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/lit/ - Literature

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6187509 No.6187509 [Reply] [Original]

name one book that's not about death

>protip: you can't

>> No.6187523
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name one life that's not about death

>> No.6187559

The Bible. It's all about LIFE, by God's grace, through CHRIST JESUS. I hope you've found Him, anon. I hope you've accepted Him into your life and heart. Amen.

>> No.6187560

name one greek book that doesn't involve a penis

>> No.6187564

All of this though is because of Christ's victory over death.

>> No.6187568

Hal Leonard Teach Yourself to Play Guitar

gg m8

>> No.6187581

That's not what it's ABOUT, though. It's about LIFE, by God's grace, through CHRIST JESUS. A book on mathematics contains many signs representing functions. For example, the plus sign. Does that mean the book is about plus signs? No, it's about mathematics, but it contains many things, of which the plus sign is one. The Bible contains death but only as a way of showing the answer the answer, which is LIFE. Therefore the Bible is about LIFE.

>> No.6187585

Name four things that aren't Jackie Chan

>> No.6187596

Chan Jackie. Only CHRIST JESUS is the same person regardless of whether His name is written CHRIST JESUS or JESUS CHRIST.

>> No.6187992

Toothpaste, pizza, lamps, Jackie Chan

>> No.6187999

so close

pencil, cell phone, Jackie Chan, keys

>> No.6188016

What? Why? That's fucking retarded, so easy.

Bruce Lee
Chuck Norris
Jackie Chan

i haven't seen this meme since i browsed /b/ years ago. thank you anon

>> No.6188276
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>tips rosary

>> No.6190419

What about the Mister Men books?

>> No.6190426

I'm tired of the Christianity meme, can we think of a new meme?

>> No.6190430


Though it had some fairly heavy subtext about the ultimate futility of man.

>> No.6190434


>> No.6190984
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>browsing /b/ unironically

>> No.6190999

>native american

oh i am kekkin

>> No.6191008

Name one book that's not about life. Hurr durr.
Protip: Hurr durr.