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/lit/ - Literature

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6179780 No.6179780 [Reply] [Original]

List age and book that you are currently reading.

>> No.6179787

21, Nostromo

>> No.6179789

Portrait of the artist as a young man.

>> No.6179790

23, The Golden Bowl

>> No.6179792

21, For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.6179859

23, Infinite Meme and Cosmicomics

>> No.6179868


God Emperor of Dune, and Crime and Punishment

>> No.6179874

23. I am Malala.

>> No.6179875
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I am the best flute player pt. 2: return of the golden souls

>> No.6179883

İktidarın Üç Yüzü (Three Faces of the Political Power)

>> No.6179891
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The Count of Monte Cristo
Currently working on Wordsworth's poetry (for the second time)

>> No.6179897

Economic Crisis and Crisis Theory

>> No.6179901

The Gay Science

>> No.6179906

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Jamba Juice, Exploits and Opinions of Dr. Faustroll, Pataphysician by Alphred Jarry and The Anti-Oedipus (tbh, I've been reading it since january, in a veeeeeeery slow pace), by le french pomos

>> No.6179907

18, Petersburg by Bely and A Book of Abstract Algebra by Pinter.

>> No.6179915

Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.6179917


>> No.6179947 [DELETED] 


A rebours by huysmans

>> No.6179956


The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.6179959

100 years of solitude

>> No.6179961
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>> No.6179974

21, The Setting Sun.

>> No.6179975

Just finished Beloved. May read Absalom, Absolom next?

>> No.6179979


19, The Goldfinch

>> No.6179980 [DELETED] 


The Name of the Wind

>> No.6180010


The Game by Neil Strauss

>> No.6180020

20, Bolano's 2666

>> No.6180107

My nigga. The first part of that book is wonderful. Enjoy it while it lasts; it kind of turns to shit when he meets his gf and then the book turns into essentially a 200 page apology and renouncement of his old ways because of the power of love.

>> No.6180122

Infinite Jest

>> No.6180132


Unpopular Essays by Russel Bertrand

>> No.6180135


>> No.6180145

The Plague

>> No.6180149

Children of dune, after that I'm thinking I'll read some Borges

>> No.6180187


Kafka - Amerika
Márquez - 100 Years of Solitude
Huxley - Devils of Loudon
Textbook on Ancient Greece from when I was in college

>> No.6180194

The Republic

>> No.6180215

gravity's rainbow

>> No.6180226

The snows of kilamanjaro & other stories and
Meditations Marcus Aurelius

>> No.6180242

The Guide by Narayan

>> No.6180245


Yesyesyes. How are you liking it?


Hartnack's Introduction to Hegel's Logic

>> No.6180247

19, Confessions of a Mask

>> No.6180326

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.6180338
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the third policeman; fields, factories and workshops

>> No.6180357

Nicomachean Ethics

>> No.6180366

Amsterdam Stories(every artistic 20 y/o should read this)
The Confidence Man

>> No.6180416

brideshead revisited

>> No.6180467

So true

Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosophy

>> No.6180488

Very much excited to see how the world responds to it.
Seems like its going to turn the philosophical world upside down and maybe not in a good way.

>> No.6180491


roadside picnic for fun, player piano for class

>> No.6180510

21, Gravity's Rainbow, and The Pun Also Rises

>> No.6180531


Decided to put a pause on any reading for the moment because I'm switching between learning Japanese and Ancient Greek. Both are very difficult to learn and I should have probably tried learning them consecutively, not simultaneously, but whatever, I'm still managing to grasp what I'm learning.

>> No.6180533

21, Gravity's Rainbow and 1Q84

>> No.6180557

Infinite Jest

>> No.6180576


Something Strange Across the River by Kafu Nagai.

>> No.6180597
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>Station Eleven

>> No.6180607

27, Evola's "Ride The Tiger"

>> No.6180615

cities of the plains

>> No.6180629

Though I always read far more than one book at a time and I want to list more.

Also in the middle of Shady Characters: The Secret Life of Punctuation, Symbols, and Other Typographical Marks by Keith Houston, A Japanese Menagerie: Animal Pictures by Kawanabe Kyōsai and The Book in Japan: A Cultural History by Peter Kornicki.

>> No.6180631

Notes of a Native Son for pleasure and King Lear for class.

>> No.6180642

Augustine's Confessions

>> No.6180660

A Scanner Darkly
The Tibetan Book of the Dead
How to Win Friends and Influence People

>> No.6180661

18 , crime and punishment

>> No.6180897

are you under the impression it was published recently or something?

>> No.6180902

the 6th proust book
rereading the recognitions

>> No.6180904
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critique of pure reason

enjoying it so far? how has it changed your previous conception of epistemology?

>> No.6180925


>> No.6180930



Cure in the Code (book about how laws created last century are affecting medicine in the 21st)

About to start reading a collection of Chekov's short stories, as well

>> No.6180935

The Bourne Disappointment

>> No.6181004

Mason & Dixon

Enjoying it, at first I found the prose a little jarring since I've not read that much post-modernism but as a native to Newcastle the book is incredibly fun but the Geordie parts with Dixon are a little exaggerated and feel stereotyped.

>> No.6181093

Do you have a physical copy? I can't find one anywhere.

>> No.6181115

20, Ficciones and Parables and Paradoxes

>> No.6181312

The Quest for Community - Robert Nisbet (writing a paper over it)

>> No.6181366

I should be finishing up The Wealth of Nations' second read through and Leviathan by Hobbes here pretty soon. As soon as I'm finished with both I'm going to start reading Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy and Taxation and maybe start Kant's Critique of Pure Reason as well.

In the mean time, I've been trying to read The Histories whenever I can.

>> No.6181417

Capitalism destroys human values.

>> No.6181421

I'm changing the word destroys with corrupts.

>> No.6181448


the secret history
fight club
skin game

>> No.6181453

The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

That's it for right now.

>> No.6181459

Golden Age economists didn't really write about capitalism, bud. I would assume, actually, considering Smith's and Hobbes' stances on money influence in aristocracies/democracies' legislative/law-making assemblies, that they were actually opposed very much to the form of government and corporate state we seem to be facing today: one whose values are concentric upon lobbying and brandname empires.

>> No.6181471

25, Infinite Jest

>> No.6181575

The Stars, Like Dust

>> No.6181656
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It's funny that an actual thread on anything literary relevant gets a max of ten replies, while the second you give spoiled, college aged anons the chance to talk about themselves and what they're doing you get 70+ replies. It's a goddamn shame.
I wish this board wasn't so fucking self centered.

>> No.6181674 [DELETED] 

>meme harder, faggot

>> No.6181694


Enjoy the Chekov, he doesn't get nearly enough love around here for some reason. Other book sounds interesting too, you're a real class act.

As for me:

Wild Nights! by Joyce Carol Oates

>> No.6181707

22, The Cyberiad, Baudolino, Thus spoke Zarathustra

>> No.6181719

Don Quixote, Beowulf, Sixty Stories

>> No.6181721 [DELETED] 

The name of the rose

>> No.6181732

24, The Crying of Lot 49, A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing, The Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor

>> No.6181735

yea, so how's high school going?

>> No.6181741

Pnin. It's so much better than I was led to believe. I should have never doubted Nabokov.

>> No.6181744 [DELETED] 

Pls no bully

>> No.6181749

23, Count of Monte Cristo. I read the abridged years ago and am making up for my hubris.

Also working through Feynman Lectures.

>> No.6181842

26, Palinuro de México and The Tale of Genji

>> No.6181858

24 - Heart of Darkness + the end of tether, and youth. So far it's been great, dunno why it has taken me more than a day to read but I'm enjoying it so no complaints.

How's el palinuro? worth it?

>> No.6181889


Complete works of Herder
Paradise Lost reread
Wolf in White Van

Just finished Lessing's Laocoön, which was fucking amazing. Most enjoyable work ive read in some time

>> No.6182008


>> No.6182067


>Complete works of Herder

You read German or sumthin?

I've been looking for an English translation of the Ideas.

>> No.6182083

Pnin is my favorite Nabokov. I recognize Lolita is better, and it is a favorite book of mine, but Pnin touches the heart.

“Beauty plus pity-that is the closest we can get to a definition of art. Where there is beauty there is pity for the simple reason that beauty must die: beauty always dies, the manner dies with the matter, the world dies with the individual.”

The New Yorker fiction podcast has a reading of the first chapter that's very good.

>> No.6182088


>> No.6182096

26, Stoner

>> No.6182110

and yet you use 4chan as a blog

>> No.6182154 [DELETED] 

15, the naked ape

>> No.6182170
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24, Unweaving the rainbow

>> No.6182174


>> No.6182184


Portret of Dorian Gray
Notes from Underground

>> No.6182196


>> No.6182224

Meditations on First Philosophy and Labyrinths

>> No.6182243

How is this? I've been meaning to check it out because I had a similar response to that part of Keats, but have been a bit hesitant because

Bleeding Edge
Phenomenology of Perception

>> No.6182254

A wind up chronicle

nex I will re-read one hundrer years of solitude

>> No.6182255

24. The Old English Baron.

>> No.6182276 [DELETED] 

This whole thread is interesting as fuck.

>> No.6182312


The Confidence Man, Melville

>> No.6182313

It's weird how so many of you want to be writers but you don't read any contemporary writers. Are you planning to get published 70 years ago?

>> No.6182325

It doesn't hurt reading classics, the big inspirational guys who probably drove these contemporary writers to pen and paper. Also, you can't discern any one of these people haven't read any contemporary literature just by what they're currently reading. Then again /lit/ is a bunch of bastards with inane conservative tastes, so who knows.

>> No.6182327

18, Finnegans Wake

>> No.6182333

I don't think you quite understand how it works. Most of us started with the Greeks and are working our way through the canon. That we're already making it to the 20th century is a good sign. Oh, and there aren't many contemporary writers worth reading that are well-known. I add "that are well-known" not because I know of any great obscure contemporary writers, but because they might exist.

>> No.6182341


Those things are true. I'm pretty confident that a lot of these people won't read anything written in the last 15 years though.

>> No.6182354


contemporary writers haven't made it to the goodwill shelves yet

there's a cycle of about 15 years for these things. it's okay

>> No.6182355


There are hundreds of fantastic contemporary writers that are well known to the actual people that buy books to read. Not just for "prestige". People aren't working their way through the canon. They're just chimps that read whatever shit is on 100 best books ever written lists and can't decide for themselves what is interesting. The kind of people that think there aren't many well-known contemporary writers.

>> No.6182359


name a few

>> No.6182362

20. Lolita.

>> No.6182364

Okay, fine:

interesting as fuck

>> No.6182369


>> No.6182387

>hundreds of fantastic contemporary writers that are well known

I'm sure there are thousands of potentially fantastic contemporary writers, but very few of them are well known. I've spent years working at a bookstore and have tried to read nearly every supposedly fantastic contemporary writer, but only a few of them were worth my time. Most /lit/ may not have given contemporary writers a chance, but I have. I suffered through them so you guys wouldn't have to. To stick to the classics is to ensure at least a modicum of quality, which is more than can be said when reading most contemporary /lit/.

It would be unreasonable of me to ask you to list those hundreds of fantastic contemporary writers, so I'll ask you to list fifteen. I don't think you could.

>> No.6182389


James Salter, David Mitchell, Coetzee, Delillo, Sebald, Banville, Peter Carey, Cormac McCarthy, Denis Johnson, Peter Matthiessen, David Peace, Dafron Foer, John Ford, Tobias Wolff, Roddy Doyle, Joyce Carol Oates etc. etc.

>> No.6182395


Hey I already did 16. What a gas. I could go on if you like.

>> No.6182400

Aside from a few, almost none of them are contemporary writers. They're late 20th century writers, all of whom are either dead or past their prime, and which much of /lit/ reads.

>> No.6182415

I borrowed it from my uni's library.

>> No.6182426


James Salter - All That is (2013)
David Mitchell - Bone Clocks (2014)
Coetzee - Childhood of Jesus (2013)
Delillio - Point Omega (2010) (has critically acclaimed books in 00s)
Sebald is dead and older I'll grant you. Austerlitz is contemoprary masterpiece though.
Banville - Ancient Lights (2012)
Peter Carey - book in 2014

Fuck this they've all written books recently. Every single one of them apart from Sebald and Wolff (although he had something out in 2003). Critically acclaimed writers. I meant Richard Ford not John.

>> No.6182435

Why is it funny? It's pretty normal behavior. Maybe you should go find your inner deep authentic self too, then you can join the collective display of one's self. But most importantly, just remember to be yourself.

>> No.6183291

montaigne's essays

>> No.6183293

The Gay Science

>> No.6183330

21, The Razor's Edge.

>> No.6183340


>> No.6183346


Infinite Jest

>> No.6183349

Anna Karenina and Will Durant's The Life of Greece

>> No.6183493


The Black Swan

>> No.6183496

Leaves Of Grass

>> No.6183499

>Nicomachean Ethics

I was thinking of picking this up next. How is it?

>> No.6183502


The first part of your little rant is factually untrue.
The second part is retarded because this is an ANONYMOUS image board.

To top it off you don't start a good thread yourself but instead write a fucking rant a bump the thread that pissed you off.

You're dumb as shit bra

>> No.6183503

Convention by David Kellog Lewis

>> No.6183505

House of Mirth

>> No.6183512


That's a portrait of Jacobi tho

>> No.6183516

24, Underworld, Taipei

>> No.6183519

Catullus 64
Lucan Pharsalia
Homeric Hymn to Demeter

>> No.6183530

Infinite Jest

>> No.6183533

The Stranger

>> No.6183539
File: 721 KB, 1903x6105, The Last Messiah - Issue 45 - Philosophy Now 2014-12-29 19-28-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Uncanny by Sigmund Freud
The Mass Ornament by Siegfried Kracauer
Mesmerism and the End of the Enlightenment in France by Robert Darnton

>> No.6183543



You young fuckers.

>> No.6183545 [DELETED] 

if on a winter's night a traveller

>> No.6183558

The Sound and the Fury

there was a meme'd image for it somewhere I saw here once but I don't have it

>> No.6183620
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21- Vox- Nicholson Baker

>> No.6183632

22. A Hero of Our Time by Lermontov

>> No.6183641

Philosophy Made Simple
The Ego and Its Own
short stories by Chekhov in Russian

>> No.6183905

19, The Stories of John Cheever

>> No.6183911

21, just random short stories by Lovecraft

Is The Magic Mountain a good read?

>> No.6183951

21 - A Time to Love and a Time to Die by Erich Marie Remarque

I've always wanted to get into the Church fathers works.
I just don't want to read them on pdf.

>> No.6184268

Go Down, Moses

Underrated Faulkner gem.

>> No.6184270

The Social Contract.

>> No.6184273
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law student

pls kill



>> No.6184275

lin yutang's biography of su dongpo

>> No.6184284


>> No.6184285

Im not reading anything at the moment

>> No.6184307

Slavoj Žižek - Less than Nothing

>> No.6184319

20, law student, VALIS

>> No.6184336

18, On guerilla Warfare

>> No.6184346

23, 'Jacob's Room' by Woolf.

Have you read 'The Music of Erich Zann' - it's my favourite of his, and very underrated.

Nice. That book blew my fucking mind when I was 18. How are you finding it?

>> No.6184349

Why don't I ever see these guys in bookstores or in literary magazines? Am I reading the wrong ones?

>> No.6184356


Being & Time

I'm going to stop enframing now

>> No.6184358

Ernst Junger - Storm of Steel
Philip K Dick - Scanner Darkly
Godel, Escher Bach An Eternal Golden Braid - Douglas Hofstadter


>> No.6184360


The Mayor of Casterbridge

>> No.6184949

Ten Billion Days and One Hundred Billion Nights

>> No.6184962
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My favorite book, well done anon

18, Full of Sound and Fury

>> No.6184972 [DELETED] 

Revolt Against the Modern World: Politics, Religion, and Social Order in the Kali Yuga

>> No.6185010

>Don Quixote

>> No.6185017

I too am approaching the dirty thirty. time flies man

>> No.6185124


>just started Moby Dick

>> No.6185165

The Secret Teaching of All Ages

>> No.6185202
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18. The Prophet and Book of The New Sun.

>> No.6185223

22, the republic and I'm rereading the Thomas so well reader

>> No.6185243
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>> No.6185246

flowers for algernon

>> No.6185258


About to start Rising Up and Rising Down

>> No.6185343

18, 2 books right now: Political Justice by William Godwin, and The Republic by Plato.

>> No.6185354

19, Confessions of a Mask

>> No.6185358
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The Half-Made World by Felix Gilman.

>> No.6185360

Vanity Fair
Futility by gerhardie

>> No.6185364 [DELETED] 

Watership Down

>> No.6185367

The Double Check em

>> No.6185388

25, Infinite Jest also, baby.
> rolling for doubles

>> No.6185394
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Fuck yes.

>> No.6185396
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Yasunari Kawabata - The House of Sleeping Beauties

>> No.6185401

oh.. 27

>> No.6185407

25, American Gods
>the personification of the internet is the average 4chan poster kek

>> No.6185415

23, 120 Days of Sodom

>> No.6185430

19 (nearly 20)
Don Quixote (pg 103), Crime and Punishment (pg 10), Trainspotting (pg 163) and Filth (pg 46)

>> No.6185433
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Death on the Installment Plan

>> No.6185439

Dune, a lot of Shakespeare

>> No.6185477


>> No.6185774

Más o menos. Me gustó más Noticias del Imperio.

>> No.6185780

Mason & Dixon ; 23

Any good comfy reccs (fiction only) for a good commute?

>> No.6185781

What do you think of it so far? I've only read Journey to the End of the Night.

>> No.6185785

The Magicians by Lev Grossman

>> No.6185788

What's your opinion on it? I just started The Sound of the Mountain.

>> No.6185800

Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino and Personal Anthology by Borges.

I like stuff I can read in short bursts. Thrive on short stories.


>> No.6185911

18, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

>> No.6185942 [DELETED] 

17, Invisible Man

Almost done, 80 pages left or so

>> No.6186624

20. American Psycho.

>> No.6186655


Romance of the Three Kingdoms
From the Gracchi to Nero: A History of Rome from 133 BC to AD 68

>> No.6186665

Just Kids - Patti Smith

>> No.6186702

One hundred years of solitude
The woman in the dunes
Infinite Jest

>> No.6186735


>> No.6186751
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24, pic related

>> No.6186941

do so

>> No.6186957

you forgot to mention you are a law student

>> No.6186969

the patagonian hare

>> No.6186973

18 as of today

Nation of Rebels, interesting read on counter-culture

>> No.6187332

18, Interview with the Vampire

>> No.6187336

26, Arguably, Essays by Christopher Hitchens.

>> No.6187337

>Cradle of filth

Dude you're like such a satanist

>> No.6187341
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>Carpathian Forest t-shirt

>> No.6187342
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23, Under The Volcano by Malcom Lowry & Golden Apples of The Sun by Ray Bradbury

>> No.6187346

blood meridian
treasure island

>> No.6187356

23, Frankenstein

>> No.6187532

just started master n margarita

>> No.6187625

21 The Return of The King.

Am I doing it right?

>> No.6187636

loyola's spiritual exercises
jerusalem delivered


>Am I doing it right?
this is an everyone posts noone reads thread so it doesnt really matter

>> No.6187643

Confessions of a Mask


>> No.6187683

20. The King in Yellow

>> No.6187719

24, Paradise Lost

>> No.6187832

24, the complete Sherlock Holmes.

>> No.6187892

Naïve. Super

>> No.6187914

David Copperfield

>> No.6187920

A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.6187925

The Idiot, Dostoyevski.

>> No.6187956
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The Spire, William Golding

>> No.6187965

24 (turning 25 on Sunday). Killing Time

>> No.6187991

Infinite Anapest

>> No.6187996

21, Through the Looking Glass

>> No.6188062

Literally first time browsing /lit/ and didn't bother making a new thread.
I want to buy a book but I can't find it anywhere online in English, were do you guys get your books?
It also contains a lot of images so it needs to be a hardcopy.
Amazon has it but not in English.

>> No.6188654


East of Eden.

>> No.6188668
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Hello me and me next year

>> No.6188774 [DELETED] 

Just turned 17
East of Eden

>> No.6188798

The Silmarillion

>> No.6188828

Holy fucking shit I'm an old fuck.

>The Civil War: A Narrative-Shelby Foote

>> No.6188881

19, I've read pretty much everything that intrigued me from what is available out there so now I just read my own writings because I've found my own style to be more fulfilling than most.

>> No.6188969
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>> No.6188986

good for you, I wouldnt have been interested in it when I was 20.

>> No.6189595


18, Inherent Vice.

>> No.6189773

Complete Anouilh
Mumford's City in history

>> No.6190015

KJV Bible
The Death of Adam

'everyone posts nobody reads' are the best threads

>> No.6190318 [DELETED] 

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Finnegan's Wake

>> No.6190327

Tryhard faggot.

>> No.6190332


The Dialogic Imagination
also skipping around Distant Reading

>> No.6190338

Frank O'Hara - Lunch Poems

>> No.6190347

>reading Nietzsche when you are 16
please, for all of us, don't

>> No.6190348


>> No.6190726

25 reading Savage Detectives, because really enjoyed 2666. Last book read was Tours of the Black Clock, but was retreading it. Have underworld next because like White Noise and actually liked Libra more. I am pretty ignorant about literature, just get recommendations though lit to read at work.

>> No.6190741

20 Ulysses

>> No.6190753

just finished the Dunciad. About to start Wise Blood tomorrow.

>> No.6190774

The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky
KJV Bible (read it continually every year)
Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger

>> No.6190891

17, Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

>> No.6190900

Damn this place is full of kids.

>> No.6190905

21 American Psychopath

>> No.6190908

Yeah and they act like it too. I hardly ever see non-fiction discussion or serious discussions about Themes and interpretations of fiction.

>> No.6190912

>KJV Bible (read it continually every year)
I would have killed myself.

>> No.6190921

*tips fedora*

>> No.6190924


City of Glass

>> No.6190926

Believe it or not, people read books for reasons other than taking the stance the books espouses.

>> No.6190927

Don't get me wrong it's a necessary read.

Kind of like drinking a protein shake after a good workout, or taking a shot of Jack Daniels when everyone else is.

>> No.6190941


Ovid's Metamorphoses (Mandelbaum translation)
Leibniz's Philosophical Writings
Discipline and Punish

>> No.6191240

Just finished reading Sandman. Took me a while, but totally worth it. Before that it was The Royal Family, which was beautiful but a total downer.

Starting to re-read Journey to the End of the Night. I read it years ago but usually I have to read books a few times.

>> No.6191280


>The Royal Family

I just bought that book a week or two ago. Have you read any other Vollmann to compare it to?

>> No.6191301

>implying this isn't bait

>> No.6191308

how are you liking it so far?

i'm >>6180366
and about halfway through and so far enjoying it much more than I did Moby Dick

>> No.6191325

Quaker Writings
Essential Christian Mysticism
Absolute Recoil
The Presence of the Kingdom

(I usually read a few at a time. Last one I was reading from was the Quaker Writings.)

>> No.6191387

Dead souls

>> No.6191800

Hesse - Unterm Rad (Beneath the Wheel)
Oe - A Personal Matter

>> No.6192371


Beyond Good and Evil
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.6192621

Yeah, Vollmann is one of my favorite authors. I've read Poor People, The Atlas, Rainbow Stories, An Afghanistan Picture Show, and my favorite is You Bright & Risen Angels. Haven't read any of the 7 Dreams series, mostly because...well, I've got other stuff I'd like to read, and I just don't have the time.

You Bright & Risen Angels is probably one of the most brilliant books I've read. It's just so surreal and inventive, a sort of satire and alt-history. The man's a fucking genius.

>> No.6192728


Kaputt by Curzio Malaparte.

>> No.6192738

You're a loser and reading stuff like that as a boring teenager with no experience or real knowledge about anything is a blatantly useless endeavor.
>Cool story bro

No but really

>> No.6192769

Swarm intelligence by james Kennedy

>> No.6192783

The Art of Conversation by Catherine Blyth

Also if anyone has recommendations on books about how to talk to people, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.6192795

You literally just ask people questions abour their boring lives and then appear interested. If the conversation dies ask them something else. Interject with your own abridged annecdotes sparingly.

>> No.6192822

18 brothers Karamazov and being and time

>> No.6192856



>> No.6192868


The Idiot by Dostoevsky
Sam Shepard's plays including his one-acts

>> No.6192870

Age irrelevant,

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William L. Shirer
Why Was Lincoln Murdered, Otto Eisenschiml
Watergate: Chronology of a Crisis, Congressional Quarterly

>> No.6192881

Is that the one with the Strand Illustrations? I like those stories a bunch.

>> No.6192886

A Moveable Feast.

>> No.6192897


It's really not as excruciating or long as you think. I just make it a habit of reading 5 chapters every day. At that rate, I finish the bible in less than a year.

>> No.6192918

24, East of Eden

>> No.6192929

22, White Teeth by Zadie Smith

>> No.6193825


I like muh Vollmann. Last year I read The Atlas, Rainbow Stories, and Europe Central and they were all really amazing.


The Plains - Gerald Murnane

>> No.6194495


>> No.6194595

I'm over 18, I swear.
Just finished The Martian minutes ago.

>> No.6194597

19, Into The Wild

>> No.6194638

20, the ego and its own

>> No.6194651

Jim Butchers "Codex Alera" series. I'm a huge sci-fi/fantasy nerd

>> No.6194655

i am watching inuyasha

>> No.6196685

Cool age

>> No.6196708

the hundred year old man who climbed out of the window and disappeared

>> No.6196719

Touching The Void

>> No.6196736

18, also with that, before the atomic bomb

>> No.6196742

Also, it haves a movie, I'll watch it after finishing the book

>> No.6196848

Grendel by John Gardner

>> No.6197064
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19, Prelude to Foundation

>> No.6197068

A Brief History of Time

>> No.6197116

The Voyage of the Beagle

>> No.6197146
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Speak, Memory

>> No.6197261

Il visconte dimezzato, Italo Calvino

>> No.6197273

Moby DICK :^)))

>> No.6197279


Manette Salomon

>> No.6197297

Infinite Jest

i can only imagine how many of us there are

>> No.6197308


To continue a three day old conversation.

My list is very Brit focused. Even the Americans on the list are ones that have a lot of success in the UK. Quite a few them only have intermittent releases.

It must be a fairly shitty bookstore though if it doesn't have most of those writers although I really have no idea what American bookstores have. It's quite odd how isolated America still feels from the rest of the world.

>> No.6197309

22 Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.6197344


Erich Fromm, "Escape From Freedom"

>> No.6197349

Just finished this. What do you think so far

>> No.6198181
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In Search of Lost Time