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File: 47 KB, 403x392, efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6178832 No.6178832[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>there are capitalist pigs on lit RIGHT NOW

>> No.6178840


proletariat scum

>> No.6178859


>calling the people you rely on for your wealth scum

Capitalist pigs, everyone.

>> No.6178874
File: 38 KB, 454x453, 1424467259804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who don't vote for their national communist party browsing /lit/ RIGHT NOW

>> No.6178886

>your wealth
I have no wealth, and we could all do without the game our ancestors set up.


>> No.6178896

wanna fuck

>> No.6178904

bumping to get this noticed

>> No.6178910

Not after I get through with them...

>> No.6178915

Why would you encourage that poster?

>> No.6178920

i want to fug butterfly

>> No.6178922

Why would you encourage frog posters?

And he was more encouraging the truth about capitalism being a damn stupid game.

>> No.6178926

butterfly would you consider sex with a man?

>> No.6178967

>Why would you encourage frog posters?
Because they're better than you.

>> No.6179006
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>> No.6179011

wow fuck off then u stupid dyke

>> No.6179024


>> No.6179046

Stop being mean to our dead waifu, you have to give those dubs back now pls thank you

>> No.6179084
File: 320 KB, 1143x857, 1417520877962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There exist people in the world right now who take pride in the fact that they don't read books

I just...

Man, this fuckin' world...

>> No.6179091

If you use money, You are a capitalist, OP

>> No.6179128
File: 28 KB, 461x425, Let Me Get This Straight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people who aren't platformist or syndicalist anarchists on /lit/ right now.

>> No.6179132

well replied friend XDDDDD

>> No.6179138
File: 28 KB, 309x483, expand_zedong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, and there will always be.
So, don't get your undies in a bunch.
It's... undialectical.

>> No.6179144

>There are utopian idealist ahistorical shits on /lit/ right now.

>> No.6179174

Ahhhh yes! I love capitalism! Though I am only a small time upstart with a minor internet business, I nonetheless cherish every opportunity at exploitation I receive. Just recently I purchased an ebook cover on Fiverr. The provider was a college student and I could tell he was talented in design, yet naive in the ways of the world. I handed him a ridiculously hard to comprehend project description and demanded turnover within 24 hours. I even demanded 5 revisions, not that I was unsatisfied with the work, but because I wanted to make him suffer! hahahhahahaha! In the end, he must have worked 6 hours to earn that 5 bucks! And he was transgendered to boot!

I can't wait until my enterprises have finally reached sufficient size that I may exploit FULL TIME STAFF in such fashion!

O, my dear Satan, how may I ever repay you for the day you opened my eyes to the visceral pleasures of sacred CAPITAL!

>> No.6179180

i read books, but i dont take pleasure in it. i just want the information

>> No.6179213

To all Marxists and commies:

Capitalism works. How can you argue against that? If Marxism was so greta, then why did the Soviet Union fall after fifty years? I'm not even baiting.

>> No.6179295
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>mfw Marxism was so greta

>> No.6179298

>To all Jacobins and Republicans:
>Feudalism works. How can you argue against that? If Republicanism was so great, then why did the First Republic fall after twelve years? I'm not even baiting.

>> No.6179306


> syndicalist.

Hardline Anarchist here, you need to stop micro-managing right now before you take away our momentum.

>> No.6179312

>Systems actually achieved and sustained before falling to forces external of their design and practice.

Don't you have more Rand sparknotes to get through?

>> No.6179321


> soviet union fell.

Dat selective memory. The soviet union didn't fall anon, they just peacefully transformed it into a republic.

Think about that for a moment. The Soviet system PEACEFULLY changed it's government.

>> No.6179329


Pls stop smashing the windows in lieu of actual organising.

>> No.6179347


> smashing the windows.

Propaganda of the act, pls. If all you see is vandalism and frustration you don't belong on the protest lines.

>> No.6179367

As anyone forced to live in a prison is a prisoner.
It sure doesn't mean I want to live there. Why are you so content?

Why are you so content to be a prisoner?

Again, like a prison works. In that it holds people against their will in cramped living conditions as punishment for something. It does nothing beyond that.

^Important lesson here.

>> No.6179387


Other people don't and that's why your marginal kiddo.

>> No.6179389

Oink oink plebs

>> No.6179424

>Propaganda of the act
Only makes sense with a sizable and conscious contingency.

>> No.6179457


> marginal.
> let's make ourselves even more marginal by ascribing to particular flavours of our political ideology that the vast majority of people aren't even going to look at.

If your political ideology is different because you don't want to be associated with the main adherents of it, don't use that main ideology as a prefix, dumbass. People are already ignorant as hell about political anarchism, anything with the word "anarcho" in it will be treated exactly the same by the un-interested masses.


I agree.

>> No.6179460
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>Capitalism works

Nice meme.

>> No.6179483

>I'm not a capitalist pig.
Face it OP, in capitalism we're all capitalist pigs at the level of id. It's the the moralist superego that is speaking here.

>> No.6179508
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Deal with it, commies.

>> No.6179513

We're all just general barbarians at the level of id in every form of society and no reform movement will change it either.

>> No.6179514

What is a capitalist pig and what's so bad about being one?

>> No.6179533

There are different ways to be a bar-bar-bar though. That's the difference between the general and specific.

>> No.6179548

Yep, everyone's happy in Hong Kong

>> No.6179554

I think it's the pig part, although it seems this is already contained in the capitalist part.

>> No.6179581

What about a pig?
Aren't we all animals?
Or maybe I'm talking to science-denying creationists?

>> No.6179698
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>they all look exactly the same

>> No.6179734
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>tfw butters will never punch you and make you kiss her feet while saying insults in a /lit/ way

>> No.6179765

I have a theory that she is also Mel from [s4s].

Can butters confirm this?

>> No.6179811

Capitalism as a historical phenomenom was born in the 16th century, peaked in the 19th and then collapsed in the 20th. There are still residues of it, just like residues of feudalism survive to the present day, but it's no more the dominant mode of production.

What people call "capitalism" nowadays is just buzzword, the left equivalent to "Cultural Marxism", where people blame their frustrations on some boogeyman, see >>6179367

>> No.6179832

And why would you think this?
She's very nice, but a very different person. I don't think I've even talked with here on s4s all that much. Always someone lying to me.

>> No.6179854

would u fug her? ;)

I was wondering if you were a part of the secret [s4s] cabal. There must have been a skype group that Mel joined, where she foolishly posted an image of herself there.

That is only my theory. I'm not sure.

>> No.6179922

I donno. She shares pics freely enough. I have some the s4sers don't post and I'm not on any skype group.

She is a cutie-pie, and quite talented.

>> No.6180030

reformist pls go

>> No.6180052

>Capitalism as a historical phenomenon was born in the 16th century, peaked in the 19th and then collapsed in the 20th. There are still residues of it, just like residues of feudalism survive to the present day, but it's no more the dominant mode of production.

Do people actually believe this?

>> No.6180055

This is completely absurd. What do you call our current mode of production if not capitalism?

>> No.6180064

>Capitalism works.
Under its paradigms. Cancers also work.

>> No.6180082
File: 77 KB, 625x381, capitalism evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internal contradictions of capital are harmful to society as whole, thus we can say safely that capitalism does not work as it is designed.

>> No.6180088

>Cancers also work.
Cancer hasn't increased the standard of living for the average person exponentially since it's inception.

>> No.6180104
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Starvation, economic miscalculation, internal instability, effects of capital on politics>>6180082 and the impossible demands from nature(limited resource poll yet capitalism strife's for economic growth)

>> No.6180116

Hey guys how is that 90% success rate treating you?

>> No.6180125

Filthy materialists

>> No.6180126

It's 2015, and every fucking capitalism place holder used by communists and socialists on the internet boils down to a model based on a late 19th-20th century assembly line run by a fucking aristocrat in a top hat.

Obsolete crackpot ideology is obsolete.

>> No.6180146
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You can whine all you want but socialism and communism are going to remain as options to masses, when ever next economic miscalculation pushes more people into unemployment.

This is not even to speak of conditions of new labor, and how automation is slowly creating so much systematic unemployment that we might soon have real revolution at our hands.

>> No.6180152

Besides, if that is your image of how communists view capitalism, I would most certainly recommend you to look at works of China`s communist party and despair. Market Socialism is the answer, and it´s going to overwhelm the west.

>> No.6180153

>But MY special snowflake super brand of communism will TOTALLY work. I'm such a free thinker, unlike those stupid capitalist sheep.

>> No.6180168
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>communism and socialism is just single orthodox theory
>being this politically illiterate

Leave my board.

>> No.6180181

Not that anon but I agree the braindead masses will gravitate towards a utopian fantasy before they accept a hard reality.

>> No.6180185

>socialism and communism are going to remain as options to masses

And suicide is an option to someone with depression, but like most "masses" of people who are not homogenous of thought, not everyone is going to find it viable, given that it's a non-solution.

>if that is your image of how communists view capitalism, I would most certainly recommend you to look at works of China`s communist party and despair. Market Socialism is the answer, and it´s going to overwhelm the west.
Socialism and communism lost man, don't let the current ideological echo boomers are attempting to pass onto the crowd of xeroxed millennial in the West fool you. Nobody's down for having a class of political elites tell them how much life they're allowed to have anymore for the greater good while they stuff imported goods into their nomenklatura cavities.

>> No.6180191

What "hard reality" is there to accept? That this current economic model is not going to uphold itself when consumers are destroyed, along the middle-income jobs?

>> No.6180196

Am I or am I not correct in assuming that you think youre own special brand of communism would work better than all the ones already tested?

>> No.6180201
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>> No.6180210

There aren't brands of Communism, for one, because Communism is a type of society.

There are varieties of Socialism, many of which are successful. The most successful one is Market Socialism, and the most glaring example of this is modern China.

The more you know.

>> No.6180211
File: 432 KB, 1446x1043, all about that class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And suicide is an option to someone with depression, but like most "masses" of people who are not homogenous of thought, not everyone is going to find it viable, given that it's a non-solution.

Only to closed mind who does not see how masses will act when their conditions are changed so that there is no employment, or possibility of up-keeping the current economic system without some Keynesian magic.

>Socialism and communism lost man, don't let the current ideological echo boomers are attempting to pass onto the crowd of xeroxed millennial in the West fool you. Nobody's down for having a class of political elites tell them how much life they're allowed to have anymore for the greater good while they stuff imported goods into their nomenklatura cavities.

>political elite
>in democratic centralism

Again, you`re just politically illiterate pleb, who can`t even understand some very basic terminology about the issue he argues.

>> No.6180214


>> No.6180218

>just answer to my confirmation bias already! entrenchen my dogma

Yes it has been tried, and it has worked to point.

>> No.6180219

>unrestricted competition created me, you and all life around us
>competition is bad and should be restricted

lets all sing songs and hold hands and no one will ever have to be a loser ever again

>> No.6180221
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>> No.6180222
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Intellectuals are useless, they can't breed animals, They don't have the faintest idea on how to make sausages or forks or mobile phones. They are surrounded by all this stuff that they eat or use and they can't actually make a single thing, can't even begin to understand how they're made. If industrial production ceased tomorrow, if all the engineers and the specialist technicians disappeared off the face of the earth, they can't do anything to start things over again. In fact, outside the industrialized world, they can't even survive. They won't know how to feed or clothe themselves, or protect themselves from the weather. Their technical competence falls far short of Neanderthal man. They are completely dependent on society, but play no useful role in it. The only thing they know how to do is write dubious commentaries on outdated cultural issues.

The intellectual penchant for socialism is based on their desire to get paid, well paid, in tribute if not in money, for merely existing, since otherwise their entire existance would collapse.

>> No.6180228

>>unrestricted competition created me, you and all life around us

This is just false. COLLECTIVE created the basis for society.

>> No.6180229

>Unrestricted Competition

Confirmed for knowing nothing about early Capitalism. Or modern Keynesian style Capitalism.


>> No.6180236

I don't know, since no intellectual is interested in getting rid of such a useful boogeyman such as "capitalism", but outside South American latifundia and some ethnic family conglomerates such as the ones from the Chinese bamboo network of Southeast Asia, "private ownership of the means of production" does not exist anymore.

>> No.6180237

>Only to closed mind who does not see how masses will act when their conditions are changed so that there is no employment, or possibility of up-keeping the current economic system without some Keynesian magic
People are not homogenous of thought. If you think you can accurately predict what the "masses" are going to do at any point in time, then I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

>he doesn't think socialism and communism inherently give rise to ruling classes of political elites
>he thinks there's no historical precedent for this
>he doesn't know what "nomenklatura" means
>he still thinks people only disagree with him because of a "false consciousness"

>> No.6180239

Has it been tried on a whole city? On a whole town even? How well has it worked? Was the town already isolated?

>> No.6180243

Fucking commie, get the fuck out.

>> No.6180248


I hate the modern system just as much as you do, I just don't think nuking civilization back to the stone age is the right solution.

Rich people don't want competition they spend millions lobbying for preferential treatment. Competition means less money in their pocket, competition means they might lose.

>> No.6180249
File: 25 KB, 405x447, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are naïve, egalitarian children on /lit/ RIGHT NOW

>> No.6180252

>socialists are just lazy intellectuals who just want to get paid
>implying socialist activists don't exist
>forgetting the bolshevik work ethic
brah stop mystifying your bullshit rhetoric to make you look smert, cause it just makes you look like a fool.

>> No.6180257
File: 281 KB, 490x639, JohnvonNeumann-LosAlamos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, i can also quote a scientist.

>"If you say why not bomb [the Soviets] tomorrow, I say, why not today. If you say today at five o'clock, I say why not one o'clock?"

>> No.6180258

>he doesn't think socialism and communism inherently give rise to ruling classes of political elites
>he thinks there's no historical precedent for this
>he doesn't know what "nomenklatura" means
>he still thinks people only disagree with him because of a "false consciousness"

Again, democratic centralism counters all of that along idea of collective leadership.



>People are not homogenous of thought. If you think you can accurately predict what the "masses" are going to do at any point in time, then I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

Humans are ruled by laws of nature. In human conditions there is always going to be certain unity of action, depending on the conditions themselves.

>> No.6180259

I didn't see Stalin working in a steel mill or on a farm.

>> No.6180262

Nowhere did I say anything about nuking the system. I am simply calling you an ignorant retard for thinking 'unrestricted competition' has ever existed in any Capitalist society.

>> No.6180263

You don't need to be an intellectual to be a social critic. The lumpenproletariat is probably the most vulgar and dangerous class and their the farthest from intellectuals.

>> No.6180267

>mystifying your bullshit rhetoric
>implying this isn't what dialectic materialism is all about

>> No.6180268


>> No.6180269

China is doing just fine, and Market Socialism is building on China`s national interests.
Form each according to their ability to each according to their need =/= egalitarianism

>> No.6180277
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>> No.6180279

>there are literal communists in 2015

>> No.6180282


Have some forehead with your whine.

>> No.6180283
File: 29 KB, 331x334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Form each according to their ability to each according to their need

>giving people things they didn't earn
>caring about other people
>thinking human life is valuable
Sure is spooky here.

>> No.6180284

The expansion of capitalism experienced an increasing fluctuation of raising and lowering standards for populations. The initial burst of capitalism benefited the people as it spread capital ownership to a larger percent of the population, but capital always pools in specific sections of the population and the standard of living plummets. Workers eventually demand reform, conflict ensues, and are eventually granted reforms in the form of child labor laws, social security, increased wages, etc. As these reforms occur, capitalists shift to areas with other/more resources and exploit them without these reformed policies, which damages the power of laborers in the original state but also benefits them as consumers. Capitalism having spread to these new lands and people, the overall population under Capitalism has extremely low standards of living, comparable (or even worse) than that experience in feudal societies. Having entered the 21st century, the entire world now functions under capitalism in one form or another, and the vast majority of people has seen few of the benefits capitalists claim for themselves.

>> No.6180288

God damn you plebs are hopeless

>> No.6180290

>implying I share my beliefs with that professor

>> No.6180291

Marx destroyed this idiot.


>> No.6180292

>implying that matters

>> No.6180296

>tfw bourgeois
Is there a better feeling?

>> No.6180297

>Marx got angry and cried about Stirner without poking any logical holes in his arguments whatsoever
>b-b-but we need to stop da expolitations!!!!1!
Marx was a baby who realised he couldn't support himself, that's why Stirner made him cry.

>> No.6180299

How many factories do you own?

>> No.6180300
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Authoritarian Socialism is the only viable future we have. All societies face crisis. Capitalist society does not exist. It is unable to deal with crisis because capitalism atomizes society into individuals. it makes it unable for the masses to plan for the future. The only remedy for pollution capitalist believe is legitimate, is a private party suing a polluter only after the pollution has taken place. In capitalism individuals exist only for their own individual benefit. This completely ignores the fact that humanity is not composed of one individual, but of many. If we are to resolve the issues we have, we must act as an us. We have to unleash our collective human species-being from the reigns of private property. The collective human species-being is the being that creates dams, hospitals and in the future it will create mass drivers, it will bring mankind into harmony with the earth. Right now we are just a collection of beings that are unorganized and running around with no heads. We are engaged in a struggle against ourselves. The sole cause of this struggle is private property. We have divided the Earth and its products into parcels that we fight over. Instead of uniting forces and using this Earth to provide for all, we use it to get more parcels. This does not serve mankind, but serves individuals. Who in the end are just serving capital. Capital is a living parasite that demands more and more labor. Capital requires growth or it disappears, this growth is supplied by human labor. I hope you realize humanity cannot have a future, where man continues to fight against itself.

>> No.6180301
File: 103 KB, 600x450, gobekli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people who don't like capitalism are women and charismatic alpha males who are able to navigate social situations and get free shit thanks to their social skills and savviness.

For shy and introverted beta males the use of money for trading removes a lot of situations that could lead to social anxiety and discomfort. Ideologies such as anarchism and communism are directly related to the interests of alpha males and women as classes who can depend on their social skills to survive in a hostile world and are costrained by the rules and societal norms that empower beta males (the ones created by Neolithic Revolution, the original beta uprising).

Beta revolution is the only revolution that matters, and beta revolution will be capitalist.

>> No.6180304

>giving people things they didn't earn
"To each according to his contribution"
>thinking human life is valuable
Terror is but open violent class struggle.
>caring about other people
if they aint a prole, fuck em

>> No.6180306

>democratic centralism counters all of that along idea of collective leadership.

Then why didn't it stop said ruling political elites from coming about in both China and the USSR? How did Lenin successfully prevent the USSR from that fate? Oh wait, he didn't.

>In human conditions there is always going to be certain unity of action, depending on the conditions themselves.
Actions and conditions that are not the same from person to person and cannot be easily accounted for by any means from any sort of centrally planned perspective. Chance, choice, and pure chaos cannot be bottled in the manner these types of ideologies require to function.

>> No.6180308

How does it not? It's no argument against me.
>implying anyone needs to care about the environment, animals, feelings or other such nonsense

>> No.6180309

You're over a hundred years old and lived in pre-revolutionary Georgia? Stalin was a peasant and worked as a laborer while during his early revolutionary activity. I believe he worked at an oil refinery in Baku and a steel factory at some point but I'm less sure about the latter.

>> No.6180311
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They died in the war, right?

>> No.6180313

Oh , so you're a sociopath. Carry on then.

>> No.6180317

>The only remedy for pollution capitalist believe is legitimate, is a private party suing a polluter only after the pollution has taken place.

NOPE, the states only job is to protect you thats it. If someone harms you either terrorist or polluter the state jumps in and takes care of it. Gommies fail to realize that capitalism is just what happens naturally when the state doesn't interfere with peoples bullshit.

>> No.6180319

>implying anyone needs to care about the environment, animals, feelings or other such nonsense

>> No.6180321

>Then why didn't it stop said ruling political elites from coming about in both China and the USSR? How did Lenin successfully prevent the USSR from that fate? Oh wait, he didn't.

China is being lead via democratic centralism(if you cared to look up into their 3 divisional parliamentary within the party)

And what came of Soviets, was unfortunate but Lenin did try to warn the party.

If you can point out to single nation in history as your example of "failure" you are aware that it`s pretty narrow example?

>> No.6180322

>China is doing just fine

You are aware the Chinese government, like the US and many other large nations, puts out completely fabricated economic reports to bolster their own image, right? They're not doing okay by any means, economically or otherwise.

>> No.6180325
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>> No.6180327

>"To each according to his contribution
So you want social classes?
>if they aint a prole, fuck em
You actually like the lowest level of humanity? What would you do if six drunk labourers bashed you and your fellow 'intellectuals' outside a pub? Would you still love the poor?

>> No.6180334

>if you don't care about my feelings you are a moron

>> No.6180341

You don`t understand then that private property is not natural. Way how surplus of production is used defies all.

>> No.6180346

Where was he in 1936? Not labouring.
Where was he in 1943? Not on the front line.
So much for a workers state.

>> No.6180349

>naturalistic fallacy
It doesn't matter what is natural, faggot.

>> No.6180352

I didn't say it was an argument, being a functioning sociopath is fine, have fun. Its inevitably going to be detrimental to your own well being when you go full patrick bateman, but thats not anybody elses problem.

>> No.6180355


>private property isn't natural
ok bears aren't real then, neither are lions or wolf packs then or any predator for that matter. Territory is natural chimps attitudes completely change when they know they are in enemy territory. They judge the situation and either invade or retreat. They know that area is not theirs.

>> No.6180358

That is exactly opposite of naturalist fallacy.(something is natural ergo good) You should go back to /pol/ since you don`t even know your fallacies.

>> No.6180369

>China is being lead via democratic centralism
China's government is a corrupt as fuck single party state and there very much is an entrenched class of wealthy political elites, democratic centralism doesn't do shit to prevent this.


>If you can point out to single nation in history as your example of "failure" you are aware that it`s pretty narrow example?
Only if you're a goal post shifting commie.

>> No.6180372
File: 46 KB, 640x361, Thomas Hobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Social contract(will of sovereign in society) allows private property. This does not make it "natural right".

>> No.6180375

You say property isn't natural, therefore you are saying the lack of property IS natural, and is good. But go ahead, keep saying that all your opposition is part of some boogeyman, McCarthy.

>> No.6180382

Natural rights don't exist. You can only have what you can take or what others give you.

>> No.6180384

They are known for purging the upper house form time to time. Sadly cultural revolution was the last big one.

>Only if you're a goal post shifting commie.

It was crisicism of your lack for evidence in larger scale, attacking against basis of your false thesis.

>> No.6180385

A human abstraction so what? Its just some words that mean the same thing.

>> No.6180392

Thus private property is not natural.
Again, you`re mixing private property with property in general.

>> No.6180394

>Social contract(will of sovereign in society) allows private property. This does not make it "natural right".
Private property is a natural right in that its part of one's negative right to pursue property.

Locke > Hobbes.

>> No.6180399

I think you're conflating some concepts here. Chimps and other animals don't have concept of property but territory. The things in the land and the land itself doesn't matter, it's the range, and the limits of this range are anything but permanent.

>> No.6180403

No, it really dosen`t since naturality of private property was basis for whole argument.

>> No.6180406


>> No.6180417
File: 97 KB, 580x402, mao's mangos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sadly cultural revolution was the last big one.
>tfw no more mango worship

>> No.6180419

>They are known for purging the upper house form time to time. Sadly cultural revolution was the last big one.
Don't worry, anon, the next purge is coming, followed by the next CR.

>> No.6180429
File: 23 KB, 462x327, unspook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what else should I be
all ideology
what else could I say
everything's maymay
what else could I write
i don't have the right
what else should I be
all ideology

>> No.6180436

Property is not sociopolitical recognition of rights, but keys. What you can lock and unlock is yours, which is why Daniel Dantas is the first private proprietor ever since the cannons of Babur smashed the castles of the Indian aristocracy.

Nick Land > Locke and Hobbes

>> No.6180438

>They are known for purging the upper house form time to time.
Lotta good it does, a real permanent solution for sure.

>It was crisicism of your lack for evidence in larger scale
Gave plenty of evidence and examples bby.

>basis of your false thesis
Oh you butthurt fool you.

Regardless of the flavor, socialism and communism both carry the echo of the ghost of Marx's psychology, and both are designed to allow ruling classes of political elites (particularly bougies who absolve themselves from bougie status) to seize power and decide what they decide is "best" and "fair". You happily swallow, grin, and wipe your lips afterwards because they ask your opinion every few years in an election and call themselves a people's republic.

>> No.6180441

Pol Pot, go to bed.

>> No.6180458

You yourself has such limited vision when it comes to political organization of post-revolutionary workers republic.

>> No.6180474

Who cares if something is natural or not?

>> No.6180480

>You yourself has such limited vision when it comes to political organization of post-revolutionary workers republic.

Which "post-revolutionary workers republic" are we talking about? Do you even know? Are we talking about all of them now or just the special versions serving your flavor? Because I remember addressing those?

>> No.6180538
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>takes notion of 'earning' seriously
>accuses others of spookery

>> No.6180550

You mean the wealth they stole?

>> No.6180559

Earning means taking. Not earning means sitting back and waiting for people to give to you.

>> No.6180564

>theft is wrong!1!!!1!

>> No.6180567

Yes indeed *oink*

This here imported mortadela bought with the money my parents earned through exploiting *oink* those poor, poor lazy construction workers sure tastes great! *oink*


Gorbachev would like a word with you

>> No.6180570

I don't have a problem with capitalists (although I've never met one).
Corporate credit junkies, now...

>> No.6180581
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>"Everything is Spooks I tell you! listen to my relativistic and solipsist nonsense"-Stirner

>"Shut up bitch I have to economics to do and solve the contradiction of capitalism, the fate of humanity is in the ballance"-Marx

What basically happened, and I don't think it's arbitrary that Stirner is basically worshiped by nihilistic college drop outs that moved on to him after Ayn Rand, while Marx is studied in every econ and philosophy university department in the world.

>> No.6180583

>I trade my labor to a company for money
>I have to produce more then I earn otherwise the business would fail and I wouldn't be able to make anymore money
>I am being exploited

>> No.6180608

My school's philosophy department doesn't teach Marx, his philosophy is actually kind of garbage even though his analysis of the capitalist mode of production is generally spot on.

>> No.6180614

>there are only one types of trade-offs

>> No.6180634

>Earning means taking. Not earning means sitting back and waiting for people to give to you.
Conning the powers that be into egalitarianism is a form of taking. Minorities playing the race card and women crying oppressions are all valid methods. What you consider 'sitting back and waiting' is actually a sophisticated power play.

>> No.6180652

I agree. Pigs are (given the chance) clean, social, intelligent animals. Comparing them to pondscum is insulting a noble animal.

>> No.6180654

me too butterfly, me too.

>> No.6180657
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Unless you are the only worker in that business, then it's obvious that other workers contribute having the same working hours as you and pyramid structure of bosses and eventual CEOS who manage the company.

Just saying that you willingly "trade" your labour for money does not mean that you are not exploited by the one who gains the extra part of your labour by managing your job, and it does not mean that your amount of labour is equal to the monetary value of such a produced product, since exchange value is abstract and has nothing to do with real labour.

>> No.6180675

Capitalism only seems to be working because the cruelty is pushed out of reach and out of sight from the western world. It's an unsustainable process which is cranking up the divide of wealth in foreign countries whilst limiting its workforces back home

>> No.6180677


>> No.6180701


It's good to see reptilian conservatives showing how blatantly amoral and nihilistic they are since essentialy the only defence in favour of their very own egoist "enjoy!" super ego is summed up with basically the same arguments as an Ayn Rand novel.

This is the kind of moral self-delusion Nietzsche warned about that leads to the nihilisticand hedonist last man.

>> No.6180702

Philosophy departments teach modern analytic philosophy and modern economics does not include Marx.

>> No.6180703

corporate creditism.
If you plow 100% of the profits of your privately owned business back in, you are practicing pure unadulterated capitalism.
And you will swiftly go under. Because you are in competition with others who will simply borrow ten times as much from the bank, and buy the modern equipment you would very much like to have, but can't afford.
And, thanks to fractional reserve banking, they are not even using someone elses capital. That remains safely in the bank, and the money they "borrowed" is simply writen into existance (further devalueing YOUR profits).
I don't know how you capitalism groupies don't get this.
Our society is as much honestly capitalist as it is honestly democratic.

>> No.6180716

Yes, no method is invalid. Welcome to the real world, you child.

>> No.6180727

so you've taken one macroecon 101 class and watched wolf of wall street?

>> No.6180736

>capital is money
Fucking retard.

>> No.6180760

>Socialism and communism lost man
It's not so much that socialism and communism lost (man), rather that your governments propaganda brainwashing program worked.

>> No.6180778


Capitalism is not a philosophy of what you dream and what you essentaily want to be.

Capitalism at it's very elementary definition is mode of exchange and a description on who owns the means of productions.

There are a dozen different hybrid versions of capitalism from Keynesianism to the Nordic Socialist model.

Also Capitalism was created because of banking and the mercantilist theory which gave way to it. There is no such thing as garnering 100% of profits in a monetary system. The only way to get 100% of value form a product is through essentially bartering, but in a free exchange economy you need a Fixed exchange-rate so that values don't become arbitrary and this existed just as much 200 years ago as it is today.

>> No.6180784

>only I and people who share my opinions are immune to brainwashing

>> No.6180799

It's not so much that I'm against winning and losing per se. It's just that whenever I meet someone who claims to be a "winner" on the internet, they are such insufferably smug cunts about it, I just want to smash their faces in for jeering at people who weren't quite as lucky (yes...lucky. Lots of people work harder than you clowns, and some don't make it, because luck IS involved in the success process)
It makes me wonder how damaging competition is to the human psyche, if the winners are hated, and the losers are depressed.
Maybe there's a bettter way?

>> No.6180801


The strongest ideology today is the ideology of cosnumerism, it permates every aspect of our lives and product fetishism has reached religious levels of worship.

You thinking that being against political authoritarianism acounts originary thinking with regards to what people should want is equivalent to the pleb teenager who read 1984 and thinks he "understood how goverment works".

>> No.6180817


>implying I'm not a prole
>implying I'm an intellectual
>implying proles are the "lowest of humanity" and not decadent bourgeois and bureaucrats
>implying I wouldn't get drunk and bash intellectuals

>> No.6180818

Why do you think your opinion is more valid than those who support consumerism or any other ideology other than Marxism?

>> No.6180826

Get back to work, then, scum.

>> No.6180842

>So you want social classes?
Brah, the bourgeoisie are fucking parasites. They're lazy, decadent, and frivolous. Their only contribution to society is intellectual crap, and that's only because they have the free time (because they're lazy and the workers do all the work) and because university is fucking expensive and workers have trouble paying for that shit. They take everything but contribute nothing.

on a related note, hippies belong in the gulag. hippies are bourgeois as fuck

>> No.6180845

>Also Capitalism was created because of banking and the mercantilist theory which gave way to it.

No, capitalism was born when the King of England dissolved the monasteries and granted the Church lands to his cronies, who then proceeded to enclose them and use them as they saw fit, ignoring feudal and common rights of the peasants.

There was no theory creating capitalism, the first one who realized what was going on was Adam Smith, 200 years later.

>> No.6180855

Consumerism is another boogeyman, it doesn't exist.

>> No.6180856

But you still want social classes determined by contribution. You just like ugly, stupid workers.

>> No.6180872

Comrade, Stalin's father owned a factory, and was raised petty-bourgeois.

But track record for class backgrounds for leading communists have never been great. Marx and Engels came from well off families. Lenin was literally an aristocrat. Trotsky and Luxemburg were children of landlords. Che was upper-middle class. Hell, so many activists were bourgeois that people went ecstatic over the first real proletarian party leader in the SPD, Bebels.

>> No.6180873

I haven't taken ANY econ 101 classes, because I'm not from your shitty country. And I don't need a college approved certificate to prove I know how the world works.
But you keep waving that high school diploma around. I'm sure someone will be impressed.

>> No.6180892

Way to go for completely failing to understand my point.
Here, let me spell it out for you.
YOU do not know how the system works, because YOU haven't observed the system in operation and figured it out. Instead, what you have done is observe the system, and then tried to match it against the various models you were told about in school (none of which is accurate...hence the mess the economy is in).
One of these approaches is called thinking.
The other is called parroting.
And it really doesn't matter whether you understand the terms used or not when you are parroting. Because you never learned how to figure it out for yourself, you lack certain critical skills which will forever prevent you from expanding your intellectual boundaries beyond well-defined borders.

>> No.6180898

Who said that? Every communist comes from a capitalist society but they managed (despite the best efforts of capitalist business and government) to learn about communism and agree with its conclusions, generally because they see the Marxist analysis and criticism of capitalism is correct, and then they see clearly how they and everyone around them have been deliberately lead away from these ideas. Communists are well aware that they are anything but immune to liberal brainwashing since they survived it.

>> No.6180906

You're not even trying

>> No.6180912

Maybe other people just see through the unfalsifiable dogma of historical and dialectical materialism.

>> No.6180917

>market socialism
revisionist shill please go

>> No.6180918

What a crock of shit!
You don't even know what my opinions are.

Seriously, if this is all you can manage, maybe you should fuck off to reddit, or something.

>> No.6180923

Maybe you should go to r/communism, Ahuviya.

>> No.6180934
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>> No.6180940
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>> No.6180944

Pseudo-intellectual charlatan.

>> No.6180946

Wow! you managed to sink even lower!!
Keep going, please. I believe your next port of call is "your mom".

>> No.6180952
File: 111 KB, 700x538, Hu ming artwork 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China is communist

1.China is lead by Communist Party
2.That makes marxism mandotory subject in school,just like Poland did under communism along SU
3.Strict party discipline
4.Ideological debate within the party
5. Party is ruled by democratic centralism(marxist-leninist practice, used on SU)
6.National congress and polibyro meetings are limited to few days(just like in SU)
7.Multiple parties form "United front".(For example National congress of SU had 23% of it`s members as independents and not members of any party)
8.State owns nearly all land in country collectively

>state has monopoly on nearly every major industry(such as steel production for example)
>state owns 48% of companies in China
>Nationalization is common if company grows large enough

>> No.6180953

>capitalism still exists
>man, why do anti-capitalists exist

>> No.6180954
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>> No.6180961

>this is what pol considers an argument

>> No.6180967

>everything I don't like is /pol/
I'm pretty sure /pol/ is dominated by socialists.

>> No.6180968
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, 1354561802440.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else here expects a revolution in the next 30 years?

>> No.6180970

>average person
The exploited third world makes up roughly 80% of the population.

Your amerikkkan petty bourgeois is far from the 'average person'

>> No.6180974
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Soon, Comrade.

>> No.6180978
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That's not my mom

>> No.6180980

confirmed for never having visited the stormfront hugbox

>> No.6180981
File: 72 KB, 800x778, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw once our industries are totally automated the proles will be culled and, eventually, exterminated

>> No.6180983
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>> No.6180985

I'm not even a commie but it feels good knowing everyone I don't like could potentially be executed as enemies of the revolution

>> No.6180986

>Stalin's father owned a factory
Wrong; his father briefly owned a workshop that he worked at as a cobbler and his mother was a (former-)serf. The business went under early in Stalin's life and he (his father) eventually worked purely as a laborer for the rest of his days and cut off money to Stalin and his mother when she insisted he stick with education instead of becoming a cobbler. Stalin in his early years was a student at seminary, having earned a scholarship to study, but after he dropped out of the seminary he took up work as a clerk at which time he also became a full time revolutionary. He worked at an oil refinery where he organized workers and he would later work as editor of Pravda. The man was not bourgeois nor petty-bourgeois, but for perhaps a brief moment.

>> No.6180989

It's full of nationalist socialists, though. So is stormfront.

>> No.6180990

If there's hope, it lies in the proles

>> No.6180991

I just realized what I wrote.
Sorry /lit/. Imust be very tired.

>> No.6180992

>that pic


>> No.6180995

>China is communist
learn to mode of production.
everything that determines a capitalist society is in China. Capital accumulation, capitalist market competition, bourgeois control of the means of production, legal guerintee of private property, state apparatus that exists to reinforce the bourgeois order, exploitation, the contradiction between capital and labour, and much more still are prevalent in China.

All what you listed is largely irrelevent, as none of those tenents, coming from an actual communist, determine leftist communism as an ideology. Also, state-operated enterprises and organizations do not constitute socialism, as as long as capitalist relations (which define what capitalism is, btw) exist, then so does capitalism. also, state-ownership =/= social ownership. The state, according to the marxist perspective outlined by Lenin in State and Revolution, is ultimately an organ of class domination. The state that is China does not serve the interests of labor, but capital, so it is irrelevent how much of China is nationalized.

>> No.6180997

Hope for an ugly, anti-intellectual society.
His father was a wealthy haberdasher.

>> No.6181000

>that picture

I understand the necessity of cutting out the middle man in an operation, but cutting off the head? Leadership is more than just sitting behind a desk and watching the little ants work. It's about figuring out how to distribute manpower. It's about making sure workers are doing their job so you don't waste your time and theirs'. It's about not making a worker do something the leader would not do himself.

Of course there are people that spit on that idea and think leadership means "I say it and you do it." But those people are also never considered good businessmen and their position of leadership inevitably falls because the proletariat gets pissed at the little man on his high horse and finds some way or another to remove him from it.

>> No.6181001

Anyway, that's just setting the record straight. It wouldn't matter if he and Marx and every Marxist thinker were full-on royalty, what matters is those that were bourgeois were class-traitors. Class essentialism is an incorrect view.

>> No.6181002
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>tfw vastly outnumbering the bourgeoisie, thus making this impossible
>mfw the Jedi were aristocratic tyrants who probably let the Sith exist just so they would preserve the status quoe

>> No.6181005
File: 91 KB, 506x674, 1408884851365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's going to cull the workers?
Oh, that's right. The indolent, smug cunts
(presumably between games of squash, eh?)

We'll be waiting.

>> No.6181007

>he thinks he's funny

Get the fuck out.

>> No.6181009


>> No.6181012

If the scum outnumbering the wealthy is such an advantage, why haven't you taken over yet? You'll die like the plebs you are.

>> No.6181015


Hehehe, you should try some history books some time. They are more worthwhile than babby philosophy.

>> No.6181021

Keep telling yourself that, pig.

>> No.6181022

Who owns the weapons? Who owns the machines? Who owns the fully automated industries?

>> No.6181029

Quit being pedantic: China is economically capitalist for the sake of developing socialism, in accordance with orthodox Marxism.

>> No.6181030

>Hope for an ugly, anti-intellectual society.
Well done for not recognising the quote.
Presumably you'd prefer the not ugly, not anti-intellectual utopia of big brother?

>> No.6181032

You're the one in the mud, though.

>> No.6181033

Yes, because you're being obtuse and keep saying things that even Wikipedia could tell you aren't true.

>> No.6181040
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>he uses wikipedo as a source

>> No.6181041


but how are they going to stir a revolution if their citizens aren't allowed to own guns? The communist officials are becoming a super Bourgeois.

>> No.6181044
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This is unfortunately SFW board anon.

>> No.6181045

I hate politics, it's just a bunch of feelings, especially communism.

>> No.6181046

>1.China is lead by Communist Party
The name of the party is irrelevent. In Australia, the dominant conservative party is called the "Liberal Party"
>2.That makes marxism mandotory subject in school,just like Poland did under communism along SU
The ideology of China is "socialism with Chinese Charactersitics" which only pays lips service to marxism as a means of legitimization. the ideology in truth, has abandoned core marxist ideas such as class struggle (replaced with the "harmonious society"), egalitarianism, and workers control of the means of production
>3.Strict party discipline
Fascists also have strict party discipline. Fascists are not communists.
>4.Ideological debate within the party
Every party, regardless of ideology, has ideological debate.
>5. Party is ruled by democratic centralism(marxist-leninist practice, used on SU)
irrelevent. Democratic centralism is central to marxism. It's just a form of organization, and others who are not communists have used it as well
>6.National congress and polibyro meetings are limited to few days(just like in SU)
Every political party has congesses, bro
>7.Multiple parties form "United front".(For example National congress of SU had 23% of it`s members as independents and not members of any party)
They're just doing it to legitimize their self proclaimed "Mao tse-tung thought" for legitimization. Besides, there are plenty of marxists who loathe united front organizations.
>8.State owns nearly all land in country collectively

>> No.6181050

You are right about all of those things, of course (apart from the title...those guys are not leaders, they are managers...as are all politicians).
It still doesn't ( and never will) justify them getting 100 times what the guys on the shop floor get.
They are just another cog in the machine, and should get over themselves.

>> No.6181051

Nobody should own guns. Look at Amurrica, ffs.

>> No.6181054

That's theoretically possible, but it's not the case, as most people under capitalism can't even explain what communism is and fewer have any idea how wrong nearly all of the information they've been fed about communism is.

>> No.6181056

>In Australia, the dominant conservative party is called the "Liberal Party"
No, the Liberals are liberals, not conservatives. Liberalism, outside of the US, means they value less economic restrictions.

>> No.6181057

>Who owns the weapons? Who owns the machines? Who owns the fully automated industries?
Under the bourgeois state, the capitalists
Under the workers' state, the workers

>> No.6181059

marx was pro gun, how can you be a revolutionary and not own a gun?

>> No.6181064

Maybe we're just not aggressive, snatchy cunts?
Ever considered that? No...of course you haven't.

>> No.6181066

>He can't cite anything for his claims so he hopes that by saying "lyl wikepeda" that everyone will ignore that he's merely grandstanding for his ideological purity

>> No.6181072

This thread would suggest otherwise.
The workers state requires the idiots, the proles, to take over. How will they do that without weapons?

>> No.6181073
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>he doesn't use a source

>> No.6181076
File: 106 KB, 640x512, They must perish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People`s justice.

>> No.6181080

Liberals being lazzei-fairre is an antiquated term.
the Australian Liberal Party are conservatives, through and through.

>> No.6181081

>that literally made up artist profile on her site
I'm surprised Americans haven't made a blockbuster 3-part epic about her life.

>> No.6181083

What would you do if, following a communist revolution, the state, or majority or whatever, wanted to execute you for not following the dogma correctly?

>> No.6181084

now that's what i call cultural revolution

>> No.6181086 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6181087

Only to Americans who don't understand political terms. The Liberals are definitely liberal, there is no question.

>> No.6181090

>How will they do that without weapons?
Whoever said we won't use weapons? The only people who posit communism as anti-gun are ignorant anti-communists.

>> No.6181092

If that happens they don't have a market to peddle their shit too.

>inb4 they don't need a market any more the production of their automatised stuff brings them everything they need

That would be communism.

>> No.6181098

She seems to be lesbian too :)

>> No.6181099

You mean neo-liberals.

>> No.6181106

>implying a fully automated society would have scarcity
Sorry, but the army is owned by the wealthy and the government has taken most of the guns. Unless you buy them from anti-communist America you're fucked.

>> No.6181110
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where do i sign up for communism?

>> No.6181113

Only Amerifats use that term. You also think libertarians aren't communists.

>> No.6181117

In a communist world the most historically oppressed will get the best women. You, as a cis white male, will get trans women while black men get the first choice of women.

>> No.6181120

>>implying a fully automated society would have scarcity
That's my point. Culling the plebs or emancipating the plebs would have the same result within a generation in the case of full automatisation. In both cases you end up with a bunch of people no longer divided by economic class.

>> No.6181122

But we don't have the scum, the stupid and ugly workers.

>> No.6181125
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In free society of comradeship relationships are free, and state encourages proletariat to have personal relationships of many sorts.

>> No.6181126

>marxism thread

>>>/pol/ is that way >>>

>> No.6181130

Only once the white male is made extinct for his past oppression of women and pocs.

>> No.6181138

China does not call itself capitalist; the Party still considers, to a certain extent, China to be socialist. China, by all means, is not socialist.
China is not developing to any form of "socialism" There is nothing in Chinese doctrine that point to China developing to any sort of communist society beyond utopian nonsense. All that's developing in China is more exploitation.

>> No.6181140
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>class war causes proletariat to be underfed and uneducated
>"lol, fucking poor people" say those whose death is on the horizon

>> No.6181144

You're confusing American liberalism with actual leftism again, /pol/.

>> No.6181146

>having an actual intelligent discussion about marxism
chose one

>> No.6181147
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No, those are concepts of bourgeois cultural hegemony, comrade.

>> No.6181149

I'm not from /pol/, enough with your boogeyman tactics, reddit.

>> No.6181150

No, you just have the Kardashians.

>> No.6181152

/pol/ is Politically INCORRECT, while Marxism is inherently politically correct, and therefore Marxism does not belong there.

Also, Marxism is not a political, but a philosophical ideology, and thus belongs with philosophy on /lit/.

>> No.6181156

The white race is literally fucking evil. They need to be bred out of existence. That's why my bf is black :)

>> No.6181161


"Correct" according to what metric?

>> No.6181163

Who? I'm not American so I don't care about nouveau riche niggers.

>> No.6181165
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>> No.6181169

I wonder how many 'equals' of the state died to make that.

>> No.6181171

>Marxism is inherently politically correct
man, I wish Marxism was politically correct. All I get from liberals is muh authoritarianism, and bullshit about bourgeoisie are people toooo

>> No.6181173

'Politically incorrect' is some edgy shit they like to say so it makes their dumb opinions (many of which are fairly mainstream) sound revolutionary.
Nice try, bourgie, but your class division tactics don't work here.

>> No.6181174
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Race is just a social concept, created to seperate workers of all races and creeds just like religion is part of this division tactic comrade.

Please wake up that there is only singular cultural homogeneity within revolutionary society.

>> No.6181177

>while Marxism is inherently politically correct
Only a paranoid delusional would think this is true of North America and Europe.

>> No.6181178

People don't generally like genocide. Especially Ukrainians.

>> No.6181179

>Who owns the weapons?
In a revolution? Whoever's holding them.
You seriously think you and your white shoe boyfriends are gonna take on the lumpen proletariat?

(and you think we're deluded)

>> No.6181180

I wonder how many enemies of the people died to make that.
There, fixed it for you

>> No.6181181

>politically correct
Of course not. These mean stalinists/radicals would ruin PC feel-good politics with actual revolution

>> No.6181182



learn what the terms signify before engaging in conversation, dipshit

>> No.6181183

>having an actual intelligent discussion about anything
chose one

the only reason you faggots get away with this shit is because the entire moderation staff on /lit/ are raving marxists

>> No.6181185
File: 11 KB, 300x377, popper-karl-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marxism a shit

>> No.6181186

My point is that doing away with the proles won't solve anything since most of the upper classes are vapid, indolent cunts.

>> No.6181187

No, whites are just fucking shit. That's why they fucking rape indigenous people. They will only fuck up our communist society with racism, rape, christianity and their lack of fucking culture.

>> No.6181194

daily reminder that socialism has been btfo for over 30 years


>> No.6181199
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>Austrian School

>> No.6181200

Don't people realize that the Ukranian national identity was literally created during the early Soviet period, before the Great Turn. Hell, nothing in the communist ideology necessitates any sort of ethnic killings, so that falls apart. I mean sure, it is correct to blame economic mismanagement for the famine, but holy hell, noone WANTED the famine to happen, let alone happen to a specific people.

>> No.6181203
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How can be build our society truly as paradise of workers by including it from some proletariat?

>> No.6181204


>> No.6181207

Unfortunately many Ukrainians were and are very fond of genocide, hence the historical and contemporary presence of Nazi and neo-Nazi elements in Ukrainian society and politics. Interestingly they ignore their own complacency with genocide against minorities while continuing to sell the idea that a naturally occurring famine was actually the people that liberated them from the genocidal maniacs trying to kill them.

>> No.6181209
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You'd really rather have a drunken brawl at the pub after work than a cultured upper class? Plebius maximus.

>> No.6181210


learn what the terms signify before engaging in conversation, dipshit

Right back at you, dipshit.

>> No.6181213

Why do socialists love genocide? The USSR and National Socialists both seemed to.

>> No.6181216

Sometimes, the scum rises to the top of the pond, anon

>> No.6181217

>No, whites are just fucking shit.
True, but it's learned behavior, they can work past it, same with all people. I know you're being sarcastic, don't blow a fuse.

>> No.6181219
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>cultured upper class
We aren't in the 19th century any more, lad.

>> No.6181220


libertarian shill pls go

>> No.6181226
File: 78 KB, 1000x580, 1390596511726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no proof of Ukrainian "genocide" since it was not planned attack, but follow up form bad harvest during that year(Soviets were lacking in their emergency grain supply at time)

>> No.6181227

>implying anyone in America is upper class
They'll be the first to go in the bourgeois revolution.

>> No.6181230

Marxists in 2015
never change /lit/

>> No.6181231

>National Socialists
>not socialists
Kek. And I'm not a libertarian, I dislike all adherents of Marx and his successors. Remember, burger clap, that libertarians are anarcho-communists.

>> No.6181232
File: 48 KB, 469x463, 1387397056421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bourgeois revolution
Reading too much Ayn Rand, kiddo?

>> No.6181234

>>implying anyone in America is upper class

A majority of amerika is petty bourgeois.

>> No.6181235
File: 17 KB, 722x291, Political test 25.8.2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will always be here with us, not the other way around, comrade.

>> No.6181236

Do you seriously think that Stalin sacrificed workers lives to make cathedrals for the...er, workers.
Sorry, does not compute.
And do you know how many chinese and Irish labourers died constructing the NY public transport system?
Wave your uneducated bias someplace else.

>> No.6181239

Who? Wasn't she that liberal Jew? I am far from liberal. I am closer to a communist than to a liberal. I just want to eliminate the vulgar classes.

>> No.6181244

comrade, it wasn't just a lacking in grain supply
The Gosplan predicted more harvest than what actually was harvested, so the state extracted more than what people needed to eat

>> No.6181248
File: 146 KB, 803x688, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nouveau riche
Top kek
Fucking Americans, always worth a laugh.
>Stalin was building for the workers

>> No.6181254

You're no different from holocaust deniers.
>it was just typhus

>> No.6181258

the government hasn't taken most of the guns
I mean they try, but the libs haven't done it yet
But yeah, communists like me have no problem buying guns from anti-communists as long as we promise ourselves we'll shoot them later.

>> No.6181260
File: 23 KB, 290x400, 990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's fix US economy. I'll start

1. Repeal all forms of welfare; institute negative income tax in their place. Cap positive income tax rate at 25% of income.

2. Abolish Social Security. Give everyone who has paid into the system a bond for the amount that will mature when they reach 65 years old, and get rid of the program.

3. Repeal Controlled Substances Act. Abolish FDA, DEA and ATF

4. Repeal Minimum Wage Act. Abolish minimum wage regulations.

5. ???

>> No.6181266
File: 107 KB, 990x648, best K 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Difference is that Holocaust has evidence for it, unlike this "Ukrainian genocide". Genocide does imply planning behind the killing.

>> No.6181267

Yes they have, only farmers and immigrants from eastern Europe have guns now.

>> No.6181271

>You're no different from holocaust deniers.
dude, I just blamed the famine on the failures of the Soviet state , how am I no different from holocaust deniers?

>> No.6181272

I guess if you deny all the evidence that statement becomes true.

>> No.6181274

>a cultured upper class?
You wanna know how they got to be the "upper class"?
That's right. Drunken brawls on battlefields.
(oh, and coming round your ancestors hut threatening to stab his kids with a big rusty sword unless he bows down and hands over all his money).
I'd rather have the proletariat. At least he'll only hospitalize you if you call him a cunt to his face, rather than because he wants to steal all your stuff.

>> No.6181275

The only 'failure' in the eyes of the Soviet state, was not exterminating them all.

>> No.6181281

Oh, I thought you were talking about America.

>> No.6181283
File: 53 KB, 620x387, best K 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genocide needs to recognized by UN to be considered genocide it`s legal definition not just word to be thrown around.

>> No.6181284

>You wanna know how they got to be the "upper class"?
>That's right. Drunken brawls on battlefields.
>(oh, and coming round your ancestors hut threatening to stab his kids with a big rusty sword unless he bows down and hands over all his money).
Any evidence for this? You wanna know how they got to be the "upper class"?
That's right. Drunken brawls on battlefields.
(oh, and coming round your ancestors hut threatening to stab his kids with a big rusty sword unless he bows down and hands over all his money).
Any historical or archaeological evidence for this?
>I'd rather have the proletariat. At least he'll only hospitalize you if you call him a cunt to his face, rather than because he wants to steal all your stuff.
Yeah, poor people never kill each other. lmao

>> No.6181287


I mean seriously, this has absolutely nothing to do with the OP

>> No.6181292


And this fucking OP has nothing to do with literature, so why don't you faggots get the fuck out?

>> No.6181293

Go deny genocides there, please.

>> No.6181294

you don't know who those peole are, do you?

>> No.6181300

Those are two members of the British and Commonwealth royal family with some natives or Americans.

>> No.6181303


we only deny genocides that didn't actually happen

fortunately, these do not fall into that category


>> No.6181308

>we only deny genocides that we deny happened

>> No.6181313

>Stalin was building for the workers
given that the workers then used the system, yes.
But you mean he did it for the PR value, don't you?
Well so what? You telling me the "freedom tower" isn't partly a PR stunt? Architectural showing off?
Like I said before, wave your uneducated bias someplace else

>> No.6181333

>Any evidence for this?
er...history books?

I'm not being funny here, but you really need to pull your head out of your ass on this one. Even their own accounts tell it this way.
The upper class in Europe are actually PROUD they "subdued" the little people, and terrorized their way to the top.

Or do you imagine we all saw their strong manly jaws, and decided to give them all the posh stuff, because we're quasi-gay beta's?

Grow up, or fuck of back to /pol/, kintergarten klown.

>> No.6181339

What? I mean, the famine happened, and it was terrible, but the Soviets weren't trying to kill all the Ukranians. Hell, in the years prior, up until the Great Turn, the Soviet Union actually promoted Ukranian nationalism because of Leninist self-determination.

>> No.6181340

>America did the same thing, but I like Stalin's and not theirs
You are the biased one. I don't like either of them.

>> No.6181341

congrats! you found google reverse image search.
Give yourself a twinkie (hell, have two...you earned it)

>> No.6181344

What 'history books'? Oh yeah, you have no source for your ahistorical posturing so you're going to cry about the /pol/ boogeyman again.

>> No.6181349

A what? Isn't that a feminine, young gay? I already knew about the British and Commonwealth royal family, my royal family is distantly related to them.

>> No.6181350

I don't like either. I was replying to a post claiming communism doesn't work.
Your bias seems to be deciding what my bias is without checking first.
That's called being stupid. You should get it seen to.

>> No.6181357

Why do you post Stalin's tunnel as a positive then?

>> No.6181390


I know it's wikipedia, but I can't be bothered pulling up anything else at 5 am (especially for someone who's demanding I do all his research before he'll stop being a delusional twat).
This is Richard the 1st. He was an absolute cunt, and came from a line of absolute cunts (psychopathy is an inheritable trait, y'know).
His family intermarried with other violent cunts, who were constantly fighting to see who could be the greediest cunt, and killing anyone who got in their way (it's called feudalism...look it up). They ran a selective breeding program for centuries, which evolve into the "upper class".
If you can't get your head round the idea that royal perogative HAS to come from threats of violence and intimidation mixed with blame-shifting bullshit, then you perhaps need to get the fuck off /lit/ and visit /mlp/ until your head clears.

>> No.6181397

>the King went around to other peoples 'huts' threatening them with rusty swords