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/lit/ - Literature

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6188601 No.6188601 [Reply] [Original]

on Pynchonian scale, how spazzy is this book?

>> No.6188612

>pynchonian scale
fucking lol im using that from now on

>> No.6188638
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I'd rate it prettyspazzy/heckagoofy

>> No.6188660

about 2/3s of an aurularitropic boner

>> No.6188672

I read it at 17 and it didn't confuse me

>> No.6188678


>> No.6189055

Honestly it can be a bit confusing if it's one of your first forays into nonlinear or episodic stuff with wordplay and "surreal" scenes or whatever the /lit/ kids want to call it, but it's pretty coherent and flows well. Much less complicated that Joyce, any postmodern stuff, etc.

I read the entire thing stoned as shit when I was 19 and it didn't confuse me.

>> No.6189071


not so bad, pretty funny, and while at surface level pretty goofy, it's actually really intelligently written

it's spazzy but completely understandable, and is even better on a second read

>any postmodern stuff

except it's frequently cited as "postmodern stuff"