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/lit/ - Literature

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6175761 No.6175761 [Reply] [Original]

how many pages read per day does it take to make an 'avid reader'?

>> No.6175769


>> No.6175770

Don't worry about being an 'avid reader' or giving yourself a label. Pick up a book you like, or think you will like, and read until you don't want to read any more. After awhile, through a few books, find a number of pages you are comfortable with. Just don't worry about labeling yourself, and you'll become a reader.

>> No.6175772

200 would be the average "avid but conformist reader"

>> No.6175774

How many pages does a non-conformist reader read?

>> No.6175778

Just read as much as you want
Once you start to force yourself it becomes a chore

>> No.6175779

201 minimum

>> No.6175794

100 minimum
300 optimal
4-500 a good day

>> No.6175802

>not savoring the reading experience
>not taking a break between chapters to reflect

>> No.6175837

WTF is wrong with people who count the amount of pages they read each day.

>> No.6175841

cultural capitalism

>> No.6175843

just enjoy the book, and if you're a writer, then read slow and study the author's style in depth (even if that means just absorbing it through careful reading and not annotation.) For the second case, you really do have to go much slower than if you were just trying to get through the book and check it off as "done." The latter gets you nowhere.

>> No.6175853

Oh look everybody! a plebeian on sight!
Lets all shout!
No peasant, we don't have any musty bread in here, only knoledge!
You better go before that degraded thing between your shoulder starts to boil!

>> No.6175892
File: 39 KB, 600x427, girls tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pic related? Because if so.

>> No.6175900

>counting pages instead of words

>> No.6175903

Guys do the same shit but with other objects instead of faces. Every asshole on 4chan that takes a picture includes their guns, books, bong, cigarettes, alcohol, collection of dildos, etc.

>> No.6175906

one who reads for the sake of reading

>> No.6175916


Yeah, that's on 4chan you retard, where everyone values anonymity

>> No.6175921

don't pretend it doesn't happen on ego-stroking mediums like facebook too

>> No.6175924

EDC thread are about EDC, not faces. They are uniquely male, but not at all the male equivalent of this behaviour.
Unless you're implying the true point of those threads is to admire each other's pimply visages?

>> No.6175931


>> No.6175948


some of us actually read regularly every day, cowboy

>> No.6175976
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>counting words instead of phonemes

>> No.6175982

who gives a hoot

fucking idiots

>> No.6175989

Fight me

>> No.6175995

*cocks up chin*
oh yeah?!!?!
*pushes you really hard*
come on then, tough guy!!!!!

>> No.6176006

*falls to the ground*
"hey what's wrong with you!"
*stands up quickly and starts throwing punches to the air*
"oh yeah that's how you wanna play?"

>> No.6176013

*in the scuffle grabs you by the hair*
*starts trying to kick your shins*
*start twisting my body violently to release from your grip*

>> No.6176052

"you stupid arghhhsoifnsahhh you stu-NYAAAAAAARGHH STOOOP grhhha"
*notice people filming*
*starts feeling stupid*
*stops fight*
"yeah I'm not going to *breaths heavely* keep playing your game, I'm out of here"

>> No.6176062

In the corner of your e-reader, a percentage of the novel you have currently read is displayed.
In another corner, your estimated reading time for the rest of the chapter is given.
The functions of the e-reader vary, but the general apparatus appears to be extra-peripheral features available to one (if they are so willing) to look at the statistical frequency for all plot-relevant features given and a character synopsis summarizing the most basic elements of their role within the text.
All other details are dependant upon manufacturer, though, most notable to the popular market brand, the ability to mark notations and display them on other's devices; allowing you to communicate with unknown readers across the globe - provided an internet connection, and a (brand-specified) email account.

Without all this you cannot read. The device serves a price ranging from £30 to £150.
The device, though capable of holding thousands of books, will typically only hold between 25 and 500; bell-curve estimates given in a single standard year since purchase, and then every consecutive year there after.
A charity shop, retailing out-of-print publications at a price between 25 pence and £3 (at maximum - for a collectors leather bound no less) will service longer than the average e-reader, will not require an electrical outlet, nor an internet connection.

Technological revolutions in the division of labour characterizes the state of dependency for human society.
The e-reader is another glorious sign of the road to communism.

>> No.6176075

*unzips pants and pulls out wiener*
"M-maybe I can suck your..."
*panting heavily*
"...sweaty cock....?"
*drops to knees*

>> No.6176105

I'm about 50pages into gravity's rainbow and I'm dying to return it and never think about it again.

Does that make me an avid reader?

>> No.6176114

Mate that's nothing I got 40 pages in and felt like the text didn't want to be read to put it back on the library shelf.

Tomorrow I'm going to pick up my very own copy.

>> No.6176126


>> No.6176144

"o-only if i can suck y-yours..."

>> No.6176214

/lit/erally artism

>> No.6177552

nice little summary for the non-thinker

>> No.6177601

it takes one dick a day, oh wait..got confused

>> No.6177637

Most of the times, i would read an average of 5 pages a day...but as i spend a lot of time in public transports, i can go for 20 pages a day and maybe like 3 pages before sleeping.
The other day, i surprised myself and actually swallowed 30 pages almost straight but that was also because i really wanted to finish that book and i did, and also because i didn't have much to do.

>> No.6177655

Oh, so you read a number of pages then go to your cellphone to mark and exclaim "69 pages left for being a true reader"! What a faggot.

>> No.6177658


how do people read so little? I can't go a sitting without reading at least 50 pages at a time, it doesn't feel right

>> No.6177690

>it doesn't feel right
Then you have a self-steem problem.

>> No.6177703

Do you do it as a task, or a discipline? And I get reading every day, I don't understand counting the amount of pages your read. What's the point?

>> No.6177709

Respect to you. Well i don't know, i guess it's just a question of habits you take...i know there's way worse than me though. People who are bored by the very thought of opening a book, or just read shitty best sellers books and call it litterature....

>> No.6177710

How many pages a day does Bloom read, has he ever said? What about other literary figures?

>> No.6177715

*unsheathes katana*
"I guess you didn't expect to find a ninth degree Gougong Wushu master here"
*slices your body in two with a blindingly fast horizontal movement, silent as an owl's wing in the night*
"Heh... You're lucky I am in a good mood today"
*Sheathes katana*
"Nothin personel... kid..."
*puts on my chinese rice hat so that my eyes can't be seen and walks away*

>> No.6177733

>"Nothin personel... kid..."
This is the worst part, because you got the meme wrong.

>> No.6177749

*as you're leaving, you hear steps to your right*
*Suddenly, I appear from the shadows, whole, as if I had never been touched by your blade*
"Well, I suppose you didn't know that I have mastered the hidden secret of ether walking"
*Quickly pulls out dual magnum revolvers with the Chinese Dragon King painted on them*
"You only killed one of my projections"
*cocks the hammers on my revolvers*
"So unless you enjoy fighting shadows, I suggest you give up now and just run, so I can shoot you in the back..."
*looks you in the eyes*

>> No.6177754

>pages per day
Try books per day, pleb.

>> No.6177785

*anger flashes in my blood red eyes, as I let out a roar of power and unsheathe my katana again*
*My eyes turn into small shards of blinding sunlight*
*I slowly start levitating with power, golden sparks flashing around me"
*I raise my katana as it glows white with power*
*I bring my katana to a mighty full circle around me, a shockwave of energy following in it's wake, flashing outwards, killing everything within a radius of ten miles within seconds*
*snatches the charred remains of one of your collar bones as it falls through the air*
"I guess this kid got..."
*Sheathes katana"

>> No.6177800

Holy shit, THIS is why I come to 4chan xD

>> No.6177822

>all those fucking scarf photos

Jesus, someone kill these disasters.

>> No.6177823

*Suddenly, far above, I come diving down through a cloud, guns first*
"You underestimate the power of Guangdong Ether Walking, peasant!"
*accelerates downwards, aiming my guns towards you*
"All you managed to kill was ghosts, animals and plants"
*I squint my eyes and smirk at your impotence*
"I can be everywhere... and I am!"
*starts firing my dual Dragon King revolvers with deadly speed and precision, constructing a deadly hailstorm of lead seeking your heart with inevitable speed*
"Playtime is over... Time to die...."

>> No.6177832


Post faster

>> No.6177844

>TFW read 5 pages a minute

>> No.6177857

Id say reading a book a week makes you one. If you were comparing it to readers maybe like 50+pages a day

>> No.6177867
File: 143 KB, 1160x2026, Oh God Why Did I Spend Time on This.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep them coming.

>> No.6177891

I don't think you understand the meaning of the word "optimal"

>> No.6177901
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>tfw reading one fifth of a page a minute

>> No.6177909
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>> No.6177914


it's a hobby, I try to read around 300 pages a day because otherwise I would just keep going and spend 18 hours a day reading, which is probably unhealthy. that's the only reason I count, because I try to keep a regular schedule

>> No.6177922


best or most favorable; optimum.
"seeking the optimal solution"

>> No.6177938

Read when you want to, read when you don't, its that simple. I can go months of reading nothing then fire out 5 books a week. Why make it so scheduled and contrived?

>> No.6177963

Well, I don't really understand keeping a schedule for something like reading. Would feel like a task to me, and that's not the reason why I'm reading but not everybody's approach to the activity is the same, I guess.
I just read when I feel like reading and as much as I feel like. Sometimes I read a whole book in a day, sometimes just a short story and some days I don't even read at all.
Of course, that also has to do with the fact that I'm studying a literature major so it's easy to get burnt out from time to time. Sometimes I do have to read whether I like it or not and it fucking sucks to read that way.

>> No.6177969 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6177978


I was waiting for it.

I wish she would shut up and enjoy herself. She's always so mouthy.

I mean wut.

>> No.6178050

kek, nice

>> No.6178229
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>> No.6178701


>> No.6179164

she's so qt

>> No.6179415 [DELETED] 


ebin simply ebin

>> No.6179842

where is that from?

>> No.6180051

i wish i could read :/

>> No.6180083

Danger 5. It's on Netflix now.
>Netflix cuts into your avid reading time.

>> No.6180100

I tried reading 'Inherit Vice' I usually finish books even if I don't like them. Not this one 30 pages in and I thought this guy has lost touch with reality.

>> No.6180105

*Raises hand* I do this!

Short stories are the best for this. I also come up with discussion question for my friends. Then I realize I don't have any and go back to reading.

>> No.6180672

underrated post

>> No.6181079


>is a college student

yeah, you wouldn't get it anyway

>> No.6181353

Would you mind to elaborate?

>> No.6182417

Whats it like being a lit major?

>> No.6182437 [DELETED] 

Interesting as fuck.

>> No.6182443


you're not neet, so you don't need to keep yourself sane
you let institutions do that for you