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6184850 No.6184850 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never own and control the means of production with your fellow workers
>you will always be a slave to the capitalists

>> No.6184853

/lit/ - literature

>> No.6186381

I think we at least have three of these threads a day. One of which is almost guaranteed to blow up with another to be completely devoid. All-in-all communism threads have become Sam Harris tier. There. I said it.

>> No.6186387
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>you are rich

>> No.6186388

Has anyone here known a Marxist or Anarchist who was not from a bourgeois or relatively privileged petite-bourgeois background? I haven't.

>> No.6186391

I don't associate with those scum.

>cosmopolitan masterrace

>> No.6186400

Do you think owning capital inherently starts to make you hate none capital owners?

Or does is just put you in a position where you can judge none capital owners and you really cant be bothered to help them.

This is a very scary distinction I've always wondered about.

Also i worked at a co-op coffee shop. Holy shit, what a bad experience. This is all first hand experience, but my fucking god we had these two girls with crazy dyed hair that were a total stereotypical pol nightmare feminist.
We had a big shelf of books you could read and one of them threw like 20% away because she didn't agree with them. The other didn't do crazy shit, but anything we discussed as a group always got shoehorned into one of her pet issues.

>> No.6186403
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>you are poor and beaten life on hard mode

>> No.6186410

>and beaten life on

This is why the poor are only good for manual labor.

>> No.6186415

>caring about grammatical errors made on a Mongolian flipbook messageboard
this is why you will die alone

>> No.6186418

Bourgeois are those who own major means of production as well as employ wage labor.

Very few people today are bourgeois.

>> No.6186421

the bourgeoisie has always been a minority group but are still the dominant class in society

>> No.6186423

Pretty sure you don't have to own major means, shopkeepers are petit bourgeois.

However, the distinction is much trickier because so many systems of retirement are based on owning shares in companies today.

>> No.6186430

Correct. But most marxists today are not bourgeois. If anything, they are petit-bourgeois or whatever.

A capitalist is literally someone who owns capital. Capital is means of production.

>> No.6186437

capital is not the same things as MOP you fucking moron

>> No.6186461

Have you seen the average worker? I wouldn't want them in charge of anything, fucking savages.

>> No.6186489

I know one. But he became the 1% who enjoyed a cosy life during communism. Basically he became an aristocrat in the nomenclature.

>> No.6186716
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>> No.6187223


>> No.6187248

>be me
>talking to a friend
>he is teaching kids to play the guitar for cash
>i say that i'm kind of sad i have no special skills
>he says i don't need to considering he has seen my house and met my father

>> No.6188747

It's not owning, it's keeping.

People with the capacity to keep capital quickly find out that this capacity is in short-supply as they try to help others who cannot help themselves.

"Why isn't everyone rich?"
"Why didn't women ever oppress men for centuries?"
"Why are people from cold climates more adapted to long-term decision-making?"

One day you will learn.

>> No.6188761
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