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6179313 No.6179313 [Reply] [Original]

My Intro to Philosophy professor is a theist.

How fucked am I?

>> No.6179331

*tips fedora*

>> No.6179339

Not very.

>> No.6179340

Why would it make a difference? It's just an intro class.

>> No.6179343

*tips interesting*
As fuck.

>> No.6179355

So you're a modern ignoramus
Just quit your class and spare the professor your retardation>>6179331

>> No.6179360

It won't make a difference. He's not going to implement his beliefs into what you're going to be doing. Don't know why it's a concern considering how many important philosophers were theists.

>> No.6179362

>didn't think to ask what kind of theist, assumes the worst before it's reasonable
Sorry to meme, but that is fedora.

>> No.6179366

You're pretty fucked, but only because of your narrow world-view.

>> No.6179372

It depends on your attitude towards other people world views.

>> No.6179382

>wanting an obnoxious atheist professor with Neil Degrasse Tyson quotes posted on the board every class

>> No.6179385

>You're pretty fucked, but only because of your reality based world-view.

It's just intro. Just don't challenge his/her belief system and you can get through it fine.

>> No.6179392


Probably won't make a difference, he just wont like Hume/Kant/Berk very much and will probably praise Kierkegaard/Aquinas/Augustine

Still sucks though. GL HF.

>> No.6179405

I just have a hard time respecting theists. That's why it's a problem for me.

>> No.6179408


>don't challenge his/her belief system

I beg to differ.

- First off, a theist, doesn't identify with a defined religion, for all the data we have, it could be a wide array of wold views, including "laws of physics" placed in the variable of "supreme principle".

- Second, a good philosophy teacher, want you to challenge everything you're being taught.

- Third, an intro teacher, will be used to excited little brats doing constant interruptions, moreover, I bet some even encourage it, after all a philosophy teacher, wants you to think, not to abide everything that is said as in a church office.

So the most reasonable point of view is


>> No.6179416

Why wouldn't he like him?
Also, Kant and Hume were theists, too, just sort of heretical.

>> No.6179423

Nothing like stuffing words down your opponent's throat to win internet arguments

>> No.6179428
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This requires this image

>> No.6179432

How are do you expect to make it through philosophy when you'll be expected to understand positions that are different from your own?

>> No.6179437

He's in intro, he hasn't learned anything yet

>> No.6179441


It isn't because they are theists, but that a lot of their work ends up being the framework needed to challenge the knowledge of the existence of god.

Kant himself even takes the time to try and show how most previous proofs for the existence of god were vacuous, and instead tried to rely on moral arguments.

Just seems like the kind of thing most theists tend to dislike, unless they consciously decide beforehand not to take them seriously.

Berk I haven't read enough of to make a strong enough conclusion, so maybe he would.

>> No.6179456

Well stop being an edgelord-aspergian and grow up. He's there to teach you, not to inject his personal viewpoints into the course.

Kant was a theist though?

>> No.6179470


Yeah I believe Kant was a theist, he just spent a lot of time attempting to show how proofs for the existence of god were impossible. The proof he came up with was a moral proof.


(just scroll till you see his giant face)

>> No.6179475
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Am I on Reddit? This is so edgelord fedora that even calling it fedora seems like a gross understatement.

>> No.6179484

Alright, you're making some rather strong assumption about theists that are blatantly untrue, mainly that they claim you can actually know that god exists. This is particularly untrue of christians, which basically invented the concept of believing against your better judgement.
Kant, as you point out correctly, refutes proofs of god's existence, but still believes in god as a moral neccesity (not in the sense that you need to believe in him in order to be moral, but that he needs to exist in order for the pursuit of happiness to line up with morality).
Oh, and Berkeley was a motherfucking Bishop. Get your shit together.

>> No.6179487


Take it as an exercise.

I was in your place once, and I came to understand why they think the way they do.

You would be surprised about which outstanding intellectuals happened to be theists too.

>> No.6179495


> Discarding and belittling people out of hand because their beliefs differ from your own

How the fuck do you manage to study philosophy with that kind of mindset?

>> No.6179500

Thread theme :


>> No.6179505

it is funny to think that some people conceives the universe is some kind of accident

>> No.6179511

I agree.

>not to inject his personal viewpoints into the course.
But there's a chance he will. Now is the purpose of a class to learn from it or to pass it? This is the root concern of the OP I would think.


>> No.6179527

as if it was

>> No.6179534


My pointwith Berkeley was empiricism, not who the empiricists were outside of their popular texts.

Faith itself is supposed to be a substitute for knowledge so that you can believe something to be true and have no evidence. The problem I have is I only ever talk to religious people who think they have a personal connection to god and talk to god and all of this fancy stuff... yet don't realize that what they think is knowledge is not actually knowledge.

Also, I have never talked to a religious person that didnt claim to "know" that god does exist. A sophisticated philosophically inclined religious person could probably have a respectable view that conforms with reason and epistemology, but those aren't the claims of most people who have "faith" in god but act like (and even maintain that) god absolutely does exist.

>> No.6179537

i dont like you

>> No.6179549
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I don't see why it can't be. What established universally true and undeniable law etched in the stone of the cosmos reads "this was NOT an accident"?

I always feel like saying anything other than "I don't know, and probably can't know" is just a bluff of knowledge.

>> No.6179550

It's Phil 101. What you will be taught is so basic that the biases of the professor is essentially irrelevant.

>> No.6179560


>> No.6179563

>The problem I have is I only ever talk to religious people who think they have a personal connection to god and talk to god and all of this fancy stuff
Yeah you see, I'd wager a theist philosophy lecturer would be cut from a different cloth, as is evidenced by the philosopjers you mentioned yourself, who had zero problems making their faith get along with their empiricism.

>> No.6179568


You can not conceive a proof of that assert, using a limited resource as reason. If there is a proof of the claim, it must be apprehended with every bit of your being, or not.

Over the consequences of it's truthfulness, you can argue rationally though.

>> No.6179582

And I should worry about this?
I'm curious as to why.

Life happens. It's really "funny" to believe that it *has* to have been made my a paternal parent that is beyond contemplation.
But if there was such a being, why even bother with the needless formality of worshiping it? And why assume it gave you an immortal soul and has set up an afterlife of some kind for you?
Life, in this infinite universe, just happens. Probably a lot of times/places. No creator is needed.

>> No.6179587

If you cannot respect somebody just because they are theistic then I hope your Prof will teach you a couple of things.

Nobody will want to hear you obnoxiously challenge your professor for the sake of your own arrogance, they want to learn Philosophy 101.


pic related

>> No.6179593
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whoops, pic related

>> No.6179596


Making faith get along with empiricism can be done pretty easily just by consciously accepting both as universally true and trying to come up with simply reasons to remove the obvious kinks -regardless of whether or not they work-. The problem is whether or not they actually ARE incompatible, not whether or not you can double-think your way into believing that they are not incompatible. I think there is too much information to be known about both sides for a mere human to distinguish, plus there is too much that is unknown about how the universe even works in the first place.

Philosophy teachers are generally pretty damn good at keeping their opinions to themselves though. My Feminist philosophy professor was quite reasonable when I talked about my egalitarian blasphemy in class.


I am not quite sure what you are trying to say to me, tbh.

>> No.6179598

>made By a

>Probably IN a lot of times/places

>> No.6179601
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Mine is an Afghani Muslim. He actually brings in his religion sometimes but it's fine.

>> No.6179605


> Thinking my problem is with your beliefs

Your attitude is shit m8, especially for someone who claims to study philosophy. You're a zealot masquerading as an intellectual.

>> No.6179615
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Just study the argument scenes of Gods Not Dead very carefully and you should be all set.


>> No.6179621

hercules is hilarious, I love that movie

>> No.6179625

you're going to get a rare perspective on theology and metaphysics of religion. you're lucky. just hold a strong conviction and don't get persuaded by any sophistry (lol, ain't that an easy thing to do?).

>> No.6179626

You know nothing about me.

>> No.6179637

I somehow don't think Kant and Berkeley just kept the two apart in doublethink fashion. Berkeley in particular was a Bishop and theologist who also wrote empiricist treatises, not the other way around.
Generally, while I'm not even a theist myself, I don't believe that empiricism alone can deal any significant damage to theism.

>> No.6179660

Tell that fuck nigga to start with the Greeks.

>> No.6179663

My Intro to Ethics professor was a utilitarian.

How quickly did I drop the class?

>> No.6179681


Again, Berkeley isn't exactly who I am after because I haven't read enough of him or about him to make heads or tails. I am mostly talking about Hume and Kant. Kant wasn't the kind of person to double think, but even says in critique of pure reason: "I have therefore found it necessary to deny knowledge, in order to make room for faith" (pp B xxx).

>Generally, while I'm not even a theist myself, I don't believe that empiricism alone can deal any significant damage to theism.

I can agree with this, though I also don't find much of a use for being a theist if I would have to have faith to do so.

>> No.6179683

Can we be done with this meme now? It was never really that funny at all, and now it's just tedious.

>> No.6179685

Afghan. Afghani is a currency.

>> No.6179686

Hercules' atheist professor is probably the worst strawman ever.

>> No.6179703

>taking philosophy class without first finding out whether the professor has anything to teach that you care to learn

>> No.6179704

There is not much wrong with religion but coming to an anonymous discussion board and whining on baseless arguments like "lol, this can't be accident because that scares me" and creating memes as if it validates your belief is soooo fucking annoying. You are just yelling your opinion instead of saying anything worth thought. Every fucking christian turn atheist is distrustful of Christians at first, its normal. So quit being such faggots on OP's nuts.

>> No.6179717

The Professor copypasta predates this, right?
>Your face when God's Not Dead is actually a film adaptation of the copypasta and is completely ironic but burgerclaps can't tell

>> No.6179722

>>Your face when God's Not Dead is actually a film adaptation of the copypasta


> I was in a meeting at Pinnacle Forum and Alan Sears from Alliance Defending Freedom, was speaking. He was speaking about a young girl who was asked to do some things that went against her faith and got in trouble for not doing them. That story put my jaw on the floor and made me think about how many students go to college as a Christian and how few stay a Christian after they finish their four years. It was that story that inspired me to set the movie on a college campus.

>> No.6179725


But anon, OP is the faggot.

>> No.6179732

>I also don't find much of a use for being a theist if I would have to have faith to do so
As far as I am concerned, that's the least of the problems I have with theism. If something makes the world appear a good and reasonable place, you won't have trouble believing it. There's just the fact that, if you take a look at the history of, say, the last century, it's hard to see how the existence of god could vindicate the world we happen to live in.

>> No.6179763


wow this scene is just terrible

>16% on metacritic

>> No.6179773


Yeah I also agree with this, though I am more interested with the epistemology. I never found arguments based on human events to have enough weight in arguments for the existence of god. I got into philosophy because I wanted to know more about the universe and found that science is, ultimately, all reliant on an underlying philosophical principle... thus I went into philosophy in college.

People kept asking what kind of job I was going to get with a philosophy degree, and I always say "clearly something other than law, medicine, and engineering".

>> No.6179777

The greatest philosopher of all time, Saul Kripke, is a theist.

>> No.6179778

sry my 1st langage is not engluish

>> No.6179814

Oh well, epistemology can hardly tell us anything about god, since we clearly can't know him as we know natural phenomena.
And if human events strongly imply tjat if there's a god, he simply doesn't give a fuck about us (for clarification, I'm thinking of Auschwitz, not my dead relatives or the time I couldn't get a gf), then there's little motivation to do that leap of faith anyway.

>> No.6179825

Totally fucked, man. Choke the professor with your fedora, that barbarian has no right to live on this earth.

But seriously. Theist philosophers aren't some subhumans or anything like that. They just have different assumption that don't necessarily contradict the achievements of science or reason or historiography or whatever is your own god.

>> No.6179838

No problem- English speakers make the same mistake all the time.

>> No.6181483

lol butterfly get a job and move out

>> No.6181487

Neuclear strike detected!
Run for the hills lest ye perish in the glow!

>> No.6181500

I have a job.

>> No.6182262

>muh leap of faith
>muh unmoved mover

>> No.6182270

my intro philosophy professor abstained from telling us his opinions until after the final

ordained minister, and you could not have guessed

>> No.6182273

if atheists were half as interested in theology as >we are with abolishing the religious institutions we were born into, /lit/ would be better

>> No.6182277

should I be interested in astrology too then or what

>> No.6182367

That analogy already assumes that theology is stupid and then presents this assumption as some sort of insight or conclusion.
Theism isn't necessarily connected to religion anyway, and neither is faith for that matter.

>> No.6182373

you should be interested in the process of belief, so astronomy should be a cursory interest even to your most logical self

>> No.6182374

-logy* thanks Android

>> No.6182377 [DELETED] 

indeed. interesting as fuck.

>> No.6182472 [DELETED] 

>literally believing in magic
>this is somehow ok
>if you thin its not youre a fedora meme hat xd

>> No.6182480

>literally believing in magic
>this is somehow ok
>if you think its not youre a fedora meme hat xd

>> No.6182501

>>this is somehow ok
Are you a theological justice warrior or something?

>> No.6182503

No, I'm just interesting. As fuck.

>> No.6182566


>> No.6182601
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theists will take every oppurtunity to tell you that the bible is important and god can exist, science cant explain everything yada yada yada. You know the usual "progressive theist" bs.

Let the fedora comments flow. Because if youre not religious; youre a fat ugly virgin. -/lit/'s moto

>> No.6182716

guys this is a shitpost thread

>> No.6182727
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Tips fedora

>> No.6182908

> /lit/ would be better

But anon theist are the problem. We have daily threads about religions and the bible and what not (let alone new atheism hate threads).
Now, anon makes a thread from the pov of an atheism and, suddenly, lit is horrible.

>> No.6182913
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if he's a Jesuit you're not

>> No.6182922

>we have daily threads about one of the most important works of literature on the literaute board and we discuss philosophy that is contained in it

>> No.6182927

make a thread from the POV of ANYONE and it will get terrible

remove oneself from the situation and plainly discuss the ideas involved and a discussion will more likely than not take place

no tribes in this one, theology isn't intrinsically political

>> No.6182934 [DELETED] 

theism isn't a position, it's just delusion and insanity

>> No.6182949

it's a position

what are your thoughts on the topic of grace

let's just start there and see where the hole is in your knowledge, because there is at least one

>> No.6182961


>> No.6183091

Wait, there are... non-shitpost threads?

>> No.6183118

Afghani. Afghan is a blanket.

>> No.6183164

Yes. The Afghanwith enough Afghanis can buy an Afghan blanket and/or an Afghan hound.

>> No.6183411

I also don't respeced AIDS-ridden people. I am sorrry if I insulted you.

>> No.6183451

Test if he's a chrsitian, then you are saved.
If he's not, take care, get all information you can but double your dose of doubt about everything he says.