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/lit/ - Literature

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6198337 No.6198337 [Reply] [Original]

What's going to be the next great literary movement?

>> No.6198354


>> No.6198355

"The Collected Tweets and Facebook Posts of ______"

>> No.6198415

Digitalism or something equally retarded

>> No.6198447

Can things really be that bad?

>> No.6198499

Videogame related.

>> No.6198515


>> No.6198519

literature is over.

>> No.6198531

Can things really be THAT bad?

>> No.6198535


>> No.6198596
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people just writing without trying to conform to the boundaries of any specific movement

>> No.6198611

I doubt it. People love to be a part of something. See: all the post-post-modern attempts at forcing new literary patterns.

>> No.6198612

Harsh noise literature, like not even dadaism, only incoherent symbols in random typography. I'd still read it though.

>> No.6198634

It's a good format. You could print a novel in C, but you also get more control over display. I think it's the future of prose.

>> No.6198645

that wouldnt be a movement now would it

>> No.6198647

Once humans realize we're all doomed to go extinct within the next two generations literature will be all about death, futility, and acceptance

>> No.6198649



>> No.6198654

Some guy published a few of my tweets in a book. I was promised a contributor copy but it never arrived.

>> No.6198660

Good ev'n Sir Edgemaster!

>> No.6198666
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I'm not being edgy, just realistic :0

breakdown of society is imminent, run to the hills

>> No.6198686

Pragmatic, resigned, simple style, some melancholy. Prose is going to be a nerd thing / guilty pleasure. Flat hierarchies between different publishing houses mean lots of people get published but noone really gets exposure. The internet won't change things that much, some guerilla marketing, mostly networking between authors / publishers themselves. What it really changes is that people don't fucking read anymore.

However, no real movement will emerge since the concept of a real, actual movement goes against the zeitgeist. trends and short-lived hypes mostly. after that, when the west loses weight on a global scale, the EU potentially falls apart and the US have a bruised ego because they're not top dog anymore, i suspect something traditionalist, because that's what people will buy.

>> No.6198697

Greentexting is both a literary form, genre, and movement in its own right.

>> No.6198705

it's also completely insignificant on a larger scale

>> No.6198726

It has no masters.

>> No.6198736

Anonymous is pretty good though

>> No.6198738

There's no mastery. No one writes great greentext. No point in a movement if it doesn't inspire.

>> No.6198739


>> No.6198779
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>> No.6198784


>> No.6198817

A book that is about the reader.
It tells the reader what to do, and in an interesting way, so that the reader feels compelled to do it.
It predicts the reader. Excerpt:

"Flap your wings like you are going to fly to McPizzaHut (that's a McDonalds [fast food establishment that serves a royale with cheese {pulp fiction (movie by le tarantula cuck) reference}

etc. im lazy

or maybe something that says niggers and is racist ironically, like overtly as racist as humanly possible and bigoted in every way and offends literally everybody but with "irony" so people can be like "it's not really racist it has a point!"

I want to do that, but only because I get some kind of weird fulfillment by saying the word Nigger.

>> No.6198834

"Pragmatic, resigned, simple style, some melancholy". shift away from formalism. brief resurgence of postmodernism circa 1975 in anticipation of and reaction to destablizing global conflicts, an indulgence of rash, cynical, pop culturally specific (as opposed to chaotic, unmanageable) writing that becomes newly naive and idealistic in light of futility. literary movements will no longer demarcate the development of literary technique and application, only reflect its history and political context.

>> No.6198852


>It tells the reader what to do, and in an interesting way, so that the reader feels compelled to do it.

I wish morons like you would leave this board.

>> No.6198860

They'll sell blank books and the reader will be expected to write the story. Maybe they'll just give a title or some random sentences.
>Thought provoking
>Challenging everything we know about literature

>> No.6198870

So do I, that way you'd leave.

heh, get pawned kid.

>> No.6198877


Hey, I'd just be happy with the next great novel. Nobody's gonna remember any of this shit that's come out in the past decade or so. It's kind of naive to think that great- not good- books are made every single year.

>> No.6198881

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>> No.6198907

A return to form that still keeps in mind whatever it is we learned since modernism, or just empty attempts to outdo post-modernism.

I doubt we're shifting away from maximalism anytime soon because one can easily see how it can be twisted around to "represent" contemporary society.

>> No.6198924


>> No.6198928


>> No.6198952

>Nobody's gonna remember any of this shit that's come out in the past decade or so.

According to some teenager on the internet who nobody gives a fuck about.

>> No.6199082

Look up the IT guy greentexts. They're fucking hilarious.

>> No.6199299


implying you wouldn't buy a fancy black hardcover of this guy's tweets published 2-3 to a page


>> No.6199330


maybe if you're 15

>> No.6199448

What happened to all the new sincerity fags?

>> No.6199499

People "realized" that DFW was a fag and irony is fun and went on to shit on literary fiction more than he ever did

>> No.6199576

Is it possible to just write anymore? Is having some exclusive "movement" the only way to build notoriety now?

>> No.6199584


The Bowel Movement

>> No.6199594

Yeah Greentext isn't really significant outside of 4chan you retards. Even if you write a book about it, it will NOT get published.

>> No.6199632

None because literature is a dead medium. Prove me wrong.

>> No.6199642

Young Adult Movement.

>> No.6199654

>being this retarded

>> No.6199663

>composed entirely of shitposts

>> No.6199666
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So... what you guys are saying is... memetics?

>> No.6199679


Post-New Sincerity, which will most likely be a form of Neo-Modernism

examples: Ben Lerner, Eimear McBride,

>> No.6199689

>Entire books published with emoticons and shortened/bad grammar
It's a black future.

>> No.6199691

Return to structuralism

>> No.6199700

what do they have to do with neo-modernism

>> No.6199703

No one said anything like that, you gigantic fucking faggot

>> No.6199704

probably death grips

>> No.6199707

Should I read 10:04?

>> No.6199715

I was on the fence about Tao Lin before but now I'm more than confident that the world would be a significantly improved place if someone put a hole in his skull with a ball-peen hammer.

>> No.6199722

Reddit fiction
Twitter fiction
Text fiction

Something retarded like that

We are in Pinecone's prophesied monoculture. Entropy has consumed us. There is no future for art, civilization, expression, culture, or identity. The internet was the death of literature.

>> No.6199736

See: probably no such thing as a literary pattern
>that's how we beat the robots
next movement AI Lit/AIism

>> No.6199743

isn't that what is has always been about?

>> No.6199759

I'd say yes

>> No.6199761

Your analyses of the current state of affairs is correct, but the world has more or less always functioned this way. Chaotic systems are in flux. People have mostly never been good readers. The same percentage now as was in the past. Lit will continue. Reading will be important until language ceases to be our primary mode of communication. Assuming with are real.

>> No.6199766

I've written serious greentext
writing a critical greentext essay too

>> No.6199771

em dashes

>> No.6199778

see: the bible

>> No.6199780


hah? me no understand

>> No.6201325

Borges did it.

Not trolling. "Library of Babel"

>> No.6201341

>Reddit fiction

I was halfway home before I realized the meme was mine

: (

>> No.6201350

neo fascism

>> No.6201536


>> No.6201546

no he didn't, he only wrote about it.

>> No.6201548


He's right, though.

>> No.6201727

According to some teenager on the internet who nobody gives a fuck about. :^)

>> No.6201841


>> No.6201844

Can I join you, Anon? I don't care what it is, I just want to be famous without actually writing well.

>> No.6201862

Hegel prophesied it before pinecone, pinecone was just practically closer because of the time he lived in

>> No.6201870

Who the fuck is pinecone?

>> No.6201883

It's what us epic memers call Pynchon because we don't know how his name is actually pronounced

>> No.6201886


Invitation sent ;)

>> No.6201888

same. we can get it on on the reg and u can write poems about it

>> No.6201889
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Of the conifer brothers, pinecone and Pynchon, only pinecone has yet truly blossomed

>> No.6202148


Ready Player One

>> No.6202171


>> No.6202173

>Prove me wrong.
You can't prove a negative, faggot. #atheism101

>> No.6202236
File: 31 KB, 420x665, loa-snooki-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6202243

A Practical Guide to Racism

>> No.6202253

>It tells the reader what to do, and in an interesting way, so that the reader feels compelled to do it.
Yeah, there's books like that already. (For three-year-old kids, that is. They grow out of them by four-five.)

>> No.6202662


>le cringe army has arrived

>> No.6202769

New Nihilism

Accepting on a wide scale there is no meaning in life besides self interest. It will come alongside worldwide anarcho-capitalism.

>> No.6202781

anarcho-capitalism? i'm sorry, did you mean to type "feudalism"?

>> No.6202806

No. Feudalism implies too much stability. We will be in an anarchy state for 5-15 years at which point the entire population will be killed off.

>> No.6202811

Books written entirely in greentext.

>> No.6202834
File: 577 KB, 642x428, calle borjesson shitposting away.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young Adultism

it'll be twice as awful as postmodernism

>> No.6202841

I don't think you know what anarchism is.

>> No.6202852

anarxho-socialism/syndacism is for people with good hearts that are scared of government. anarcho-capitalism is something /pol/ made up to trick teens teens that want to be radical, but not too radical

>> No.6202910

I'll bet every rupee in my pocket right now that by the time we get to post-post-postmodernism, books will be nothing more than 150 blank pages.

That or nothing but movie and Beatles references.

And everyone will hail them as brilliant philosophical treatises on the contemporary young woman existentialist in rapist American society.

Don't give me that look, you know it'll happen.

>> No.6202927

The Bowel Movement. It'll consist of crap genre fiction and random collections of /lit/ shitpoting.

And madlibs completed by alheimers patients.

>> No.6202941

>literary movements
i blame baudelaire for this garbage even though i know how unreasonable that is

>> No.6202964

This is amazing.

>> No.6203110

Has has multi-lingua experimentation been done? Writing sentences using structure and words from multiple languages.

>> No.6203121

>What's going to be the next great literary movement?


>> No.6203145
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All of my lol