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/lit/ - Literature

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6194982 No.6194982 [Reply] [Original]

I've just been philosophised.

Wittgenstein's Tractatus has always been something I've been meaning to try to understand.

So I listened to these guys talk about it last night (because its impossible to just read) and I can't follow everything but what I gleaned, I realised why people like philosophy.


What do I read now?


>> No.6194990

cute girl

>> No.6195036
File: 1.04 MB, 653x808, Augustine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Augustine, whom Wittgenstein greatly admired.

>> No.6195043

you havent been anything
read the tractatus if you actually desire to understand it as opposed to some half baked secondary roundtable
then read wits philosophical investigations

>> No.6195124

PEL is great, it really helps me since I study philosophy by myself. But just read the text they discuss and then listen again, it's a very different experience.

>> No.6195171

Yeah. Their personalities are pretty awful and they aren't philosophers, rather just dabblers in bodies of knowledge that they treat as inert.

>> No.6195328

>their personalities are pretty awful
says some random retard on 4chan, and yet somehow thousands of people find them entertaining

>> No.6195351

defensive much? did you make the stupid poocasts lol

>> No.6195364


Two of them have Masters' in Philosophy, one studied but studied to but didn't complete a Master's in Philosophy, and another has a PhD in particle physics and studied political philosophy.