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/lit/ - Literature

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619574 No.619574 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been an author who's first novel is their best?

>> No.619588
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>> No.619591
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>> No.619618

Excluding authors who only wrote one book.

>> No.619620

arguably Ray Bradbury.

His first novel was "The Martian Chronicles" which was really just a collection of short stories put into chronological order. All the shit he's writing now is awful and nobody reads it. He's trying to imitate Hemingway or something, it's horrible.

>> No.619812

The Martian Chronicles were infinitely superior to Fahrenheit 451.

>> No.619820

jay mcinerney

>> No.620008

Every author who wrote a single novel?

>> No.620027

Chuck motherfucking-one-trick-pony Palahnuik

>> No.620062

Stephen King's first was really good, but I wouldn't say it's his best. Not really sure what I'm adding to this thread......

>> No.621112


>> No.621113

Harper Lee

>> No.621124

I know people are gonna hate this but Salmon Rushdie.

>> No.621134
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Stephanie Meyer

>> No.621136

Albert Camus, I suppose.

>> No.621139
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William Gibson

>> No.621145

Count Zero was the best book in the Sprawl Trilogy.

>> No.621148

S. T. Garp

>> No.621149

Malcolm Lowry