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/lit/ - Literature

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6178018 No.6178018 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the greater art, music or lit? Which has brought you more profound feels?

>> No.6178314

music is more ephemeral, by far it is the greater art

lit can never touch the profound feels of music, having said that lit can greatly accent and expand the horizon of feels that music can bring

>> No.6178354

I can't really take psychedelic dissociatives with my friends and then read together but I often find myself wishing I enjoyed music less so I had more time to read.

>> No.6178370

Lit, being constrained by language, can never go in the depths music can

>> No.6178382

Music it is. Everyone knows that.
It's just more direct and emotional.
Also it's nearly universal

>> No.6178778

do you even know what ephemeral means or are you just trying to copy Nabokov lmao smh

>> No.6178792

Music, being constrained by sound, can never go in the depths lit can

>> No.6178797
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Read "The Birth of Tragedy" by Nietzsche and you will understand my friend

>> No.6178806

...or you could just read Schopenhauer.

>> No.6178808

Yeah, that would help too

>> No.6178815


>> No.6178900 [DELETED] 

>video of mountain top and clouds at 500% speed
>slow piano/ambient music building in intensity
>watts begins foaming at the mouth about the interconnectedness of human consciousness
>he laughs and tells the same anecdote again about him playing piano as a child
>"a great zen teacher once told me a story about a stream..."
>watts' voice becomes incredibly high pitched and happy as if he's witnessing his son walk for the first time
>"look at that! if you wanna wake up you're gonna wake up! when you die, you don't really die, because you are the whole universe -- you're it."
>music reaches crashing crescendo, mountain tops become huge panning shots of oceans and fields of flowers, views of plants growing at incredible speeds and a clip of cars driving in high exposure in Tokyo at night and pedestrians crossing time square in new York, sped up 500%
>watts' voice has now reached hamster pitch (Morrissey's falsetto in miserable lie)
>music explodes
>audience weeps
le so deep

>> No.6178953

Pro tip; turning sentences around doesn't always work out.

>> No.6178996

>implying it isn't better to listen to an audiobook

>> No.6178999

Doesn't tip pros; turning sentences around. always work out

>> No.6179001

What the fuck do u mean by ephemeral in this context lol ? Are you trying to look smart by using funny words you dont know the meaning of?

>> No.6179026

He probably meant ethereal.

>> No.6179052


Why even mention that - what the fuck does he mean by accent?

He probably means ascend, but it still doesn't make sense that way.

>> No.6179133

This is a bad question.
But 4chan has ruined both for me.

>> No.6179162

He means it by accentuate*

>> No.6179176

instrumental music is the highest art form

secondary is literature

third is vocal music

this is literally an objective truth, I have an equation I made for calculus class that proves it if you guys would like a look

>> No.6179182

Of the two, literature.

But lived experience is by far greater than both.

>> No.6179418

Except for DMT, I can't think of anything that would fall under "psychedelic dissociative"... what drug are you talking about?

>> No.6179450

why distinguish between "instrumental" and "vocal" music?

>> No.6179493

Greatest to least: Animation, Comics/Illustration, Film, Literature, Painting, Music

Just kidding kids, there's no such thing as "greater" art.

>> No.6179510 [DELETED] 

Interesting as fuck.

>> No.6179551


Some of my most vivid memories are marked by music, not so with /lit/. Generally I remember literature when the message or commentary changes my belief system or challenges it in such a way that I must address it. That or philosophy is generally something I sleep on for a little bit, then I revisit it.

I wouldn't compare the too though. I've gotten some significant feels from both literature and music, so I can't definitively claim one is better than the other.

>> No.6179562

>Which has brought you more profound feels?

Your mom's vagina, but I really hesitate to consider it an art form.

>> No.6179586

"Don't let the abyss stare into you."

>> No.6179845

No wonder this board is such fucking shit, no one here even likes reading. Liking music more than literature is a sign of a true imbecile.
>da sounds pump up and down, they make me feel things, i don't even know why, much better than those actual ideas on da boring page, no feels!
Great mind you must have there.

>> No.6179996


>> No.6180004

>posting shit in a shit thread complaining that the posts in the shit thread are shit

an Ouroboros of shit

>> No.6180042
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Jesus fucking Christ. That song makes me to smash someones head with a baseball bat.

>> No.6180393

Ketamine, nitrous. Dissosciatives are hallucinogens and when you take enough they are perfectly trippy unless you're some uptight faggot who cares more about prescriptivism than fun.

>> No.6180472

They're just different, different kinds of feels. I personally could never live without music, it's part of who I am. But that's just me innit.

lit is more of an intellectual, reflective activity. Relative to music, it is more likely to inform my ideas than my emotions.

Music is a much more sensual experience, and can move you with greater intensity.

>> No.6180483

also this >>6179176 is bs

>> No.6180507

>music moves with more intensity than literature
The plebs on this board I swear.

>> No.6180513

Pure feels: Music
Insight: Literature

Books are like a talk with the lads and music is like fucking your gf.

>> No.6180522


i get it mate, you prefer books, but reading a book doesn't make your mum moan harder when im fucking her, see the point im trying to make?

>> No.6180588

>Which has brought you more profound feels?

I think they provide completely different kinds of sensation, even with opera which is arguably the form of music closest to classic literature.

>> No.6180595

confirmed based

>> No.6180600 [DELETED] 

interesting as fuck

>> No.6180641

lit, and music is my preferred art. nothing is as subversive as lit, and that's what I live for.

>> No.6180650
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>> No.6180680

In terms of experiencing "in the moment" feels, I think music is the way to go. You can experience pretty incredible emotions almost immediately when you listening to something powerful enough.

When it comes to lit though, a lot of the "feels" come with reflection. I might read a passage that strikes me a bit when I read it, but not a monumental amount. Then I might remember it later, and just have it hit me like a truck.

It's delayed, but I think the emotion reached by reflection on literature is more powerful than any in-the-moment feel that music could bring on. And this is coming from a guy who primarily posts on /mu/.

>> No.6180688


instrumental doesn't restrict you to a certain perspective/feeling and allows you to develop/discover your own most of the time.

there's less of an influence of external feelings therefor what you derive is more genuine and personal.

>> No.6180696


reply 2



>> No.6181024

the culmination of the three

>> No.6181221

>implying the medium of film hasn't made all other art forms obsolete by channeling all experiental and conceptual functions of art into one complete text

>> No.6181609
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The secrets of life have never been revealed more so anywhere than they have in this movement:

>> No.6181746
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