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File: 11 KB, 197x300, bunnicula2.jpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6184797 No.6184797 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Shitty kids books only you read

>> No.6184813

you have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.6184839

Bunnicula came out in 1979 if that's what you're getting at. If you're implying /lit/ is above talking about what they read as a kid you clearly haven't seen the shit that gets posted here.

>> No.6184895

I read this book and it's sequels in 2nd grade.
I had pretty much forgotten about them until now.

>> No.6184921

lol same here dude. Forgot these even were a thing.

>> No.6184977

One of my classmates told me that book was awesome and that I should read it (this would have been 2nd grade probably). Even back then I could tell it was shite and I went back to reading muh David Eddings.

>> No.6185093
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I can't say I remember them being shitty. Also read Bunnicula which was definitely shitty.

>> No.6185141
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>> No.6185149

These books legit gave me my basic understanding of history as a 1st grader. For kid's books, they're relatively informative

>> No.6185164

Fuck man, the one where bunnicula turned the vegetables into vampire plants or something and the kid eats one and turns into a vampire, scared the shit out of me as a kid.

>> No.6185174
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Everyone's read Bunnicula
This series too
Haven't heard of this one

>> No.6185189
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Bunnicula was pure fire, what the fuck are you fools talking about.

Not as good as pic related though.

>> No.6185205
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>> No.6185207
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I had a lot of CYOA books. This one in particular, I remember this one well because you have talking animal companions, Fox and Owl, who offer up advice on any given situation. Except Owl was a fucking smug prick who would tell you to do lame-ass boring shit, and Fox's cool advice always got you killed.

>> No.6185213
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these books were magical

>> No.6185220
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Even when I was a kid, I was thinking maybe this is just a little too silly for me.

>> No.6185225

lol wow I totally forgot about bunnicula

how did it end did they kill the rabbit or was it all just some sort of confusion

>> No.6185544
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>> No.6185881
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I remember reading pic related in like 4th grade and liking it

>> No.6185893

david lubar is great
i got land of the lawn weenies from a book fair one year
i think that was the first short story collection i ever read, and also it was the first book i ever read more than once because of how much i liked it

>> No.6185897
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Yo shit nigga I remember reading that for mandatory summer reading, I think.

Anyone remember this fucking thing? Jesus Christ. For a kids' book this stuff had some fucked up body horror.

>kid babysitting a girl in a park
>a weird quiet girl is playing there
>suddenly more weird quiet kids show up
>and more
>and more
>they all look the same
>they all seem to be popping out of the slide even though they don't seem to come down from the top
>kid looks for the girl he's supposed to be babysitting
>can't see her amidst the sea of droning twins
>they grab him
>force him down the slide
>falls down a hole
>collapses into some giant, hungry, fleshy growth in the ground
>it devours him by having its own body slowly heal over his body like a scab
>he fucking dies


>> No.6185899

Lawn Weeniemind

>> No.6185904

I remember screaming out loud at the Polly parrot one.

No other book has made me do that. Not Ulysses, or Infinite Jest.

>> No.6185919
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>kid wishes for a baseball to be in his hand
>it appears inside his hand and displaces all the bones and skin

>> No.6185932


>> No.6185945
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>> No.6185952
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Anyone else read this series?

>> No.6185957

Did I read them? I fucking loved Wayside school and the Junie B. boxcar children.

>> No.6185958

btw this is an interesting trope, i know it goes back at least to one of the charles perrault fairy tales (that one about three wishes and sausage, albeit the wishes were wasted due to that guy and his wife own folly though, not to the malice of that one who granted them) and obviously 'the monkey paw' but not sure how far further

>> No.6185959
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>> No.6185995
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Reddit get out

This however was not a worthy successor

>> No.6186006


>> No.6186012
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Apparently not just myself. It seems JK Rowling read it too.

>> No.6186016

I still think reading this book at a fundamental development age had a hand in me becoming a weirdo

>> No.6186018
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pic related

>> No.6186052

Looks cute.

>> No.6186058

What part of "Only you read" don't you understand? These were some of the most popular books in like '96-'00

>> No.6186061

no1 cares nerd lol

>> No.6186074


Doubled min.

>> No.6186097
File: 51 KB, 349x524, lemony_snicket_a_series_of_unfortunate_events_the_bad_beginning_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really liked these books as a 8-10 year old. Never finished the series though, got bored with it around book 9

>> No.6186191
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This series was fucking great. It was actually written in the 50s before the moon landing.

>> No.6186263
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Holy shit it's Peter

>> No.6187165
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Who here knows deliciousness

>> No.6187406
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Hell yes! I actually just re-read it the other day. Amazing book. The Sammy chapter (dead rat) has still got it.

>> No.6187415

That is one rad cover.

>> No.6187421
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>> No.6187430
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before the tv show

fred was that nigga

>> No.6187438
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Uggh I fucking hated that book.

I remember my teacher at the time made people write alternate endings and more than a few of them involved the main kid brutally stabbing the other kid. The spirit bear would then eat the main kid and in one of them it gained the power of a Sonic the Hedgehog emerald and grew to Godzilla 1998 proportions and attacked Vancouver. I was in grade 9 at the time and I thought it was a real laugh.

>> No.6188134
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Was it shit? I don't know. All I know is that I need to read the rest of the series. This is a journey of mine like...10 years in the making

>> No.6188146
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>> No.6188174
