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/lit/ - Literature

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6182414 No.6182414 [Reply] [Original]

Want to read but afraid it will go over my head.
Any suggested pre-reading? I have already acquired Homer Iliad and Odyssey.

>> No.6182428

Google 'guide to joyce ulysses' and get a load of links

>> No.6182485

maybe get annotations that deal with the irish slang

but at the end of the day, no matter how carefully you read it, you will definitely have to reread a few times to fully grasp it

its a very dense book with (sometimes) very dense prose
even intellectuals and very well read people need to have a few goes at it

>> No.6182488

Interestinf as fuck.

>> No.6182502


>> No.6182524

OP here, thanks for tips :)

>> No.6182529

is one's first read of Ulysses really so special and magical, or is it better that I read a synopsis and a lot of criticism and spoil it for myself first?

>> No.6182531

Alright, OP. I have some actual advice for you. If you want to get the most out of Ulysses, pick up Don Gifford's Ulysses Annotated as well as The New Bloomsday Book, which is a Ulysses companion written by Harry Blamires. It may seem like a lot of extra work, but if you're lazy you probably shouldn't be reading Ulysses in the first place. You will enjoy and appreciate the novel much more with these two texts, I promise you.

>> No.6182534
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You should probably follow the guide in pic related and also stay interesting as fuck.

>> No.6182542

Well, it's the style and structure that really make the novel, but I don't see why you'd want to read criticism before reading the book or synopsis at all...

>> No.6182546



>> No.6182549

it would be helpful if my first reading could be deconstructional and comforting also to think about reading Ulysses one fewer time as a result

>> No.6182551 [DELETED] 

It's interesting as fuck.

>> No.6182554

The Aeneid

>> No.6182651

Just 'Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man', probably.

Considering Ulysses deals with Stephen Dedalus frequently, it might be nice to start there. Plus, it's pretty damn good and a manageable size to tackle before the loom of Ulysses.

Unless, you've already read it. In which case, ignore me.

>> No.6182793



reddit adored a really fucking shitty first sentence and thought it was interesting as fuck. when obviously it's fanfic-tier garbage

>> No.6182852

Hamlet is essential because there's a big section dedicated to a character's theory about part of it.

I read it without guides and I felt a bit lost but I reread it with one. I didn't read it with one for the first time because if I was alive when it was released there wouldn't have been additional material like it. I'm not dumber than somebody from the 20s am I?