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/lit/ - Literature

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6199132 No.6199132 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the Jughead of literature? I'm not being facetious; I wanna read about a character who is cool, happy and just doesn't give a fuck.

Usually characters who don't "give a fuck" are morose betas like Meursault or completely boring like Oblomov. I want the optimistic happy-go-lucky version...

>> No.6199137
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>> No.6199145
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>> No.6199167

Stirner is cool and doesn't give a fuck, but he might not be that happy.

>> No.6199181

>Stirner is cool

Perhaps you're a bad judge of what's cool and what is not.

>> No.6199188

Who do you think is cool, nerd?

>> No.6199196
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Jughead's dumb as fuck. He's Moose without athletic talent.

He wears a Burger King crown around daily.

>> No.6199200

Camus is far cooler than Stirner.

>> No.6199223


Uhhh, no. I'm going outside the Ballpark with these next two, but they're both prety close to what you're looking for.

William Tell- Schiller
Ditmars- Strange Animals I have Known

Genuinelye happy, cool guys who just went about their business, fucking bitches. Ditmars was a journalist, herpetologist and zoo curator, on of the last Renaissance men of the world. He helped develop the first anti-venoms. His writing feels like a conversation of brandy in the smoking room, and it made me feel warm inside.

>> No.6199226


>Not under the obvious trope of the crowned fool.

>> No.6199234

oh, I see, you're looking for a robert downey jr type of character, k

try iron man, or some other generic hollywood movies

>> No.6199239


what?? no
Books nigga, i want books

>> No.6199241

>His writing feels like a conversation of brandy in the smoking room

That's not "cool", anon, that's you being snob and nostalgic.

>> No.6199245

>it made me feel warm inside

Wow, your feelings are really relevant. Tell us more about your emotions.

>> No.6199257
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I didn't mean it that way, and to be honest, his writing is the opposite of elitist. He sets the reader on equal level, which was my point. A comfortable conversation in the trappings of the mid twenties.

I'll find ways to describe literature that don't include my reaction to the text. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.6199267


>> No.6199322
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>> No.6199377


truly ahead of his time

>> No.6199670


>> No.6199678

>of literature
You mean, jughead?

>> No.6199712


oh shit...

>> No.6199729

so are his eyes closed or are his eyes the vertical lines

>> No.6199740

>morose betas like Meursault

Yes the guy who penned the letter that led to some bitch getting the shit beat out of her, aimlessly drinks and fucks off and sleeps whenever he wants, who bangs a hot french bitch without even trying before shooting a man four times before throwing him out of a plane who ultimately lets the state execute him because he stands by being an edgelord was "beta as fuck".

>> No.6199767


>> No.6199776


>he behaves poorly

it doesn't matter how he behaves if he's a sad apathetic cunt. Sad-cunts are always beta.

>> No.6199984


He didn't fly so good.

>> No.6200005

Are you, literally, australian?

>> No.6200080

Dean Moriarty, Dionysus, Silenus, Dr. Benway (although in a more eccentric, psychotic way), Third Mate Flask for literature.

Diogenes or Max Stirner for philosophy.

>> No.6200159

>I wanna read about a character who is cool, happy and just doesn't give a fuck.
Sveijk, of course.

>> No.6200360

Hunter S. Thompson was pretty chill

>> No.6200378

Hunter S. Thompson was pretty bitter and self-hating a lot of the time. He hated that he was constantly being objectified for his drugged, zany nature, yet still perpetuated it to keep up appearances.
It's not that he wasn't a cool guy. I agree with you on that, but he was self fearing and self loathing.

>> No.6200390

Yeah, I suppose you're right.

>> No.6200425
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Doc's pretty chill

>> No.6200495

till eulenspeigel

>> No.6200564
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No way.

Dave Berg of Mad Magazine's "The Lighter Side of...." Doing Archie comics?

>> No.6200595
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>> No.6200992
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>those shorts
>That posture

Damn, Betty wants the D

>> No.6201101
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>> No.6201114
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>He wears a Burger King crown around daily.

It's not a crown, it's a bust-up, recycled hat. It was a fashion in the 30s or whenever.

>mfw I'm a britfag, never knew anything about the Archies beyond sugar sugar and I still know that.

>> No.6201115
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>> No.6201133
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>> No.6201143


>> No.6201147

Archie, what the fuck man.

>> No.6201159


Castration anxiety.

*runs fingers through his beard worringly

>> No.6201160
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>dat trigger discipline

>> No.6201167


Archie's machismo is responsible for inducing an infantilistic strain into Jughead's personality, bring about his inevitable self-destruction through overeating.

*jots a few notes into his case files

>> No.6201180

I kind of feel like Ignatius J Reilly is, if not a close match for Jughead, then at least a synonym.

>> No.6201211

archie confirmed sociopath

>> No.6201628

Anything by J P Donleavy

>> No.6201675

Brave soldier Chveik/schweik/cheick/whatever your language spells it.