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6187328 No.6187328 [Reply] [Original]

Things that make you feel intense hatred in logic

>anything related to God, his existence or effect on the world
>asking deep, unanswerable, but obvious questions like "is there other life in the universe?"
>asking deep, unanswerable and pointless questions like "what is the meaning of life?"
>anything related to subjective reality
>using math instead of logic
>not having real opinion, but rather always resorting to facts, doubt or too large opinion
>obvious politics and ethics like "are niggers equal?"

>> No.6187333

is reddit raiding us

>> No.6187338

>using comedy or irony or feelings to support your arguments
>giving so much value and ambition to controversial opinions
>having too much ambition

>> No.6187369

So since we know that God exists from feeling his presence in the world, this raises another important question: is there other life in the universe? This question is obviously related to the one of the meaning of life, and can probably only have a satisfying answer within subjective reality: this is obvious, because 2+2=4, which is a fact. But still, are niggers equal?

>> No.6187405

Why do you care so much about logic? You're just enframung, stop that.

>> No.6187411

>not being impervious to all ad hoc/trolling/baiting/offending/and so on
>not giving up / admitting defeat when ur wrong; everyone is wrong in at least ~20% cases

>> No.6187416


Go read the Tractatus and do us all a favour.

>> No.6187420

What? (I dont understand your point)

>not having a point or just using u as echo room

>> No.6187427

>published 1921
No thanks, I don't read anything written by apes

>> No.6187432
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>> No.6187442

also, books are to be refered just like TL;DR -meme
reading book (fact-books) is worthless waste of time, reading referates are the way to go

>> No.6187548
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3/10 made me respond

>> No.6187760

I finished reading a book the other day and it felt good.