. You're a pleb if you can't appreciate it.

>> No.6200530

Which percentage of the relationships did you end?

>> No.6200539

no you're just stupid sorry i had to be the one to tell you

>> No.6200546

49%. Curses! Looks like women win this battle too!

No u.

>> No.6200554

Woolf is one of my favourite authors, and this is my favourite ''complex'' work so far. (TTL/TW/Mrs.D being complex, Orlando being a lot simpler, but also being my favourite work by Woolf)

I was amazed at how seemingly realistic she managed to create Septimus. I'm too far away from any trench war to reality check, but Septimus can almost drag me along in his madness. There is a very interesting (to me) thing at the psychiatrist office, because the male psychiatrist shows a great similarity in behaviour to Plath's male psychiatrist in The Bell Jar.

I definitely have to reread it to properly follow all the relations going about, but the stream of consciousness makes for a very fluid read.
You make a very bad assumption. It's not
>someone said something I disagree with
>someone said something so ridiculous, I highly doubt any regularly functioning human being could say such a stupid thing after having actually experienced or even ventured into the thing about which he talks.

Once you realise a discussion isn't a 50/50 of ''agree with me/don't agree with me'' you'll grow a lot as a person.

>> No.6200558
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It's great to see that almost every one of these has been used so far. You feminazis are going to run out of ammo pretty quick.

>> No.6200566

You've once again failed to make an actual argument.

Keep trying. You'll get better.

>> No.6200569

I wasn't aware literature by women constituted 'satanic liberal propoganda' but I will be aware of this when I read the work thank you for the deft criticism my sensei

>> No.6200570

I like how that post is itself a mixture of code brown and code orange. Guess that's what happens when you try to use the accusation of being polemic, as a polemic.

>> No.6200585

Are you actually arguing that Mrs Dalloway is a pro-Christian, pro-God work?

Maybe you shouldn't comment on stuff you haven't read?

>> No.6200590

lol just because you can enumerate the ways in which other people say you are an idiot doesn't mean you're not an idiot

>> No.6200598

>trying this hard
I mean, it was obvious a few posts ago, but, dude...

>> No.6200607

Yes. Everyone who disagrees with you or has different beliefs or worldviews from your own is a troll. I hope that helps you sleep better tonight knowing that deep down, everyone on the planet knows that your opinions are the truth and they're just pretending to disagree with you in an effort to be offensive to you.

>> No.6200683

>I can say whatever I want, and as long as the world doesn't give me a thourough explanation as to why I'm wrong, I'm right
>The world owes me an answer to all my ignorant outbursts
Ah, to be 17 again.

>> No.6200690

I know some sincere christians myself, but I refuse to believe that anyone would consider Virginia Woolf satanic. I'd feel like a bigot for believing that faith can make anyone this retarded in our day and age. But then again, ISIS exists, so so might you, I just don't know anymore...

>> No.6200693

excellent, beautiful work of fiction

>> No.6200709

itt: establishmentfags and idiots who have NO idea what virginia woolf wrote about

>> No.6200760

The only criticisms ITT is either "women" or "first world problems".

Fuck I am so sick of the plebs on /lit/, where did they come from?

Woolf is a brilliant artist, To The Lighthouse is probably my favourite of hers but Dalloway is also amazing.

Woolf is one of the best prose writers of the 20th century, although she never managed to match the height of Joyce and Proust, her work both as a novelist and a critic is incredibly valuable and rewarding.
I highly recommend her, she is one of my favourite writers.

>> No.6200775

>I'm told it's like a more accessible/bridge piece to Joyce's Ulysses.
That's basically all literary modernism, and probably only because this and similar stuff (To the Lighthouse, The Wasteland, etc.) are taught alongside Ulysses. Mrs. Dalloway was good, but I preferred The Good Soldier.

>> No.6201009

I dropped Mrs. Dalloway after a couple pages. Radical feminist bullshit, "all men are failed abortions", typical tumblr stuff, you know. I'm ain't gonna bother with that, don't want to read the opposing side's argument when the opposing sides are all lesbian whales who blame their daddys for their misandry even though they never even met them. Virginia prob got cyber bullied. Like, how does that even happen? lol Just look away from the screen. Wow! I wonder where her name Woolf comes from probably a nickname to describe how she rips off dicks with her doggy fangs. Look at all the butt-obliterated whiteknights ITT in this topic. Can I get an L-O-L.

>> No.6201087


Jesus Christ, how much of a pleb can one man be? Seriously, all this people disregarding the book essentially because it was written by a woman.

I loved the book, and I think it resonates if one reads in the same period more modernist stuff. In particular I had just read "The wasteland" and it comes very well together.

Great book. I don't even see how anybody thinks they are comparing the sufferings of the War veteran with Mrs. Dalloway's. There are parallelism, but for fuck's sake, stop being /pol/ rats.

>> No.6201091

*these people, sorry.

>> No.6201094
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>> No.6201100

I liked Mrs. Dalloway except for Septimus. I didn't buy his hallucinations. They didn't sound like PTSD, more like psychosis.

>> No.6201110

>They didn't sound like PTSD, more like psychosis.

>implying some kid on the internet whose most challenging experience has been burning his mouth on a hot pocket knows the difference.