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/lit/ - Literature

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6187329 No.6187329 [Reply] [Original]

>reading for 3 hours straight
>eyes start to hurt
>want to read more

>> No.6187360

what were you reading?

>> No.6187371
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>reading for 15 minutes
>eyes start feeling heavy
>close the book, fall asleep

It's pretty comfy.

>> No.6187375
File: 51 KB, 535x550, Cyborg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not getting cybernetic eye augmentations that allow you to read endlessly

>> No.6187399
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Executioner's Song.
I'm like 500 pages in, which is only halfway through.

>> No.6187439


I wish.

Deus Ex HR can't come fast enough. Transhumanist master race.

>> No.6187468

>read for 1 minute
>have wank
Being a LAD is tough

>> No.6187496

>read a paragraph
>get horny
>continue reading
>want to check 4chan or YouTube
>dick around for 5 minutes
>read another paragraph
>'Hmm, the Oscars sucked. I feel like reading some sjw bitch about it.'
I hate having 80HD

>> No.6187527

>Read for a minute
>Mind inexplicably wanders and thirty seconds later my mind has gone through about twenty topics and I can't find anything in my book that would indicate how I got there
>Consider that I might be horny
>Masturbate to clear my mind
>Spend thirty minutes finding some material
> Finish and go back to my book before realising I have something else to do now

>> No.6187571
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>tfw 8EHT and unable to write 20 words in a single stretch most nights

>suddenly a 200 page all-nighter pours out of you without a stop

>> No.6187591
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>write for 4 hours straight
>stream of ideas overwhelm my head
>decide to take a break
>go shower
>come back
>can't think of anything good to write anymore
>delete everything and cry

>> No.6187602

Try listening to noise generators while you're reading, something like this: http://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/isochronicBrainwaveGenerator.php?c=0&l=00000000000000003500

>> No.6187623
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bro, don't delete

you can always come back to it later, and reviewing all the half-ass shit you write can help you understand what parts you struggle with

>> No.6187629

What are audio books.

>> No.6187630


>> No.6187646
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>narrorator sounds like a cat being neutered

>> No.6187699

Mfw the audiobook for IJ is like 60 hours

>> No.6187727
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>no Greentext
>uses 'mfw' without any face

>> No.6187738

posting dfdubs and being a prescriptivist

>> No.6187742

>tfw only use audiobooks cause it's easier than reading

Am I a pleb?

>> No.6187749
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>my mfw when I can't just listen to IJ audio book and play Europiss Truck Simulator because I have to manually read the footnotes on a .pdf.

>> No.6187751
File: 156 KB, 848x1304, infinite jest tennis girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far I listened to 5 hours of this, I thought I was good in English but this book is killing me.

>> No.6187755


>> No.6187762

Yes. Might as well just watch TV and movies instead.

>> No.6187772

What's wrong with listening to audio books?

>> No.6187819
File: 358 KB, 2880x1620, 420DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Listening to audiobooks while playing videogames
>Not being driven around LA while reading Everything & more

Dude that guy's chick was hot.

>> No.6187822

>tfw I steal stories from /lit/ and submit them to slash fiction magazines
>tfw I've had 8 published so far and earned close to $50

>> No.6187834


Oh god don't do it

>> No.6187846

Top fucking kek

>> No.6187856

Is it wrong that I think this is a great cover?

>> No.6187867

It's too late. I already read 11% of the book.
No even if it's a fake, by the way it's Daniela Hantuchova.

>> No.6187868
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>not counting every word and syllable.

>> No.6187879

Thanks. Just looked her up. I'd like to fuck her anus, if you know what I mean.

>> No.6188652

>Write for three hours
>Only a page and a half written