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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 46 KB, 250x379, WaspFactory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6171572 No.6171572 [Reply] [Original]

Name a work of fiction you're pretty sure only a few people here have read. I'll go first:

The Wasp Factory - Iain Banks

>> No.6171630
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I read that book close to 20 years ago. Good stuff.

>> No.6171678

>tfw stopped this book 100 pages in

I just got bored with the animal mutilations. Should I pick it back up?

Anyway The Toy Collector by James Gunn

>> No.6171690
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although it was pretty popular

>> No.6171696

> OP checks back. Literally only a couple of people have read The Wasp Factory, as predicted. Nice. Also doubles.

>> No.6171713
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I'd be surprised if anyone here has read it. It's great by the way.

>> No.6171721
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I thought this was pretty good. It's about an Albanian nobleman employed by an Ottoman government agency tasked with the investigation of dreams. I think it might also be an allegory for communism or something. Not the brightest reader here haha.

>> No.6171724

>Should I pick it back up?

>> No.6171769

Wasp Factory is literally on the /lit/ recommendations wiki. Get the fuck off this board.

>> No.6171771
File: 31 KB, 324x500, ConservationOfShadows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conservation of Shadows by Yoon Ha Lee (short story collection)

It's her first published book, so I'm pretty sure it hasn't been that widely read yet, although I've been a fan of her short stories for a while now. Very unique imagery, it's poetic but you can also see her math background coming through in a kind of interesting way. And not in the dry, dull, boring way that a lot of math and science people write.

Oh, and I own Wasp Factory. That book is great.

>> No.6172097

ITT: people admit to reading trash

>> No.6172130

Yes, that is some il/lit/erates definition of "books not everyone else on here has read."

>> No.6172136 [SPOILER] 
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a sadly ignored book

>> No.6172169
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Although I think It's on surrealist recommendation picture.

>> No.6172181
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ill go with the tortilla curtain by tc boyle

nah i read it, was pretty good.

>> No.6172190
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>> No.6172198
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Only me and one other guy on this board have read it.

>> No.6172291

Evolution by Stephen Baxter
Hothouse by Brian Aldiss

>> No.6172309

>evol ution
>revol ution
>revol t ution
evil potion like peehole lotion, beware the wrath of empty motions. EmptyMOTIONS emotions, oceans worth... close one!! Close one not close but close like clothes from lowes: an illusion allusion but illusion a fusion of evolution revolution and revelation; rev a nation into gear out of fear for fear itself is near to HELL! DWOOSH FWOOSH DFWEEE AHHHHHH FUCKING HELL WHY GOD WHY

>> No.6172410
File: 8 KB, 180x276, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis rite ere

>One of the characters of The Celestine Prophecy disappears while exploring a forest in the Appalachian Mountains. The book discusses ideas about other dimensions, past lives, conception and birth, the passage through death to an afterlife, hell and heaven. It also illustrates the author's vision of human destiny and the notion that fear of the future is endangering Earth's spiritual renaissance.

>> No.6172455

This was pretty popular around here maybe a year or two years ago.

>> No.6172467

Someone gave me a copy of Evolution years ago, but I've never bothered reading it. What did you think of it?

>> No.6172616

I just read the Peregrine back in January. Beautiful prose. I saw it recommended in a thread on favorite NYRB books.

>> No.6173010

I read it. I wish that I havent though

>> No.6173053

Metropolitan by Walter Jon Williams (I can't even find a pic)

>> No.6173104


My nigga

>> No.6173142

I read it when I was 16 last so it's been a while. I thought it was imaginatively written with a blunt prose reminiscent of his other works. I found it enjoyable as basically an episodic anthology of separate human epochs, and Baxter doesn't have to fantasize about the immortality of the human race. Definitely gave me a deeper empathetic insight.

>> No.6173152

I read The Wasp Factory after someone told me it was the most disturbing book ever.
I didn't hate it but I didn't exactly shit myself over it either. Meh.

>> No.6173161
File: 41 KB, 395x595, Cyteen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyteen: too long and character focused to interest sci fi fans, but too genre fiction to interest serious readers. The most underappreciated Hugo Award winner, maybe next to Stand on Zanzibar.

I read half of Hothouse.

>> No.6173167

I read it when I was 14 and it was pretty much erotica

>> No.6173313
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>> No.6173351

Love this book so much

>> No.6173657

going to read it now, thanks

>> No.6173907

Confused that you think either Cyteen or Stand on Zanzibar are too character focused for SF fans. Rare to find someone who both likes character focused SF books, but isn't aware of how big a thing this is and still has the weird College English Department snobbery that all SF is lasers and spaceships.

Honestly, Cherryh isn't even particularly character-epiphany driven by comparison to lots of other SF writers.

>> No.6173908

>cover looks like goatse
I'm sold

>> No.6173922


I fucking love that book. I don't think anyone writes prose like Faber. Too bad he's retiring from writing novels.

>> No.6173923

I guess I found my next book to read

>> No.6173955


Seriously? Fuck. What's he doing instead?

>> No.6173981
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>> No.6173992
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>> No.6174043 [SPOILER] 
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How has nobody said pic related yet?

Seriously though, have a lot of you read Kafka's novel Amerika? He's discussed quite often here, but I never see mention of that work. I just started reading it, not sure how I feel about it yet. Seems very different from everything else I've read of his (a lot).

>> No.6174075

I'm reading Amerika

I really really like it, though his other stuff is probably better - it's obviously an earlier effort.

There's an irony in its naivety, don't you think?-- given that he seems naive in a big way about the US. My edition has endnotes pointing out loads of instances of his mistakes, it's actually quite funny. Maybe it's purposeful.

I urge you to continue reading.

>> No.6174085

I meant to say its theme of naivety. oops

>> No.6174095

The Book Of Strange New Things is really, really good as well.

His wife recently died so I guess he's taking some time off, I guess he may come back.

>> No.6174242
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This came out last year. I don't think anybody's heard of it but it was worth whatever I paid.

>> No.6174285

Amerika is one of my favourite novels. People say it isn't muhh Kafkaesque but it is, its just more subtle than his later works.

>> No.6174344
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>> No.6174372
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Probably the funniest book I've ever read. Based Persian literature.