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6197647 No.6197647 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you a nihilist yet?

>> No.6197652

Because I'm not 16 anymore.

>> No.6197655

I create my own meaning.

>> No.6197675

Is "nihilism" even a philosophical position? Does it answer any questions? Does a nihilist have any reason to bother writing an essay on such questions? How does a nihilist reconcile his devaluation of states with his ostensibly present choices? Does he act in the world?

These aren't smart-ass questions, unless nihilists are all dumb-asses.

>> No.6197676


>> No.6197688
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Ve believe in nossing

>> No.6197694

Because I graduated 11th grade

>> No.6197697

Why would I bother?

>> No.6197698

Depends on the kind of nihilism, there are a lot.

>> No.6197708


>> No.6197724

Did we hurt your feelings?

>> No.6197729


>> No.6197730

Because I'm a realist without attributing cynicism to a muh chemical disorder

>> No.6197736

I'm a idontgiveafuckivist

Philosophical stances are fucking gay and useless and are for pretentious teenagers to show off their fancy new knowledge about the new wikipedia article they just read.

>> No.6197740
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Was gonna post the same thing

>> No.6197744

Because I'm scared that fags on the internet will call me edgy.

>> No.6197745


oh look, it's this guy. I was wondering when you'd show up. Are you going to invite us to play beer pong now?

>> No.6197757
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Nah this is you.

>> No.6197758

i'm a nihilist, my katana is my shield

>> No.6197763

who says I'm not?

>> No.6197770

hey nihilists, ever heard of this guy called GOD!? lmao you IDIOTS

>> No.6197774


Shut up teenage dweeb, i'm not by any means popular, i'm just stating the truth here.

You´re only making a thread about nihilism because you just heard about it somewhere and that must mean you´re less than 18 years old.

>> No.6197778


Your comment about "fuck-it-ism" or whatever is totally unoriginal and represents a deliberate will to not think more than it represents any thought.

If you can't handle the complexity that exists in our world or in the world of ideas, then don't bother. But barging in just to say "HEY GUYS I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING LOL AND I THINK THIS IS A WASTE OF TIME" is just that- a waste of time. Go along now.

>> No.6197779

What if I'm God and I don't believe in myself?

>> No.6197787

Top kek

>> No.6197789


Actually what i said is very original, i´ve never heard anyone say what i said and you´re a pseudo intellectual cunt.

>> No.6197795
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>If you can't handle the complexity that exists in our world or in the world of ideas, then don't bother.

top kek m8, completely butthurt

>> No.6197800
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>> No.6197815
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>Actually what i said is very original
>what i said is very original
>very original

>> No.6197829


I reinvented it.

>> No.6197864

Ray Brassier - Nihil Unbound

>> No.6199302

no. Proletarian morality 4lyfe

>> No.6200602

Goddamn anon beat me to it.

>>Is "nihilism" even a philosophical position?

No, it is a process of dissimilating metaphysical value claims (note: not ethical claims)

>>Does a nihilist have any reason to bother writing an essay on such questions?

see >>6197864

>>How does a nihilist reconcile his devaluation of states with his ostensibly present choices?

I'm not sure what you're asking. A nihilist is a misnomer so there's no subject involved. Nihilism proceeds by examining ontological claims and in annihilating their underlying presumptions. If you gave me an example I could hazard a try

>>Does he act in the world?
We need definitions, son. Since you seem rooted in a post-Kantian worldview, lets assume that you pose the existence of a subject, of an external world, and of an interaction between them that synthesizes the world into the subject. Considering this must proceed from the basis of a distinction between the phenomenal and the noumena realities (an exchange of the latter into the former), a nihilist might argue that any number of phenomenal realities can be created to justify completely different explanations for interaction. Since the possibility that each of these interactions can negate one another, the only position one can take is of a final negativity.

Do I act? I suppose if you are to think so...

>> No.6200710

reviving this thread

>> No.6200726

>"Everything is nothing, and nothing matters: that is the meaning of life to me."