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6175391 No.6175391 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most applicable lesson you learned from this book that changed your life for the better?

>> No.6175398

The value in searching for genuine shared interests with others.

>> No.6175399

Change your name to be successful

>> No.6175426

self help is shit

>> No.6175453


For the most part, yes. But I feel like there's like one good self help book for every million and this is one of them

>> No.6175474

That you cant win an argument if you upset the other person

>> No.6175485


but you can, rage makes people do mistakes and to think improperly

now, making deals and negotiation cant be had to your favor if you upset the faggot

>> No.6175506


This book is garbage. It's about making yourself appear superficially friendly and virtuous to achieve selfish ends. Go fuck yourself, you slimy reptilian.

>> No.6175519

to not read bad selff help books

>> No.6175520

>appear superficially friendly and virtuous to achieve selfish ends.
Welcome to the real world, buddy

>> No.6175528

I learned that most people don't want to deal with philosophy books

>> No.6175532
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Just be true to yourself, if they don't appreciate you for who you are they shouldn't mean anything to you in the first place.

>> No.6175539

That self help books evoke a false confidence that lasts just long enough for people to believe the book works.

>> No.6176796

>What's the most applicable lesson you learned from this book that changed your life for the better?
that people reading these books admit that they are hopeless and beyond redemption

>> No.6176810
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That the public domain version is usually better anyway.

>> No.6176867

>Lesson learned

Leave the self-help books to the clueless bottom business types. No actually intelligent person would swallow this shit.

Unless, of course, you plan to cash in on the suckers, in which case you can read all viable ones in a week and regurgitate the trite, obvious bs they keep pandering. If you can swallow being this much of a shallow fraud.

>> No.6177614

is this like complete opposite of No More Mr Nice Guy?