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File: 111 KB, 550x756, glanton1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6195919 No.6195919 [Reply] [Original]

You don't have to worry about your face. You could care less about women - they come in time. You live your life doing what you want. Travelling the country in a circus. Driving dirbikes without a care in the world. The wind in your hair. Warm nights. Fucking sluts who show up to the circus to see Handsome Luke perform.

That's what life is. Become a very low tier celebrity to hicks. Spend your days fixing dirtbikes. Getting stick and poke tattoos. Being quiet, calm, collected. Contemplating life. Not showing off. Doing what is required of a real man. Getting in shape. Being outside all the time. Fresh air.

Going fast and feeling something. The opposite of obnoxious. Someone people look at and enjoy to do so. Luke Glanton is a figurehead for what it means to be a man. Giving up on technology. Saying no to the system. Living your own life.

Why the fuck are you here posting about facial surgery? None of this shit matters to Luke Glanton, and me neither. Sleep in a small camping trailer in the woods. Learn how to hunt. Be outside! There's an entire world out there, yet we are here moping about in our parents home. Media has turned us all into women. 20 years ago do you think guys would ever considering showing off a picture of themselves to ANYBODY? Do you think they ever tried to be the centre of attention? The internet has poisoned what it means to be a man.

Instagram, twitter, television. These things are turning men into feminine handbags. Going somewhere to pick up weights and drop them for hours. What the fuck? Lift with purpose. Bail hay. Carry dirtbike parts around a garage. Chop down trees and carry the logs home for firewood. This generation is so fucked up and beyond repair. I am going into the woods. I am going to teach myself how to live without the help of internet.

I am going to come out a stronger man. Bigger, faster, healthier. I won't know or care about who won the latest movie award or what the hit song on the radio is. I won't know who Kim Kardashian is married to and I sure as hell won't know about the new social media app. Do you think Luke Glanton knows about any of this shit? No. His life is real. There is nothing fake about Luke Glanton. He shows how he feels. He's not afraid to do what he has to do provide for his family. He doesn't let the law hold him back.

And neither will I.

>> No.6195969
File: 2.00 MB, 300x300, 1410487499532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His life is real. There is nothing fake about Luke Glanton.
anon, we need to talk

>> No.6195985

you know, it sort of fascinates me that out of all the stories in the world it was this one that inspired you to live out your dreams.

Live it up op

>> No.6195994

My life changing moment was after reading The Great Gatsby, I realized that the life Gatsby lived was one of regret and fear, and no amount of money or "friends" could fill the hole in his heart. So I began listening and taking note of what I really believed in and what really mattered to me. I no longer wish to live the life which others have described to me as successful and worth living. Rather, I make each moment my own and brighten the lives of all that I encounter. As F. Scott Fitzgerald would describe it, Gatsby was a man of a dark past, and an even darker future.

Glad you found what really drives you in this world, OP. Never lose touch of who you really are and nothing the world throws at you will ever matter. You can make the life you want right now, starting now.

Oo-rah brother.

>> No.6195996

Kim Kardashian is married to Kanye West, for now

>> No.6196004

wow nice autism, living in the woods and hunting is meaningless

>> No.6196029



what is it about ryan gosling that attracts so many spergs. i swear he has just as many sperg admirers as female ones.

>> No.6196034

your decision to fetishize authenticity is arbitrary and meaningless.

that said, do what makes you happy.

>> No.6196053

>all the spooks in this post

Poor, poor anon.

>> No.6196120
File: 64 KB, 500x750, 1410482395406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could care less

E N D ____ Y O U R S E L F

>> No.6196219

Why is being an uneducated luddite inherently manly? Why is being manly inherently good?

>> No.6196224

So we've decided to accept shitposting now? Cool.

>> No.6196230


spergs and fedoras all went and rented a copy of The Notebook as soon as they heard it was a favorite among white middle class Protestant girls i.e. prey

>> No.6196231



>> No.6196232

Wasn't he an unsuccessful bank robber in that movie?
Dude's a fucking loser, anon. Couldn't make a living as a mechanic or as a sideshow attraction so he robs banks. And then once the brains of the operation decides 'no more banks for a while', he decides to go solo and gets himself shot.
You're hero a shit.

>> No.6196235

an hero
an real human bean

>> No.6197179

but sitting at home is more meaningless

>> No.6197270

"I drive"


>> No.6197666

when'd you read Ego? given the thread from the other day i'm making it next on the list. i think i need it pretty badly, lotta spooks.

>> No.6197723

>go to class
>read a book
>drink with friends
>jerk it to anime girls
I unno man my life is pretty meaningful

>> No.6197738

>get money to pay the bills

>get enough money to pay the bills and ALSO have free time

life is pleasure

>> No.6198850

>without meaning

The word literally means zero meaning, and negative meaning doesn't exist so both options are just as meaningless. Stop trying to justify your own empty existence by putting down others

>> No.6198872


>> No.6200723


>> No.6200758

Bravo Anon. Is this your first rant after reading the Philosophy page in Wikipedia?