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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 250 KB, 858x725, peperage3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6181473 No.6181473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>there are socialist, communist or fascist dogs on /lit/ RIGHT NOW

>> No.6181479
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>> No.6181485

A-are th-there girlls on this b-board right now too, ssir?

>> No.6181505
File: 114 KB, 403x580, e15-130[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are capitalist roaders on the People's Big-Character Struggle Messageboard right now

>> No.6181514

Hey guys, I was reading your posts, but they were a little confusing. To be more precise, I didn't understand exactly where your quotes were sourced from.
Would you mind clarifying? It would be much appreciated.

>> No.6181516
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>Girls on my /lit/

>> No.6181519
File: 44 KB, 300x300, bruce schneier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fascist reporting in

>> No.6181528

I'm sorry friend, but this isn't s4s. Here things that are implied are greentexted, actual quotes are normally in quotation marks.

And yes. there are actual esforesers in you /lit/


>> No.6181530


>> No.6181536


Well, splendid.

>> No.6181539

grrl communist reporting in

>> No.6181552

>there are apolitical people browsing /lit/ right now

>> No.6181558

3 girls in one thread. Are y'all real girls or do you "identify" as girls. I've been fooled a few too many times ; /

>> No.6181561
File: 202 KB, 900x916, herewego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men as girls
>girls as men

>> No.6181573
File: 56 KB, 500x282, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are revisionists on /lit/ right now

>> No.6181581

>not being a communist

>> No.6181583

does it really matter? it's not like you're going to have sexy time with any of us

>> No.6181590

I have my boyfriend to have sex with.

>> No.6181591


I just might if you play your cards right.

>> No.6181596

so do i ifyouknowwhatimean

>> No.6181603
File: 670 KB, 897x588, am grill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real grill ; /

>> No.6181605

I'm nine inch bae, and ain't talking nails ;)))

>> No.6181606

tfw no bf

>> No.6181610

>not being a libertarian
Ron Paul 2016+/-4n

>> No.6181614


Hm cute, looks to be real would sex time with.

>> No.6181618
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>> No.6181622



>> No.6181626

Don't bite it.

>> No.6181633

why do americans put the day and month the wrong way around

>> No.6181634

seems like a trap...

>> No.6181635


Well that's no fun at all then. Bite eachothers I say

>> No.6181644

my code is ready

>> No.6181645

thank you for your compliments i have received the attention i sought

>> No.6181648

are there any qt3.14 boyim here who are actually well read, or are you all just posers?

>> No.6181650
File: 45 KB, 448x448, IMG_20150223_150314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6181655

i am a product of the environment i grew up in

>> No.6181657


Now I feel dirty.


I'm working on it

>> No.6181661

You look too fat. Go away.

>> No.6181671

It's cold here. The thicker the better. More I say.

>> No.6181677

Fat people are ugly and smell bad, though.

>> No.6181679

>implying anyone is well read
>imply anyone will ever transcend pleb status

>> No.6181724

Are you communist? :0

>> No.6181736

I know, it's dumb isn't it?

But if you're British we get to pick on you for driving on the wrong side of the road.

No U

That's what I wanna know. Are you the commnunist one, eyebrow girl :)

And are you the one from the Cynic thread?

>> No.6181739

Can you be my waifu?

>> No.6181755

how do you deduce fat from face :(

>> No.6181758

More qts por favor

>> No.6181769

because you have a fat head and thick eyebrows.

>> No.6181777


Can I touch your vagina?


>> No.6181789


ah, monsieur. i once knew a woman who looked like you and whose cunt opened up like a rare flower if you spoke only a few words of bad poetry to it.

what about you?

>> No.6181792

i'm anyone you want me to be
(no to both questions)
i don't know CAN i

>> No.6181798

i get the head thing but tf do eyebrows have to do with it

>> No.6181803

Yes, I start talking about marxism/lit/etc and all the girls shy away from me :(

>> No.6181805

Because thin people are more concerned with their appearance, so they would wax the caterpillars right off.

>> No.6181815

Ah, cool.

These guys that shout fat all the time I suspect of being twinky gays.

>> No.6181818

No, I'm 90kg and /fit/. Most fit people hate land whales.

>> No.6181823
File: 343 KB, 1280x1920, Christina 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full natural eyebrows are fashionable (But beautiful besides) this is a ridiculous idea

>> No.6181826


Not the one with high test

>> No.6181828

Big eye brows are sexy on men and women

>> No.6181841

i like the way you wear your autism, where'd you buy it?

i'm not even fat either it's funny
4chink is just out of touch with fashion i guess

>> No.6181844
File: 56 KB, 641x480, IMG_4368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Full natural eyebrows are fashionable
For hipsters, who like ugly cunts like you.

>> No.6181846

An apaerpo heavy dose of ww1 and ww2 history incoming. Suck it.

>> No.6181848

>i'm not even fat
How much do you weigh and what is your bf%? Please post a full body pic, too.

>> No.6181856

>out of touch with fashion i guess
Obesity is only fashionable on dumblr.

>> No.6181859

>Mfw you mad.

Pfff. I'd ignore that.

>> No.6181861

who is this goddess

>> No.6181867

>Pfff. I'd ignore that.
Have something to hide?

>> No.6181870

>butterfly samfagging in order to show her face to other ladies
You can tell by the filename

>> No.6181871

Butterface, the one posting in this thread.

>> No.6181874

The total madman!

>> No.6181876

Absolute madman, as in Hegelian.

>> No.6181879

Hegel was an obfuscating pseudo-intellectual with nothing interesting to say.

>> No.6181880


>> No.6181882
File: 171 KB, 665x1201, beautiful_creature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I know! I saw it when it was already posted

>> No.6181886

pls fug

>> No.6181887

already got my attention whore validation from this thread, please stop hurting my landwhale feelings :'(

>> No.6181891

That's not even the file name. /fit/man (or whoever) is an odd duck.

>> No.6181895

the absolute madman!

>> No.6181906

Hahahaha yeah, sure ;)

>> No.6181910


Please respond.

>> No.6181914

i don't know, CAN you?

>> No.6181929

No, you're too fat, he'd never find it.

>> No.6181930
File: 76 KB, 600x450, 1346891885880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are men so disgustingly desperate for female attention?

>> No.6181944

because posting here is the closest we will ever come

>> No.6181952

Really. That files name is Picture 092.jpg
Why don't you know this? This is the oddity ITT.

Would you say you red a lot? Are you gay?

>> No.6181964

the projection is strong
take your bulimia back to /fit/

i assume it has something to do with browsing 4chan

>> No.6181965

>the projection is strong
>take your bulimia back to /fit/
kek, hurt your big fat feelings?

>> No.6182001

yeah they're real hurt i'll go drink bleach now massah i'm sorry i disappointed society with my lard rolls and cankles, cue 'american woman are fat whores', etc.
hope you enjoyed your catharsis, i'm going to bed :^)

>> No.6182002

I made a Goodreads account once for a /lit/ thread, some "girl" added me. Now I am not sure if she is from /lit/ or not, and I am too ashamed to ask. I swear you guys make me nervous

>> No.6182007

Americans are fat, though.

>> No.6182009

i never denied that
night for real this time

>> No.6182053


Dating is completely different for men and women.

It's impossible to be a virgin woman or to have no options for dating. When a woman has troubles dating it's because there are no men interested in her that meet her standards. Many men legitimately have zero dating options, and many of them flock to 4chan.

>> No.6182090

Trap/10 am desperate enough would bang

>> No.6182095


>it's impossible to be a virgin woman

I love how you guys get dumber every year that you don't get laid

>> No.6182105

It's impossible if you're trying.

>> No.6182109

Let's be honest, neither are as bad as Libertarians

>> No.6182119

I am pro-capitalism but I am against religion, LGBT movement and multiculturalism

Where would I be in the political spectrum?

>> No.6182122

But libertarianism is a form of communism. Unless you're a big fat Amerishit.

>> No.6182125


>> No.6182126


You're right. It's only impossible to be an incel.

For reference the fat (past obese), social hermit, neet, highschool drop out, multiple personality disorders girl I know has had sex with multiple men.

>> No.6182145

Damn it guys I clicked into this thread looking forward to political shit-posting and all I get is a couple of grills, a bunch of virgins, and a particularly butthurt skinny man. I'm out, yo.

>> No.6182146


>> No.6182159

Soulless bore

>> No.6182164

Ask her if her favourite philosopher is descartes

>> No.6182271
File: 580 KB, 818x1057, Overthrow the reactionaries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be authoritharian socialist who supports market socialism

>communists will always see you as revisionist
>social democrats and other softer socialists will always see you as fascist

>> No.6182562
File: 45 KB, 976x600, 1917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never live in a society that gives you a place and a mission from birth
>you will never live in a society that gives you both the ability and the responsibility to glorify yourself and people
>you will never live in a society that forges men from boys and raises a new class worthy of reaching to the stars
>you will never live in a society that gives every person the right and the opportunity to work
>you will never live in a society that values ideals over money
>you will never live in a society that understands duty, valour,greater good and glory
>you will never live in a society that would have given you something to be proud of and fight for by the age you are right now
>you will always live in a bourgeois plutocratic ochlocracy that turns men into women with progressive newspeak
>you will always live in a society where strength and pride are disdained
>you will always live in a society that forces you to hate your class but love those of bourgeois
>you will always live in a society where hedonism and materialism are the sole aims
>you will always live in a society where obese libertarian manchildren and degenerate self-mutilating sexual fetishists are considered honorary first citizens and normal, hardworking people are considered boring and regressive
>you will never experience a masculine culture
>you will never know the thrill of battle for a state and people you love

>> No.6182567
File: 47 KB, 600x399, Dog-on-Computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are dogs on /lit/ RIGHT NOW

>> No.6182600
File: 80 KB, 529x327, Y4RZmQf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never live in a society that values ideals over money

>you will always live in a society where hedonism and materialism are the sole aims

>you will never know the thrill of battle for a state and people you love


>> No.6182603
File: 6 KB, 214x235, gramsci (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the party, anon. For the party`s sake.

>> No.6182608

Dont worry Comrade! Tito Was the best Student of Leninism!

>> No.6182609
File: 2.40 MB, 250x188, 1423509896107.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes...the party of life.

I will be a good goyim; I will make sure to drink lots of coke-a-cola and watch netflix and smoke weed so I don't think about anything too complicated

The party...

>> No.6182612

Well at least you can read works by the Strugatsky brothers. This and other great Soviet science fiction makes US stuff look childish.

>> No.6182629


>drink lots of coke-a-cola and watch netflix and smoke weed

why wouldn't you do this, it's the only way to live

>> No.6182670

The American Republican Party, except for the religion bit

>> No.6182687

ayy bby

do you post in my kierkegaard threads?